Reflective Accounts of Child GSA

Recently inside our house in the month of May this year a young son has signed up with as every day student. I will make reference to him as Jake in this reflective accounts (this is not his real name and all relevant information/personal data regarding exact time of the activity has been transformed to be able to comply with the CSA Confidentiality Policy).

When Jake first came to the house he of course emerged as a trial period and he has been combined with two other good care staff from his previous placement/school who realized him perfectly. This was a move for him and also for all of us. His placement with our house was a two day a week. These two days were spread apart into Mondays and Fridays.

In order to determine his needs I believe it is required intensive observation. The info provided from his earlier college, parents and caution workers/social worker it is vital but I think that working practical with him will allow a much better understanding and I could make a proper analysis of his needs based on the new environment and adjustments that he's currently surrounded by.

When a fresh student enters the house, everyone's vigilance/attention and my own it is much higher in order to understand his needs, to evaluate him and fully understand him as a person. I assume that everyone it is exclusive in their own way and fully examine someone it takes a whole lot of care, understanding and information in order to use the right decisions for see your face and offer the best health care /restorative program in order to grow and develop furthermore.

Jake is an extremely outspoken young man, knows what he desires and is continuing to grow a lot within the last months in independence and is also more able to package with changes than when he has first showed up to our house.

As a short assessment it's been taking into consideration everything collected from his earlier care plans, statements from care employees, discussion along with his parents & most importantly by speaking with Jake and finding out what he feels and needs to do.

CSA uses a series of treatments and restorative activities and they're the following: therapeutic art work, music, speech, activity, riding, play, rub, foot bath and counselling. Every child and young adult that is participating school or it is part of your positioning with CSA has the available support to reap the benefits of each one of these activities. These therapeutic activities happen as a someone to one situation unless explained otherwise in the child or young person's care plan. CSA in addition has a variety of workshops available to every student that is in the community. They are as follows: metallic, pottery, candle, weaver, felting, green woodwork and garden workshop. These workshops benefit the increase of ingenuity, independence and self esteem which gives the students an incredible sense of reaching once they carry their creations into their own hands and not only also during the creative process.

Discussing with Jake, I quickly found out that he wants video games and that he's very scientific. Jake is also a very good communicator which helped me understand quicker what and how I should deal with a development care and attention plan and properly examine his needs. Also by reading and requesting about him from multiple sources provided however, not only, especially through daily observation and dealing with Jake has been similarly important.

At the beginning like I said his trial period consisted in demonstrating him around the house, estate, programs and workshops. He got to know everybody else from the house residents, day students and co-workers. He has been accompanied for the first month by other two workers from his past college and by me. The insight from his parents, the info from his college, reading his earlier good care plan and the info from previous personnel who spent some time working with Jake has helped me assess and better understand Jake's needs. Jake though has been the main one who helped the most for us to provide the best treatment plan and fulfil his needs.

After every day that Jake spends with us it's been registered in a diary which has helped me make his treatment plan and his individual risk assessment. All of them are kept at work in his personal document. After his arrival to the home there are 28 days and nights in which I have to provide his care and attention plan and the designed approach. Dealing with my colleagues, the craft experts, parents, former treatment employees from his prior college and with Jake's suggestions I was able to make his care plan. Talking to everyone involved offers me a better understanding of the whole situation and provides me the opportunity to take the best decisions. After doing this I made sure that everyone from the house who was involved in his health care was aware, read, understood and that we all stand jointly over a common ground and take the same strategy. These have been done through multiple conferences regarding Jake with all the current personal that was involved with his care.

All observations, assessments and reviews are saved in his personal data file which is kept in the office of the home and the main office of CSA. Every time he was with us has been recorded and saved his progress in his personal diary which is current. His personal file also contains a few event reports.

The first few times that Jake was around, actually the first two he was outgoing and very communicative.

In order to asses a child's needs according to the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 under section 24 it is primordial that it is looked upon at the kid needs and it is equally important that it is looked at also at the ability of the carer in order to provide the care. Both get-togethers are in reality being assessed by the Council to be able to supply the best care and the most relevant support that it is needed.

Meeting this dependence on Jake, offers us great responsibility to be able to bring his development further. When his move began with the CSA and the house for Jake it has been done through the proper channels.

For example:

Permission from his family to be able to assemble information that allows us to understand and create a plan in order to meet up his needs, the discussions in the meetings regarding the assessment and most essentially a someone to one become familiar with the kid in a safe environment and space will be the basic methodology that offered us an understanding. In the end this a backup of the analysis it is paid to the family once all this is finalized.

As an over-all background Jake is a 7*(not his real time) season old young man and he has been fighting accessing his education since nursery. He has been medical diagnosis with ASD and ADHD. When he seems that he's under great pressure he has a tendency to present hostile and violent behaviour. He is also a very chatty young man.

After an interval of trial which contains Jake being in our house on Mondays and Fridays there has been a review pertaining to Jake's updates that was about his adaptability to the new options in case we were going on the right course regarding his development and needs. Clearly something needed to be changed if I wanted that this process to work through. Asking my fellow workers and the craft masters in what and how I will best support his needs. A concept came up that if these would need to work the area between Mondays to Friday should change. Your choice was consulted along with his parents and with all personnel of the house that Jake will show up at every day of the week for a shorter time frame in order to make a difference. I find this method to be very effective and it has been established with another pupil of our house and clearly did the trick. Less time during the day but over a scale that will include the complete week.

Also during this review because of all the disturbing behaviour he was interesting when he was picked up by the taxi cab and his past care employees, I decided that will minimize and he should be picked up by his mum or different taxi driver and personnel. His mum arranged.

After all of this changes Jake has shown a whole lot of more relaxed and efficiency to be with us. He began to engage more inside your home and along with his co-workers and he began to attend more and more workshops that he has dismissed previously. He had at the beginning a two to one co-worker and now after half a year he has advanced to a one to one co-worker.

There are times still when he operates out but he in addition has learned to have a time out or an escape when he needs it. The staff is focusing on the positive behaviour rather than the bad one and once Jake was relaxed and ready to pay attention everything has been told him. Everyone from the co-workers does the same thing and most of us stand together on the common ground in order to help Jake.

Once the program is set out, many people are to service it out appropriately. When a set of practice are well known and suitable by everyone in the team as an united entrance this has proven to give tremendous results the care of the child/young person's needs.

As positive child behavior methods and techniques CSA, uses a group of behavioural techniques which were specified on page A of the paper. Through art work, baking and always teaching those to ask nicely and to say thank you when they expect something to occur. Counselling and trying to make them understand is also a method that CSA uses which has been very effective with Jake. And finally the consequences for example when they have got less than a great day has shown to be as evenly effective when used as a united front side.

At home it has been agreed that they should use similar techniques when Jake becomes a little bit less aware/unsettled. For instance to keep his bedroom tidy, no video gaming after 10 etc.

In order to keep and maintain a positive result but most of all a positive behaviour Jake has arranged that he when overwhelmed will take a chance/time out in order to accumulate his thoughts where he will not feel pressure from personnel in order to go to another activity for example.

In our regular getting together with we discuss and examine all attributes. Everyone gets the chance to speak also to offer an opinion, support for the task. Once things are mentioned especially on advancements as well as how to best support that positive behavior within this program I take your choice to sustain or even to cancel something that it is less than that.

For example Jake didn't want snack with everyone else so instead was wanted to have a picnic outside as well as 2 other co-workers and another university student which appeared to make Jake happy. It has been later integrated in his program due to positive impact it possessed on Jake.

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