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Writing your housekeeping cover letter

Are you going to apply for a position of housekeeper in a hotel, or other establishment? If you do apply for such a position, you will need to send your CV/resumé along with a housekeeping cover letter.

If you are applying for different housekeeping jobs you may be tempted to write just one housekeeping cover letter and send it to different companies. However, this is not a very good idea. Each cover letter should be tailored to suit the job advertisement or job description. This should be beside you as you write the letter.


You need to show that you have done some research and understand how the company you are applying to runs its operations. As these differ from company to company you will need to ensure that your letter reflects your knowledge of what each company requires.

Beginning a housekeeping cover letter

Whatever job you are applying for, you need to tailor the cover letter to suit the company to which you are applying.

If you have headed paper, then you will make a good first impression. Your name and address should be central.

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  • Under the address, miss a line and write the date.
  • Then on the left-hand side, having missed a line, write the address of the person to whom you are writing.
  • Then begin the letter with Dear Sir or Madam or Dear Mr or Ms and the person’s initials or first name and their last name.
  • Keep the job description or advertisement close to you when you are writing your housekeeping cover letter so that you can refer to it as you write.
  • Hopefully, the advertisement will have the name of the person to whom you should address your letter. If you have asked for an application form, this should also have the name of the person you should be writing to. If there is no name for the recipient, do some research to find out who the head of the Human Resources (HR) department is and address your letter to him or her. Showing initiative by finding out who to address your letter to as this will help the recipient form a good impression of you.
  • If you know the recipient’s name write Dear Ms. or Mr., followed by the person’s last name. Failing that, and having failed in your research to discover the name, write Dear Sir or Madam.
  • Next, miss a line and write the position for which you are applying. Miss another line and begin the letter.

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