The subject of epistemology can be at first a challenging and confusing one. The worlds of business research and philosophy could not seem more distant than any other two intellectual disciplines. Philosophy conjures up the image of intellectuals sitting around coffee shops talking about the meaning of life and the intricacies of human existence itself. Business research, however, produces a completely different picture – of people in brisk business suits storming about finding out about how to sell as many of their products as possible to as many people as possible. Yet, there is, in fact, a deep and logical connection. Epistemology is vital to business research as it allows the person conducting the research to understand what constitutes the knowledge they are trying to seek and what can be seen as speculative and outside that particular area of study. By understanding how to do epistemology you can understand how to properly do business research and unlock untold markets or areas of inquiry that you could have not imagined that could greatly help your company.
You may ask, however, how exactly do you do this? How can you apply a form of philosophy to business research in an easy to understand manner that will allow anyone to properly understand the field of research that they are investigating? Do not worry, this article will explain exactly how to do this so that you will have no trouble whatsoever in demonstrating rigorous analytical techniques to your business research and ensuring that any company will have no problem seizing the day and expanding its horizons into areas of success not previously thought possible.
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To begin with, it is important to properly categorise the various elements and sections of epistemology so that you can understand which brand of this type of thinking applies best to the particular field of business you are researching. It may be that none of the various sections of epistemology exactly fit with your particular type of business model. This should not vex you however – it may be that you have to use a combination of different types of epistemology to fully understand and research the market that the business you are researching is in. You may, alternatively, need to use different parts of all categories; again, this should worry you as the result will still be as valid as if you had only used one category.
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