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Learn how to conclude an essay today

Writing an essay is one of those jobs that is littered with obstacles. You struggle to write an introduction but feel pleased with yourself when you have accomplished that only to find that another challenge has arisen in the form of the main body. No sooner have you mastered the art of writing a strong argument, then the need to write a conclusion hits you with full force in the anxiety department. It can be exhausting and stressful but it does not need to be. If you wish to know how to conclude an essay, read on.


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Before you can write a conclusion, you have to closely define it and dissect it into pieces. This way, it becomes less confusing and more workable. If we define the conclusion by how it leaves the reader, we could suggest that the reader is left satiated and fully aware of your argument. Furthermore, they understand exactly how you stand in respect of your research and writing. A conclusion, therefore, brings all your argument together as a whole. It leaves no room for ambiguity or doubt.

Now that you understand what a conclusion needs to do, we can dissect it so that it is broken up into sections. This will help you to clarify what you need to do and you will be able to work through your conclusion in a methodical manner.

  • Reword your hypothesis. (The beginning of your conclusion.)
  • Briefly explain why the main points in your essay are viable. (The middle of your conclusion.)
  • Justify why your argument is significant to the subject that you are writing about. (The end of your conclusion.)

Essentially, this is all a conclusion is. Don’t worry if you still don’t have clarity and are struggling with your own essay and the three steps to writing a conclusion as they will be explained further in this article.

This means returning to your introduction and looking at the focus of your argument. Indeed, this will be the foundation of your whole essay. The reason that you need to begin your conclusion with a rewording of your hypothesis is to demonstrate that you clearly understand your argument and also to display your conclusion as a rounded whole within the essay. Therefore, if a reader were to read only your conclusion, they would still understand what your argument consisted of.

Let’s use an example so that you can see exactly what you need to do. If we imagine that you are writing an essay comparing Frankenstein with Wuthering Heights you will be able to see clearly what is needed. Both novels are literary giants and unless you have a hypothesis it could be easy to become entangled in too many different arguments that is why a hypothesis is helpful. For instance, if your hypothesis was that ‘both texts further the plot with concentric circles of narration’ you would paraphrase this at the beginning of your conclusion. In essence, you might suggest ‘Shelley and Bronte use both spoken and written evidence by an array of narrators to establish a story.’

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