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Writing articles for the Journal of Peace Research

The International Journal of Peace Research is published every two months. It covers issues such as war, conflict, violence and, of course, peace. The journal is of interest to scholars from many disciplines and is one of the top journals in the fields of political science and international relations. The journal is published by the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) which was founded in 1964.

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It is interesting to reflect on what had happened prior to the founding of the International Journal of Peace Research. The Korean War had ended in 1953, but the Vietnam War was in full swing when the journal was first published. That war began in 1955 and only ended in 1975. In 1964 there were various conflicts in Africa, Asia and South America. Some of these conflicts are still continuing. There were also conflicts in Europe, perhaps most notably the Northern Ireland ‘Troubles’ which pitted the British against the IRA (Catholics). There was also internal conflict between the Catholic and protestant militants, amounting albeit on a small scale to a civil war. The British military was deployed in an attempt to keep the peace in the province of Northern Ireland. This conflict ended in 1988 with the signing of the Good Friday Agreement, although some violence persisted after that date.

Civil wars during the 1960s

  • 1960-1996 civil war in Guatemalan
  • 1962-1970 civil war in North Yemen
  • 1965-1977 civil was in Chad
  • 1967-1975 civil war in Cambodia
  • 1967-1970 civil war in Nigeria

There were also other conflicts in various parts of the world during the 1960s. You will need to do some research to find out precisely what these were if you are intending to write about that period of history for your article that will hopefully be published in the Journal of Peace Research.

Some conflicts during and after 1974

1974 saw the invasion of the island of Cyprus by Turkish troops. Many Cypriots moved to the UK, leaving their home and property. The island is still divided between Greek and Turkish Cypriots and currently there is uncertainty about the island’s security as the Turks, under the presidency of Recep Erdogan, are seemingly increasingly belligerent because of the oil under the sea off Cyprus.

Other conflicts in 1974 included: -

  • The Battle of the Paracel Islands, which are an island group in the South China Sea.
  • The Ethiopian Civil War, which lasted until 1991.
  • The Second Iraqi- Kurdish War which ended in 1975.

Between 1975 and 1990 there was civil war in Lebanon between Christian and Muslim sects. Many people chose to flee to Europe to escape the conflict. Beirut, formerly known as the Paris of the East was virtually reduced to rubble.

Asia then became a war zone, with a war between Cambodia and Vietnam (1975 – 89), and the ongoing insurgency in the neighbouring country of Laos also began in 1975. In 1975 Indonesian forces invaded East Timor.

Meanwhile in Europe, there was the ongoing Leftist insurgency against the government. This continues, although the famous, or infamous group, November 17th seems to be no longer active. Many of its members were subsequently jailed. This group conducted operations between 1975 and 2002.

Between 1976 and 1980 neighbouring country Turkey saw a lot of political violence. The violence was perpetrated by right wing groups, but after the coup in 1980, the violence ceased.

There were other conflicts, but they are beyond the scope of this article. If you are thinking of writing an article for the International Journal of Peace Research, you will have to do some very thorough research.

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