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Writing for the Journal of Marketing Research

The current Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Marketing Research is Dr. Rajdeep Grewal from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He should hold his position until 2020. He was appointed to his position in July 2016. He has a team of academics to support him. These are co-editors and Associate Editors. Dr. Sachin Gupta (Cornell University, Ithaca) and Dr. Rebecca Hamilton (Georgetown University, Washington DC) are the co-editors, and there are over 40 leading scholars who are Associate Editors, serving in their roles for a period of two years.

There is also an 8-member advisory board who are advisers regarding the Journal’s strategic management. The members of the board are Pradeep Chintagunta from the University of Chicago, John A. Deighton from Harvard, Tulin Erdem from New York University, Joel Huber from Duke, Donald R. Lehmann from Columbia, Gary L. Lilien from the university of Pennsylvania State, Mary Frances Luce from Duke and Russell S. Wine from New York University.

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If you are thinking about submitting an article to the Journal of Marketing Research, you should send it to The Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Rajdeep Grewal so that it can go through the initial processing procedure. The editor who is assigned to deal with your manuscript will decide whether or not to desk reject it.

There are several categories and stages in the processing of a manuscript: -

  • Desk Reject and
  • Reject mean that the article is not considered suitable for publication in some way and cannot be resubmitted.
  • Reject then resubmit means that if the author revises the article, it can be resubmitted, but it will be dealt with by a new review team.
  • Risky revision, which means that the article is basically OK, but it is not easy for the review team to workout when or if it will be published.
  • Revision means that the editorial team can see that the manuscript can be published, but it needs revising.
  • Conditional Accept means that after the author has made some small changes, the article can be published.

Reviewers work to a strict schedule and have 30 days to finish their reviews. Associate Editors (AEs) have just two weeks to complete their reports while the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) and the Co-Editors (CoEs) make their decisions as regards publication within 2 weeks of receiving the manuscript. The whole process usually takes around 75 days from the date of the first submission to complete.

The Journal of Marketing Research looks for articles that deal with marketing problems. It should be written after doing innovative research and be the first of its kind. If you write an article for publication in the Journal of Marketing Research, it should have been checked by other academics who can verify that it is accurate, and that all data is correct. It isn’t wise to send your article to the Journal before it has been thoroughly read and proof-read. Often colleagues can see the flaws in your manuscript and you can rectify them before sending it to the editors. Discuss your article with colleagues and ask their advice.

Remember that most of the manuscripts the journal receives are rejected, so don’t pin your hopes on getting your article published. Remember that even the author of the Harry Potter novels had many rejections before she was published (but now she’s a millionaire). Don’t lose your hope after the first rejection. Revise your article and submit it to another journal. To avoid rejection, make sure that the article you have written is suitable for the journal. Don’t waste your time, or that of the editors by sending an inappropriate manuscript. Check the guidelines for submissions carefully.

Authors get feedback from the review team, so that they can see why their paper was rejected. You can learn from the feedback and could adjust your manuscript so that it is acceptable for publication.

A special issue is planned for 2019. This will, although it is rather tentative at the moment, be concerned with Education & Marketing: Decision Making, Spending, and Consumption. The team at JMR are looking for articles which utilise various research methods including, but not limited to: -

  • field studies
  • laboratory experiments
  • behavioural studies and
  • qualitative research#

If you are thinking of submitting a paper to the conference, be aware that the deadline for submissions is the 1st November 2018. The tentative date for the conference is February 2019. There will be a special issue of the journal to be published in December 2020. The deadline for submissions to this publication is the 1st of May 2019.

If you think about the field of education, you can see that marketing is important for all educational institutions. They have to ‘sell’ their courses to prospective students and their parents. The education sector has spawned a burgeoning industry surrounding testing, schooling and test preparation services worth millions of dollars. Of course, we shouldn’t forget that professional development is very important, as adults may very well be on the path to lifelong learning, although their development path might not include a degree or other formal qualification.

These days marketing is extremely important and necessary if any type of business is to be successful, and let’s not forget that educational institutions are out to make a profit, so they are, in fact, businesses to a greater or lesser extent. The days of state funding for schools have gone or are vanishing quickly so its now imperative for schools, colleges, university, counselling services and other educational services to use marketing tools to survive. Try as we might, we can’t turn the clock back.

Rankings, ratings and reviews all influence decisions about which educational establishment to go to. Marketers are valuable to educators because they can positively influence adults’ decisions about where to send their children. Perhaps you had never thought that the education sector and the marketing one would need each other. Think about it now and see if you can make a contribution to the education/marketing debate. Start to write your paper on the topic of education and marketing research now.

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