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Do you need to write Islamic articles?

If you are not a follower of Islam (a Muslim), there are many potential pitfalls if you write Islamic articles. Do you remember the case of the author Salman Rushdie and his book The Satanic Verses? The book was published in 1988 and the following year the Iranian Ayatollah, Ruhollah Khomeini asserted that it was blasphemous, and proceeded to issue a fatwa against Rushdie, an Anglo-Indian. The book is a novel, and one wonders if the Ayatollah actually read it.

The book is the story of two Indian actors, living as expats in England, Gibreel Farishta and Saladin Chamcha They travelled back to India safely, but on the return journey to England their plane is hijacked. The plane is blown up, but amazingly the two survive, although they were transformed into Satan and Gibreel, (the Devil and the archangel Gabriel). As he falls from the plane, Gibreel has a vision given to him by Mahound (a character based on the prophet Mohammed, PBUH). It also goes into early Islamic history and it was this part of the book that caused all the controversy.


Whether or not it is blasphemous is a matter of opinion. However, Rushdie lived in seclusion with a death sentence hanging over his head for many years. This is a salutary tale and one that should serve as a warning to anyone who does not write considered Islamic articles.

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There are many topics that are suitable for articles about Islam. Here is a list: -

  • Ramadan
  • the Qur’an
  • Hajj (the pilgrimage to Mecca undertaken by devout Muslims who can afford the journey)
  • fasting
  • Hadeeth
  • The Du’as
  • The Seerah of the prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
  • various biographies, such as those of the daughters of the prophet and of scholars Hadith (There are many other suitable topics).
  • Islamic stories
  • marriage
  • death and
  • poems
  • moral advice

This is not an exhaustive list, but it is a good one to start with.

It’s best to steer clear of illustrations depicting people, as there are still some Muslims who believe that such illustrations are a type of idolatry. Illustrations may be:

  • geometric patterns
  • Arabic calligraphy, especially when pertaining to verses from the Qu’ran
  • photographs of mosques, the exterior and interior (if photos are permitted inside the mosque) Persian, Urdu and Turkish calligraphy is also acceptable.
  • Islamic architecture
  • photos of Islamic carpets and rugs
  • floral patterns

In the past Islamic art was not constrained, as although secular themes were frowned upon by some, and even forbidden by some clerics and theologians, examples exist. Miniatures from the Ottoman and Mughal Empires show palace scenes, as well as hunting scenes, so at one time it was deemed acceptable, at least by the upper classes to portray people in art.

You can make money by writing articles that will interest Muslims. If you type ‘How to write Islamic articles’ in your search box, you will get many results. If you wish to branch out and earn extra money, this could be a new source of income for you. Of course, you need very good writing skills, as well as a very good knowledge of English grammar. You also have to be well-versed in the study of Islam. Of course, there are sites that publish articles written in a variety of languages including Malayalam. You don’t necessarily need to be a Muslim to write articles about Islam. You could, for example, write an article or articles comparing different religious beliefs.

Islam has been a topic used in many English language publications such as

  • The Guardian (UK newspaper)
  • The New York Times
  • Time Magazine
  • The Independent (UK newspaper)
  • USA Today
  • The Age (daily Australian newspaper published in Melbourne)

Articles about Islam are popular with Muslims from all around the world It is a growing religion, unlike Christianity, for example.

An Islamic writer has great responsibilities to his or her readers. Writers have to understand what it means to be a Muslim. Every think you do should be done in the prescribed way under Islamic law. In other words, there are guidelines to be followed in every area of one’s life. A writer should be sincere about his or her writing and not mislead readers. In fact, writing can be considered an act of worship and the writer should write with the pure and sincere intention of worshipping Allah. All talents are gifts from Allah and should be respected as such.

If you are considering writing articles about Muslims and Islam, you should do some in-depth research into the way Muslims and Islam is covered by the press. You could probably find an article that is biased against Muslims and refute it. This is usually fairly easy to do if the article is published in the popular press and smacks of racism. That would establish you as an unbiassed writer, as long as you didn’t give in to any negative emotions, such as antipathy towards the person who wrote the original article. The quality press is unbiased and subject to strict editorial guidelines. Concentrate your search for articles biased against Islam and Muslims in your local newspapers.

Write about a topic that interests you as then you will find that the words flow easily. Of course, sometimes you are commissioned to write about a subject which doesn’t really interest you. you could explain this to the commissioning editor, but you would get a negative reaction. Writers are expected to write on any subject that is given to them.

If you aren’t interested in the topic you are supposed to be writing about, search forums and try to get other perspectives on the topic.

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