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Why you should use law dissertation examples?

Being a law student is one of the best experiences that you can have. However, it can be hard work. For instance, you may have, at last, mastered essay writing and then it happens. You are hit with the dreadful ‘D’ word. Of course, we are talking dissertations and you may think you have misheard when you hear that you have to write a dissertation that is around 10,000 words. There are steps that you can take to get yourself acclimatised to writing a dissertation.


Before you start writing your dissertation, it is worthwhile to get yourself organised. This will save you time in the long run as you are less likely to make painful mistakes that mean more work. For instance, being organised will ensure that your subject matter is not too narrow. In other words, you will be able to write 10,000 words about your chosen topic.

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First of all, it is important to do a first draft of your introduction for yourself so that you have clarity as to where your research journey is going to take you. However, it is important that you understand that the introduction is most likely one of the pieces of text that will change once you have done your research and written your dissertation. The reason for this is that your research may not have the outcomes that you expect.

It is helpful to remember when writing an introduction that is precisely what it is – an introduction. If you remember that you will be going over all the details in depth in the different sections of the dissertation, you will keep your introduction concise.

So what needs to be included in an introduction? If you think of the introduction as a map for the reader, this will help you to keep the introduction succinct. If we stay with the idea of does the Jury System need to be reformed, you could explain the historical context of the jury and then explain briefly that you will be investigating both how the jury still works in the 21st century and the problems that arise from using lay people in the 21st century. What are the alternatives? What would be needed to improve upon the current system? You need to specifically state your objectives; in other words, state what steps you will take to demonstrate your potential outcome. It’s a good idea to keep some law dissertation examples to hand so that you can refer to them if you lose your way.

This can be a particularly interesting part of your dissertation because you can demonstrate your knowledge of current thoughts on your topic by using the journals of experts on the subject. It is your job in this section to give a view of how the current ideas on your subject stand. Whatever you do, don’t simply describe what each paper is stating. If you do that your readers will assume that you don’t have analytical skills. Writing a literature review is a great opportunity to demonstrate that you have a second to none analytical and critical brain.

  • Point out any laws that have been changed since any of the papers were published.
  • Compare and contrast arguments used; this will demonstrate that you can analyse points and also evaluate them.
  • Avoid being repetitious. When writing a literature review this is an easy mistake to make. Ensure that your analysis of other peoples’ discussions is developed and work to move your own research on.

When tackling the methodology section, it is essential to decide which research method you are going to use. For a law dissertation, the chances are that you will opt for qualitative research, this way you can concentrate on statue, legal journals and books written by experts.

  • Clearly state your objectives. This will help you to keep to your research journey.
  • Explain clearly why you are using your research method. What advantages does this method have and what disadvantages does the method that you discarded have?
  • Demonstrate your research technique using a sample.
  • Define your data sources and participants.
  • Establish how each piece of data will be collected.
  • Analyse the limitations of your research methods.
  • Conclude with a critical analysis of the data and research tools that you are going to utilise.
  • Make sure that it is clear as to why you will be taking each step. Demonstrating logical thought throughout the process will convince the examiner that your dissertation is an academic piece of research.

You will find that if you have a clear idea of your methodology section then when you actually begin to do your research you will have more confidence than if you are unclear as to how you are going to conduct your research. It may help you if you see the methodology section as describing how you are going to do your research and then the evidence section describes and analyses what you actually did. If this all seems too much like repeating the same process, it truly isn’t but it may help you if you read some law dissertation examples. This will help you to distinguish the difference between the methodology section and the evidence section.

The evidence section is perhaps the most interesting part of a law dissertation. The reason for this is that before you begin your dissertation, you probably have ideas as to how your research will end. This may not be the case; your research may change your mind. For instance:

  • If you are researching whether the jury needs to be reformed for the 21st century, you may start off with strong views that due to the jury being made up of lay people, they do not always understand the intricacies of the laws being discussed.
  • You may be worried that racism and sexism can guide the views of certain people that sit on a jury.
  • Jurors can be threatened by hardened criminals and therefore justice does not take place.

However, after your research, you may have come to the conclusion that a jury is the only way that the accused can get an unbiased trial as many judges have no idea of what ordinary life in the 21st century is like.

When writing up your evidence:

  • Keep it concise. There is no room for long, flowery meanderings in a law dissertation.
  • Give reasons for every choice that you make and every step that you take. This will convince your examiner that you are conscience of how to conduct research.
  • Don’t simply describe actions. This cannot be emphasised enough. Critical analysis is imperative if you want to get the best grades.
  • When you written it, read it over and check that your analysis is logical and clear.

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