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Entering a law essay competition can be really worth your while.

When you are a law student, it can often seem as if you do nothing but plan, research, write and edit essays. You finish off one only to be right back at the beginning of planning another. So you are probably asking why on earth you should consider writing law essays when it is not compulsory. The answer is that entering a law essay competition can be lucrative and what student doesn’t need a bit of extra cash? Another reason is that the prestige of winning can do wonders for your future career in the law and you may enjoy seeing your photograph as a winner on legal websites. Therefore, these competitions really are worth making an effort for.

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  • Decide what is important to you. If you are only interested in making some money out of it, make a shortlist of the best prizes. However, if prestige is more important, concentrate on the biggest names running the competition. The very best competitions offer both but do remember that these will also be the most competitive and attract the cream of law essay writers. To demonstrate how this works, this article uses two lucrative competitions and one that initially does not seem as appealing to enter.
  • When choosing which law essay competition to enter, make sure that the essay title is something that interests you. if you are battling to write something absorbing about a topic, this will show in your writing and you won’t have a chance of winning. Choose something that excites you then your enthusiasm will be obvious to the judges.
  • If you decide to enter a competition and you are writing an essay from the beginning, make sure that you have enough time to write your best essay. It can be tempting to throw something together if there is a large cash prize at stake, a deadline is looming and you have only just noticed the competition. Make sure that you have time to write your best argument or you are simply wasting both your time and the judge’s.

Times Law Awards

This competition is open again in October 2018. It really is worth entering.

Prizes -

  • £3,500 for the 1st prize.
  • £2,500 for the 2nd prize.
  • £1,500 for the 3rd prize.
  • £1,000 for three runners up.

The word limit is 1,000 words.

  • The competition is open to any student in a United Kingdom educational institution. You do not have to be a law student to enter this competition.
  • The work must be original.
  • The Times and One Essex Court have the right to publish your whole essay or any part of it.
  • Only one entry per person is allowed so you need to make sure that your entry is your very best work.

The title of last year’s competition was “should history be rewritten in line with modern day views on human rights.” This is a worthwhile competition to enter. If you are interested, you can download winning entries from previous years so that you can obtain insight into what the judges are looking for.

The Bar Council Competition

This competition is very tempting indeed.


  • £4,000 for 1st prize.
  • £2,500 for 2nd prize.
  • £1,500 for the best CPE/GDL entry.
  • £1,000 for the runner of the CPE/GDL entry.
  • £500 for 2 highly commended entries.

To enter this competition, you have to fill in an entry form and get someone from your institution to sign it to prove that you are eligible to enter the competition. Unlike the Times competition, you have to be studying law to enter this one. In 2017, your entry would have had to make a case for a law reform that is practical, desirable and useful. The competition for 2018 has not yet been launched but if the essay title is as generous as last year in its scope then it will be a very tempting competition to enter. You can also download the winning essays from the past to see what it takes to dazzle the judges.

The Graham Turnbull Human Rights Essay Competition


Although the prize is not as lucrative as the aforementioned competitions, it is worth entering because the competition is named after Graham Turnbull who was a solicitor that worked tirelessly for human rights and lost his life in doing so. The competition is open to all law students, trainee solicitors and pupil barristers. The essay has to be around 2,000 words and is a specific question usually dealing with human rights. This is a good competition to enter if you are thinking of a career in human rights. Its disadvantages are:

  • there is only one prize
  • the prize is small compared to some other competitions
  • the question is a set one which may not be something that appeals to you

However, these points also lead to advantages. Basically, because there is only one chance of a prize and because that prize is small compared to some others, it will not attract as many entries. Moreover, as the question is specific, this too will mean less entries into the competition. The fact that it is, therefore, not as likely to be as competitive a more renowned law essay competition, you may stand more of a chance of winning.

It is not possible to list all the competitions in an article of this size but there are many more to choose from. If you are interested in entering a competition, you should study the competitions and choose a couple that allow you to write about a subject that interests you and gives you enough time to finish the essay off to the best of your ability. Trying to enter too many is not a good idea. It is better to enter one with an essay that really demonstrates a good grasp of the subject than entering five that have been thrown together quicklyEssay fatigue

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