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How to write a graphic design dissertation

Graphic design courses are in demand in almost every country. Doing the course is probably easy for many students who are really interested in the subject. However, problems can arise when it comes to the end of the taught course, and it becomes necessary to write a graphic design dissertation.

Deciding on a topic for your graphic design dissertation

Students on graphic design courses may have a background in the humanities or in the sciences. However, at least a basic knowledge of computer programming will probably be required.


There are many topics that you could choose to write your graphic design dissertation on. For example, computer graduates might choose to do their research into the more technical aspects of graphic design while arts or humanities students might well prefer to consider doing research into communication and design.

Whatever topic you choose to concentrate on for your graphic design dissertation, it must be innovative and something that has not been done before. Of course, this is true for all dissertation topics.

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  • How has the field of graphic design affected popular culture?
  • The most important trends in graphic design since the year 2000
  • Influential graphic designers of the last century
  • Using white space creatively
  • Technology and graphic design
  • Accessing art through graphic design
  • How graphic design has changed art
  • Manga, comic books and graphic design
  • What impact has graphic design had on popular culture?
  • The latest innovations in graphic design and their impact on our lives

Of course, there are many more topics that are suitable for a dissertation about graphic design.

To decide on a topic, you should think about what aspects of graphic design most interest you. Do get more ideas about possible topics, look at dissertations that have been accepted and published. Also, browse the graphic design sections in the university’s library and read contemporary journals.

If you find a really interesting article, think about how you could improve it if you conducted your own research into the general topic area. Just because a dissertation has been published, it doesn’t mean that it is perfect. Think about how you could expand on the work with your own innovative research.

  • Which graphic designer has had the most influence in the field in your opinion (in the last 10 years/since the year 2000 and so on.)
  • In what ways do graphic design and politics interact?
  • Which modern technologies most influence the field of graphic design?
  • Explain why some graphic designs inspire strong emotional feelings.
  • Explain the intricate relationship between politics and graphic design
  • What do you think the relationship is between graphic design and popular culture?
  • In your country’s culture, how have youth movements affected graphic design?
  • Explain the ways in which culture affects graphic design.

Of course, you should try to think of topics that really appeal to you, as you will be spending at least a year of your life doing your research into your chosen topic.

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