Mary Warnock published in Advantages: "Unless consciousness was as I say it is, Bad Beliefs would not be possible; but you now recognize that Bad Faith is not only possible, but genuine, in your world; therefore consciousness must be when i say. "
"Awareness is the revealed-revelation of existents, and existents appear before consciousness on the building blocks with their being. "
Eg Slave apprehends grasp/prisoner trying to flee sees the guard who is seeing him/Thief 74/
Lie: "From the lie consciousness affirms it exists by nature as concealed from the Other. "
Bad faith: "duality of the deceiver and the deceived does not can be found here. "
"essentially the unity of a single consciousness. "
Not experience and contaminated with bad beliefs72
eg"Mediation of the other. . . . . . only if I connect with my case from the exterior, "74
eg distraction: "frigid female distracts her consciousness from the pleasure which she experience, it is in full arrangement with herself; it is in order to prove to herself that she is frigid. "77
"in order not to be there to the experienced pleasure imply the popularity that the pleasure is experienced; they imply it to be able to deny it. "77
"What must be the being of men if he's to manage to bad faith?"78
2. 1. Conducts of Bad Faith
Sartre uses flirting as his first example:
She knows very well the intentions that your man who is talking with her cherishes regarding her. She is aware also that it will be necessary eventually for her to produce a decision. But she will not want to understand the urgency; she concerns herself only with what is respectful and discreet in the attitude of her companion.
Sartre take into account why the girl will not want to understand the need to decide is the fact that, she refuses to know very well what she wants. She disarms the intimate meanings that covered from words of the person.
Now assume he takes her hands. To leave the hands ther is to consent in herself to flirt, to engage herself. (She) leaves her hands there, but she does not notice that she actually is departing it. She draws her companion up to the most lofty regions of sentimental speculation.
Sartre said she actually is in bad faith and she will try to keep herself in this bad faith by different approach. First, by reducing the desire of her companion's action to objective features, she performs to avoid that she has learned their mutual desire behind the action. Second, by permitting herself to enjoy the desire, she transcends this truth by being totally conscious of the intellectual conversation. Third, by knowing the occurrence of her own is not her personality, she enables the event can occur that the companion hand is not taking her hand, but a side. That is, "the divorce of the body from the heart is accomplished", the palm becomes something, thus, needs not to consent nor resist.
Sartre questioned what unity is found in these various aspects of bad faith. It is facticity and transcendence at the same time. By facticity, it is what actually occurring. When our consciousness identifies our facticities, it is not going to completely indentified with the facticities. Since we know we may work differently for its possibilities inside our behavior, bad trust thus "affirm facticity as being transcendence and transcendence as being facticity. "
Sartre reminded us that "transcendence-facticity" instructed bad trust. Among Sartre's definitions of being is "which is what it is not and which is not what it is. " When man projected himself "beyond the world toward its own possibilities", I am what not I am is my alternatives. Also, man can affirm that we am not what I have been. Man who is not his body, nor his history, what he is is split from what he's not. Thus, facticity operates as necessary condition for for-itself to transcend and hook up with in-itself. Then, Sartre continuing to compare bad trust with sincerity.
2. 2. Assessing bad trust with sincerity
Sartre runs on the waiter as his second example:
"His motion is quick and forward, a touch too correct, The waiter in the caf can not be immediately a caf waiter in the sense that inkwell is an inkwell, or the goblet is a glass. He understands well what it "means:" the obligation of getting up at five o'clock, of sweeping the ground of the shop before the restaurant starts, of starting the espresso pot heading, etc. "
Society has given us many identities. Mainly we find that people have the obligation to make ourselves be what we should are. The waiter detailed above is required to arrive on-time for work and to work solicitously. The waiter cannot identify with himself in the sense that an inkwell can be an inkwell. It is because the being of waiter is a "representation" that separated anyone from him as an object-subject relationship. Thus, the waiter recognizes being a waiter is only a role for him. Since his awareness is not determined along with his role, bad faith is possible.
If I imagine I am he, I understanding the mandatory skill of the waiter by transcending over it with nothingness. Noted that I can not be he, I can symbolize myself as him. Sartre step further to research how I could be the waiter.
"As if it weren't in my power to confer value and urgency after my duties and the protection under the law of my position, Yet there is absolutely no doubt that I am in a sense a caf waiter--otherwise could I not merely as well call myself a diplomat or a reporter?"
I did not constitute myself as you beyond my condition. But easily am a waiter, I can claim that I am a waiter being what I am not.
2. 2. 1. In-depth research of sincerity through psychological states
Sartre then takes a look on psychological areas of ourselves. I am the sadness seems can be acknowledged from my face, my body gesture, etc. Sartre questioned imagine if a stranger moves by and I look upward with a slightly cheerful giggle? Or is a guy smile that I understand he's at least in his mental states of joy? From my daily experience, we might recognize people's cosmetic expression wrongly. Sartre replied I am unfortunate is I am distracted from it in order that I am in the sense of not being sad. Thus, my break free from the sadness makes possible that I could affect myself with sadness.
The theory is necessary first to be unfilled of the feeling that heading to affect. It really is consistent start of the being of consciousness, as consciousness can be awareness of something is by nihilating. Catalano's comment on it is, "We cannot even say that consciousness is what-it-is, since consciousness is merely in the sense of continuously nihilating its "subject" as that which is not the being of consciousness. " Having less awareness, which Sartre going to go over in-depth in later chapter, Catalano affiliates its question and question with one's patterns. For I am a waiter, only in the sense to be what I am not, only for the reason that I am openly devoted myself to signify this role. Sincerity, in my opinion, is that easily am a waiter with sincerity, I want not be segregated by a nothing every time.
We also needs to aware sincerity is bad trust in fact. It would escape the obligation to become, says requesting myself to be call a diplomat or a reporter, thus to flee from being truly a waiter. Also, it triggers me to be what I am when I want to be not what I am, or not to be what I am when I wish to be what I am. This is the goal of bad faith. Overall, sincerity is shown to be impossible because of its opaque. Following by that, bad trust is made easy for sincerity glide into transcendence that could be happening from the facticity that is actually happening.
3 The paradox of have confidence in our lies
To have trust of something, we can often find some supportive evidences. Some beliefs like simple mathematics calculations one and something equals two, is properly convincing. However, not absolutely all example have flawlessly convincing evidence. See the example that Pierre is my friend.
I think that my friend Pierre feels friendship for me. I believe it in good faith. I believe it but I do not have for it any self-evident intuition, for the type of the thing does not lend itself to intuition. EASILY believe that my pal Pierre prefers me, which means that his friendship appears to me as this is of all his acts. Opinion is a particular consciousness of the meaning of Pierre's functions.
of our expressed emotion, That's, sincerity is seeing a person smiling
"The truth is that a awareness which impacts itself with sadness is sad
Eg homosexual86-7: understands "not being" = "not-being-in-itself"wrong
Sincerity will not change from bad beliefs88
No clear difference between being and non-being89 dualism?