Analysis Of Human Resource And Scientific Management Management Essay

Scientific management is put forward by Taylor in last century. There is no doubt that the scientific once greatly changed the earth. It is highly for this reason kind of management that the productivity is able to times increase. Plenty of products and services are stated in relative high efficiency, which drastically enhance the living standard of individuals. However, tough it still functions well in a few industry such as manufactory, it isn't quite proper in current business environment. Staffs now require more respects and dignities and the mere money motivation is insufficient to effectively motivate staffs to spare no effort in working. Therefore, a new idea of human relations management which concentrates more on human nature rather than machinery characteristics is high valued currently. In place, this type of human relations management is widely used rather than scientific management generally in most great companies even in a few companies participate in manufactory industry.

This essay is split into three parts. Within the first part, the idea of scientific management and human relations management are illustrated. In the second part, some real examples such as UPS, McDonald, and Google are being used to concrete demonstrate the implement of these two theories in real life. The finally is the analysis of these two theories in current business environment.

Main Body One: The theory of scientific management and human relations management.

The publication of this Principles of Scientific Management which is compiled by Frederick Winslow Taylor marks the birth of scientific management. This book introduces the best approach to engage business works via scientific measures in that time of around 1911. (Frederick Taylor and Scientific Management, 2012) It successfully converts management to science.

In the perspective of Taylor, the primary object of management is to maximize the gains of both employees and employers. The sole approach to realize this object is to enhance labor productivity. (Frederick W. Taylor: Master of Scientific Management. 2012)That is to say, each worker should make their determination to do work as much as you can every day. However, the majority of workers in place consciously do the opposite. Taylor considers the hidden reasons as the following three. First, a false thought that a full-speed operation will cause plenty of staff unemployed and additional cause huge damages to the complete industry is widely spread among workers. Second, there are too many defects on management systems. They directly

lead workers have a defense way of measuring demonization in order to protect their best interests. Third, business is also conducted according to personal experiences, which is unquestionably in a low efficiency.

Therefore, Taylor reckons the scientific management must take the place of experience principles. Scientific management is defined on the base of the accordance of profits of the labor and the administrative centre. He requires each member in the organization should fully perform the best efficiency to be able to achieve the biggest production and realize the maximum profits.

The significant content of scientific management is chiefly split into two aspects that are operations management and organization management. The functions management includes four parts. First, the first class employees should be selected for operations. Within the perspective of Taylor, every individual possesses a definite talent and capacity. They all potentially become first-class workers so long as suitable positions are available. (Bell, 2012) After careful observation, Taylor finds that the primary feature that differs one from the other is willpower rather than intelligence. Second is the practice of work quota. Originally, the workload for an employee is highly decided by the knowledge of manager. It obviously lacks scientific foundation. Taylor advocates a scientific measure to identify labor work of a person. That is to select proper and skillful worker and research their labor time and workload in order to create a reasonable daily workload. This daily workload is so called work quota. Third is the scientific working measure. A reasonable combination of operational approaches, serviceable tools, labor time, and free time should be paid much attention on(Taylor, 1911). Basing on Taylor's view, the scientific management means the substitution of scientific knowledge for personal experiences. Among the key measures is to execute standardized management which includes tool standardization, standard operation, standardization of labor movements, and so forth. Only when the standardization is utilized, workers have the ability to use more effective tools and adapt far better working measures to be able to achieve the maximum labor productivity. (Taylor, 1911)Fourth is the implement of incentive salary system. It contains three parts. Above of all, the labor time should be carefully observed and analyzed to be able to recognize rate of wage. Here are some is the differential piece-rate system. That is to say, rate of wage of employees is decided according to the accomplishment of quota. If just what a worker real does reaches or even surpasses the quota, an increased rate of wage is offered in order to encourage him. If not, a lower life expectancy rate of wage is offered. What is more, sometimes, a yellow card which stands for warning and a punishment of dismissal are used to

motivate workers. At length, an immediate remuneration should be paid. Rewards need to be provided closely following the finish of established work quota. It'll considerably motivate the staff in production and overcame the workers" social loafing" phenomenon.

Another significant facet of scientific management is organization management. On one hand, the look functions and executive functions should be separated. Taylor considers that the labor productivity is not only influenced by labor attitude, labor quota, operational measures, and salary systems but also affected by the organization and conduction of administrative staffs. Therefore, Taylor advocates obviously separate planning aside from executives. (Taylor, 1911) A specially department of planning should be established. The chief task of computer is to conduct researches in order to obtain evidences of setting the reasonable work quota and procedure measures. On the other hand, functional foremanship is essential. System of functional foreman forms according to specific procedure processes and an additional divided labor. Taylor advocates set eight foremen (Salimath, 2011) rather than original one foreman. Each foreman is expected merely to bear one management function to be able to raised educate and supervise workers to accomplish their work, which is significant to achieve a higher production rate.

Human relations Management means the conversation management between your enterprise and the employees. This sort of conversation is usually flexible, motivate, and not mandatory. The extent of satisfactory and the tendency of supporting the realization of other management objects enhance if human relations management is adapted. The principle duties for managers in human relations management are on one hand to coordinate the relationship between the staffs and the organization and the relations among staffs; on the other hand to steer to establish a confident and active working environment.

The objects of human relations management are chiefly three. First is to coordinate and enhance the internal interpersonal relationship in a particular corporation. Whether the general object of the corporation is able to realize or not is highly due to the accordance of personal objects and corporation objects. When an interaction, interwork, mutual support relationship forms, a relative brilliant business psychology atmosphere is established, which will enhance the working efficiency and be the powerful motive power of corporation development. Second, intrinsic value of staffs should be established. The corporation value is acknowledged and shared by the majority of staffs. It is the common belief and the typical to distinguish right from the wrong. The organization value is gradually formed by the permanent education and cultivation. Therefore, the human relationships management consistently cultivates all staffs to carry the common value and perceptions that may further influence the decisions of corporation operation, leadership style, and the entire manner of work for all staffs. Third is an increased powerful cohesion. Each staff will truly reckons himself participate in his company

internally. Then staffs will unconsciously pay more attention on the honor, reputations, and interests of the corporation.

All in every, the human relations managements focus on three aspects: the positive future which is generally determined by its staffs, the constraint system of perfect motivation, and soul contract. Weighed against Taylor's scientific management, human relations management is more hommization.

Main Body Two: Real life examples that relate with scientific management and human relations management.

There are two typical real examples in current business environment that Taylor's scientific management applies. They are the United Parcel Service and the MacDonald.

United Parcel Service hires more than 150 thousand of staffs. And there are about 9 million packages which are anticipated to transport to all states of the US and 180 (Soupata, 2009) other countries. Therefore, the administering authority of UPS has to systematically educate their staffs to be able to accomplish their business target of offering the fastest and most convenient delivers in the industry of mail transportation. Basing on the principle of scientific management, a systematic education for staffs will enhance the working efficiency as high as possible. The commercial engineers have carefully observed and analyzed the mandatory time for each and every driving route. Besides, several standards are set on business activities such as transportation, pause, and delivering. In place, these professional engineers records the mandatory time of practically all possible activities that happens to a staff of UPS when he is in the work. Time for waiting the red light, time for transportation, time for ringing the buzzer, time for crossing the yard, time for going upstairs, time for breaks of drinking the coffee, and even time for the toilet are fundamental data that are input into computers in order to calculate a particular time standard for every driver every day. Drivers have to strictly follow programs set by commercial engineers. If not, the daily task of delivering 130 pieces (Soupata, 2009) of packages will not be able to successfully accomplish. When these drivers drive near dispatching stations, they loosen the safe belt, sound the horn, close the engine, pull up the emergency brake, and pour the transmission to first gear. These series of actions that happen to be done for preparing leaving after delivering packages are closed related one another. Then the driver will slip to the bottom from the driving cab with right arm tucking file folder, left hand grasping packages, and right hand holding the key to car. They check out the address written on the package and remember it at heart. A speed of 3 feet per second (Soupata, 2009)is essential for a driver to fast go directly to the doors of houses where their clients live. Enough time of finding for the doorbell is even

saved instead by a primary knock on the entranceway. Following the delivery, they need to finish the task of entering certain data and information of the deliver on the way back to their cars.

Basing on some verbs that obviously show how exactly a driver of UPS performs in his work; the labor productivity is to the most degree enhanced. It is closely related to the chief issue of increasing labor productivity for scientific management. Furthermore, the study conducted by commercial engineers promptly and the utilization of computer in management fully identify the UPS has successfully replace the original experiencing management to advanced scientific management.

Another typical example of scientific management is McDonald which is the world's biggest fast food company. It is highly because of the standardization principle of scientific management that McDonald is able to give a high efficiency and convenient service which is generally view among the biggest competition advantages.

Actually, McDonald Corporation has conducted a careful motion study to nearly all behaviors such as making hamburgers, frying potato chips, treating costumers, and cleaning tables advanced for the sake of determining the best way to conduct these behaviors. All standards are collected and edited in a handbook which is employed to guide behaviors of managers and common staffs of each sub branch.

The standards on way to obtain McDonald chiefly concentrate on four aspects. First, the process of earning food is improved. Semi-finished products are heated or fried in high temperature, which reduces the production time of food. Second, the replenishment of drink is improved. Several types of beverage outlets are occur order to make certain certain level of drink flow to the bottle accurately with no nursing and waiting of working staffs. It will be escalates the speed of servicing for staffs. Third is to make overall managements. Business activities in the encompassing areas are referenced to be able to accurately estimate peak crowd and prepare enough staffs advanced. Fourth is enhanced quality of food. Recycleables of McDonald are in the same and strict standard. All sorts of nutrition are scientifically matched.

The standard of ordering chiefly specializes in three aspects. Above of most, special staffs are anticipated to integrate the order, the collecting of cash and the supplement of food together. All middle steps of information transmitting are eliminated, which both saves the costs and enhances the service efficiency. (Bock, 2009) Besides, the menu is easy. Costumer's time is to the largest degree saved, which unconsciously improve the efficiency of making effective options for consumers. Furthermore, several sorts of set meal are provided to improve the efficiency and expand the sales.

Apart from the establishment of a myriad of standards, McDonald always accumulates the first class workers. When staffs enter McDonald, a systematically professional training is forced. They are simply taught to keep a good attitude of servicing. Smiles and a confident and active conversation to individuals are essential. Besides, all types of services such as holding a party for children should be provided friendly. Furthermore essential is the immediate and accurate service, which causes a lower life expectancy time on waiting in the queue and getting food.

The separation of planning from executives is also stressed by Taylor in his scientific management. On one hand, the look of McDonald is conducted by corporation headquarters. Headquarters of McDonald is accountable for setting all detailed programs, rules, and regulations for those outlets spreading throughout the world. Alternatively, managers and common staffs of all sub branches of McDonald should follow the established standardization. This means no innovation is allowed in general management and specific tasks. Professional education and training should also be strengthened to assure the accurate understanding and the thorough implement of rules and regulations.

As to human relations management, Google Corporation is a brilliant example. As is known to all, Google is a great Internet company and increasing numbers of people are reliable to services provided by Google. Plenty of fresh ideas and services are placed forward by Google continuously, which benefit costumer a lot and attract an increased quantity of talent visitors to be employed by Google. Besides wonderful services, the human relations management is also a key point that makes Google celebrated.

The work tasks in Google are tough and challenging and staffs of Google are almost so called talents. Therefore, they might need a much better working environment and Google cleverly satisfies them. In Google Corporation, there is absolutely no sign of traditional scientific management and even no sign of work. In effect, a lot of people are in delightful and casual conversations, some people are drinking coffee, while some individuals are even playing table tennis. There seems no-one actually on the work which is very unacceptable according to scientific management. However, the free, innovational, and democratic working atmosphere also creates a high efficiency and a striking productivity. It really is so called human relations management. Staffs of Google gratify with the relaxed external atmosphere. The fully respect of these labor dramatically and effectively motivate these to do their finest to accomplish their working objectives.

Main Body Three: The analysis of these two theories in current business environment.

In my analysis, the Taylor's scientific management causes some consideration of optimization of labor for the society. This kind of consideration always continues since that time.

In current business environment, the human relations management which concentrates more on staffs is more proper. The satisfactory of employees are foundations and preconditions of the satisfactory of customers. The human relations management in human management sets a respect of personal independence and personal dignity (Ratha, 2011) as the precondition of management. The cohesion for staffs with their company is improved because of the decentralization of management. The potential capacity, activity, and spirit of innovation are inspired internally deeply in each employee. This truly comfortable mood will unconsciously and continuously encourage staffs to initiate new and excellent performances. Companies that adapts the human relations management in human management are more likely to achieve compared advantages in the aspect of human resource management, that may to a huge degree make them achieve a great power in the current bitter market competition.

Compared with traditional so called scientific management, human relations management requires more high quality and quick witted staffs. Human relations management focuses on a kind of intelligence operation model rather than an assembly line mode which praised highly by Taylor. Both managers and common staffs are required to get a proper knowledge on modern science and master various sorts of techniques to become capable to handle with tough problems dependently available environment of information. In other words, staffs under human relations management must have knowledge, master information, adjust to external environment, and become awarded certain power. Both scientific management and human relations management pressure on the significant of education and knowledge. However, human relations management concentrates more on an active learning rather than passive learning forced by managers according to scientific management. ( Rose, 2005) New skills are expected to be effectively learned by staffs actively to be able to successfully accomplish certain tough tasks. Furthermore, intersect education can make staffs under human relations management possess a broad technical ability which is of great use on taking features of open information environment. In place, the core & most valuable treasures are skillful staffs themselves for companies which employ human relations management. Furthermore, human relations management also emphasize on effective motivations. However, compared to scientific management, this kind of motivation is more uneconomic. In other words, weighed against simple money motivation, staffs in human relations management pay more attention on equal treat, mutual respect, awarded power of employing their own wisdom on work, and the self-fulfilling sense of accomplishment. These provides more satisfaction than merely money brings them.

Human relations management indeed has lots of advantages. However, it is not right to one-sided say he human relations management is more proper in current business environment compared to scientific management. In place, generally in most companies participate in manufactory industry; the scientific management is widely employed especially in developing or less developed countries where in fact the mechanization is nearly advanced. (Myers, 2011) To some degree, in the perspective of scientific management, staffs tend to be more regarded as machines that have a lower decision-making power. And in the perspective of human relations management, staffs are believed as folks who are fully respected. Furthermore, theoretically, a lower life expectancy profit is established by mere human labor compared with innovation and technology advance. Therefore, scientific management will be replaced by human relations management gradually.


This essay has carefully introduced the two typical theories which are widely employed in today's business environment. These are respectively the scientific management and human relations management. Real types of UPS and McDonald are employed in order to obviously demonstrate the machinery behaviors for staffs working under this type of scientific management. No self discovery is available in those companies and each is in a position to be replaced. Each one of these are quite easily to arouse negative motions of staffs even though they are simply forced to hold a smile on their face when services are given. However, the Google who adapts the human relations management represents the style of future enterprises. Human relations management helps it be easy to show the strengths without constraints, which is one of the significant reasons that lead Google gain a broad reputation. As the technology the financial develops, the human relations management will be adapted by more companies and the implement of Taylor's management will be reduced.

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