Antonin Artaud ALONG WITH THE Theater Of Cruelty British Literature Essay

Antonin was created 30 Sept 1896 in Marseille, France. He was an actor, Episode theorist and French poet. His theory of dilemma was something he called the Manifesto of the Theatre of Cruelty. His own works were flops, but his theories were a great effect on playwrights of the theatre of the absurd. He had written Surrealist poetry and acted in Surrealist productions in Paris. His theory of play was something he called the Manifesto of the Theater of Cruelty. Lifelong mental health issues limited himless about Antonin occasionally to asylums from 1936.

He was the putted into long series of sanatorium that have been both long term and expensive. Aataud went on with this for five years. He was the taken to join the French army but later recognized because of his sleep walking disorder.

Artaud in March 1920 changed to Paris to start a profession as a copy writer and instead he understood he previously a ability for avant-garde theatre. He trained and performed with the most acclaimed directors of your day, George Pitoeff and Charles Dullin. He extended writing both poetry and essays.

Antonin Artaud and the "Theater of Cruelty"

Antonin Artaud points out how he came about with the term "cruelty" for his theory, he said it is a rsulting consequence an action: exactly what works is a cruelty. He goes on declaring it is upon this notion of extreme action, forced beyond restrictions, that theatre must be rebuilt.

In a letter To Mr. R. de R. , dated Paris, November 16, 1932, Artaud writes:

"Cruelty links things together; the various levels of creation are developed because of it. Good is definitely an exterior faade but the inner faade is wicked. Evil will eventually be reduced but only at the final moment when all varieties are on the idea of time for chaos. "Artaud explained cruelty quite simply such as terror, danger and violence. He wanted that a punishment of kinds be been to through the spectator-a beneficent abuse. Artaud form of theatre was not consequence but a way of displaying people the truth of the world. Things that occurred around them, things they were alert to some unaware of them. So Artaudby coming up with the theory he was creating a platform where a director can have the ability to show things as they are and never have to protect the spectator. Bermel write that: "life has in it a great deal of ugliness and evil, which can be both natural and man-made. Instead of shielding spectators from their impact he would expose them, put them through the experience of a threat and then free them from it. "

There are three top features of the Theater of Cruelty:

1. it generally does not involve physical or religious maltreatment as what suggest, but rather, it artistically expresses what he calling in various places the "rigor, " "necessity" or "implacability" of theater and life.

2. This theater draws on the individual dreams and the collective dreams, or the myths, of all men. It will provide each spectator with the truth of the unconscious, in which a taste for criminal offense, erotic obsessions, capability to be cruel, fear, idealistic sense of life and matter, and even his cannibalism, put out as honest feelings.

3. Theatre of cruelty works deeply, on the nerves and senses, somewhat than on the intellect, and because it provides negative influence on anxieties common to all men, the Theatre of Cruelty is targeted at a general people. The poetic state of feeling such a theatre goes beyond the experience of life for everybody.

He noticed it as a popular, non-religious theater that gave a fantastic notion of a "nation's intellectual level, which will take the struggle of an soul as prey to the spectres as phantoms of the Other World to be the foundation for its civic celebrations. " [68] The Balinese Theatre sets up vibrations, not on a single level that comes after the proceedings in the episode, but on every level of the mind simultaneously. In its fixedness and in its capacity to evoke wonder, it offers affinities with a spiritual service, a rite. And, like a rite, it could be participated in by anybody, not only a select group of the brightest or best-informed people. It is popular theater.

"The Balinese Theatre gives us the feeling of pure theatre in the sense that it does away with the playwright, that behind the organizer of the wonderful collection of stage shows, one does not feel the presence of a certain variety of themes introduced with what in modern Western theatre generally corresponds to the writer. Instead we feel this organizer, or if you like manufacturer, his or his own author, his own inventor, working with only objective stage means. "(www. cyberpaged. com/theatreblogs)

He thought that the only salvation for humans and its own societywas theater working as its doubles

Artaud assumed that the one salvation for mankind and world as it was theatre working as one of its doubles, showing the world of its assault and ugliness. If we can think readily, let our head make the relationships freely, without thinking of the ugliness on the lower. Body language was very important because he needed his actors to transmit feelings or ideas in a metaphoric way; almost without speaking. This kind of theater didn't have many followers or fans. But this won't mean that Antonin's theatre was irrelevant; despite of all, it kept its draw and motivated many modern writers like Grotowsky, who had taken some ideas -like preventing the scene beautification- from "Theatre of Cruelty Manifesto", to produce his own style: "Poor Theatre.

Evidently, cruelty was the main element in every spectacle, and by cruelty he intended a very violent representation of simple fact; because life itself was cruel. So he designed to transmit each day situations within an exaggerated way so audience go out of their comfort and understand their helplessness in front of conventional behaviour and high class living.

Antonin Artaud was considered retarded by many people. Just how he used theater to bring the reality of your living to life was rather very weird and too much for theatre. He wanted the audience to receive the sense of what was occurring around them and get to know things that would be concealed from them or censored. "Your brain is convinced what it views and does what it believes" (www. cyberpaged. com/Artaud) that is the solution of fascination.

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