Applications Of Laser beam In Engineering British Language Essay


Laser has many applications in several areas especially in engineering. It really is one of the most crucial inventions in the last century. Laser is utilized extensively in the executive field providing facilities while applying many engineering techniques. Its applications also helped in the introduction of engineering.

. Laser is an important tool in engineering; that is used extensively by designers in many aspects for its wide goal and usefulness "laser is a remedy buying problem". This statement aims to investigate the applications of laser and discuss the effect of laser on the merchandise produced by this applications. This report gives detailed information about different engineering applications of laser beam.

History of Laser beam:

The first notion of using rays of light to help in exiting and changing the appearance of atoms uncovered by Albert Einstein in 1917. He said that it would be possible to make an atom release light or make any different activities using rays by particular consistency. But he was not the main one who invented laser itself; he just opened the best way to other researchers to focus on it. Schawlow and Townes will be the two people who first applied the idea of laser nonetheless they failed in their first test. In 1960 they been successful to create the first laser using a type of ruby.

What Does LASER means?

LASER stands for "Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Rays" Laser is a device that emits electromagnetic waves in the form of a special type of light. It spreads as slim coherent beams that can be turned into one using lens. Laser has many uses in various fields so that folks needed that effective invention.

Laser simply contains a small light beam that is produced by a process called "Arousal of atoms". This process is held by using an amplified light beam of specific regularity and level. That light beam is used to activate the atom. Excitement of the atom means that people give it a supplementary amount of energy that makes in enthusiastic. That excitation makes the outer most electrons proceed to a higher level. Then they need to eliminate this extra energy to be back to its original and normal condition, so it emits that extra energy by means of a light beam. That light beam is laser. That's how laser is produced.

Laser fixed many problems that faced engineers before inventing it. It helps many techniques and businesses for engineers. It also helps them find some information they want. As an example; before inventing laser; cutting and welding businesses were very difficult. It was a challenge to cut a steel, as you had to heating it up to very high temp then you alter its shape. Laser beam solved this issue and made that procedure become very easy and fast. As another example; before inventing laser beam there have been no wireless relationships or laser beam radars. Laser also made the communication processes very fast and widely used. It made alternatives for many issues that irritated engineers and people.

Laser opened up many knowledge and technology techniques would be impossible without it. After inventing Laser it became impossible to assume our life without it. It became the main element of many executive operations that it will not be carried out without laser. Reliability is one of its most important advantages that remove any concerns around it.

It is expected that laser beam will be developed more and more in the future to provide technicians by other facilities. It can even be a reason for inventing other technology. Again, Laser can be our gate to other innovations that will make our life easier and convenient.

Laser Beam Welding

Laser Beam Welding "LBW" is a modern welding approach used to join multiple bits of metal utilizing a laser beam. The beam provides a concentrated heat suggestions, allowing for narrow, profound welds at high rates. This process is frequently found in many applications and develops to new establishments.

Laser beam welding has been extensively used in the automotive, aerospace, digital, and heavy making industries to become listed on a variety of materials. "Inside the automotive industry, high-power lasers are used to weld many components such as transmissions, mufflers, catalytic converters, exhaust systems, and tailor-welded blanks. "(Wikkipedia. com)

Because of Laser beam welding advantages such as profound welding and reduced temperature inputs. Profound Manufacturers desired to automate the welding process caused the development of the laser welding process to include computers sophisticated technology to improve the product quality and more correct control of the welding process.

From More than 20 years previously, when laser beam welding is at its early stages it was used mostly for bizarre applications where no other welding process would be suitable. Nowadays, laser beam welding is an imperative part of the metal toil industry.

Laser beam welding has high electricity density (on the order of 1 Megawatt/cm†(MW)) resulting in small heat-affected areas and high cooling and heating rates

How it works:

The Center point is aimed on the work piece surface that weld is necessary. At the top of work part, the enormous focus of light energy transformed into thermal energy. The surface of the work piece begins melting and steps forwards through it by surface conductance. For welding process, the beam energy been managed below the vaporization temperatures of the materials. In Fig. 1 the laser is directed on the work piece.

Figure 1˜1 laser beam aimed on the work piece

Image courtesy of NorteastLaser. com

""To the idea that the laser contacts the work part, all the components that direct it are clear, refractive or reflective, absorbing only smaller amounts of energy from the ultraviolet light" (www. accuparts. com). "Once the pulse of laser beam energy is focused into a tiny spot at the top of work piece, the density becomes substantial. The light is engrossed by the task piece, triggering a keyhole impact as the targeted beam drills into, vaporizes and melts some of the metal" (www. accuparts. com). . As referred to in fig. 2.

Figure 1˜2 laser beam welding process

Image courtesy of NorteastLaser. com

In fig. 3 as the pulse ends, the liquefied metal throughout the keyhole flows back, solidifying and creating a small area weld, moving the work piece or the laser beam emitter along the surface of the work part creates a series or spot-weld called a seam.

Figure 1˜3 the keyhole result by laser beam beam

Image thanks to NorteastLaser. com


"Both types of lasers commonly found in are solid-state lasers and gas lasers (especially skin tightening and lasers and Nd:YAG lasers).

The first type uses one of several solid multimedia, including synthetic ruby and chromium in aluminium oxide, neodymium in goblet (Nd:glass), and the most frequent type, crystal made up of yttrium lightweight aluminum garnet doped with neodymium (Nd:YAG).

Gas lasers use mixtures of gases like helium, nitrogen, and skin tightening and (CO2 laser) as a medium. " (wikkipedia. com)

Advantages of applying Laser Welding

One of the major advantages that laser welding is the low amount of heat that is used through the welding process. The process repeats the laser to allow for the chilling of the spot weld, producing a very small heating affected zone, making the welding process use less energy, and makes laser-welding suitable for thin portions or products that require welding near electronics faultless.

In conclusion, I'd say that laser welding process when united with robotics and computer-controlled beam motions or work piece movements make laser welding systems give you a supreme flexibility to execute a variety of operations.

3D laser beam scanning

3D Laser Scanning is a kind of reverse engineering. Reverse engineering assists with knowing more info about any thing, software, device or something. It mainly works by analyzing any part of that thing and taking it apart to learn everything about any of it using laser. It returns that object to its origins and learn how to make a duplicate of it without destroying the main thing or modifying it. That kind of engineering can be utilized in many fields and it could be applied on anything as it is a high quality technology. That technology will depend on mainly on laser beam and its numerous kinds. Reverse engineering analyzes objects to examine how it operates or how it has been done. In addition, it can be used to know the measurements of a place or an thing. It is mostly used on items that it documentations are lost.

3D Laser beam Scanning is employed to gauge the dimensions of a place or a part of a location by converting physical things or parts into data to be read on a CAD program. That dimension is done by a coordinate measuring machine that quotes accurately what are the dimensions of this part. After calculating; the CAD program attracts 3D images of this part. That method assists with knowing the measurements of the object accurately without errors or assumptions. The 3D images produced by that method are called exclusive reality. Those appropriate 3D images desire a very large amount of data as it measures fine details of the object.

Figure 2˜4 3D image drawn using 3D laser beam scanning

The amazing thing about 3D laser beam scanning is that it's supposed to have a very long time to measure the fine details of an object effectively then reverse it into data that may be read by CAD programs. But actually that process can take seconds. It will save lots of time that your person can spend to pull that object or try to measure its sizes by any traditional method. That presents how laser beam helped in saving much time for engineers. Laser beam captures every single detail in the object in a greatly fast and accurate way. It is impossible for individual to attain that level of exactness even if he spends time or days striving to attain it.

3D laser scanning is applied in 3D scanners, coordinate measuring machines and 3D digitizers. Even as we said; it's the fastest & most exact measuring method that can review objects to know how it works or to know its measurements. Also it saves effort and money. This application is this amazing software of laser in engineering domains. People call it "hard work that looks like magic".

Communication systems:

A communication system was created to transmit and obtain information using light beams like fibres. Laser works as a light beams which includes enormous potential for data transmission with very high data rates. Laser marketing communications systems are cordless relationships throughout the atmosphere.

Before using laser in communication, the Greeks used flames and smoke to transfer information, by the progression of the technology, optical materials and radio waves are used for the communication of information over distance. Nowadays, lasers are being used in optic materials communications, fibres optics is a medium for carrying information in one place to another by means of light. Unlike the copper transmitting lines, fiber content optics is not electrical power in aspect. Communication systems derive from optical fiber because of its edge over metallic transmitting lines. Dietary fiber optics is employed progressively more in data and telecommunications. Optical data transmission is increasingly found in various areas, such as phone, internet traffic, cable TV. In Japan, many online connections are already delivered to home with optical fibers.

How does laser beam work in communication system?

Figure 3˜5 laser communication process

Advantage of laser in communication system:

Lasers involve some special characteristic such nearly as good directivity, polarization, monochromatic, coherent.

The methodology of optical fiber content communications has advantages weighed against systems predicated on electrical cables, the most crucial are:

The loss for light propagation in fibres are very small since there is no small fraction.

The capacity of fibers for data transmitting is huge and it's also fast in the storage area of data.

Compared with electro-mechanical cables, fiber optic cables are incredibly light weight, so the cost is very low.

Due to the huge transmission rate of data, the cost compared by the rate of transmission is low.

In fibers optic cables, the problems that come up with electric cables such as floor loops or electromagnetic disturbance are taken out.

Figure 3˜6

There are several significant advantages of communication system that operate with fibre optics than systems designed to use radio frequency:

Laser communication provides higher data transmitting rate in comparison to radio frequency.

Small dimension & light weight of components.

Lower vitality.

Application of laser beam in space communication:

Lasers used in free space laser beam communication systems, it's one of the main application of laser beam in communication either semi-conductor laser diodes, solid talk about lasers and fibres amplifiers lasers.

Free space optical communication is the transmitting of data over long distance, e. g. between:


Earth and satellites.

Spacecraft and Earth based station.

Figure 3˜7 laser communication between satellites

Figure 3˜8

There are some advantages of the utilization of laser in space optical communication such as : high vitality, large rate of data transmitting, small size and light-weight, but one of the main downside of using laser beam as a link in space communication is the interconnection only between points that have immediate line of sight. The use of laser communication is talked about for a global communication system and an inter-satellites link, because laser can be directed in fibers over very long distances with very low losses and avoid atmospheric influences.


Laser takes on an important role in our life; it has a whole lot of applications in a great deal of fields. It can be used in many areas like medical, scientific, and industrial. In such a part I'll talk about some industrial uses of the laser like "CD & Disc - Holography".

Figure 4˜9 cdWe all know the importance of CDs and DVDs inside our life. We utilize it in conserving data, music albums, and videos.

CD means COMPACT DISC optical advertising that can store data, and Disc means Digital Training video Disk, and it's also optical multimedia to store data but with greater storage size, and far higher capacities.

Figure 4˜10cd romSo I could say that people have two types of disks and three types of drivers; for the disks we've CD and DVD, the difference between them would maintain the storage area size.

For the drivers we've CD-ROM, CD-RW, and DVD-RW. The difference between your CD-ROM and CD-RW that the CD-RW has the ability to read and write data on the Compact disk, but CD-ROM can only read from the CD. So it's like read only ram; DVD drive can read and write on both Disc disks, and has a larger storage storage than Compact disk, so Dvd videos is more useful and much better than CDs.

Figure 4˜11 Reading from CD

How CD and DVD motorists work?

Computer takes the data from the user through keyboard, mike, or any type device and converts it to zeros and ones. The theory is to store the data from the computer to the disks "write on the drive" using a powerful laser beam that makes slots or bumps on the drive which presents zeros and grooves that represents ones, so we can write what we want on the drive. CD and DVD the both use the same solution to track record data on.

Figure 4˜12Data kept on CD

To read from disk, the drive uses beam of laser that reflects back to a sensor in the drive if it hits a groove or one, but it visits a bump or zero the beam demonstrates with an angel and doesn't hit the sensor; through this procedure the drive can read data from the drive.

Differences between CDs and DVDs:

We all know that CDs have a storage size 700 Mega Byte, and Dvd disks have storage area size begin from 4 Giga Byte. Also Dvd videos could have multiple layers so its safe-keeping size could reach 17 Giga Byte, but CDs only have one layer. So we can say that CDs are much cheaper than DVDs, but DVDs are usually more useful, and also have much greater storage area size. So CDs remain preferred in posting music albums, and DVDs are preferred in posting movies.

Also we can say that there surely is a major difference between your Disc drivers. We'd discover that the DVD drivers use a thinner beam of laser beam than the laser beam of Compact disc drive so it could make smaller grooves and bumps than Disc drives, so that it could write on both CDs and Dvd videos, but CD driver could only write on CDs and can't write or read Dvd disks.

Figure 4˜13 compact disc writing process Physique 4˜14 Cd writing process

Applications of laser in communications:

Laser radar (LADAR) or (LIDAR):

Laser radar (LADAR) or (LIDAR) (Light Diagnosis and Ranging) is comparable to millimetre radar but it uses laser beam beams to find its aim for.

The (LADAR) cpu searches for familiar patterns in the scenes. The processor continually compares the views used with the 3D records stored in the radar memory. It can check large areas with high precision and its own ability to create a detailed picture of the region. The (LADAR) sensor can look at the focus on from different sides.

Laser radar seeker can detect items features' with very high description up to 15 cm resolution from about 1000 meters. Following the radar identifies the thing it takes a 3D picture.

Laser diode:

Laser diode is a diode where in fact the productive medium is a semiconductor a lot like led; this diode is employed to create n-p-n or p-n-p transistors that are being used widely in electronic systems, these diodes are occasionally called injection laser beam diodes to distinguish between optically diodes.

A laser beam diode is made by doping a very skinny crystal wafer on its top surface using laser beam to make a n type region and a p type region ends up with a p-n junction to create a diode

Laser fibre:

A laser fibre is a goblet or a clear plastic fibre that carries light through it.

These fibres are used broadly in fibre-optic marketing communications which permits transmitting over long distances with higher bandwidth than other kinds of communications. Fibres are being used instead of metal wires because signs travel across them with less damage and they're also immune system to electromagnetic disturbance. Fibresare also used for illumination and receptors.

Laser mike:

The laser mike is a tool that runs on the laser to detect sound vibrations in faraway objects.

The device calls for vibrations as a pressure waves created by objects in the room (like person or an subject), the laser is directed in to the room from a windowpane that hits the object then it results back again to the receiver that changes it with an audio indication.

The minute differences in the length travelled by the light as it reflects from the vibrating things (are diagnosed interferometrically is a technique used for diagnosing several waves by studying the routine of interference created by their superposition's).

A new type of laser microphones that uses laser beam and a smoke or vapour to identify the vibration waves in the air.

Applications of laser beam in computer:

Laser barcode scanning device:

The laser beam bounces off a rotating reflection and scans the code, mailing a modulated beam to a light detector and then to some type of computer which has the merchandise information stored. Semiconductor lasers can even be used for this purpose, laser barcode scanners are the most frequent used barcode scanners, laser beam barcode scanner doesn't need to be in touch with the barcode to learn it, it can read barcode 6-24 inches away from it.

Laser computer printer:

A laser printer is a kind of computer printers that quickly produces high quality word and design on an ordinary paper.

It is some type of computer computer printer that uses laser beam to produce a graphic an on the spinning drum before transferring it to the newspaper.

As with digital photocopiers and multifunction printers, laser beam printers hire a xerographic printing process but change from analogue photocopiers for the reason that the image is made by the direct scanning of laser across the computer printer photoreceptor.

A laser beam projects a graphic of the site to be printed onto an electrically charged rotating drum coated with selenium. Photoconductivity gets rid of fee from area subjected to light, the drum then prints the image on a paper by immediate contact and temperature.

Laser printers have many advantages than other printers like the velocity of laser computer printer can vary widely, it can print out 12000 pages in a single hour.


This article has discussed the applications of laser in our day to day life. We've shown the different applications of laser beam in communication weighed against different systems that operate with electro-mechanical wires & radio consistency. The application of laser beam in computer represented in each aspect in our daily life as laser printers, Disc and scanners. The use of laser in mechanical engineering such as welding and slicing. It is also used in measuring dimensions and examining object by using 3D scanning. After listing all this software and features of lasers. We can not neglect today's of laser in our life. By the end of the record, the benefits of laser and its applications is clear.

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