Bacteria And Their Roles In Ecology

Bacteria play an important role in the global ecosystem and act as beneficial microorganisms to humans. Bacteria that do not cause disease in healthy folks are called normal flora, which instead act as commensalists or mutualists to the coordinator. Even outside of normal flora there are bacteria that produce antibiotics, a commonly used drug to treat bacteria-caused diseases. Bacteria ferments lactose to lactic acid found in milk products, such as dairy and yogurt. Aside from all the benefits that humans get from bacteria, these are well known as disease-causing microorganisms. Strains of pathogenic bacteria have different degrees of malignancy. In order to treat a bacterial infection, the id and morphology of the pathogen must be known. From microbial classification, we can know what specific immunologic reagents may be used to treat the condition. The identification of microorganisms begins with isolation of the bacteria and obtaining them on progress media to execute various biochemical lab tests for accurate species identification. There are many techniques used to look for the morphological and ethnical characteristics of various bacteria.

Bacteria from different parts of the body and environment were isolated and inoculated onto most important plates that contain agar-based culture media. A secondary streak plate was used to obtain a pure culture. Following a genuine culture was obtained, slant agars were used to keep the bacteria and were recently streaked every week so that they are in an exponential phase growth, which is recommended for the identification testing. Five isolates were used, each from the anal, epidermis, forehead, soil spread, and soil conditions. The anal culture was collected from the anus. The skin culture was accumulated from the trunk of my wrist. The forehead culture was collected from the region around my nostril since it is greasier than my forehead. The garden soil spread test was collected before the Arts Container Office at UCI, where in fact the soil was damp and in a sunny area. The ground environment sample was collected from a auto parking whole lot behind the greenhouse where the soil is at a shaded area beneath the tree and quite dry. On top of that, an unknown test #117 was given to me. The anal, forehead, land spread and ground environment examples are tested to recognize the genus, whereas your skin sample and unidentified sample are analyzed to recognize the microorganisms right down to the species level.

Staphylococcus aureus may be the predominant bacteria that inhabit the surface of the skin area (Todar, n. d. ). S. aureus can be isolated from the most superficial layers of the epidermis and the upper parts of the hair roots. S. aureus is part of the normal flora though it is a potential pathogen. Bacteria that reside on the skin we have have to have tolerance up against the dryness, high salt attentiveness, and acids and lipids to be able to endure. S. aureus has the ability to expand at temperatures ranging from 15C to 45C and at salt concentrations up to 15 percent (Todar, n. d. ).

The first strains of Escherichia coli were isolated from the feces of newborns in 1885, and then it was discovered to inhabit the top intestine as normal flora (Todar, n. d. ). E. coli also is available as pathogenic microorganisms, such as those that are diarrhea-inducing. E. coli has a functional physiology which is well-adapted to different environments. It could use glucose as its only carbon source and grow in the occurrence or absence of oxygen. Inside the absence of oxygen, the bacterium can experience fermentation or anaerobic respiration. These characteristics that E. coli has allow it to are in our intestinal habitat.

A series of assessments, called ABA DABA techniques, were performed to find different characteristics of bacteria to find out its genus and/or types (Woolfolk et al. , 2004). Bacteria kinds fall into two large categories, Gram-negative and Gram-positive, based on their cell wall structure. The ABA DABA charts break up the bacteria into both of these groups and combine three different id tests to identify the isolates to the genus levels. After we have allocated the genus to the isolates, there are further testing to thin the identification of the organisms down to the types level. Gram staining was the first test performed to ascertain which group each one of the isolates belonged to. Some of the characteristics that were tested for are the bacteria's capability to ferment sugar and other sugar, to increase aerobically and/or anaerobically, to grow on little medium, existence of certain enzymes, flagella, and endospores, carbon and/or nitrogen source usage tests, requirement for expansion factors, tolerance to environmental conditions, and susceptibility to antibiotics.


According to the ABA DABA chart, the isolate from test 2 is one of the Enterobacteriaceae family as a result of test outcomes from the Gram stain, phenol red, motility, and oxidase exams (Woolfolk et al. 67). With further results from the methyl red, Voges-Proskauer, gelatin hydrolysis, lactose fermentation, little medium development, and citrate utilization assessments, I am in a position to conclude that my isolate belongs to the genus Enterobacter (Woolfolk et al. 82).

The isolate from experiment 3 was identified to be part of the genus Staphylococcus by its cellular morphology combined with the Gram stain, catalase, phenol red, and the nominal medium growth tests (Woolfolk et al. 64). Due to the mannitol fermentation (aerobic), coagulase, novobiocin susceptibility, urease creation, and trehalose fermentation exams, I am in a position to conclude that my isolate is the varieties Staphylococcus aureus (Woolfolk et al. 91).

Due to the observations and results from the isolate's cellular morphology, Gram stain, catalase, phenol red, and the minimal growth tests, the isolate from experiment 4 is one of the genus Propionibacterium (Woolfolk et al. 64).

The isolate from test 6 is from the genus Pseudomonas due to the results from the Gram stain, phenol red, motility, and oxidase assessments.

Due to the observation and results from the isolate's mobile morphology, Gram stain, catalase, phenol red, and the minimal growth exams, the isolate from experiment 7 is one of the genus Bacillus.

The results from the Gram stain, phenol red, motility, and oxidase exams, identified that the unidentified isolate belongs to the Enterobacteriaceae family. With further results from the methyl red, Voges-Proskauer, gelatin hydrolysis, lactose fermentation, urease hydrolysis, hydrogen sulfide creation, citrate utilization, and indole production tests, the anonymous isolate is available to be from the genus Escherichia.


The anal culture test was inoculated on Eosin-Methylene Blue (EMB) agar to be able to isolate and differentiate enteric intestinal bacteria. The possible isolates which could be there on the EMB agar are lactose-fermenting enteric and non-lactose-fermenting enteric bacteria. Through all the checks mentioned in the results section for test 2, the isolate was found to be from the genus Enterobacter, which is a common normal flora in the human gastrointestinal tract. All the results from the identification tests harmonized with the expected results for Enterobacter spp. , aside from citrate utilization where in fact the expected effect was positive. The citrate utilization test was only done once, so it can be done that there is incorrect inoculation onto the citrate agar slant. The one provided organism which has a negative result from the citrate test is from the genus Erwinia (Amylovora group), but the tests for this organism contains many results that are opposing that of the isolate from test 2 (Woolfolk et al. 82).

The skin culture test was inoculated on mannitol sodium agar, which is made up of 7. 5% NaCl rendering it selective for microorganisms that can expand in high sodium concentrations. The isolate was likely to be a microorganism that is salt-tolerant and in a position to ferment mannitol. The most common and expected bacterias to be isolated from the skin are from the genera Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Corynebacterium, Propionibacterium, and/or Mycobacterium (Woolfolk et al. , 2004). These bacteria are regarded as part of your normal flora. The types identification test outcomes harmonized to the expected results perfectly for S. aureus (Woolfolk et al. 91). The results all came out to be positive tests and this eradicated the other possible commonly isolated types of the genus Staphylococcus. The development of coagulase was important in deciding that the isolate was S. aureus rather than the other given types. The focus on this bacterium is becoming important since there has been a rise of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), especially in private hospitals. MRSA strains are shown to be resistant to multiple antimicrobial realtors. Their potential to spread quickly in different surroundings suggests that MRSA strains contain unique virulent factors and reliable mechanisms of pathogenesis (Lowy, 1998). S. aureus is commensal as it resides on the skin, conjunctiva, nasal, pharynx, mouth, lower gastrointestinal tract, anturethra, and vagina (Todar, n. d. ). Illness by S. aureus occurs when there is a damage of the skin or mucosal barrier that allows the Staphylococcus to get access to adjoining tissues or the blood vessels (Lowy, 1998).

The forehead culture was inoculated onto a sodium lactate dish, which contains NaCl and sodium lactate to choose for growth of bacteria that can expand in a higher salt environment. This culture was grown and maintained in an anaerobic condition to see progress of anaerobic bacteria. The collected test was from a greasy area on my face. The expected bacterium which should have been isolated is the genus Propionibacterium. Propionibacterium is an anaerobic bacterium that inhabits in the deeper layer of our skin in the sebaceous glands. Since Propionibacterium inhabits under the layer of engine oil on our skin, it should be able to expand anaerobically since its environment includes hardly any to no oxygen. I would re-do the ABA DABA assessments, especially the anaerobe test, because there was a comparable amount of development when the bacteria was grown in aerobic conditions in comparison with the one cultivated in anaerobic conditions. In the event the bacteria have more progress abundantly in aerobic conditions, then the genus would be Corynebacterium.

The expected soil sample pass on organism to be isolated from S1 agar is fluorescent Pseudomonas, which fits with the isolate. The isolate produced a green-yellow pigment on the S1 agar.

The land environment expected kinds to be isolated from nutrient agar is the Bacillus kinds, an endospore former. The normal genera of bacteria that can develop endospores are Bacillus and Clostridium. One of the differences between your two is that Bacillus spp. is aerobic or a facultative anaerobe and Clostridium spp. is anaerobic. The isolate was produced in the presence of oxygen; therefore it cannot have been area of the genus Clostridium.

For the undiscovered species the ABA DABA checks confirmed that the isolate was -ABA, which is the 3-letter code designated for the family Enterobacteriaceae. To further test for the genus, more biochemical lab tests were required. However, -ABA isolates cannot be recognized to the kinds level due to the lot of checks that was required. From the excess tests that were performed on the unknown isolate, I could narrow the species of the undiscovered isolate right down to two given varieties. From your characteristics and properties that the isolate has, it is most probably to be the varieties Escherichia coli. The other species that this unfamiliar isolate can be is Escherichia adecarboxylata. There are several other tests that could need to be performed in order to verify that the isolate is E. coli. The additional tests that would separate E. coli from E. adecarboxylata include testing for the ability for the organism to synthesize lysine decarboxylase and/or ornithine decarboxylase, progress in KCN, D-Adonitol and/or D-Arabitol fermentation, and having the ability to use cellobiose as a carbon source (Woolfolk et al. 83). E. coli can be an important bacterium that needs our focus and attention because of its major role in diarrheal diseases, especially in the developing world. Strains of enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) are regarded as a reason behind cholera (Sack, 1980). ETEC are strains of E. coli that has the ability to produce enterotoxins that cause a secretory response. Common exposure to this stress of E. coli is through fecal contamination of food and water. E. coli is part of fecal normal flora, but outside of its common specific niche market it can be an opportunistic pathogen. ETEC produces two enterotoxins, heat-labile (LT) and heat-stable (ST), whose activities are managed by the DNA in transferrable plasmids. LT has a similar function to the enterotoxin of Vibrio cholera, the reason for cholera in humans (Sack, 1980).

The purpose of this laboratory was to perform various relevant biochemical exams to narrow down the id of the microorganisms isolated from different conditions. After understanding the basic principles of how these biochemical techniques work, we can go on and additional identify specific strains from the known types. Like many other bacteria, S. aureus and E. coli have non-pathogenic and pathogenic strains. By studying the differences between non-pathogenic and pathogenic strains, we can compare their different set ups and components and possibly develop antimicrobial agents to fight the disease-causing bacteria and prevent their widespread.

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