Bernard Marx A Hero In His Dreams School of thought Essay

How most of us would like to be considered a game changer in a world resulting in nowhere but a location missing ethics and morals, where god is overlooked and mankind is led in the wrong direction? This culture created by Aldous Huxley in his novel "Brave " NEW WORLD "" is nearly favourable. The reader is disgusted at the morals and lifestyle of the culture. Then, as Bernard enters the storyplot, a glimmer of wish sometimes appears. Bernard appears to be the tone of voice of reason. He seems to see the problems of his world. Because he is different, Bernard is the source of sizeable speculation and suspicion. Even Bernard's surname recalls Karl Marx, the nineteenth-century German writer best known for writing "Das Kapital", a monumental critique of capitalist culture. But it is soon seen that unlike his famous namesake, Bernard's discontent is due to his frustrated desire to match into his own culture, rather than from a systematic or philosophical criticism of computer.

When we first meet Bernard we see him as a rebel, a protestor, "an individual. " He desires to stand up for his privileges, to battle resistant to the order of things. We later learn that Bernard questions the conformity of life on the globe State and the values it teaches, but that his dissatisfaction appears to stem from his not being accepted. Until his stop by at the Booking and the launch of John, Bernard Marx is the central figure of the book. Bernard's first appearance in the book is highly ironic. In the same way the Director finishes his justification of how the World State has successfully taken away lovesickness and exactly what runs along with frustrated desire, Huxley provides us our first view into a character's private thoughts, and that identity is lovesick, jealous, and fiercely furious at his intimate competitors and the new world. Thus, while Bernard is not exactly heroic he is still interesting to the audience because he's human. He wishes things that he can't have. When he comes back from the Booking with John and Linda, he becomes celebrity, the girls who formerly disregarded him become attentive, important personages on the planet Talk about curry his favour, and Bernard is happy and thinking about his life on the globe State.

"'And I put six girls the other day, ' he confided to Helmholtz Watson. 'One on Monday, two on Thursday, and two more on Fri, and one on Saturday. In case I'd had the time or the inclination, there have been at least twelve more who had been only too troubled. . . "'

The quote employed by Bernard completely shows his willingness to use pleasure and fame of the " new world " he had earlier resented. John and Linda for his own gain further really helps to portray him as somebody who can do anything to gain social status. Huxley implies that Bernard's protest is not intellectual or moral, but personal and interpersonal; he willingly allows life on earth State when he is accepted. When John won't become a tool in Bernard's attempt to continue to be popular, Bernard's success collapses instantaneously. By continuing to criticize the World Express while revelling in its "pleasant vices, " Bernard uncovers himself to be a hypocrite. John and Helmholtz are sympathetic to him because they agree that the World Status needs criticizing and because they notice that Bernard is caught in a body to which his fitness has not best suited him, however they have no esteem for him.

While both Bernard and Helmholtz share dissatisfaction with the state of things, Bernard basically whines about it while Helmholtz actually considers it intensely, working toward a solution rather than harping on the problem. The best revealing test of personality comes when the chips are down. Bernard in front of the controller flipped inferior as opposed to John who opposes every part of the " new world " in front of Mustapha Mond, one of the ten world controllers in the storyplot. Instead of exhibiting his distress of the " new world " he kept silent. Both Bernard and John are living out parallel situations in contrary worlds. Both are isolated from other peers because of physical variations (John because he's white, Bernard because he's shorter than the other Alphas) and because of dissatisfaction with the position quo. But the way they react to these situations is very different, and that's where the foil will come in convenient; John's fortitude shows Bernard's lack of courage. Taking a look at Bernard's reaction to the threat of Iceland it is evidently shown he wasn't a genuine rebel. He's cocky at first, but as soon as he realizes the risk is real, he freaks out. He does not have the courage of his convictions. He shows frame of mind of the loser as seen from his price "' He pointed accusingly to Helmholtz and the Savage. 'Oh, please don't send me to Iceland. . . . "' Eventually he even begins crying and wails like a kid.

And just as much fun as it would have been for us to figure this out, Huxley explains to us:

"He [Bernard] possessed dreamed himself courageously resisting, stoically acknowledging suffering without a word. Now that it looked as if the hazards were really to be fulfilled, Bernard was appalled. Of this thought stoicism, that theoretical courage, not a trace was still left. "

Helmholtz, on the other hands, laughs and remains calm in the face of the very same threat. He's prepared to face the consequences, and the novel rewards him because of this - banishment with an island, the Controller clarifies, is a gift, not a punishment.

The repulsive characteristics against the dialog between the associate predestinator and Henry Foster, reveals much about Bernard Marx. Fitness hasn't made him acknowledge life as it is. He is not satisfied along with his life and often won't take Soma, a medicine which produces a sense of pleasure and well-being. Although at this point it seems genuine of Bernard's revolt against these exact things it is later found out that he behaves this way only because less attention is paid to him and also cause he is physically inferior compared to the other Alphas. His own involvement in Lenina also provokes him from this talk. Rumours regarding his entire body further make him criticize the new world. Bernard is known as peculiar not only because he's literally smaller than the other associates of the Alpha caste, but also because he loves to spend time by himself, and he does not like to participate in sport activities. (On the globe State one should continually be with others, always busy, never by itself. ) When talking about Bernard, reference is often made to the rumour that alcohol was accidentally put in his bloodstream - surrogate - which supposedly makes up about his oddness. Because folks are decanted corresponding to specs, any deviation would seem to be to be the result of some problem, some substance imbalance. Though he says no to soma and physical pleasures he in the end ends up using soma and having sex with Lenina. He ends being amateur and behaving to the terms of the " new world ", unlike John who represses all his thoughts and feeling and will not quit to the terms of the new world. In a dialogue between Helmholtz and Bernard, when Helmholtz is approached by three women to go to a picnic with them and he disapproves, Bernard agrees with Helmholtz with a strong feeling of desire in his heart.

"'Too awful. ' Bernard hypocritically decided, wishing, as he spoke the words, that may have as many young girls as Helmholtz did, and with as little trouble. He was seized with a sudden need to boast. I'm taking Lenina Crowne to New Mexico beside me, ' he said in a firmness as everyday as he could make it. "'

As seen out of this price Bernard's only grudge against the New World is his loneliness, awkwardness and his poor physique and personality. Given the opportunity he would take pleasure in the " NEW WORLD " to the fullest as he does during his little second of popularity.

While Bernard Marx is clearly one of the key characters in Brave New World, Huxley does not present him as "the hero" or even give him any heroic attributes except, perhaps, brains. In spite of this - or simply because of it - Bernard is closer to the audience than every other character except, later on, John, "the Savage. " In some ways it seems that Huxley uses Bernhard as a way to help the audience understand the "" NEW WORLD "" society better. John has an outsider's view -almost everything shocks or disgusts him. Helmholtz Watson, much closer than Bernard to being truly a typical "hero" is such a forceful character that he always appears to be in charge - the audience is asked to admire him rather than feel with him. But Bernard is shiny enough to question his world, individual enough to rebel in small ways but - before last turmoil - not brave enough to reject it completely. So you can see Bernard as a kind of hero for a society without heroes - terrified, confused and critical - an Everyman with whom the reader can sympathize whilst finding him flawed and comical.

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