Curriculum Development - The Wheeler Model

Curriculum refers to all the training experiences the kid acquires through activities, prepared by the institution.

In formal education or schooling a curriculum is the group of lessons, course work and content offered at a university or university or college. A curriculum may be partially or entirely dependant on an exterior, authoritative body.

Curriculum means two things:

the selection of courses from which students choose what subject matters to study, and

a specific learning program. The curriculum collectively details the teaching, learning and examination materials for confirmed course of review.

According to Murray Print's (1988) explanation: "curriculum is thought as all the designed learning opportunities offered to learners by the educational establishment and the encounters learners come across when the curriculum is applied. This includes those activities that teachers have devised for learners that are invariably represented by means of a written record and the process where by educators make decisions to put into action those activities given discussion with context factors such as learners, resources, teachers and the learning environment. "

In order to apply the curriculum in a real context, there are three curriculum models that people can take into consideration. The following can be an justification on the three models:

Curriculum models

A curriculum model is a simplified representation of elements in the curriculum and it provides a composition for evaluating the variables. Curriculum development can be regarded in two ways: as 'process' and 'product'. As the conditions imply 'process' is concerned with the methods and means 'how' whereas the 'product' looks at the outcomes, the end product 'what'.

A continuum of Curriculum Development Models

The Wheeler model (1967)

The Wheeler model of curriculum development (1967), or cyclic model, asserts that curriculum should be a continuous cycle which is responsive to changes in the education sector and makes appropriate modifications to account for these changes. It targets situational evaluation: the framework in which the curriculum decisions are taken is considered important, as this is believed to help make the very best decisions. This model is comprised of five interconnected phases:

  1. Aims, goals and objectives
  2. Selection of learning experiences
  3. Selection of content
  4. Organisation and integration of learning experiences and content
  5. Evaluation

Once the circuit has been implemented once, it commences again at the first step and goes on onward to constantly improve the curriculum in the face of any changes that may have been imposed or happen naturally. It really is different from other models in that ˜selection of learning experiences' comes before ˜selection of content': it specifically gears the content in the curriculum to learners, where most models follow the opposite structure. Wheeler viewed evaluation as especially important, proclaiming that ˜[e]valuation permits us to compare the actual final results with the expected results [] [without it] it is impossible to learn whether objectives have been realized, and if indeed they have, to what magnitude' (Wheeler, 1976, cited in Carl, 2009). While Wheeler's approach, like other cyclical models, has been popular in teaching practice because of its overall flexibility and relevance to learners specifically situations, it isn't always practical to work with because of their time constraints. Undertaking an in depth situational evaluation that Wheeler advocates is a time-consuming process that can be difficult to place into practice in the busy conditions in modern educational practice.

Linear Models

The Targets Model (Tyler 1949):

Stating objectives

Selecting learning experiences

Organizing learning experiences


Tyler's approach sometimes appears as the linear model as well as the 'ends-means' model.

Taba implies an orderly treatment aimed at a more thoughtfully organized and a far more dynamically conceived curriculum:

The rational model (Taba 1962)

Diagnosis of needs

Formulation of objectives

Selection of content

Organization of content

Selection of learning experiences

Organization of learning experiences

Determination of what to examine and the methods of doing it

These rational models provide a rational, sequential and significant methodology. They provides a fairly easy to check out step-by-step guide to curriculum planning and development. These models are also time useful and they stress on tasks and beliefs of objectives but however they are rigid. The nature of teaching and learning, being unpredictable, one cannot make certain of the training final results. Learning often occurs beyond goals and if we adhere to the linear model, learning will be limited and this model hence cannot account for the many/complex final results of learning.

Linear models end at the analysis stage and there is absolutely no opportunity for re-visiting the teaching methods or other elements of the curriculum; it is just a static model and it fails to consider the changing environment.

Dynamic models

In the dynamic models, curriculum is not considered as linear or sequenced; it can begin with any component and proceed in virtually any order. The curriculum elements have emerged as versatile, interactive and modifiable in this model. Changes can be initiated from any point in the process unlike the targets model where in fact the beginning is actually the setting of aims.

Walker (1972) thought that the goals or logical models were unsuccessful and devised a model, which includes three phases. These stages are

Platform - includes "deas, choices, tips of view, values and values about the curriculum" (Print: 1993:113).

Deliberations - here connections between stakeholders get started and clarification of views

and ideas in order to attain a consensus of your shared perspective.

Design - here, curriculum designers actually make decisions, which derive from deliberations (above). These decisions have an impact on curriculum documents and materials creation.

(Beliefs Theories Conceptions Things of view Aims, objectives)



Curriculum Design

Source: After D. Walker, 1972

Skilbeck (1976) mentioned that:

A situational research of needs is vital for effective curriculum change.

He also said:

Education should be a meaningful learning experience.

Teachers are extremely important.

Curriculum change can occur at any point in the process & can proceed in any path.

The way to obtain aims should be clear to teachers and curriculum designers.

Below is the model suggested by Skilbeck and he advised that planning of the curriculum can be began at any of these five stages and proceed in any order.

Goal formulation

Situation analysis

Program building

Interpretation and implementation

Monitoring, feedback, evaluation, reconstruction

Source: After M. Skilbeck, 1976

Apart from these three models, Stenhouse (1975) developed his model as a primary reaction to the limits of the goals model. He focuses on coaching and learning and growing curriculum through practice somewhat than insurance policy change. That is also called Action Research Way.

Action research approaches to educational research were used in the overdue 60s and early 70s by the 'teacher- researcher' movement in the supplementary education sector. This sought to bring the practising school room teacher into the research process as the most effective person to recognize problems and find alternatives.

Action research methodology offers a organized approach to bringing out innovations in teaching and learning. It looks for to get this done by adding the instructor in the dual role of producer of educational theory, and user of that theory. This is both a way of producing understanding of higher education learning and coaching, and a robust way of improving learning and teaching practice. No parting you need to made between your design and delivery of teaching, and the procedure of exploring these activities, thus taking theory and practice deeper together.

A variety of kinds of action research have improved. All take up a methodical, iterative methodology embracing problem identification, action planning, implementation, evaluation, and reflection. The insights gained from the original cycle give food to into planning of the second cycle, that the action plan is changed and the research process repeated as shown in the physique which employs.

Kolb (1984) prolonged this model to provide a conception of the action research pattern as a learning process, whereby people learn and create knowledge by critically reflecting after their own activities and experiences, developing abstract principles, and testing the implications of these concepts in new situations. Practitioners can create their own knowledge and understanding of a situation and act after it, thereby bettering practice and advancing knowledge in the field.

Below is an remove from "Necessities of educational psychology", J. C. Aggarwal (1994) on action research in education.

There is little doubt that action research done by professional research employees in education is hardly ever noticed by classroom teachers. It is also realized that the type research carried out by them is not so helpful to professors in their day-to-day work. It is now significantly being became aware that the professionals of education (primarily instructors) must be engaged in educational research. A good teacher will not merely depend on tradition or connection with others or suggestions of experts. S/he therefore engages in research work which is intimately related to her/his work.


According to Dr Corey, "the process by which experts attempt to analyze their problems scientifically in order to steer, correct and evaluate their decisions and actions is named action research. "

M. Corey further expresses, "A good classification of "Action Research" is the research a person conducts to be able to permit him to attain his purposes more effectively. A tutor conducts action research to boost his administrative patterns. "


Self dissatisfaction- The instructor seems dissatisfied with the problem.

Identification of the problem- The educator pinpoints the problem.

Defining the problem- After figuring out the situation, the teacher identifies the challenge.

Problem evaluation- The professor then locates the causes of the weakness.

Action hypothesis- Action hypothesis is shaped.

Use of tools- The educator decides about the study tools to be utilized.

Action program- The teacher works out the experiment.

Evaluation- The teacher finds out the difference in the effect.


I have detected the performance of my pupils this past year and I have found that the slow learners were struggling in Agriculture and I came to the realization that insufficient activities were devised to help them in their learning process.

One of my co-workers was also getting a problem related to enough time allocated on her behalf subject area however in her case, there is one period in excess. We mentioned and approached our brain of office and we proposed the particular one of the essential cookery durations of year two classes could be reduced which allows the addition of one period for Agriculture classes.





Basic English Literacy



Basic People from france Literacy



Basic Numeracy



Basic Computer Studies



Science and Technology



Environmental studies



Arts and Crafts



Managing Emotions



Physical Education and fitness






4 + 1


Basic Complex skills




Basic Sewing skills



Basic Cookery

3 - 1



In order to effect a result of the change, I have used the cyclical model suggested by Audrey and Howard Nicholls.

Source: After A. and H. Nicholls, 1978

Since the cyclical models provide basic information that effective objectives can be developed, I have chosen this model. Educators become more positively involved in school-based curriculum in an efficient manner.

It leaves room for changes in case there is constraints responding to changing circumstances. The whole process can be analyzed and necessary changes can be made to suit the needs in our learners. This change can be considered as a planned change where in fact the teacher and university have worked together identifying and pursuing precise steps.

I have firstly analysed the situation and I have observed that the contact hours with pupils for Agriculture classes was not enough and therefore, I identified the issue. By proposing the change I wanted to increase contact time with pupils.

There have been various procedures that I acquired to follow to be able to make this change take place. I firstly wrote a letter tackled to the administrator informing him about the problem and I put forward my request of experiencing yet another period for Agriculture.

Below is a backup of the notice tackled to the director of the institution.

Ref: Agriculture in Pre-vocational Year two

Dear Sir,

I shall be very grateful for you if you could add another period for Agriculture classes in calendar year two next 12 months as I've observed that the four durations allocated for this subject are not sufficient.

I trust that my notice will be taken into due awareness.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully

On reception of the letter, I got called in the office where I was presented with the ability for an additional detailed explanation. I advised them that I did so not have plenty of time for useful classes and since pre-vocational pupils already experienced learning problems, I was not in a position to organise enough activities in these four times. I informed them that if another period could be allocated in this learning area, a far more satisfactory work could be achieved with the pupils where plenty of time could be allocated for theory, functional periods and activities.

The manager explained that he would make an effort to see what can be done about my need while preparing the time-tables. Our mind of department possessed decided to the recommendation of adding another period to Agriculture and minimizing one in Basic cookery and she also professionally went to meet the manager exposing our proposition. To our great satisfaction, the theory was accepted and this year necessary changes have been manufactured in the time table of calendar year two classes.

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