Development of Heat Resistant Chocolate


The term 'cocoa' originates from the word 'cacao' that is used straight from Mayan and Aztec languages. Chocolate has been derived from cocoa beans, present in the centre to the fruit of cocoa tree, Theobroma cacao, which comes from the South American region. (Afoakwa 2010)

Chocolate is one of the most popular products throughout the world. The fact that it is sturdy at room temperatures but melts in the mouth area, giving a soft delicate taste, helps it be one of the very most yearned product. From a far more technical point of view, chocolate is a complex food made of solid particles of cocoa powder, glucose and milk powder in a continuous fat phase. The production of chocolate consists of multiple steps among which tempering are one of the main step. In this the temps of the delicious chocolate will be assorted to get the right crystalline form of system. drawing. bitmap.

Chocolate pralines are a lot more complex product given that they also contain a soft filling which will interact with the chocolates shell. Migration can occur from the filling up to the shell which can bring about structural problems like cracking.

Another result can be excessive fat bloom which really is a grayish haze on the praline surface.

This occurs because of the migration of the liquid extra fat through the shell to the top and crystallizing.

Cracking and unwanted fat bloom are two major issues that lead to reduced shelf life in chocolate pralines. The primary suggestions for split formation are that cracks form due to wetness or ethanol migration through the chocolates shell, or scheduled with an unbalanced circulation of dampness in the filling up that triggers some parts to shrink and other to develop. (SLETTENGREN 2010)

Most of the fat inside chocolate must be cocoa butter. Cocoa butter consists of different triacylglycerols (triglycerides), each that will solidify at a different temperature with a different rate in correlation with time. To make it more complicated there are six various ways the crystals can load up together.

If the fat is present is not right or if the chocolate is not crystallized properly, then fat bloom occurs. All excess fat are made of mixtures of triglycerides i. e. they have got three essential fatty acids mounted on a glycerol backbone. In cocoa butter there are three main acids which take into account over 95% of these present. Almost 35% is oleic acid solution (C18:0) and almost 26% is palmitic acid solution (C16:0). Since the cocoa butter has few main components it melts speedily over such a small range of heat range range i. e. between room and oral cavity temperatures.

POSt molecules are palmitic acidity (P) constantly in place 1, oleic acidity (O) constantly in place 2 and stearic acid constantly in place 3. If the stearic and oleic acids are inverted then this would become PStO, which is quite atypical even though the constituents are similar.

The stearic and palmitic acids are saturated acids i. e. the hydrocarbon chain which makes in the fat doesn't have any two times bonds.

In unsaturated excess fat this string has one or more double bonds, as is the case for oleic acidity. About 80% of the cocoa butter has oleic acidity as the center acidity. 1% to 2% of cocoa butter has saturated long chain trisaturatedtriglycerides (SSS) where the saturated fat is mainly palmitic or stearic and the melting point is high.

From 5% to 20% on the other hands consists of two oleic acids and is mostly fluid at room temperatures.

When the aforementioned two have been put together then extra fat of the cocoa butter will be partly fluid at room temps. If the temps is raised extra fat will melt based on the proportions of different types of unwanted fat present.

The property of to crystallize every time differently is recognized as polymorphism. As the structure becomes denser and gets lowered in energy, it becomes more steady and harder to melt. Polymorphic forms are solid stages of the same chemical structure that differ among themselves in crystalline composition but yield similar liquid phases.

Because of their shape the fat molecules fit together with other substances like stacking chairs which is often done in two ways i. e. via dual chain packing and triple string packing. There are in essence 3 polymorphs (О±, О, О') each with their own specific properties. The melting range and steadiness of the polymorphs are in the next range: О±<О<О'. The least secure polymorph will crystallize first and enhance to a stable polymorph as a function of the time.

Cocoa butter has six polymorphs. Nevertheless the chocolate industry numbered them when i to VI. Forms V and VI are the most steady and are triple chain packaging whereas the other forms are double. Form V is good for confectionary products as it is accountable for the hardness with a good snap, polished appearance and the level of resistance to bloom. (SLETTENGREN 2010)

Mixing different fats (Fat eutectics)

It is important that after blending two or more fats the ultimate product should models at the right rate and gets the correct surface and melting properties in the mouth. An unstable framework can develop when other fat have been blended with cocoa butter. Even though the extra fat are triglycerides it'll be like appropriate another size of recliners within the stacks. Disruption would be less if only a less amount of other body fat is present. The particular hardness can be near to the expected one. When cocoa butter is mixed with vegetable or other unwanted fat in equivalent proportions then your softening result is largest.

The original veggie fat made by Unilever and many other that are now in the market are known as cocoa butter equivalents. These are like cocoa butters and can be put in any proportion without causing any major softening or hardening effect. Other fatty acids can be used only if almost all the cocoa butter is changed and these are known as cocoa butter replacers.

The vegetable body fat should crystallise just as as cocoa butter (i. e. using the couch analogy, have the same size and form chair) so that it can be added to the cocoa butter without creating eutectic impact. Cocoa butter contains palmitic (P), stearic (S) and oleic (O) over a glycerol backbone, with a lot of the substances being POP, POSt, and StOSt.

From nuts or seeds of fruits generally two types of fractionation are used to get the easy melting and the hardest melting small percentage. In dried out fractionation system. drawing. bitmap is kept at a far more predefined temperature and then by pressing and filtering the liquid part is separated from solid. In solvent fractionation system. drawing. bitmap is dissolved in acetone or hexane. Following this the bigger melting triglycerides are crystallized and filtered out. The StOSt and the increased levels of POSt are hard to obtain.

By changing the proportions of StOSt it is possible to make the delicious chocolate so that it won't melt until the temp is several diplomas higher than the standard cocoa butter, but cannot put behind the feeling of stickiness in the mouth area. (SLETTENGREN 2010)


In June 2000, the Western parliament decided to let the use of veggie fat apart from cocoa butter in chocolates. This directive came into power on August 2003 as well as for the first time, harmonised chocolate legislation across all the member state governments of Europe. Several restrictions were located on use of veg fats by the EU in terms of where oils should be sourced from, and what handling methods have to apply. To maintain miscibility and compatibility with cocoa butter (as is necessary by the EU Directive) it's important to use veg fats that have a similarly high degrees of these triglycerides. Which means that a) these triglycerides would often have to be concentrated by fractionating the permitted platform oils and b) the causing fats would be needed to blend along to get an optimum mixture of the three triglycerides. Even though the CBEs show equivalence with the cocoa butter whatsoever compositions nevertheless they have been restricted to a maximum degree of 5% of the full total composition in EU chocolate. (Geoff Talbot 2008)

Development of Warmth Resistant Chocolates using high melting fat

Chocolate generally melts at 33. 8C when sound cocoa butter transitions to liquid and the crystals of cocoa butter are in secure form V. The introduction of heat resistant chocolate would allow it to enjoy in tropical and humid climates. Three main methods have been developed to make temperature resistant chocolates: enhancement of the microstructure of the materials, addition of a polymer and increasing the melting point of system. drawing. bitmap phase. The strategy that is utilized for the development of heat resistant chocolates because of this thesis is to include fats with higher melting items. (Stortz and Marangoni 2011) (Stortz and Marangoni 2011)

One specific example of this is done by Jeyarani and Reddy (1999) and focused on using mahua (Mahua Latifolia) and kokum (Garcinia indica) fats to improve the melting point of cocoa butter mixture. The kernels found in the fruits of mahua trees contain semi-solid fat. Conversely, kokum kernels contain a hard, brittle excess fat with a melting point 39-43 C. The oils are fractionated and then combined. After that these fat were evaluated for his or her ability to boost the melting temperatures of and replace system. drawing. bitmap phase in chocolate products. Fractionation were used to split up the stearin fraction from kokum and mahua body fat since it was reported that addition of fat rich in 2-oleodistearins to cocoa butter can improve the solid unwanted fat content (SFC), improve the melting point and decrease the tempering time of chocolates.

The meted effectively produced a unwanted fat period that achieved higher SFCs at enhanced temperature than typical chocolate. However, once the temperature come to 37. 5 C the SFC of almost all of the blended excess fat was less than 20% indicating that the heat level of resistance of the chocolates would be lost at temperature greater than this. Another look at was done to enhance the heat resistance via replacing of some cocoa butter with kokum excess fat. Kokum extra fat was refined but not fractionated. It had been blended with cocoa butter at different levels. The chocolate acquired good sensorial properties. However, the heat amount of resistance of the delicious chocolate had not been as desired considering the melting temperature is only 34. 8C with 5% addition of kokum unwanted fat. Finally, the delicious chocolate formulas exceeded some countries' legal limits for addition of NCVF. (Stortz and Marangoni 2011)

Gel Filling:


Hydrocolloids are a heterogeneous band of long string polymers (polysaccharides and proteins) which can be characterised by their house of developing viscous dispersions and/or gels when dispersed in water. Presence of large numbers of hydroxyl (-OH) groupings enhances their affinity for binding normal water substances which results in hydrophilic ingredients. Further, a dispersion is produced which is intermediate between a genuine solution and a suspension system, and the properties exhibited are that of a colloid. Considering these two properties, they are aptly termed as hydrophilic colloids or hydrocolloids.

The important cause of the adequate use of hydrocolloids in foods is their capacity to modify the rheology of food system. This consists of the two basic properties of food system namely, flow behavior (viscosity) and mechanised sound property (texture). The adjustment of structure and/or viscosity of food system change its sensory properties, and therefore, hydrocolloids are being used as important food additives to perform specific purposes.

Hydrocolloids have a wide range of function. These include thickening, gelling, emulsifying, stabilisation, and controlling the crystal development of ice and sugars through the essential properties for which hydrocolloids find considerable use as thickening and gelling. Hydrocolloids disperse in water to give a thickening or viscosity producing result. This water thickening property is general for many hydrocolloids which is the primary reason behind their overall use.

Gel formation is the trend that involves the connection or cross linking of the polymer chains to form a 3d network that traps or immobilises the water within to create a rigid framework that is tolerant to flow. Quite simply, it becomes visco-elastic demonstrating both characteristics of the liquid and a solid. The textural properties (e. g. stretchy or brittle, long or spreadable, chewy or creamy) of your gel vary widely with the sort of hydrocolloid used. The other sensory properties such as opacity, mouth area feel and tastes also rely upon the hydrocolloid hired. (Saha and Bhattacharya 2010)


Gels may be thought as a form of matter intermediate between stable and liquid and show mechanised rigidity. They consist of polymer molecules mix linked to form tangled and interconnected molecular network immersed in a liquid medium, which in food system is water. Food technologists use the word 'gel' for high moisture foods that are more or less retain their condition when released from other container. A gel is a visco elastic system with a storage modulus (G) larger than losing modulus G". Hydrocolloids form gels by physical connection of these polymer chains through hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic relationship and kitten ion mediated cross-linking and change from fabricated polymer gels, which normally consisted of covalently cross-linked polymer chains. Hence hydrocolloid gels tend to be referenced as "physical gel"

The knowledge of the conditions required for gelling of particular hydrocolloid dispersion, the characteristics of the gel produced and the texture it confers are very important aspects to design a particular food formulation.

The formation of gel will involve the connection of randomly dispersed polymer sections in dispersion in such a way so as to form a three-dimensional network which has solvent in the interstices. The associated parts known as junction zones are formed by several polymer chains. The gelation process is mainly the formation of these junction zones. Hydrocolloid gelation can indulge the hierarchy of constructions, the most frequent of which is the aggregations of main inter chain linkages into "junction zones", which sorts the basis for the three-dimensional network characteristics of a gel. The physical arrangement of these junction zones within the network can be affected by various variables like temperature, occurrence of ions and inherent framework of hydrocolloid. For the gelation of hydrocolloids, the three main mechanisms proposed are ionotropic gelation, cold-set gelation and heat-set gelation.

Ionotropic gelation occurs via cross-linking of hydrocolloid string with ions, typically a cation mediated gelation process of negatively incurred polysaccharides. Ionotropic gelation is completed either by diffusion setting up or inside gelation. In frigid set gelation, hydrocolloid powders are dissolved in warm/boiling normal water to create a dispersion which on chilling ends up with enthalpically-stabilised inter-chain helix to form segments of person chains resulting in a three-dimensional network. Gelatine gel is formed by this device.


Gelatin is substantially pure proteins food element, obtained by the thermal denaturation of collagen, which will be the structural mainstay & most common protein in the pet kingdom. Today gelatine is usually available in granular natural powder form. Ref: website

Gelatin forms a thermo-reversible gels with drinking water, and the gel melting temperature (<35C) is below body temperature, which gives gelatine products distinctive organoleptic properties and flavour release. Gelatin melts at much lower temperature because of the junction zones are only bound by vulnerable hydrogen bonds. It can be used as a gelling agent in jellied confectionary. Gelatin gels melt at relatively low heat and they're slow-setting; each one of these features make gelatin the most well-liked gelling agent in yoghurt products, low fat spreads and glucose confectionary.

Various factors influence the gel creation by hydrocolloids which include awareness of the gelling agent, pH of the medium, molar mass/ degree of polymerisation, temperatures, ionic composition and solvent quality. Rheological characteristics of gel involves characterizing a gel n the basis of various parameters like modulus of elasticity, deliver stress, shear modulus, safe-keeping and reduction modulus, intricate viscosity, gel durability and compliance. These parameters are usually determined by conducting tests like compression test, dynamic oscillatory rheometry, creep and texture profile analysis, etc by employing instruments like widespread texture measuring system, manipulated shear rheometer.

Addition of sucrose results within an increase of true rupture stress in every these gals. The gel sweetness is related to mechanised properties of gel like gel power, rupture stress, rupture tension and specifically with the amount of deformation necessary to break the network and its level of resistance to deformation. Besides co-solutes like sucrose, awareness of hydrocolloid, shear rate and heat range are also important variables that impact the rheological status of hydrocolloid gels. The blending of different polysaccharides provides an alternative path to the introduction of new textures. The major interest lies in the development of synergistic mixtures with better or induced gelation. (Saha and Bhattacharya 2010)


"<Schorsch_Doublier_galactomannan_xanthan. pdf>. "

Afoakwa, E. (2010). "chocolate science & technology. "

Geoff Talbot, H. S. (2008). "Cocoa butter equivalents and improvers

Their used in chocolates and chocolate-coated confectionery. " Focus on Chocolate vol 19 n 3(May/June 2008): 28, 29.

Saha, D. and S. Bhattacharya (2010). "Hydrocolloids as thickening and gelling brokers in food: a critical review. " Journal of Food Knowledge and Technology-Mysore 47(6): 587-597.

SLETTENGREN, K. S. (2010). "Crack creation in chocolates pralines. "

Stortz, T. A. and A. G. Marangoni (2011). "Heat repellent chocolate. " Trends in Food Research & Technology 22(5): 201-214.

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