Employee Motivation AS BEING A Hotel Industry Factor Tourism Essay

Motivation of employees is not a new sensation, however very little attention paid to him. The major & most successful companies are svjestne importance of real human factors in their organization, but, unfortunately, is a lot more smaller rather than so successful that income only the eye-sight, mission and singular aim. Many people aren't thinking rather than considering ways to permit them to profit, and mistreatment of the person and his knowledge and skills hasn't been reputed, nor will it. Loss of worker loyalty is the consequence of failure to comply with the individuality of employees, their wishes and needs.

How important is the drive of employees, specifically in the hotel industry, will be described in the next presentation.

For the poptpunije treatment given issue, will be given an enough theoretical basis in the first part, where he'll talk about motivation as a thought, the procedure of motivation, original and modern day theories of determination, usually applied motivatorima, website link between employee desire and human learning resource management, and related between the employees' inspiration and management.

The second part will be arguments about the details of the hotel product and the inspiration of employees as one factor of success in the hotel industry.

The third part will react specifically to the given issue and show what sort of successful company, Hit Montegro, motivate employees in your hotel, Maestral, gives an advantage, as the concept develops and determines the business and what this hotel stands out from all others, not only in Montenegro, but also above.

Part I - theoretical foundation

1. Desire - definition, section, the procedure of motivation

Motivation is a intricate area of individuals behavior. The word motivation originates from the Latin word moves, this means movere; move.

Under the determination we podrazumijevati total of factors that effect people to behave in a certain way, and especially to invest a certain initiatives to accomplish or attain something.

The economic system of business motivation is concealed inside the driving a vehicle push behind overall financial pattern that connects and arranges the target all economic work and integrate them into one total. In the process, determination is manifested as the main driving pressure of creation.

Work drive is something of methods, methods and actions which motivates, directs, and reinforces the habit of certain employees, to be able to realize a more substantial and more advantageous results.

Basic assumptions about the desire:

Determination is an optimistic - people feel great only if they are motivated.

Determination is one of the factors that effect the behavior of people. Other factors: capacity, resources, working conditions. . .

Motivation is actually significantly less than sufficient and should be periodically renewed. Time can be lost.

Drive is the means by which managers can relate to offices in the business.

Motivation can be: subjective and objective.

Subject inspiration is identified in two varieties: moral desire of staff (conscience, responsibility, delight, ambition, knowledge, etc. ). Materjalna and drive (desire for the job, salary, stimulation, etc. ). .

Objective determination occurs at the level of the firm, on its reputation, strengthen, and similar acceptance. ie. In the event that you donate to the reduced amount of the higher entropy of the system (company).

Speaking of motivation, we cannot to speak about human needs. The necessity is portrayed through a lack of something and is also associated with goals. Therefore, the necessity is internal, exterior and objective aspects of motivation

The process of motivation - the procedure of meeting the average person needs of employees, consists of several stages:

Employees identify their needs - which is exactly what it lacks and what he wishes to attain?

Looking for ways to meet up with the needs - deficit creates a kind of stress, and he looks for ways to eliminate

strives to attain the goals which reduces the need

action appropriately

To have the praise or punishment

Re-evaluates its needs

Satisfaction is often in the literature and in empirical research recognizes with the concept of motivation. Both of these conditions are certainly related in large solution are mutually conditional, but undoubtedly is usually to be different.

Under the satisfaction of employees requires the subjective analysis of the amount of satisfaction that derives from the personal assessment of their satisfaction with various areas of belonging to the business. Therefore happy employees pijre mainly related to the perception of employees and the magnitude to which they achieved their motives and above all the motives that are regarded as important for their involvement. Best illustrates the distinctions following chart:


(motivation, result, satisfaction)

Chart 1st The difference between desire and satisfaction

Source: Developed author

If you are determined enough for the work you do, it'll certainly influence your last performance. After employment well done following the sense of satisfaction.


A large number of theories of drive which, in reality, complementary one to the other. The following desk provides a list of major theories.

Table 1 Theories of drive

Name Type theory ideas theorist and /

Theories instrumentalnosti Tejlorizam Teylor (1911)

Theories content theory hijararhije needs Maslow (1954)

ERG Theory Alderfer (1972)

Managerial theories need McClelland (1973)

Two-factor style of Herzberg (1957)

Theory X and Y McGregor (1960)

Theories of goal setting techniques process theory Latham and Locke (1979)

The theory of equality Adams (1965)

Theory expectations Vroom, Porter and Lawer (1964, 1968)

Learning theory Bandura (1977)

Source: Michael Armstrong, Armstrong's handbook of human resource management, 11th ed. , Kogan Web page, London, 2009, p. 319

As you see, there are three varieties of ideas of motivation where:

Theories instrumentalnosti belong to the initial theory of motivation

Ideas of content are also in the original theory of inspiration

Theories are along the way of modern ideas of motivation

Theories instrumentalnosti bazraju the attitude that individuals are motivated to sort out reward and abuse. Among the major ideas instrumentalnosti is called. Tejlorizam, which is known as after its creator, Taylor, who published:

"It is impossible for any extended period of time, to encourage their employees to work more than others, the normal that surround them, if you are not sure to check on a big and permanent wage increases. "

This theory is still popular and can achieve success under certain circumstances. However, its use is overlooked other human needs and disturb the relationships among the list of employees.

Theories of content based on the attitude that individuals do to meet their needs. As an important aside the next:

Hierarchy of needs theory (Maslow) - in every individual there are five key needs that meet the hierarchical order:

physiological - food, water, shelter and all. bodily needs

security - physical and psychological safety and protection

Sociable - that belong, love, friendship, popularity by others

admiration - self-esteem, position in society, acknowledgement of environmental

samoaktuelizacija - development and progress, potential exploitation of personal fulfillment and interior satisfaction with them.

The first two groupings are the needs of lower-order and meet up with the exterior mechanisms (salary), and the other three were of an increased order and gratify the internal mechanisms (attitudes, principles, expectations). The role has motivatora Unmet needs, which, when it takes gratify the needs. This theory has not been verified numerous empirical studies and criticized because of too much generalization. Specifically, differing people have different priorities and it is difficult to accept Maslovljevu hijararhiju needs.

ERG Theory (Alderfer) predicts three types of basic needs:

existential needs - the essential materials necessary Poreba every man for life.

the need connection - the desire of folks for the realization of social relations

development needs - the desire for personal development, training and evolving

Alderfer abolished the hierarchy of needs and says that it can simultaneously gratify multiple needs. When it comes to frustration credited to lack of ability to meet up with the needs using one level, increases the desire to satisfy the needs of another and, often, lower level.

McClelandova theory of needs, the needs of managerial theory - targets three types of needs:

need for accomplishment - striving for success and better achievements with regards to existing requirements.

the need for ability - the desire for influence and control over others.

the necessity for merging - the need to be adored and accepted by others.

This theory assumes that successful professionals who have a very high need for power and personal success minus the desire to have merging.

Two-factor model - Motivation-hygiene theory (Herzberg) - based on the assumption that the individual attitude of employees towards work decides success or failure of work.

Factors that influence job satisfaction and dissatisfaction are the pursuing:

Motivatori - related to the work itself (job, recognition, advertising) and meet the needs of the individual to prove their own. These are the factors that cause lack of satisfaction to the ones that cause pleasure.

Kontestualni factors - factors of working environment, environment, cleanliness factors, which act as prevention to avoid dissatisfaction. That is a couple of factors than the ones that cause frustration to the people who do not cause dissatisfaction.

On the positive determination may influence only the first group, while another can only reduce dissatisfaction, however, not increase satisfaction.

The contrary of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction, however the lack of satisfaction, and vice versa. So, just motivatorni factors contribute to job satisfaction, and only factors contest discontent.

Theory X and Y (McGregor) - starts off from two different assumptions about individual mother nature: the negative X-and Y-positive.

Theory X - assumes that the habit of employees Guided needs of lower order.

Employees do nothing like to work and izbjegavae work whenever possible

must be make to work under the risk of punishment

avoid responsibility and seek exact directives off their bosses

They may have little ambition and their safety comes first

Theory Y - assumes that the behavior of employees Guided needs a higher order:

Employees understand the business enterprise as a natural dependence on such leave

Dedicated to the responsibilities and training

They are prepared to allow responsibility

have the ability to make decisions plus they need povjeravati responsible and challenging careers.

Theories of the procedure (the present day theory) focus on the psychological processes that affect determination. Process theories are certainly more useful to professionals of the theories of motivation since it offers concrete instructions for the application of motivational methods.

The theory of goal setting (Latham and Locke) - motivate employees three mechanisms:

Specific and obviously set goal - difficult but possible attainable, because it is in individuals nature and the need to prove self.

Feedback on achieving set targets - people desire to be educated of how well that functioned and the results achieved.

Contribution of employees in setting up goals - enhances their determination, efficiency and assurance.

Equity theory (Adams) - one in the organization expects that efforts to succeed the same award as well as his colleagues who performed the same job.

When employees assume that they made incorrect comes to the creation of anxiety (not really much effort into the entrance of these work as before, consider that spend too much time, give notice).


Objectives theory (Vroom, Porter and Lawer) - developed a situational model of drive that explains why one and the same person makes various attempts in different situations. Vroom argued that there are two factors that determine your time and effort that employees spend money on their work, the first - the worthiness of individual accolades that would permit those to meet their needs related to security, autonomy, samoaktuelizaciju, and another - the chance that the amount of awards be dependent, in reality, of individual work.

Porter and Lawer supplement this theory and created a fresh model where the motivation will, as well as the effort, the final performance of the employees afflicted and: knowledge and skills and the expected role (what employees want to work and what's expected of these to work).


Chart 1st Desire Model - Porter and Lower

Source: Michael Armstrong, Armstrong's handbook of real human reference management, 11th ed, Kogan Web page, London, 2009, p. 326

Learning theory (Bandura) - emphasis is on understanding how to adapt patterns. Behavior which withdraws the prize will be recurring, and it pulls you avoid charges. The consequences of past tendencies influence the near future actions of employees. Model action of employees is reflected in the next: a stimulus - response - a result - future reactions.

Professionals can affect employees to change patterns: support, avoidance, insufficient support, or punishing, regarding some guidelines:

Do not reward all equally, however the performance

Clearly notify people what things to do to be compensated

Be sure to inform what sins

Usually do not punish the others

Be fair.

3. Employees' motivation and human learning resource management

Link between staff motivation and human resource management best illustrated in the next diagram.

Chart 3rd The influence of individual efficiency in human source management

Source: Robert Mathis and John Jacson, Man Source Management, 11th ed, Thomson South-Western, USA, 2008, p. 81

From the individual, negovih knowledge and skills, determination and support they get from the company you help, and the type of the business enterprise depends on the work satisfaction, employee devotion to the company, efficiency, quality and service.

The above factors are being used for measuring the potency of human learning resource management.

Namely, if the employee is not motivated enough, it will first be reflected in his performance, then all other variables, then the potency of human learning resource management be in the lower level, and vice versa.


Motivatori are things that come to pojedninca activities or methods which can reconcile the conflicting needs or even to point out a need in the way that it's assigned top priority over other needs.

They are the type of instruments that could strengthen the desire to have some achievement, and beyond that to achieve satisfaction, and the means by which to influence the behavior of individuals. Motivatori most commonly used are:


Security of employment

allocation of interesting duties

The public attribution of merit

The probability of training

The probability of progress

Participation in decision-making

The quality of working environment

do it yourself etc. .

5. Employees' determination and control

Using different motivatora to successful drive of employees in the first row is set motivacijiskim abilities or samomotivacijom administrator. Namely, the concept of motivation is closely linked to the notion of leaders, team market leaders, organizations, companies. A head in 21. v. largely motivator. Howard Gardner, professor at Harvard in his work, "Leading Thoughts: An Anatomy of Command" defines leaders:

"The leader is rarely more people, or individuals who significantly affect the thoughts, emotions and behavior of a huge amount of people. "

On the other palm, the great leaders of today were not in their positions that they didn't have strong enough motivation to constantly improve and efficiently build your job.

One of the best leaders ever, Napoleon Bonaparte was said:

"Control is the art of motivating a group of people to do something towards achieving a goal"

Leadership = Determination

LEADER = motivator

PART II - employees' motivation as a factor of success in a hotel INDUSTRY

"Advance one that gives a bit more and a little better. "

Ellsworth Statler (1863 - 1928)

One of the founders of hotel industry, Ellsworth Statler, the success attained by the advantages of benchmarks in their hotels, that could provide better quality services at an acceptable price. He was a great innovator and racionalizator. The first is to realize the value of hotel personnel: their looks (introduced outfits), behavior (unveiled a Code of Carry out) and knowledge (he founded the building blocks for Education of wedding caterers professionals and scientists, and financial help today in the world famous university education hotel administration and hotel management "Cornell Hotel Institution, Itaca, New York). Activate the individuals, allowing the purchase of shares of any hotel in a specific amount, with the allowance of the salary.

In addition to these sentence, which with strong reasons, the author opens his display, he often spoke to employees: "The guest is usually right! He pays off you and me! "

It is clear that the hotel industry is rolling out accurately for reasons to gratify the desires and needs of the visitor and can not in any case to ignore its importance. Nevertheless the question of if the guest continues to be a key hyperlink in the hotel in 21. vijeku?

Let us begin from the well-known marketing ideas:

Needs, requirements, dreams and satisfaction of guests in the first place!

Prove that the establish theory valid.

Hotel is primarily obliging activity and as such has its specifics that arise from the precise characteristics of services with regards to the products. And they're:


indivisibility - an integral part of its consumer services, ie. consumer - a guest of the hotel.

Kvarljivost - services can't be stored, unfilled hotel facilities can't be compensated by good or excellent popunjenou in the next time period.

Variability - conditioned by the fact that the subjective factor or one factor crucial for the grade of the person of realization. The service is Neponovljiva, such as the role of actor in theater boards, it can be on the high level of quality that satisfies customers, but never all the elements in the process of delivery and use can no longer repeat. Simultaneity utilization and provision of services through the interaction of both sides creates a unique "atmosphere. "

Psycho-physical characteristics of the companies can significantly cause satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the buyer, regardless of technological, organizational and technological quality of the service sections. Because of this, the concentration quality is used in vritelje services, wedding caterers and hotel management staff. It's important to look for the quality of standards (rules which determine the components of quality staff in the hotel: the data, skills, experience, appearance, behavior. . . ). However, not enough to meet the standards to attain competitive advantage in a very turbulent market, exactly what is a tourist. Visitor looking for something more! Visitor search experience! Which is one of the leading styles that says UNWTO - Change from Service to expirience! Interior, external surfaces, luxury, luxury, manufactured smile. . . are no more of important importance. The main trump greeting card of successful hotel in 21. v. man.

Employees are in the hotel, you love your task and you are satisfied with the performance that you provide? Experts the required skills and knowledge? As guests, we will see, feel, that to enjoy and undoubtedly, be again, but this time with "hrpom" friends!

We conclude:

The visitor is satisfied if the providers of content services.

These reject the thesis that the house needs, requirements, desires and satisfaction RATING in the first place! Already perform a fresh final result:

Needs, requirements, desires and satisfaction of employees are in the first place.

And from the above results:

Satisfied employees = employees motivated?

And just the determination of employees is an integral factor for success in every spheres of cultural life and work, especially in idnustriji hotel where visitor satisfaction largely depends upon the satisfaction of employees in the hotel. Sometimes it is possible and the top technical flaws nadomjestiti beautiful gestures of employees, however the latest & most expensive technology, luxury and grandeur cannot nadomjestiti unkindness and "coldness" of the personnel will (not) was available throughout your stay.

A hotel company to motivate its employees, we will have the following example.

PART III - functional EXAMPLE


Is the set theoretical foundation found program in the local hotel industry?

The answer we seek in the hotel Mistral and also show you why years back Struck Montenegro, which is the owner of the hotel, the key company in the tourist market in Montenegro and beyond.

Hotel Mistral (hereinafter only the mistral or a hotel) do not have much to provide. Just the name explains to us a whole lot.

Mistral is the child of a good, very good, the luxury, prestige. Accordingly, you will always be able, during your stay at the hotel, meet many people who have reached their professions so. Top of the pyramid.

Question: Why?

Why, when only the hotel building, its outside, interior rather than "drawn" luxury?

Why, when the accommodation items (rooms) generally speaking aren't so large that friends can enjoy?

Why, when the rooms still no plasma Television sets?

Why, when all the rooms still have Access to the internet?

Why, when a sit down elsewhere "exude" more humility than the refinement?

But the most important issue only follows:

Why, regardless of the above, all hotel guests returning again, even for the same amount of money can get a spacious room, more beautiful towels. . . ?


Because they are simply content with experience and "treatment" directed at them in the hotel!

Because unlike other hotels, the hotel Mistral has a "soul. "

"Soul" Maestral make its employees, whereby it is important to emphasize - all employees of higijeniЌarke to Executive Director.

We occur to a fresh thesis:

Guests of the hotel Mistral are satisfied.

Return to the thesis of the prior section:

The visitor is satisfied if the providers of content services.

Satisfied employee = motivated employee!

With certainty we can conclude:

Staff at the hotel Mistral motivated.

The aforementioned realization shall be considered as a starting place the thesis that another contact with be adequately argued.


As evidence that the employees, their determination, but considerations when making a strategy, defining the vision, mission and proper goals, another demonstration will be separated only fragments worth focusing on because of this work.

Business idea of the company as follows:

"With knowledge, marketikim thinking and professional procedure we offer a high level of service and make good business results in the hotel complex, that allows our friends accommodation, dice, entertainment, entertainment, enogastronomske pleasures and good conditions for business activities. "

Objectives and programs of the hotel were centered, and today is located, among others the following setting:

attractiveness, innovation, know-how, kindness, and create nadstandarnom provide advantage ahead of the competition and achieve the go back of friends

One of the extremely high goals and requirements that the business has placed before him the following:

the company offers full-time staff employment, adequate income, the likelihood of development, education, training and career

High standard and the business has arranged a perspective and high anticipations of the management company plus some of them are:

Hotel Mistral house will be satisfied, creative, determined and professionally competent staff, that will continually increase revenues, value improvements and visit hotels.

Hotel Mistral will signify one of the pearls of the visitor offer of Montenegro and as such would represent a good example of successful investment funds in travel and leisure to the satisfaction of owners, employees, narrower and wider community.

In accordance with these specified, the company is defined by among others the following tactical aims:

long lasting investment in staff development (knowledge, motivation, affiliation)


Nowadays the competitiveness of the organization, its reputation, and so its business success are inseparable from ethics. It could be said that ethics is the foundation of successful companies and management that depends on trust. Companies in which the guideline of justice and fairness are often companies that admiration ethical principles. A means that employees see a significant effect on the fairness of the business. Sense of fairness is associated with greater commitment to employees, the bigger degree of satisfaction, which is dependant on the organization, business, leaders, and carry out that reflects a feeling of owned by the business.

This company is strictly Struck Montenegro. Mistral its reputation gained generally fostering the right principles and good request of the Code of Ethics.

It may appear contradictory, if we remember that the largest area of the earnings from the internet casino gathered mistral. But I do not need much pojanjavati. Ask one why modern casino players will soon opt to invest their profit Maestralov casino, and not in another, perhaps better equipped.

The answer lies in business ethics, codes of ethics and employees who put into action.

Working in such an environment, where you understand you won't mislead anyone, where all will be "as clear as day, " is absolutely a big drivers of your energy, you surely won't spare to invest in the job accessible.

9. Tight LABOR Rules

Professionalism in the hotel Mistral is reflected, inter alia, in rigorous compliance with the law on paper. It could happen that you start work, and that you will be not previously signed a agreement with the company.

Fascinirae you the next tale from practice: Seasonal worker came fully well prepared, just in time to his position for the very first time. That day was likely to sign the agreement. Throughout the half-hour lawyer came out with what: "Pardon me please, now I observed that the director didn't sign a deal, which is absent. Is it possible to come tomorrow he comes today and the deal will be ready in the morning? Sorry again, but I think it's wrong to do, and do not have a signed contract, you recognize? Needless to say. "

The said employee is satisfied on the first day that really work for pros, as his nagovjetavali previously.


Iplata monthly benefits to all or any employees every fifteenth of the month. Deviations were not, and there's improbable that delayed payments to employees or not that month, indicated with one decimal digit, is 0. 1%.

UraЌunae you and overtime work, nighttime work, work through the holidays, work on Sundays. You and paid travel bills and dishes at the hotel.

If you are a seasonal staff member, you will be provided accommodation in nearby hotels.

Paid you life and medical health insurance.

Business booklet you filled up and safe.

You might have two free days weekly and the right to gross annual leave and the to paid tired leave.

All of your protection under the law foreseen by regulations on work, basic safety and employment agreement have been satisfied at every opportunity.

Sloѕiete is the fact that exceptional company in Montenegro, especially in the hotel, which apply this technique work, which, logically, employees totally responsible. And this is yet another reason to stay in Maestral and not iznevjere trust.

10. Fee and gratuity

Results of the study, which was conducted a few years ago one of the employees in the hotel Mistral, confirmed that about 70% zaposelnih declared that their main motive for work is not salary.

However, should podcijenjivati importance of monetary compensation. Considering that the hotel has a higher occupancy rate over summer and winter, and that primarily comes to the internet casino hotel, the hotel employees are well paid, gives a good basis for the investment of additional effort and greater results.

Wages are not only financial income of employees in the hotel. From two to three times each year all employees have a raise, as a kind of additional stimulus.

If your job requires direct connection with friends, it is quite sure that you will leave a suggestion, which can often be higher than your monthly salary. It is understood that you will not get a suggestion if you have left a negative impression on the friends, whether your neljubaznou or non-professionalism. But, as you service to keep good relations with acquaintances, you share tips. This is one of nepisanih guidelines and actually turned out successful used. By the end of the day you and your affiliates happy.


Public symbolizes an important part of nearly every employee compensation and they're motivated as indirect economic or non-pecuniary compensation that employees get because they continue to work for the business. The financial payment was the term in the last chapter, and that the Mistral provides more benefits to their employees we will see from the next exposure.

The last two years for the new yr, all employees had the possibility to do a certain period of use by one Thai massage therapy. All employees have certain savings at spouse hotels, Montenegro Airlines. Payment in the union, two times a year to get "packages" with food. Union also provides benefits in a few hotels through the winter / summertime.


Peter Drucker says, "They aren't workers, they are really people. " A supervisor should be snacks people with dignity is respect.

Already through the benefits to your superiors conclude that the word of experts who know their job well and who is ready to help and to teach. Through a friendly conversation, in his office, in the discussion room or an aperitif in the pub, we introduce the vision, quest and goals of the business, will introduce you to your jobs, odgovornstima, rights, rules of do uruЌie you a list of tasks that you will be required to meet. It'll offer you a handful of useful Council to begin, meet with your future colleagues.

Tomorrow you will sign a deal, get a uniform, "sesame", badge, tips of the clothing collection closet.

Your manager will charge the employees in the day, when traffic is the smallest of guests, to you show you go to the hotel.

Naglasie you if you have any troubles in the workplace, to get hold of him and also to all of you can work out "clubbing together". Your supervisor you on the first day at work acknowledges, respects and seen as a collaborator, as a person who will enhance their performance quality business hotel. And you become clear that you are not "robots" who listens and boring tasks designated to him by the director, but individuals whose ideas anytime to be read and distinguished. Encourage you, compliment, kadkad iskritikovati, but minus the high voice. You might serve as a model for how to act and devote certain situations. You'll be able expressing their ideas, suggestions, proposals, and probably will be respected and applied, the means, if you are consistent with company business plans. Every day you will connect and direct.

This position requires the supervisor (brain) Laundry with its employees, chef with his employees, the top reception with employees, the hostess of the hotel along with his employees, his brain of security, using its casinos, wellness middle with her, F & B Director with the head of your kitchen, leader of the hotel professionals, executive director of the first choice of the hotel, financial, legal services, etc. . The distinctions do not can be found.

Thanks to the attitude of managers towards employees, with you as novozaposlenog evolves a feeling of owned by the business. as you without doubt annually and becomes your driving make, motivator. It really is one of the most important reason the fluctuation coefficient (the proportion of zamijenjenih and the common amount of employees) at the Hotel Mistral is suprisingly low.


No section of society where communication is not important. Communication performs a key role in creating a good or unfavorable impression of the individuals and organizations.

Communication can be defined as the transfer of information from sender to recipient with the condition that the recipient understands the information. Communication is the basis and precondition of success of private business and social relations. Predicated on a system of reviews and opinions (responses). Opportunity for two-way communication form our experiences of how we are treated properly.

However, does not speak only of formal communication.

You are amazed when the hotel are all on the first day and cheered when the during moulting in the clothes you engage in optional chat with other employees. Needless to say, sometimes you won't depend on chat, however the feeling that you can, ie. interlocutors have always when you wish, you will seem to be satisfied.

Your acquaintances will immediately allow as a long time with njma cooperate. I'll show you how to do their job, if you want help, will give you. The meal will provide you the business.

An interesting simple truth is that people all connect and cooperate, which is unsurprising considering that the top management, while building the business was aware that the great things about those companies which have the right information at the right time and that foster teamwork within the business. Now all employees Maestral svjestni importance of good communication and teamwork.

How professionals from the start of its employees develop a sense of belonging to the company (indicated in the last chapter), so all employees are accountable for everything.

Take jednostavnan true example.

Waiter upon introduction at work realized that the car is parked in a zone where auto parking is prohibited, directly in front of the hotel, read the reception, and from the receptionist read the securing and within five to ten minutes, no more, the automobile was preparkirano.

Waiter didn't Stojalo the work description to keep an eye on whether any of the hotel friends parked in the Illicit zone, but sensed a responsibility to see colleagues, who predicted the coincidence mistake.

It is important to highlight that the waiter did not act in this way that a colleague remarked that it is negligent and does not take profile of the work performed, but because predpostavljao that he was preoccupied with other concerns and may not be found in two places simultaneously.

Suppose now that the waiter observed the problem and hasn't prepared the reception or the info is not come to responsible.

What would happen?

Responsible for security would acquire criticism using their company manager, the director of the leaders of the hotel, the first choice of the Professional Director. Stress grew and would be experienced among the employees. On the other guests would go uncomfortably shocked by such omission, some were angry and it would, judging by what the thing is, it seemed like a visitor whose car has increased privileges than others. "Sop" turn into a problem.

For highlighting the value of good communication among employees, suppose you truly are accountable for the proper parking and answer fully the question: In what situation you would like more to be found, in the first or second?

In the first, of course. Cijeniete more of their co-workers, zapamtiete that you "pulled" from trouble, compensation them the same way the first given the chance and you'll be content with what you do with people who'll point out any mistakes if you are not able to see them yourself.

Teamwork and good communication will be your additional traveling power, your motivator. Voljeete their work more and for that reason be more dependable plus more careful the next time.


Mistral To care for their employees and emphasis on good interpersonal human relationships with the business is the fact that the business organizes day outings twice annually, and New Time gatherings.

Employees have the possibility to better meet nowadays, closer, discuss issues not related to the job and undoubtedly, be good fun.

15. Progression and an opportunity to advance

As in the chapter "business strategy, " noted one of the strategic objectives of the company's investment in employees, in their knowledge and skills.

Accordingly mistral meet employees and assume the costs dokolovavanja.

Also each year organizing language lessons for employees. Professional seminars and trained in various areas are also the practice (eg. Croupier training, training for chefs, waiters, receptionist. . . ).

Your effort in the hotel Mistral perceives and rewards. And it will certainly be yet another motivator to provide more, learn more, therefore use the new opportunities that you provide.

Mistral is a company where you move through your engagement and devotion to work. In a nutshell, how much do you want to offer to return.

16. Fines

The purpose of the disciplinary process is to encourage employees to act reasonably (in accordance with the rules and legislation).

The question is: how executives in the hotel accepted the unwanted patterns and activities of their employees?

Do not fret, your mistakes will not go unnoticed.

However, as far as your mistake was large and significant will never be publicly criticized. Discreet will attract attention to where you are wrong, how to improve the error and this the results of your carelessness. Frequently it comes to fines, which is deducted from the every month price, pay.

If worse involves the violation of business policy and / or moral code of the company, the measures can be hugely strenuous (suspend and cancellations).

In this way, your unwanted action preobazie be appealing, which means you may one more cause to be more posveeniji work performed. You'll avoid blunders, and therefore the sentence.


Thesis: "Personnel at the hotel Mistral are encouraged, " established the valid arguments that the author accumulated from employees in the hotel Mistral, a special stamp paper gives the fact that the author had the possibility to find as a worker and for that reason that the actual picture from Maestral a fresh viewpoint, which is inaccessible for you as a visitor.

The complete business hotel mistral based on professionalism, quality, most importantly, fair and just, sincere romantic relationships, as well as teamwork.

Never ignore that the Strike Montenegro branch successful Slovenian companies, and that mode of operation of the hotel Mistral, just the consequence of the impact "of the Western, the modern comprehension of the organization, management and leadership.

Executives Maestral are came to the realization in time that their workers in the first place, that their satisfaction is of vital importance for the success of the business and therefore most need to invest in people.

We may also tell that conclusion this work, they knew interpret, and they presumed that their activities and behaviors that produce and field affiliates (employees) imagine the same, and that is to:

"Advance the one which gives a little more and just a little better. "

Ellsworth Statler (1863 - 1928)

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