Environmental Toxicology and Human Health

Environmental Toxicology and Human Health

Environmental Toxicology is a field of technology with various disciplines involved in the review of the undesireable effects of various physical, chemical and biological agencies on living microorganisms particularly family pets, birds and fishes (Philp, 2001, pp. 10-11).

Physical real estate agents.

They are sources of energy that may have negative effects on human health and that of natural microorganisms such as fish, birds and animals (Philp, 2001, pp. 20-25). One particular agent is noises that can be thought as unwanted sound. Sound has both everlasting and temporary damage to the ears rendering one incapable of hearing or bringing on tinnitus both which are irreparable (McCally, 2002, pp. 58-67). Noises at work also poses a hazard to the staff in that they may fail to notice sounds indicating risks. Vibration, also a physical agent is classified into two: hand-arm vibration (HAV) and body vibration (WBV). Constant contact with HAV has been proven to lead to hand-arm vibration symptoms a long term and incapacitating health impact such as musculoskeletal disorders of the hand (McCally, 2002). Alternatively, continued contact with WBV is associated with severe pain on the lower posterior. Optical rays also offers some grim results on the fitness of people. Ultraviolet radiation emanated by the sun presents the utmost danger to your health. When subjected to the eyes it could lead to spoiled cornea and severe pain while visibility on your skin may vary from burning, inflammation and hastened ageing through skin cancer of different types. Electromagnetic domains (EMFs) generated due to electricity used can also be damaging (Philp, 2001). Though they seldom occur, constant contact with the EMFs can lead to severe effects with regards to the frequency of the radiation. Electricity can even be viewed as a threat since it may lead to loss of life or severe injury such as electric burns, thermal burns and electric burns to the people. Last but not least we've ionizing radiation. Connection with low-level ionizing radiations may lead to cancer tumor and DNA mutations while high-level exposures cause rays sicknesses and burns (Philp, 2001).

Biological agents.

These include bacteria, trojans, fungi, other microorganisms and poisons associated with them. While many of these agents have no damaging implication on the real human health, others have the potential to have an effect on the individuals health in a variety of ways ranging from moderately mild, allergies to serious medical ailments even demise. These brokers occur extensively in the surroundings (Environmental Toxicology And Individuals Health, n. d. ). Biological providers have the capability to reproduce swiftly, require little resources to live on and can poison at really small doses thus these are a probable hazard in a widely inside our environment. Biological providers can be classified into four models according with their severity of contamination and odds of protection and treatment (McCally, 2002, pp. 150-200). Group 1 realtors are those with low chances of causing side effects to the organisms. Group two consists those toxicities that are unsafe for the staff but likelihood of spreading to the city are very nominal. Group 3 realtors are those that can cause severe human disease, pose a significant menace to the employees and are likely to spread to the community. However, these toxicities can be cured. Group 4 brokers act like group 3 realtors except for the truth that there surely is no effective management for the coffee lover. These are some of the most contagious and intensive biological real estate agents: anthrax, botulism, avian flu, and Ebola (Environmental Toxicology And Individual Health, n. d. ).

Chemical agencies.

These are therefore of the merchandise we use inside our day to day doings. Pesticides are a perfect case of chemical toxins (Lakind). Pesticides persist in the environment long after their use which can lead to bioaccumulation of chemicals in a variety of organisms along with biomagnification within several organisms that rely upon the other person for food. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) is another agent that was forbidden because of its unwanted effects on living microorganisms (Lakind). The reactions chemical toxicities is dependent on several factors that I am going to briefly discuss. Get older is a substantial aspect in establishing the response to a toxic substance (Lakind). For example, parathion is more lethal to young animals. Although very exceptional, intimacy can determine the response to a toxicant. For example, when subjected to parathion the female rat is twice as affected as the male rat. The responses to a poisonous chemical also depends upon the varieties (Safe). For instance, insecticides are lethal to bugs but relatively non-toxic to pets. Toxicity of a chemical depends upon factors such as: the dosage-it is the most critical factor if a substance will be severe or a chronic toxicant (Lakind). The proper execution that a chemical substance agent is in also defines its toxicity. For instance, the poisonousness of mercury in gas form is completely different from methyl mercury. The entry point of a toxin is also a way of measuring its toxicity. An added factor is the pace of removal from an organism's system. Corresponding to Paracelsus all substances are poisons only the dose differentiates whether it's a poison or a remedy (Safe).

Exposure diagnosis is the process of building the regularity, period and expansiveness of contact with toxicities alongside the traits and volume of the population open. Methods of visibility assessment include direct and indirect strategy (Philp, 2001, pp. 100-108). In direct approach exposure to the agents depends upon monitoring the pollutant concentrations reaching the person while in indirect way the toxicant awareness is measured during specific individuals activities to anticipate the vulnerability distributions within a human population (McCally, 2002). Epidemiology is important to analyze studies of environmental health because so many environmental exposures can be dealt with only by looking at populations instead of individuals and the interruption of both local and universal surroundings require us to create new methods of study design that is epidemiology. The epidemiologic method of studying environmental health issues has its limitations. One of such constraint is the quick changes in the health and nutritional position of several populations which may have been affected majorly which may lead to inconclusive results (Safe). Another restriction is the fact that data accumulated through epidemiology is often ignored and limited by factors such as limited resources, personal priorities, political concerns and public relations (Philp, 2001). Since epidemiology depends on valid data, limitation on the gathering of data can be viewed as a constraint. This can be due to insecurity or insufficient resources preventing the analysts from submitting surveillance data (Safe).


Environmental Toxicology And Human Health. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://docsfiles. com/pdf_environmental_toxicology_and_human being_health. html

Lakind, J. S. (n. d. ). Workshop on Human Milk Monitoring and Research on Environmental Chemicals in america. journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A.

McCally, M. (2002). Life support the environment and individual health. MIT Press.

Philp, R. B. (2001). Ecosystems and real human health: toxicology and environmental hazards. Lewis Publishers.

Safe, S. (n. d. ). Toxicology, Structure-Function Romance, and Individuals and Environmental Health Effects of Polychlorinated Biphenyls: Improvement and Problems. Environmental Health Perspectives.

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