Exploring The Religious beliefs Of Zoroastrianism Religion Essay

Zoroastrianism is reported to be the oldest revealed religious beliefs in the world and holds a company place in being one of the very most interesting studies of the world's religions. Such value can be attributed to the affects on Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Little is well known about the initial days and nights of Zoroastrianism after its establishment by Iranian prophet Zarathustra (Zoroaster in western culture) but through the 6th century BCE and 7th century CE Zoroastrianism was the most important religious beliefs in three consecutive Persian Empires (known as Iran). It's downfall in Persia used the Arab invasions and led to a little minority establishing an organization in north-west India in the 10th century CE.

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Zarathustra was a Persian prophet who thought he had envisioned the view of God - Ahura Mazda- the create of all that was good and who only is to be worshipped. That is a differ from previous Indo-Persian polytheism and may be the first non-biblical monotheist. Their sacred booklet of laws, the Avesta is collection of sacred writing complied over many ages and had not been completed until the Sassanid dynasty. It is made up hymns ascribed to Zarathustra- the Gathas- invocation and rituals to be utilized at festivals, hymns of compliment and spells against demons and prescriptions for purification. The concept of God involves the utilization of both monotheism and dualism. In his visions Zarathustra was taken to the heavens where "Ahura Mazda exposed that he had an opponent, Aura Mainyu, the spirit and promoter of evil. " It was from this vision that Zarathustra was given the duty of inviting most of mankind to choose between good and bad. Zoroaster educated man they he must partake in the cosmic have difficulty because of his capacity of free choice. Subsequently making Zoroastrianism an moral religion due to the value of choosing good over bad. It is thought in Zoroastrianism that humans are free to decide between right and wrong, light and dark, and fact and lie and ultimately their choices would impact their destiny for any eternity. Afterlife in Zoroastrian culture is set by the total amount of what, good and wicked deed and thoughts throughout one's life. Generally this notion is not definite, however there may be exception for human being weakness, this implies faults aren't documented or weight permanently on the scales. Two means of obliterating them; confession and the copy of "supererogatory merits". The ideology of monotheism, heaven, hell, angelology, the messiah, the resurrection of your body was influential on Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

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Zoroastrianism was the most influential Religion after Persia for three successive Empires - the first lead by Cyrus the Young of the Archaemenian Family from 549 BCE -331 BCE. Kings of the Archaemenian Empire are recognized to have been very self-righteous Zoroastrians and ruled politically in unity with the Law of Asha - fact and righteousness. Cyrus was generally care-free and so no imposition was made upon his visitors to practise Zoroastrian ways. Beneficiary particularly to the Jews - whom Cyrus allowed to return to the Holy Land from exile in Babylon - this impacted them greatly and affected post-Exilic Judaism [Boyce, M: 1977: p211]. Relating to Xenophon and Plutarch [Xenophon and Plutarch in Lawless: 1994: 211], Cyrus worshipped Mithra, Anahita and Ahura-Mazda with inscriptions dating back to Cyrus the Young signify that many of his building tasks were under their cover.

Darius the fantastic was also very spiritual and demonstrated the same standard acceptance during his reign, attributing him being king compared to that of Ahura Mazda" With the favour of Ahura-Mazda I am ruler; Ahura-Mazda bestowed the kingship upon me. . . by the favour of Ahura-Mazda these countries demonstrated respect toward my rules. . . Ahura-Mazda bore me help until I got possession of this kingdom. " [Behistan Inscription in Lawless, J (1991) p. 207]. Ahura-Mazda was also proclaimed responsible for supporting create Darius' building tasks at Susa, Persepolis and his tomb at Naqshi-eRustan.

Following Darius to the throne was his child Xerxes who, like Darius before him attributed his ascension to the throne and building projects to Ahura-Mazda. A fairly controversial tablet as Persepolis signifies that Xerxes boasts that he damaged sanctuaries of "false gods"[Kent in Lawless (1994) p208];

"Among these countries there was (a location) where previously incorrect gods were worshipped. After, by the favour of Ahura-Mazda, I destroyed that sanctuary of the demons (daevas) and I made proclamation: "The Demons shall not be worshipped!' Where recently the demons were worshipped there I worshipped Ahura-Mazda and Arta reverently"

The inscription according to Kent has concerned scholars and there are ideas that Xerxes localized Zoroastrianism.

Next in line after the rule of the Archaemenians was the Seleucids and Arcasids; Zoroastrianism became self-sufficient during their guideline. The Parthian Arcasids overthrew the Seleucids and ruled for a much longer period than the Archaemenians, however doing this with a less centralised rule. A series of changes began from the Arcasids rule this included; Gathering of Zoroastrian texts from all provinces and The Vendidad (Laws and regulations Against Demons) is set up.

What continued was the tradition of tolerance towards other religions and also governed regulations of Asha like earlier rulers. The ultimate Empire to hold Zoroastrianism as its main faith was the Sasanians. The Sasanians - around 224 CE - 7th Century- were ruled by Ardashir, and during his reign important developments were made- A single Zoroastrian church was made under the control of Persia, the Zoroastrian calendar was reformed; the more aged colander possessed 360 days and nights, the new calendar was a 365 day calendar; the primary of the Avesta was able to be on paper. By the finish of the Sasanian period the authoritarian Zoroastrian church-state was greatly wealthy, until the Islamic conquests of the 7th century that is. . .

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The Islamic Arabs invaded and conquered Persia in the 7th century; this acquired a disastrous effect on Zoroastrianism that surpassed that of Alexander the Great's conquest. Numerous libraries were burned up to the bottom and to a great amount so was Persia's cultural traditions. Zoroastrians were treated like dhimmis (People of the Book) at the hands of the Arab invaders - this meant, that these were allowed to hold on to their spiritual practises, but needed to pay extra taxes as a result. Public humiliations and other laws were implemented to make life so difficult for individuals who practised Zoroastrianism that they would, consequently convert to Islam. This plan was successful as as time passes many Persians does convert and thus making Zoroastrianism a minority religious beliefs. More successive episode from the Turks, Mongols and Islamists destroyed more religious text messages and Zoroastrianism dropped further into obscurity.


Zoroastrianism is reported to be the oldest revealed faith on the globe and holds a company devote being one of the most interesting studies of the world's religions. Such significance can be related to the affects on Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Little is well known about the earliest days of Zoroastrianism after its establishment by Iranian prophet Zarathustra (Zoroaster in western culture) but during the 6th century BCE and 7th century CE Zoroastrianism was the most influential religion in three consecutive Persian Empires (known as Iran). It's downfall in Persia followed the Arab invasions and led to a small minority establishing a group in north-west India in the 10th century CE.

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