Factors influencing organisational change

1 The Major Factors Influencing Organisational Change

The following section explains the recorded key factors that contain affected organisational change:

1. 1 History and Ownership

The one-person organisation, the family company, the small-group entrepreneur will determine influence, power, style which is because of its centralized possession.

1. 2 Size

As the organisations develop and expand, restricted possession and control may dwindle and other outdoors forces will start having an influencing influence on their style and culture.

1. 3 Technology

High cost, high-tech, high touch, fast changing technology like telecommunications need a more versatile culture than those solutions that are expensive (equipment) where a more formal, well-structured culture is required.

1. 4 Command and Mission

It is a favorite fact that individuals and their principles impact on the culture of any organisation through various ways, which are explained through the ethnical web

The ethnic web is a way you can use to analyse the components of an organisations culture in conditions of the next:

  • How is the culture of the company constructed?
  • Who are the decision makers within the organisation?
  • What are the types of control systems that are set up?
  • What are the regimens and norms within the organisation?

1. 5 Analysing Organisational Culture

Mosby argues, "The place of work environment portrays a lot more of the organisations culture than what exactly are generally believed, pub versus top quality restaurant). "

The physical setting is a silent terms that communicate the culture of the space, the behavioural norms and the construction for relating the physical work place impacts on the company, culture, how people act and associate" (2001 Mosby)

  • The working environment shouldn't only be client-friendly, staff friendly but that its space must improve and support its expected message.
  • Mosby asks the question why employees still come into any office when they could work virtually. The solution lies in an organisations culture. "They become to belong, to participate a group, to exchange ideas and information i. e. to connect in person.
  • The work place (environment) has evolved dramatically since the Second World Warfare therefore has work.

"We all have been communal beings; want to live and work in a community" (2001 Mosby).

The office and the work content need to encourage the building of the community spirit and for that reason culture.

The exact same principle pertains to organisations, but a significant factor to recognise is that "culture which includes organisational culture, is not absolutely all so easy to define and even more difficult to improve" (2000 McLauglin)

Another key factor in organisational culture is associated with its principles. (Holmes 2000) argues that "values are the building blocks of corporate personality, and corporate persona is the foundation which reputation is built. Simply put, reputation is motivated by behavior. Where behavior is influenced by character; identity is driven by prices".


What employees discuss, what matters, what is supposed by either success or failing.


What is the normal way of doing things, methods and associated methods?


What does indeed the organisation spotlight, long service, quality, performance and development?


Symbols like office size, size or kind of car.

Control System:

Formal, informal or bureaucratic.

Organisational composition:

Who reviews to whom over a formal basis and who've informal relationships?

Power buildings:

Who makes the decisions, who influences the decisions, and exactly how and when?

Table 1 Organisational Paradigms

This shows amongst other things the varied mother nature of organisational culture, its intricacy, internal dynamics and most importantly its importance.

  • If an organisation pledges dedication to quality, but the product falls apart as soon as it leaves the assembly line can the company survive?
  • If the organisation preaches a customer focus and a customer friendly way, but doesn't provide any after sales service can it prosper?
  • If the company is concerned about the physical condition of its employees, but this isn't reflected in the workplace environment, its principles, benefits, communication procedures, staff development programs then possibly staff turnover and dissent will become common place.

It is therefore imperative to manage the known organisational culture and then for the senior management to foster and improve an organisational culture that will lead to the next:

  • Excellence.
  • Growth.
  • People and communal development
  • Capacity building.
  • Internalising positive worth.
  • Positive job orientation.

1. 6 Understanding the Concept of Organisational Culture

Lynch explains "it's a couple of beliefs, prices and learned means of managing and this is shown in its buildings, system and method of the development of corporate strategy. Its culture derives from its past, its present, its current people, technology and physical resources and from the seeks, objectives and worth of those who work in the organisation "(Lynch 278)

A significant factor in analysing organisational culture is to consider the facts, as they offer evidence of the type of culture that is set up.

It is almost such as a guide over a hunting trip, its is not a use knowing what a tiger appears like, its imperative to know the footprint of the tiger, look for the shattered twig, look for proof the resting place and set up whether the tiger is only or not.

There's a need to analyse the details. "Analysis is important because culture influences every aspect of the organisation and has an effect on the performance of organisations". (Brown in Lynch).

Because of the aforementioned the following construction for analysing organisational culture can be utilised.

1. 6. 1 Exterior Environment

The following section identifies the external affects that have an effect on organisational culture:

  • The political dimension.
  • The economic dimensions.
  • The social aspect.
  • The religious aspect.
  • The educational dimension.
  • The international dimensions.
  • The reigning ideologies.

1. 6. 2 Internal Environment

The following section identifies the inner influences which may have an impact on organisational culture:

  • The types of individuals employed in conditions of age, men/female, terms and community, religious beliefs, race, structure.
  • The work place environment in which the employees work.
  • The types of labour procedures that are set up within the organisation, for example an extremely unionised labour push.
  • The rate of which technology in the form of computers and automation has or has been deployed.
  • The types of resources and resource policies that are employed.
  • The background and possession of the organisation.
  • The beliefs and beliefs, in particular the rituals of the company.
  • The management style set up, such as bureaucratic and set up, to malleable and change orientated.

The perception of men and women of something or a firm and a good country's professional and technical competency is dependant almost entirely on the leaders of business and their ability to immediate restructure and mould the kind of organisational culture that will promote the following:

  • Excellence in all that it does.
  • The creation of a benchmarking culture, whereby good practice is taken from other market sectors and installed into their own.
  • The ability to develop on the prevailing capability of the organisations that they control, thus increasing the capacity building capacity.
  • The quality of both the product and services that they offer to both to external and inner customers.
  • The development and enlargement of the employees within the company.
  • The capability to intervene in the capability building process, analysis, production assessments, company audits, data cleansing and personnel development, without destroying both the exterior and internal reputation of the company.

As can be seen, without a thorough analysis and diagnosis of the present and real organisational culture, it is extremely hard to ensure progress and a valid and sustainable program for future success.

This is because organisational culture provides the blocks if not the cornerstone on which quality, quality and improvement is built and developed.

If quality and progress is not really a recognised and well known value in the hearts and brains of the complete labor force, then all the abovementioned activities might maintain vain.

The following summary is situated totally on work by Lynch:

1. 7 THE ENERGY Culture

"The organisation revolves around and it is dominated by an individual or a little group" (Lynch).

A lot of the initiatives, programmes previously introduced have referred back again to the central control of an organisation, which in turn dominated the task styles, beliefs, and even working techniques.

A challenge with these types of initiatives are that they became increasingly difficult for the centre to keep control and manage as the organisation grows and expands, even if subgroups of managers develop their programs and initiatives, it eventually reflects the choices of the top or centre of the organisation who are regarded to be the true power agents.

1. 8 The Role Culture

"This organisation depends on committees, structures, logic and evaluation" (Lynch).

In this context a small group of managers or leaders can make the final decision, they will rely on steps, systems and well-defined assignments of communication.

On this environment the management of change is often a problem and difficult to achieve, especially within an unstable environment where the managers often do not start to see the changes coming and don't know how to control them.

1. 9 The Task Culture

"The company is targeted at tackle identified projects or jobs. Work is carried out in clubs that are adaptable and tackle identified issues". (Lynch).

In this type of organisation adjustments leftovers with a go for team and experts are used to accomplish group decisions.

The major problem with this type of culture is that it's less with the capacity of large-scale work and control relies basically on the efficiency of the team and top management is appreciated to allow the group day-to-day autonomy.

1. 10 The Personal Culture

"The individual works and is available purely for her or himself. The company is tolerated as the best way to structure and order the environment to certain useful purposes, but the prime market is the average person. " (Lynch).

An clear problem with this type of culture is that every individual seems little loyalty to the company and is therefore difficult to control.

1. 11 Conclusions on the Four Types of Culture

Lynch arises with the following realization on the four types of culture. Lynch applies three criteria related to cooperative strategy to analyse the strategic implications of the four civilizations.

The three conditions are:

  • Fit with prescription or emergent strategic routes.
  • Delivery of competitive advantage.
  • Ability to cope with strategic change.

Prescriptive or emergent strategy

Delivery of competitive advantage

Ability to cope with strategic change

Power culture


Enhanced but individuals may miss competitive moves

Depends on individual or group at centre

Role culture


Solid, poor and substantive

Slow, will resist change

Task culture


Good where flexibility is important

Accepted and welcomed

Personal culture

Possible emergent

Depends on individual

Depends on individual

Table 2 Types of Culture

However he does add three important skills:

  • Organisations change as time passes, which if so desired allows for the movement from one culture to some other possible.
  • Several types of culture usually exist in the same organisation, without it being completely realised.
  • Different ethnicities may predominate, pending on the centralisation in the company.

1. 12 Evaluating the Strategic Match Current Thinking

From previous conversations, it is clear that there are not only different civilizations, but they can all impact in another way on the various types of organisation.

"Kreitner and Kinicki" discovered four functions of your progressive organisational culture which are as follows:

  • They give employees an organisational id, whereby they draw in, develop and keep talented people. They provide as a magnet and create a feeling of belonging amidst their workers.
  • They facilitate collective determination, whereby people own the business, are ready to work to achieve the desired goals and salaries, dividends and output is high.
  • They promote communal system stability, rigorous standards, and tight controls; more than just self-discipline are a mystique, low turnover and most importantly a passionate commitment to work, thus creating a strong identification with the company.
  • They shape behaviour, by aiding employees to make sense of their area i. e. the public glue.

The above are just a few, as there are a lot more functions of organisational culture. The truth is, it requires to be accepted by older management teams and further more must be carefully been able and aligned with the goals and strategy of the company as well to be directed accurately, thus ensuring a constructive and effective functioning of the entire organisation.

Messmer for example says, "Furthermore to traditional financial compensation there's something else employees are looking for in their jobs an factor that could well grow to be the most pivotal of most. A company's corporate culture, especially just how it treats, principles and trusts, its employees, is typically the deciding element in whether a worker stays or progresses. " (Messmer 2001)

Several fortune 100 executives questioned in a review commissioned by Robert 50 percent International Inc. (RHI) placed a positive work environment near the top of their list of concerns for keeping employees happy. " It really is clear that the positive work place referred to here is but the suggestion of the iceberg, the reality of company culture is a lot more complex, energetic and consequential. "

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