Leadership BEFOREHAND Practice Nursing Medical Essay

The quiz that was part of the assignment 3 resulted that this publisher is a participative head. It points out that the participative market leaders entail the group in decision making. However they make the ultimate say on decisions. This creator agrees with the quiz consequence. This author is convinced that a leader should become more participative and less delegative and authoritative. When market leaders tend to be more authoritative than participative, the group may get unpleasant or dishonest to the first choice. The participative leadership style may bring up better benefits from the group.

There are numerous attributes of command necessary for graduate level nurses. The market leaders should have a vision of the future and also communicate it with the group. Enacting at the right time is another qualities of authority. The leaders must have self-confidence and determination to take risk and fail sometimes. They should be able to build good marriage with the group and other experts through effective communication, and make or officer boundaries out there. Another important management attribute that graduate level nurses have got is self-reflection. Self-reflection helps the leaders to look back again to their activities and learn from it. They should be able to understand and respect the diverse culture of the patients and the group participants. There is also to find a balance in personal and professional life (Spross & Charlene (2005).

This writer has very strong understanding of ethnical variety which is one of the key leadership features. Cultural competence is an ongoing process which include setting one's beliefs on the side, and allows and respects the ethnical distinctions of others (Giger et al. , 2007). Since this creator is from the different culture than the main stream culture, it is easier for her to comprehend and respect the other cultures. This background can help this writer to provide effective attention to her patients from diverse culture, and also to lead a culturally diverse group without harming their ethnical believes.

This author is convinced that she must develop self-confidence and risk taking attributes of leadership. According to Spross & Hanson (2005) a genuine innovator should be willing to take chance, give it a try and fail once in a while. This author used to work only in comfortable areas. However, she understands that in graduate medical role in order to achieve certain result, she must become more self-confident and risk taking. Even after faltering several times, the leader has to repeatedly make an effort to accomplish a desired goal through negotiation and collaboration with others (Spross & Hanson (2005).

Leadership is a primary competency of graduate nursing. The characteristics of APN leaderships are "mentoring and empowerment, technology and change agency, and activism" (Spross & Hanson (2005). As a part of advanced practice nurses' job, they need to coach their patients, nurses and other nurse experts. There is also to speak up, make a deal and intervene with coverage makers, insurance companies and other organizations to provide adequate care with their patients, also to attain better working conditions. Therefore, authority is an inescapable role of graduate nursing.

According to Spross and Hanson graduate nurses practice command in four domains, that are professional medical practice, nursing job, system level and health plan (Spross & Hanson (2005). This creator must develop her management skills in the health policy area. Since there can be an increase in rules and regulations influencing APN role, it is important to know about health procedures as an APN leader. The market leaders in this domain should be able to evaluate health care systems, understand their own command qualities and use them at the right time. The APNs can form their control skills in health insurance policy arena by becoming a politics activist, using professional organizations and politics action committees, being part of internships, fellowships and special interest groups, raising understanding through communication, and educating policymakers, legislators and general public (Spross & Hanson (2005).

Empowerment is one of the characteristics of the move forward practice nurse command. It is a developmental process that the leader acquire as time passes to encourage others, providing capacity to them, and letting them to work their own. To be able to enable others the leaders need to provide them adequate education, motivation, encouragement, protection, security, support, course, and resource to act their own appropriately (Spross & Hanson (2005). In health coverage industry the APN leaders should enable others by using all above methods, so that they can build up future APN market leaders who is able to speak up and action on at the right time.

Leadership as a competency helps clarify graduate nursing in this author's mind. This author understands that authority is correlated in every areas of advanced practice medical role. She identifies that authority is no option; rather it is a daily practice to be an efficient graduate nurse. "Effective nursing leadership is type in providing quality patient good care. Popular changes in the healthcare delivery system have prompted nurses to build up leadership skills to manage the difficulties of shorter hospital stays, high patient acuity, and reduced nurse staffing. Move forward practice nurses (APNs) are in a unique position to affect practice and put into action change as involvement nurses" (Monturo, 2003).

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