Our Top Priority Placing God First Faith Essay

All of us have our priorities, things that we consider are actually important to us in our lives. But are we ready to sacrifice them for the sake of the love for the gospel and the self-discipline of caring God and putting God before all our priorities in life?

If each believer were practising Matthew 6:33, there would be lots of of manpower for service, more income for missions, and the work of the Lord would improve and prosper. Are we practising Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and each one of these things will be added unto you"?

What is our top priority in life? Is it never to put God first as God requires folks? Draw 12:30 "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and soul, and with all thy spirit, and with all thy mind, and with all thy power: this is actually the first commandment. "

Yet, Many People Put Other Things First.

Some will put job or profession first. Yes, it is important for a Religious to be a good worker. No matter where a believer works, their workplace ought to be able to visit a difference in them! If you're a businessman, then you must work hard to make your business a success!

But never. . . never. . . allow your task or your business to come first in your life!

Some will place the accumulation of riches first. Many spend their time and energies increasing and getting. However they often lose their sense of God. The greater we seek earthly things, the less of the things of God we can see.

Some people put pleasure first. Many may say, "But Weekend is my only day off. . . I want that time to relax!" God isn't against a person having a good time and enjoying life!

Mark 6:31 "And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and relax a while: for there have been many approaching and going, plus they got no leisure a lot as to eat. "

But pleasure shouldn't be our chief goal of life, and nothing should come before God!

What is the chief end of men? To glorify God also to enjoy Him permanently.

Jesus is clear in this verse, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness". Come to worship and be active in serving god, the father whenever He has called you, and you will should have a blessed and good leftovers.

Matthew 11:28-30 "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I'll give you rest. 29 Take my yoke after you, and observe me; for I am meek and lowly in heart and soul: and ye shall find recovery unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is simple, and my burden is light. "

Some people put their family first. Now do not get me wrong, family is important. But they are not more important than God!

A sweetheart moans and groans practically every time she views her children not in chapel for fellowship conferences. Well, what travelled wrong? If they were youthful, she educated them by example that heading to Grandma's and Aunt So-in-so's was more important that going to church, and providing God!

Matthew 10:37-39 "He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worth me: and he that loveth child more than me is not worth me. 38 And he that taketh not his mix, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall think it is. " Take care not to let whatever or whoever that is dear to your life to stand between us and faithful service to God, lest will be unworthy of god, the father.

What WILL IT Mean to place God First or even to Seek First the Kingdom?

Putting God first in our life means that we conform our lives to His biblical principles. Romans 12:2 instructs us "And become not conformed to the world: but be ye changed by the renewing of your brain, that ye may establish what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. "

Are we living our lives guided by biblical guidelines or by some worldly school of thought? Is our brain being transformed each day by the faithful reading of God's Expression? A lot more we read the Bible, the more we will have the mind of Christ and know the nice, satisfactory and perfect will of God to steer us through life.

Putting God first means portion in His kingdom. 2 Cor 5:20, "Now then our company is ambassadors for Christ. . . " An ambassador is meant to provide his king.

Unfortunately, God has many ambassadors who inadequately represent Him to this lost and dying world. If the lost is to listen to the Gospel and be saved, we must be actively portion our King and seeing that Gospel preached at home and around the world. How productive are we in witnessing for god, the father?

Putting God first means placing His chapel first. The neighborhood church is really the only organization Christ still left down here to do His work! Or should it be "organism" since it is meant to be growing.

And as we have been saved but still left in this world, we should be part of an area body of Christ. We live to serve Christ through the local church! It's the body of Christ, and being area of the body of Christ, we have to get together and interact, whether you will be the leg or the side, whether with one expertise or with five, we need one another, with regard to Christ's body to develop.

We owe it all to the local chapel which God has by His providence put us in. We could to serve Him and with fellow brethren with high top priority.

We owe the cathedral our occurrence. "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves jointly as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye start to see the day getting close" (Hebrews 10:25).

Do I show up at every gathering of God's people that I can? Do we hear some Christians stating, "You understand, it isn't commanded that we assemble on Saturday afternoon or on Thursday evening, " as though it were a light thing to miss an assemblage of God's people.

I believe that you realize I am not talking about being providentially hindered, by things over which we have no control. God has learned when we are sick or unable to attend.

I am talking about willfully missing gatherings of God's people. Just because there is another thing we want to do or somewhere else we had somewhat be.

We should eagerly assume the opportunity to encourage each other, to provide our thoughts in prayer, to raise our voices in music of compliment, to give you a friendly handshake to both member and visitor. To be always a part of the category of God.

We owe the chapel our prayers. Paul asked the cathedral to pray for him on many occasions. James 5:16 tells us to "pray for one another". Who is aware what mighty things this cathedral could do if everyone was praying jointly?

We owe the church our promises and determination. What I am talking about is real commitment which we have promised the Lord what we can do for the cathedral - being of 1 mind, of 1 purpose.

We ought to totally give of ourselves faithfully to the ministry of the chapel. Ephesians 4:11-13 "And he provided some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and educators; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: [not the ministry of only the pastor, but also of most in the body of Christ] 13 Till most of us come in the unity of the beliefs, and of the data of the Child of God, unto a perfect man, unto the way of measuring the stature of the fulness of Christ:" This is actually the commitment of everybody in the body of Christ.

In the every day world we know very well what commitment means:

We remove a 30 time mortgage on a house. What have we done? Committed ourself to 360 monthly premiums. And we signed many papers assuring that we realize the determination we've made.

We go to be employed by an employer and a committed action is involved. We are going to be there on time, prepared to work the dedicated hours. We will do a genuine day's help an honest day's pay. The reason? The Lord is viewing and we made a commitment (Eph. 5:5-8).

We marry someone - a lifelong determination. We are going to love one another, labor alongside one another, trust and honor each other, "until death do us part. " Dedication!

How people commit themselves in the things they find to do.

Look at the sportsmen and sportswomen. An Olympic swimmer would swim 8, 000 meters just about every day when in training. That's 160 laps in an Olympic size pool. A world famous hockey player would eat, drink, and sleep baseball. All champions are like that. Given that is Dedication!

Here is just a little test for all of us. Consider the question, "Has service to God become boring?" "DO YOU eagerly anticipate the opportunity to enroll in services and worship our Creator?" In the event the answer is NO, one problem may be a insufficient real sacrifice on our part.

How to triumph over your boredom? It really is by joyous involvement. Psalms 100:2 reminds us, "Serve god, the father with gladness: come before his occurrence with singing. " Nothing is more boring than religion devoid of significant and joyful service.

But Praise God for there is certainly God's Reward to THOSE THAT Seek First the Kingdom.

"Each one of these things will be added unto you. " The Lord is talking here about material needs which we find out about from vv. 25-32.

Do you believe? Is God a liar or did Jesus suggest what He said? Placing God first means that people will have our needs attained. When you have respected in Christ in His assurance of eternal life, why can't we simply trust Him to manage our temporal needs here on the planet?

King David seen in Psalms 37:25 "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging loaf of bread. " Bear in mind the testimony of George Muller?

Testimony: One night when the children at the orphanage possessed all gone to sleeping, George Muller recognized that there was not bread for the breakfast the next morning hours. He then asked his friend, a visitor at the orphanage, to join him in prayer. Muller advised his visitor that there is absolutely nothing in the house for next morning's breakfast. The good friend reminded Muller that the stores were shut down which Muller recognized very well.

But he prayed as he always prayed. They visited bed and slept. And lo, and behold, in the morning, there was in abundance at the usual breakfast hour breads for two thousand children. Neither Muller nor his friend ever knew how the answer came up.

The storyline was informed that god, the father called a baker out of bed in the center of the night to send breakfast to Muller's orphanage, and knowing nothing of the necessity, or of both men at prayer, the baker sent provisions that would feed the children for per month.

God is faithful! He continues His guarantees! Put Him first and then just watch Him bless you! Could you dare take up this problem?!


We are facing a difficult life, and with things getting really hectic, so much so that sometimes we may become confused with our own priorities.

But let's keep our concentration clear! What is most important for all of us is to put God first atlanta divorce attorneys part of our lives, and all things will fall under place perfectly.

GOD HAS ALWAYS REQUIRED MAN TO PLACE HIM FIRST! Deuteronomy 10:12 "And now, Israel, what doth god, the father thy God require of thee, but to dread god, the father thy God, to walk in all his ways, also to love him, and serve god, the father thy God with all thy heart and soul and with all thy soul. " Make no oversight about any of it. Anything less is unacceptable. This is why for man's presence.

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