Outdoor Recreation And Leisure Travel and leisure Essay

Outdoor recreation and leisure is very within the Mauritian context. As an island, Mauritians as well as holidaymakers try to profit the most from the initial environment and weather which is perfect for leisure activities (Badat, 2009). As the island offers a wide range of prospects in terms of outdoor recreation, such as trekking, kayaking, snorkeling between others, it is a must to experience at least one of them (MTPA, 2011). In this esteem, the study selects a particular outdoor recreation and studies the various aspects which are participating within.

Aim of study

An in depth research of Yemaya Adventures

Objectives of study

To identify the actions provided and its impacts.

To identify the marketing strategies of the organization.

To find out to which increase the company is sustainable

To take part in a task provided by the business.


With regards to your outdoor recreation task, all start with contacting several leisure providers like Dive Sail Travel, Cover Soleil, Ican Tropic, Yemaya Ventures etc. Initially, it was very difficult to get hold of those companies as it was time consuming, the person in charge was struggling to provide us with clear and correct information and the costs that are priced for those activities were very costly. Finally, we contacted Yemaya and while dealing with the person we noticed that there is effective communication compared to other organizations and the prices were cheaper. Thus, we decided to go for Yemaya Travels.

Moreover, for our technique participant observation and interview were used as our research devices. Participant observation is a very commonly used observation approach (REF ) and in this technique, one needs to participate in order to obtain data. Through participant observation one can obtain first-hand data as well as in depth information about the leisure company. However, it is very frustrating. We also interviewed the manager of Yemaya Escapades, Mr Patrick Haberland and this enables us to learn about the organisation's other activities that they provide, how they market their group and furthermore crucial is to what extent the activities of the organization is sustainable.

Overview of Yemaya Adventures

Literature review

Definitions and Concept of Leisure, recreation and tourism

Leisure, recreation and tourism are usually viewed as key components in people's lives (Lynch and Veal (1996). Outdoor entertainment brings happiness to people as it offers recreational opportunities to them. Leisure means various what to different people and for that reason it involves many definitions given by many researchers. For example, Fava (1964) explained that leisure is enough time which an individual has clear of work or other responsibilities and which might be used for the purpose of leisure, diversion, or personal development. On the other hand, corresponding to Godbey (1999), a leading researcher in the field of leisure education said that leisure is normally related with free time or situations in which people have the blissful luxury of preference. Sylvester (1999) explained that, we must not neglect the fact that in early time, leisure was considered as a luxury and was affordable by affluent people only.


The term recreation is originated from the Latin phrase of recreation and recreate which means "to refresh" and "to revive" (Edginton et al 1995).

Examples of outdoor entertainment involve:

Visiting parks and natural areas.

Visiting historical and archaeological sites.

Outdoor concerts and celebration.

Golf and kite traveling

Forest pursuits like wildlife safari, camping and tree climbing.

Importance of Outdoor Recreation

Research has shown that outdoor recreation activities undoubtedly add positively to 1 health as well as well-being (Boniface, 2000; Dickson, Gray and Mann, 2008). Through entertainment activities, people find the opportunity to have fun with the natural environment if they're doing adventure activities, interact with other folks (Berman and Davis-Berman, 2000).

Moreover, analysis has illustrated that just how life alters with the increased loss of link which inevitably lead to poor life styles (Godbey, Caldwell, Floyd and Payne 2005). Nowadays, the new technology mainly children will be at dangers than their parents. Children now have more possibilities of health issues, such as asthma, over weight, vitamin D deficit since they have inactive lifestyle as well as lack of physical exercises (REFERENCE). Consequently, it could lead to cardiovascular, pulmonary and mental health problems in adulthood (REFRENCE). Children from poor backgrounds are more likely to be from renewable space as they may have 'built environment' such as bad housing condition, traffic congestion and so forth (Reference point).

Today the world is linked with technological devices and children tends to stay more before their computers, tv, playing video games and after school hours they have to complete their home work therefore youngsters miss the connection with the natural setting up, in addition they miss the opportunity for stress reduction, healthy development, physical activity and repair (Reference point).

Benefits of Outdoor Recreation

Economic benefits:

Outdoor recreation financially benefits a country. For example, among all activities, bicycles are seen as more sustainable in comparison to other activities and it brings over $ 81 billion in to the American economy yearly (Knight, 2012). Additionally, he also mentioned that bicycling also provide 770, 000 immediate jobs for people.

Social Benefits

Australian and International research stated that the notion of outdoor recreation involvement is considered as an important facilitator of personal and community development. Corresponding to one Australian researcher, he said that outdoor entertainment as a seek out "personally meaningful engagement" (McIntyre 1992, p. 70).

Lynch and Veal (1996), assert that outdoor entertainment is highly beneficial to the local communities as it encourages physical health, psycho-social well-being, self-actualization, spirituality, family bonding, child development, self-identity, sociable skill development and environmental education.

Social and internal is effective in two ways. At first, during contribution, people are more likely to experience the pleasure with the actions that they have chosen its locality, its love and personal satisfaction. Finally, after involvement there is a change in the individuals mind-set (Shreyer & Drivers 1990). For instance, there might be a rise in social responsibility through having a sense of belonging to an outdoor recreation community and it also reduces stress.

Environmental Benefits

Those people involved with outdoor recreation tend to be more willing to maintain and conserve the surroundings, for example, they provide management ways of decrease the negative environmental effects. Participants who are motivated to help in conservation initiatives on a specific place which they love and feel attached. By doing so, this will surely establishes the surroundings and contributes to environmentally friendly sustainability.

Motivation for outdoor entertainment

According to Iso-Ahola (1980), folks are encouraged through identified targets as well as rewards which is often either extrinsic or intrinsic. Whenever a particular activity is occupied directly into acquire payment, it is recognized as extrinsically motivated. On the other hand, intrinsically encouraged is when a person is self determined to attain something or involved in the experience because of its own sake.

Moreover, Iso-Ahola believes that leisure action is mainly caused by intrinsic aspects that are linked to self-expression, competence as well as arrangement which implies independence of preference. Nevertheless, recreation choice shouldn't be regarded as unrestricted. The power for specific to choose from a range of outdoor recreation cannot be affected because of the fact that individual's drive to be indulged in a given outdoor recreation is projected in the choice made from various outdoor activities.

Furthermore, choice is encircled by many pitfalls such as physical capacity, affordability, awareness, time constraints and family obligations. These constraints change among people and the demographic, socio-economic and other groups.

Demand and Involvement

Demand can be an economic term used in order to demonstrate the hyperlink that exists between the quantities of a good that people will buy as well as the costs that they will have to pay. In other words, it refers to the power and willingness to cover a particular product. The elements of demands are as follows:

1. Effective, expressed or genuine demand is the actual number of participants, for instance it reflects the number of men and women that participate in countryside recreation. The number of people involved with such activity might be expressed each day or per year.

2. Latent or suppressed demand identifies unfulfilled demand. Therefore, it is where an individual's desire to take part has not been fulfilled due to some reason. But if the situation alters such a desire may ultimately become effective demand. However, such demand is not easy to quantify as it relies on people's hopes and wants as well. When taking into account suppressed demand it could be emphasized that the second option gives surge to two elements particularly: deferred demand and potential demand. When reference point is being designed to deferred demand identifies demand that is unfulfilled due to too little amenities, for example, if a huge number of individuals wish

to go directly to the pool but the challenge is that if there is no swimming available then this want will be unfulfilled and demand will be postponed until a swimming pool is provided. In contrast, potential demand is demand that is unfulfilled due to the fact there is a lack of personal resources such as income or ability to move. But, if there is an improvement in conditions of personal situation it can absolutely be fulfilled in the future.

3. Lastly it can be said that you will see people who will surely prefer never to involve in outdoor recreation and this is known as no demand.

Factors impacting demand for outdoor entertainment can be grouped into :

> Demographic characteristics

> Socio-economic characteristics

> Situational characteristics

Demographic Characteristics

In conditions of demographic characteristics there are several factors that influence the recreation desire and it includes age, making love, marital status and family variety. Research shows that young men who are one are more likely to require in outdoor recreation and even if they're married these are unwilling to have children (Booth, 1989; Genet 2001; Booth & Peebles, 1995). These participants are really considering their education and they inevitably need to get well paid jobs.

Socio -economic characteristics


From an economist's perspective, price is known as to be always a key factor in determining price as customer's decision but the price of leisure is complicated with regards to a great many other products. For example, a normal product includes a single price but while assessing it to the price of leisure activities it is different as it consists of separate elements such as the valid aspect of the leisure, other price like costs of carry, parking, equipment, clothing and accommodation might be costed. Economists mentioned that as leisure consists of time, therefore the chance cost of that time in conditions of its possible earning power also needs to be contained in the list mentioned above.

According to Gratton and Taylor (1985) he argued that the price of a product impacts demand in two various ways. First of all, the average cost of involvement which involves all sorts of costs such as access fee, equipment therefore forth might influence demand in terms of decision making to involve in the experience. Thus, the bigger the average cost, the lower the participate rate. Second of all, marginal cost is the price that comes with an effect on the frequency of participation. For instance, in association with leisure activities there could be fixed costs included like membership charge, buying of equipment and so on.


Income may very well be a feature that enables visitors to buy a leisure product. Research shows that in the next one half of the nineteenth century there has been a severe change with regards to income growth. It had been then that the introduction of mass leisure started and simultaneously there was a continuous increase of income and this has definitely an impact on expansion of leisure. Affluent folks have always appreciated their leisure; therefore it can be produced crystal clear as income boosts people will surely have more leisure.

Situational characteristics


Self-employed people generally have better control pertaining to their time plan and these folks will have more free time.


Car possession has increased dramatically because the income of individuals has increased and cars are more affordable to buy and run. In case a person does not possess a vehicle, therefore she or he might be disadvantaged in conditions of site, journey, timing and duration of the trip.

External factors impacting demand for outdoor recreation are:

Recreational opportunity is highly dependent upon availability and availability of entertainment sites. Thus, the nature of recreation sites as well as availability will surely rely upon several things such as carrying capacity, ownership, circulation, quality, access and degree of development. These reflect three important elements which contain economical, behavioral and politics. Hence, it can help both private and public sectors in terms of great decision making with regards to recreation provision.

While making decision to go to any particular recreational sites, accessibility is considered to be always a key element in influencing involvement. Additionally, how vital it is, as an aspect in decision making in influencing the 'what' and 'where' of entertainment involvement is discussed by Chubb and Chubb (1981:153) : 'People involvement increase if all the exterior and personal factors support members, however if the website is not accessible it could certainly be a problem. '

Recreation travel habit

While going to any particular site for entertainment, distance is very important and for some movement, a distance-decay result can be known so the power of interaction diminishes as distance rises. In such a context, if a recreational site contains greater distance and involve more effort and time, may not be supported by individuals. But, not all activities are time consuming as it depends on the types of activities any particular one is taking part in. The impact of longer ranges will be negative to some extent as the more a person travel, he or might be tired and found it to be distressing. Alternatively, such result may be encouraging in situation in which a person is exploring by luxury cruise. The last mentioned may enjoy and the longer the distance the higher the desire to extend it.

Recreation choice behavior

Forecasting of recreation behavior would have been considered if more was known in relation to factors influencing decision-making to attitudes, motivations and perceptions. This might be very helpful as it could explain:

1. Why some sites and activities are ideal;

2. Why some recreational businesses are failures while some are satisfied by individuals;

3. Why and exactly how alternative recreation are rated.

The recreation substitute process is inspired by people's perceptions of what recreational opportunities can be found.

Natural environments as recreation adjustments

Driver et al. (1987) shows that natural environment are really critical in attaining the preferred derive from leisure. Research conducted in Colorado have shown that participants like to enjoy generally in dynamics, therefore, environment plays an intrinsic role in obtaining the effect as well as satisfaction required from involvement in certain types of recreation.

According to Kaplan and Kaplan (1989), participant's satisfaction is associated with natural options through integration body and mind in the leisure activity. Hence, environmental aspect certainly is considered to truly have a dominant effect on recreation tendencies which has first derived from experts like Schreyer et al. (1985), he propose that the most helpful demonstration of the environment for the explanation of behavioral choice is considered as important. They also stated that individuals are more likely to explore the natural environment location that will undoubtedly allow them to act in the ways they wish and therefore this will permit them to accomplish a desired cognitive point out. Thus, the theory that recreation experience are closely associated with recreation location is important based on the idea of the entertainment opportunity variety.

Outdoor entertainment constraints:

Since the past few decades, much research has been made on the constraints of outdoor recreation. Constraints are "factors that limit people's contribution in leisure activities, people's use of leisure services, or people's satisfaction of current activities" (Jackson & Scott, 1999). As per Crawford, Jackson and Godbey (1993), there are three major types of constraints specifically intrapersonal, social and structural. Intrapersonal constraints contain the subconscious characteristics of a person that connect to personal choices, thus the constraints that will affect personal preferences. For example, the self-esteem an person has or the perceived physical skills that he/she has. For interpersonal constraints, they are the constraints which involve the relationship and marriage among individuals. For example, usage of friends or relative's company for a specific entertainment. Finally, structural constraints are those constraints that have an effect on the contribution of an individual in a specific leisure activity. Structural constraints intervene between your personal preferences of your person and that person's participation in the recreation activity. For instance, the expense of participating in a leisure activity or the issues involved with the facilities for an outdoor recreation.

Moreover according to the hierarchical model produced by Crawford, Jackson and Godbey (1993), more importance is given to the intrapersonal and interpersonal constraints and the structural constraints are considered as less important. That is so because people, while going through the contribution decision-making process; there are constraints that will connect to motivations and personal preferences and thus form the level of participation in the entertainment or leisure activity. But however there are ways of negotiating through the constraints whereby people have the ability to participate in the entertainment activities.

Among the various constraints that exist, Jackson (1993), found that time was amidst the most important constraints as well as cost. As per the other researches made, it has also been observed that insufficient money, transportation, and other structural items were factors contributing to constraint (Coyle & Kinney, 1990; Kay & Jackson, 1991; Samdahl & Jekubovich, 1997; Williams & Fidgeon, 2000). As for Walker and Virden (2004), they mentioned that constraints promptly are the best ones, and the ones that are the most frequent in the many researches made.

More lately, Jackson (2005) pressured the value of understanding structural constraints, opining that "no constraint or kind of constraint is experienced with equal strength by everyone, although time-related and cost-related constraints ranking along with the most generally and firmly experienced inhibitors of the achievement of leisure goals and a well-balanced lifestyle" Jackson (2005) also reviewed the importance of knowing that constraints can vary greatly greatly across the various subgroups of the population, and across individuals.

Most of the relevant studies (Alexandris & Carroll, 1997; Jackson, 2005; Horna, 1989; Jackson & Henderson, 1995) attended to the normal conclusion that girls face more strong leisure constraints than men, and this final result mainly from lack of time. They have a tendency to suggest that women's place within population, women's functions and responsibilities, often limit women's freedom of choice. Furthermore, lack of technological skills, private travel and of money are also experienced by women more intensely than men (Harahoussou, 1996; Harrington & Dawson, 1995).

Types of outdoor recreational activities

Recreational activities are categorized as different categories which can be pile activities, forest activities, beach and sea activities and some more such as fresh normal water activities, aero activities, desert activities, family activities and ethnic and historical activities.

This is due to the fact that there are thousands of outdoor locations and various types of activities that can be done at different sites. Under each of these previously listed categories there will vary recreational activities that can be undertaken :

* Hill activities- trekking, climbing, hill biking, motorbike expedition, snow skiing, snowboarding, ice climbing and canyoning

* Forest activities- animals safari, camping, bird seeing, elephant safari and tree climbing

* Beach and sea activities- snorkeling, scuba, parasailing, boat sportfishing, wind browsing on and drinking water sports

* Fresh drinking water activities- angling, canoeing, white drinking water rafting, water sports and sea kayaking

* Aero activities- gliding and ballooning

* Desert activities- camel safari and desert jeep safari

* Family activities- theme area and safari park

* Cultural and historical activities- indigenous culture, museum and metallic detecting

All these activities talked about here, cannot be practiced almost everywhere. It depends upon the vacation spot if it provides for such environment. You can find activities which may fall under several category.

Recreation Opportunity Variety:

A entertainment opportunity as the name signifies, is the choice to participate in a preferred entertainment activity within a preferred setting and also to enjoy the desired experience. The Entertainment Opportunity Variety (ROS) that was developed in america (Clark & Stankey, 1979), is to begin with an instrument which is used to plan outdoor recreation so as to identify where categories the activities fall. Additionally it is a framework for recreational planning whereby the opportunities present for recreation are identified.

The aim is to provide diverse recreational activities and manage them concurrently in conjunction with other needs for land use (Yamaki and Shoji, 2004). The recreation opportunity spectrum that considers the variety of entertainment experience (Brown 1978, Buist 1982, Clark 1979, Drivers 1978) will improve the usage plan in this value. For example, in Japan, the provision of folks with recreational opportunities in a natural setting will add to the conservation of the natural panorama (Yamaki and Shoji, 2004).

The recreational opportunity range is important so as to have the ability to make provision for different kinds of activities in different types of configurations for people with different preferences. You will discover three types of settings in the recreation opportunity spectrum particularly: managerial, physical and public.

The ROS Inventory characterizes and presents entertainment opportunities as mixes or combinations of configurations and probable experience opportunities assemble along a continuum or spectral range of ROS classes. The variety is defined out in terms of seven ROS classes as follows:

Primitive (P); Roaded Modified (RM);

Semi-primitive Non-Motorized (SPNM); Rural (R); and

Semi-primitive Motorized (SPM); Urban (U).

Roaded Natural (RN);2

The classes that define this variety are differentiated from one another in terms of

differing degrees or types of remoteness, naturalness and social experience as shown below.

Water and Land Entertainment Opportunity Spectrum (WALROS)

The WALROS can be an improvement of this Recreation Opportunity Spectrum which itself is sourced from the Entertainment Opportunity Range. The WALROS is also a tool which helps organizers to make better decisions but it lays much focus on normal water resources such as reservoirs, lakes, waterways, bays, estuaries, wetlands, major springs, seaside zones, and covered sea areas. As our recreation activity was kayaking, the WALROS is appropriate than the ROS.

The WALROS unlike the ROS has only six classes which can be namely:


Semi primitive

Rural natural

Rural developed



Primitive environment: A primitive WALROS area is a huge expanse of natural resources far from development and arrangement. Real human activity is uncommon and seldom. This inflatable water resources and shorelines show up natural, demonstrating little evidence of past human use. Management relies on visitor cooperation and stewardship, and management activities often focus on resource protection, repair, and monitoring. A feeling of remoteness, wildness, solitude, and self-reliance is prominent among guests. Visitor comforts, conveniences, and concentrations are not appropriate to a primitive setting up. Examples of primitive configurations are large expanses of lands and waters that are kilometers from development and arrangement. The settings are commonly designated as untamed and scenic Streams, backcountry lakes, headwaters, sea reserves or other types of protected areas.

Semiprimitive setting: A semiprimitive WALROS area is a sizable expanse of natural resources that is definately not any city or metropolitan area and a significant distance from small communities or developments. Natural resources dominate the panorama. Development is slight, and individual activity can basically be sensed. However, a semiprimitive setting up may include evidence of real human activity such as distant farming businesses, powerlines, livestock, small properties, old roadways, ancient structures, and traditional logging or mining. These drinking water resources tend to be within large expanses of public lands and waters. Management, by means of patrols, facilities, and signage, is hardly ever obvious and the site visitors are expected to acquire their own equipment and skills enabling navigation and pleasure of this environment. Visitors desire a sense of tranquility and a getaway from their daily routine. Facilities are rural and mix well in to the setting. Resource safety is very important. The opportunity for visitors to sense characteristics is widespread. Tourists sense solitude and remoteness. Types of semiprimitive adjustments are large expanses of Talk about lands and waters that are commonly designated as wild and scenic streams.

Rural natural environment: A rural natural WALROS area is a considerable distance from urban centers and neighborhoods. Natural features are predominant on the landscaping, and the occurrence of development is infrequent or infrequent. Agriculture, travel and leisure, and outdoor recreation are often key industries. Many rural natural areas are large enclaves of public lands and waters. Natural resources dominate the panorama. The sights, sounds, and smells of development are infrequent. Natural-looking configurations border the water resources. Water controls or other buildings are occasional over the shoreline. Management is sometimes noticeable by means of patrols, facilities, signage and full services. Site visitors desire a sense of tranquility and evade from their daily routine. Opportunity for visitors to sense aspect is prevalent as are events to enjoy durations of solitude. Recreation use, variety, socialization, focus, sense of security, and conveniences are regular and occasional. Types of rural natural areas include unincorporated rural areas with extra and unpaved highways, solo residences, farms and ranches, rural county, small stores and gasoline services channels, and areas bordering or bounded by large expanses of general public lands and waters.

Rural developed setting up: A rural developed WALROS area is beyond a metropolitan area and the suburban band of development. Rural developed areas may contain working farms, ranches, and cities. In this setting, primary road networks are common. Although development will be widespread and common, the setting has a rural sense due to a scattering of forests, drinking water resources, hillsides, valleys, wetlands, available places, and agricultural lands. Obviously appearing shoreline sides are normal, although various normal water adjustments or other buildings are also common. Recreation management is prevalent and common however, not as considerable as within an urban environment (e. g. , personnel, rules, facilities, signs, services, conveniences, security). Entertainment use, diversity, socialization, focus, sense of security, and conveniences are less common than in a developed suburban or urban setting. The sights, noises, and smells of recreation and non-recreation use are common, yet interspersed with locations and occasions when the urbanized visitor may experience a sense of tranquility and avoid from everyday challenges. Types of rural developed areas include areas with country estates, second homes and cabins, dams, electricity stations, most important and secondary streets, communication lines, resorts, marinas, small areas, full service campgrounds, farms and small commercial and professional establishments.

Suburban setting up: A suburban WALROS area is on the fringe of the urban area. The places of development and built constructions are popular. The built environment tends to be commercial and home. The sights of business and everyday living are very evident and common. Natural-appearing settings can be found in community parks, greenways, paths, available space, natural areas and tidal marshes. The resources have a tendency to be highly channelized or modified to contain large fluctuations in water flow and for the safety of public safeness and property. Entertainment management is widespread (e. g. , employees, rules, facilities, signs, services, conveniences, security). Entertainment use, variety, socialization, attention, sense of security, and conveniences are also prevalent and obvious. The sights, sounds, and smells of recreation and non-recreation use (e. g. , municipal, professional, domestic) are evident but not dominant in a suburban environment. Examples of suburban WALROS areas are available on the outer edges of most metropolitan areas in the United States and include parks, and path systems.

Urban setting up: An urban WALROS area are available in extensively developed and populated places and metropolitan areas where virtually the entire landscape has manmade structures. Municipal, professional, commercial, and residential land uses dominate, and the sights are typical of any city environment. Natural features may be within small community parks, commercial courtyards, streetscapes, personal gardens, or landscaping. This inflatable water resources have a tendency to be highly channelized, manipulated, or altered to contain large fluctuations in drinking water flow and also to protect public safeness and property. Management presence is common and apparent (e. g. , employees, rules, facilities, indications, services, conveniences, and security). Recreation use is very comprehensive and involves much diversity, socialization, and amount. Furthermore, the metropolitan setting offers a sense of security and conveniences. The places, looks, and smells of entertainment and non-recreational use (e. g. , municipal, industrial, commercial) are dominant in an metropolitan setting. Types of the metropolitan WALROS category include parks such as Central Playground in New York City, the San Antonio Riverwalk, Denver's South Platte River, the Potomac River in the District of Columbia, Tampa Bay, Baltimore Harbor, SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA Bay, the Chicago Waterfront on Lake Michigan, and urban trails with available spaces within urban centers.

Marketing of outdoor recreation

According to Kotler and Armstrong (2007), marketing is defined as the understanding, creating, communicating and delivering value and satisfaction which is the fundamental of modern marketing. Inside the tourism industry marketing is recognized as an essential requirement especially as a destination image. Essentially, there a wide range of literatures that relate marketing and travel and leisure management. You will discover many types of travel and leisure and any creators evaluate about how culture, traditions and historical resources can develop area of the tourism industry. According to Harvey (2011), outdoor entertainment could be a motivating factor for the local economy if is marketed, developed and advertised properly. Outdoor entertainment are changed into experience that is promoted, sold and bought.

Still, other analysts viewed marketing of outdoor recreation into a new point of view such as Grafe thinks, that the procedure of marketing support natural source and outdoor recreation organization in making the right as before achieving a sizable decision there is the involvement in some small decisions and information gathering process. In a nutshell, there should be a right marketing strategy for different market segments as people visit sights, experience and participate in activities with different motives and this should be mirrored in the marketing strategy of an outdoor recreation site. However many places realized that they need to redefined their marketing strategies and by doing so that Riege and Perry (2000), produce the concept of three strategic methods that may be devised in the tourism industry that are consumer - oriented, trade - focused, and competitively oriented approach.

The first approach discusses about the use of different target market or undifferentiated online marketing strategy. It all depends upon the marketplace conditions. The second methodology that is trade - oriented approach centered on the distributions of the tourism product and services and it could be relevant to the travel and leisure industry as it's the most essential activity in the tourism chain. The final approach discussed about the competition and where the role of marketing should be developed, maintain or protect the position of a tourism organization. Alternatively, Helber (1995), has a new point of view and he mentioned that "aggressive marketing to preserve competitiveness aren't sufficient for major framework. In inclination, expand, rebuilding or requisitioning the merchandise occur as well as beautification promotions and infrastructure improvement. However, relating to Schweitzer (2007), "conservation and outdoor ethics are essential for protecting water quality, maintaining herb and pet habitat, reducing the causes of global warming and protecting Virginia's outside. " In addition, he further adds that enough outdoor entertainment and conservation lands must be maintained to ensure a sustainable environment, and the local people as well as people to protect these resources is fundamental.

In this way tourists will appreciate and understand the websites and the outdoor activities more as they will be able to know the outcome of their actions and how to do something. It could be deduced that marketing should be an integral part of outdoor and recreational management so that there may be the development of facilities and services such as travel and leisure products, identify possible target market and their expectation.

Fahy and Smithee (1999), explained the customer-focused viewpoint of marketing concepts as "segmentation, positioning and the product life-cycle has also influenced thinking in proper management. " That's marketing strategy is utilized to investigate the advantages, weaknesses and setting of any leisure service provider. Similarly, there must be the execution of "internal marketing" which refers to the advertising and products of the venture. Internal marketing is generally designed to describe his travel and leisure program to the public. It can help the connection of the public and tourist by providing to the host areas and such program has been put in place in schools to be able to teach the scholar about the idea. To sum up, there must be more emphasis laid on the 4P's.

Marketing concept: the marketing blend in heritage tourism

The marketing combine is very essential when considering the travel and leisure industry. It can help to comprehend more precisely the modern travel and leisure market. Marketing blend is defined by Kotler and Armstrong (1999), as a marketing tool that the firm uses to follow its marketing goals in the prospective market. Marketing mixture encompassed a couple of variable that effect managers meet the needs of customers. The four parameters described the several kind of selections a producer's have to go through before bringing something or services in to the market.

The 4P's of the marketing mix

Source: Business Fundas, 2011

The 4P's was originated was originated by McCarthy in 1960. It is utilized to describe the marketing blend but Kotler offered a new dimensions to the 4P's by building it as 4C's that indicate the buyer orientation (Kotler and Armstrong, 1999:111).

Product - Customer value

The product is being referred to as customer value that is the necessary goods provided to meet up with the needs and desires of customers. The products should be of good quality, and it ought to be valued for money. For example, activities activities it inculcate individuals skills

Price - Cost

Price quite simply means cost. It is the negotiation of exchange of business deal for a product between the customers and professional. It offers all cost of a product, services or any plans. The purchase price should be affordable enough for just about any individual to consume.

Place - access convenience

The place is where in fact the consumer receives the product or services. It should be accessible by general public or private move.

Promotion- Communication

Promotion means communication. It can be immediate, indirect, verbal and non-verbal communication. Many travel and leisure enterprises dedicate a major proportion of the money on advertising as it's very expensive when compared with the other marketing combination. It is one of the main keys in the marketing combine and it performs a vital role in the success of a firm.

The promotion is performed on a basis to appeal to customers and also to increase awareness of the products. For instance, in sport and leisure sociable marketing does apply. That is figuring out target sets of potential customers, encourage them to take part in sport and leisure activities, by using marketing route such as cultural media to put messages relating to health and well being issues. Before promoting any product, we should know very well what is its demand on the market is and its market section.

The circumstance of Yemaya Adventures

Overview of yemaya activities.

8. 00 Pick up point at winners Goodlands

8. 15 we reach the quay of Goodlands

8. 15 consent form was stuffed. Then we were briefed and trained about the kayak

9. 00 the trip start

First start kayaking towards Amber Island

Second, stop over round the island for a short explanation about the value of mangrove

Third, we continue kayaking from the island

Fourth, we stop for snorkeling and swimming (15 - 20mins)

Feeth, we proceed to the other end of the island

Sixth, small backpacking on the island, where in fact the guide explains us about the annals of Amber Island and show us some unique trees and so on. . (20mins)

13. 00 Previous, our kayaking voyage end

13. 05 debriefing and we interview Mr Patrick about his organization.

Out team come to the parking on Goodlands Winner's around 8 o'clock. There Mr Patrick and two users of his team had already showed up to welcome us and had taken us to a quay in the vicinity. Once there, we were explained the foundation of kayaks and sea kayaking. At the same time, a form was circulated among the list of participants to know our weaknesses and also for sign up purpose. All security precaution was used by the management for example, each participant was given a life jacket according to their size and protective shoes for many who did not have slippers. The briefing really was helpful once we were amateurs. Some of their manners that discussed really helped us to stay secure on the drinking water. They also acknowledge us with the indication that people need to use if we were in any kind of hazardous situation. Additionally, in the event if our kayak is overturned they asked us to keep carefully the calm and elaborate on the ways to constant us ourselves. Soon the eight participants were divided into a group of two and our kayak were occur the water. Relating to your group, the only dark spot that people found prier to find yourself in our kayaks, was the lacking of a warm up session.

From there on our voyage start. Initially, some of the group was having difficulties in maneuvering the kayaks. But our group was well framed as in front of us there was a guide showing the way and at the back there was Mr. Patrick himself who was simply helping those people who have difficulties. Down the road four kayaks were gliding majestically on the sea towards Amber island. Before preparing our legs on the islets, the guide needed us around and discussed us the importance of mangroves to the ecosystems, being college student of Tourism and Hospitality management, we found it very thought-provoking. However, for people who have come limited to fun would find the reason long and fed up. Perhaps the guide must have skipped the scientific part of his reason. The trip carries on, and here are some is the most awaited thing that everyone wish to happen. The kayak of one team was overturned and both users were in the. There Mr. Hemraz, our guide paddled again and without aiding them bodily, he motivates them to use their own capacity to get back on the kayak. This indeed can help us to create a strong identity.

We continue paddling till we reach an area nearby the Amber island where we were permitted to snorkel and swim. We were cautioned not to let our ft touch the ground as there have been some dangerous animals and as well concerning protect the corals. In this situation we found ourself a bit only as the guide didn't accompany us that particular person will bin the but stick to the board on his kayaks. In case a dangerous situation experienced arisen, the guide will take times to attain the victim.

Once again on our kayak our trip continuing till we reach the other end of the islet where we finally place foot on the ground. Exhausted and fatigued we took a small break where in fact the guide discussed that the islands was named following the Hollandais who found Ambergris floated close to the island. Then we start the backpacking where the guide further points out the annals of Amber island and shown us some spectacular trees. The sole regrets that people have been that we did not cover the whole island. From then on we start our trip back to Mauritius. We come to our destination at around 1 hour where we were debriefed and we interviewed Mr. Patrick. To get rid of we can say that this new experience developed our communication skills and we learn to interact with a team building.

Interview with management

What is the storyline behind Yemaya Adventures

Being a specialist in cyclist, I must remain fit and healthy. So, I went around Mauritius for hiking, kayaking, trekking, biking and so on. While doing this I found out many unseen beauty of the island, which I wanted to share with the holiday as well as the neighborhood people and this way I will provide them leisure and fitness at the same time.

What are your marketing strategies

There aren't such marketing strategies. We've the official website where everything about our activities including prices are posted out. Were also on public networking such as Facebook where we post the photographs of all our recent activities. We also get help from travel operators and history customers who recommend us.

What about the price

Our price is highly competitive. We keep student price, special price for local people and tourist. In winter the prices are usually low. We also set up a small competition on Facebook and give you a free activity to the champion.

To what lengthen is your organization sustainable

I believe that no organization is actually sustainable but in our case we are at least endeavoring to sensitise and researching to mitigate impacts on the environment. Our business is based on nature therefore the least we can do is to safeguard it.

How your organization is mitigating the environmental impacts

Recently we've purchased some eco-friendly sunscreens. That is our contribution to save our coral and marine life. The business is also projecting to recycle the used drinking water bottles of our own customers and we also have got recycled paper business greeting card.

Are you aware of the environment impacts that your customers caused through the activities

It is difficult to control every single customers. Particularly when they can be in a large group. The sound pollution will disturb the marine life, the thing we can do is to suggest the customer not to accomplish that but it all will depend on them. There are some actions which are inevitables such as the amateur kayaks contain the tendency to hold the mangroves to stop or they directly bang in and while doing so they damage the vegetable.

According to Mr. Patrick the company does not spend massively in its marketing. It is determined by the tool such as communal marketing and his standard website. Tour providers and former customers' experiences also donate to attract clients as well as duplicate business. Yemaya Travels also provide different prices mechanisms in order to tap in various market segments. Despite several articles published in publications and newspapers, do not require project the prices of different activities. But these articles are indeed making Yemaya noticed across the world. Organization and companies such as Mauritius Commercial Bank or investment company, Deutch Lender, Hilton Hotel and so forth are the important customer of Yemaya which comes for team development in order to improve their communication skills, problem handling techniques, team heart and challenges. In addition, it really helps to make their day memorable.

Patrick Haberlland further decided a company or an organisation cannot be 100% sustainable. For instance sea kayaking create some negative influences such as when in categories the sound disturbs the marine life and the wild birds in the mangrove forest. In addition, the kayakers used the Mangroves around the Amber island to avoid their kayaks, in this technique the vegetation are damaged as a few of the branches are broken. On the other hands, with paddles in our hands, sea kayaking cause less harm to marine life than engine boats. Futhermore Yemaya Journeys proves its friendship to the environment by giving eco-friendly sunscreen to its customers, recycling the used normal water containers and also in terms of its recycle paper business card. In the end this, it could be deduced that Yemaya Travels is to some percentage ecological.

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