Report on Teamwork and the Individuals Contribution

Teamwork is a huge element in hospitality industries round the world. Most hospitality market sectors including tourism and hospitality industry survive from teamwork. Teamwork in the tourism industry has great importance for several reason. Teamwork brings a feeling of security, trust, and loyalty to employees as well as the employers. Without teamwork, morale can be lowered. If morale is decreased, then production could be lowered as well. Hospitality business are aware of this simple fact, so they use programs and activities to keep morale and productivity at its highest obtainable level. Teamwork in the business has great importance for more than one reason. Hospitality sectors, who have embraced the concept, have reported increased performance in work development, problem resolving and has activated new expansion. This group project approach has improved upon employee morale and increased input when managed correctly. The benefits of teamwork can make a positive effect in the company that incorporates this type of teamwork methodology. Resources must be available within the business or outsourced by businesses that will come in and coach company employees to make the most effective work. A high performance workplace focuses on increasing people's impact on the business enterprise as well as the impact of functions, methods, the physical environment, and the technology and tools that enhance their work (Burton et al, 2005).

Andrew Carnegie identified teamwork as 'Teamwork is the capability to work together toward a vision. The ability to direct individual achievements toward organizational goals. It is the fuel which allows common visitors to attain uncommon results. ' Another description of team relating to Katzenbah and Smith (1991) is "a team is a tiny number of individuals associated in a few joint action, with a strong, deep seated, good sense of goal" (Garner C. L. , 1998). Associates are mutually determined, mutually supportive, and collectively in charge of the achievements of team goals and objectives. Real groups create synergy; they perform at levels above that of categories. Associates work tightly and openly with the other person to accomplish their common performance goals. Real teams perform tasks that cannot be attained by individuals exclusively (Garner C. L. , 1998).

Teamwork is often a crucial part of the business, as it is often necessary for fellow workers to work well together, trying their best in any circumstance. Teamwork means that people will try to cooperate, utilizing their individual skills and providing constructive opinions, despite any personal conflict between individuals. The purpose of this survey is to discuss the framework and purposes of team work in tourism and hospitality industry, also to factor which impact the effectiveness of team in the tourism and hospitality industry.


Tourism Industry and hospitality industry will be the two sides of a same coin. Nothing can be found without one. This inter-relationship helps the whole tourism industry to build up. Both of these industry collaborate along to work in a useful way as a team. There are many teams working under these interrelated companies. Representatives of traveler carriers, hotel operators, licensed travel companies, tour operators, vendors and restaurant operators interact as a team to build up the tourism and hospitality industry. These exact things are described below in a diagrammatical form:

Fig 1. 1

Fig:1. 2

The above diagram 1. 2 explains the relationship between your various areas in tourism and hospitality industry and the funnel diagram 1. 1 shows the contribution to the both tourism and hospitality industry.

All these sectors in diagram 1. 2, behaves as a person in the complete industry. This individual sector works mutually as a team earnings providing numbers of employment opportunities and facilities to the guests.

Furthermore this individual sector comprises of its own team inside. Why don't we take a hotel sector for example. The diagram below shows the team's hierarchy of in the hotel sector.

The various sectors and sub areas inside a hotel industry are also interrelated and they are committed towards vision of the business.


The creation of teams has become a key strategy in Tourism and hospitality Industry. Team development can be an essential factor in encouraging and improving the effectiveness of small groupings and task causes and must be considered a key part of a complete program of organizational change.

Hellriegel, Slocum, & Woodman (1986) declare that team building is employed to enhance the success of work groupings by concentrating on the following four purposes: placing goals and priorities, choosing means an methods, analyzing how the group works, and exploring the quality of working connections. A circuit then produces; it commences with the awareness or perception of a problem and is also adopted sequentially by data collection, data showing medical diagnosis, action planning, action implementation, and behavioural evaluation. This style is repeated as new problems are revealed.

Not all work organizations are teams. Reilly and Jones (1974) list four essential elements of teams: goals, interdependence, determination, and accountability. The members must have common goals or grounds to interact; there has to be an interdependent working romance; individuals must be committed to the group work; and the group must be responsible to a higher level within the business. Margerison & McCann (1990) distinguished four key activities in virtually any successful team, that ought to be taken on by a number of associates: Advising, innovating, Resolving Issues and Syndication of Workload.

3. 1 Advising

The team comprises different users who are expert in doing their respected jobs. A proper trained member from a team may easily help his colleague to resolve the problem in case there is need. Sharing the different ideas, easy steps, techniques and procedures makes the team faster and escalates the productivity on the market. When associates interact as a team, they can learn the skills and functions of one another and enhance their knowledge. This certainly can be beneficial in your professional as well as personal life.

3. 2 Innovating

Team Innovation can foster a safe and open up team environment. In addition, it sparks creative solutions to pressing business troubles. Enhancing feedback, communication and conference skills and sharpening team problem resolving skills brings about increase synergy, trust, and determination to the other member in the team and the organization. Advancement in a team helps to clarify agreements, expectations, and then steps which finally supply the positive momentum your team needs to succeed.

3. 3 Resolving Conflicts

There are many types of conflicts which could arise in the company, which may subsequently have a detrimental effect on the collective productivity. To be able to resolve business issues; the data, understanding and competence can be used efficiently in a team for deciding solutions to the problems. This significantly helps the business to grow.

3. 4 Circulation of workload:

The constant management and allocation of resources among specific members is exclusive to the team situation and, regarding to Salas, Dickinson, Converse, and Tannenbaum (1992), is one of the requirements define a team. Evidently, the term resources refers to generic materials, the greater specific nature of which depends on the duty the team is doing. The term source allocation, therefore, identifies the process by which a team monitors the reference needs of each team member in order to attain an optimal circulation among individual users that allows the team to increase its collective performance. Because tool allocation can be an integral element of effective team performance in any operational environment, research is necessary that provides insight into source of information allocation, particularly the level to which it is inspired by factors common to sophisticated settings.


A team should be defined as an active unit. Regarding to Buchlozs, Roth and Hess (Garner C. L. 1998) "wearing the same top does not make a team". Morgan Glickman, Woodard and Salas explain a team as "distinguishable set of several those who interact interdependently and adaptively to accomplish specified, shared and value goals". Sandstorm and Affiliates (1999) state that effectiveness of teams start with conference the performance prospects, of those who acquire, use, or review the team's outcome. Performance goals usually stem from professionals, internal and external customers, while others. Performance anticipations differ depending on organizations receiving services. For instance, a customer usually needs quality, timeliness, low cost, and responsiveness of service. Director expects a team will meet customer's targets and they will be effective (Angelique A. , 2001). Other prospects which affect team's efficiency are related to employee behaviour and quality of work life. Alternatively, task variety, activity identity, task value, task autonomy, and activity feedback can add team effectiveness. Team structure like as heterogeneity, team balance and team size is also adding factors to team's efficiency. Heterogeneity has a confident impact on team effectiveness, especially when a task allocated to a team is diverse (Diskul P. , 2001). Team stableness includes the continuity of account. According to our lecture class, the effectiveness of team would depend of pursuing factors:

4. 1 Team composition

A team is an organization of people consisting of people who each add their specific knowledge and skills. Synergy, where in fact the collective entire is greater than the total of the average person parts, often occurs where teamwork is working well. Clubs profit because individuals often do not have all the data and skills necessary. Working jointly is essential. Tranquility and a positive attitude are critical. In case the team is no longer working together, then the expected gains won't materialise. An understanding of the common goal/process is also critical. Folks have to be clear as to the reasons the team prevails and what the purpose is, Catherine A Tomczyk (2005).

If you hold the right team composition and strategy, team synergy can take over. Nonetheless it should be set up properly. The associates need to be willing and prepared to participate. In the absence of the above features groups will are unsuccessful.

4. 2 Control:

According to Wayne R. Evans and William M. Lindsay (2008), a group needs to establish procedures that can be use to steer or control its activities. For instance, a meeting plan serves to steer group activities during a assembly. Schedules or when specific activities will be taken also regulate team activities. Team development and team-member determination is facilitated through maximum involvement in the establishment of agendas, schedules and other strategies. Certainly, the team should determine how it wishes to maintain control. In conference situations, control frequently is achieved through the visit of an chairperson whose responsibility is to accomplish the procedure proven by the team. Some teams find that they don't need a formal leader; each member regulates his / her own efforts and behavior as well as those of others.

4. 3 Cooperation:

Collaboration entails discovering the right group of men and women (skills, personalities, knowledge, work-styles, and chemistry), ensuring they share determination to the cooperation task accessible, and providing them with an environment, tools, knowledge, training, process and facilitation to ensure they interact effectively. By Jean Binder (2007), cooperation, when done well, isn't a competitive exercise. With encouragement from the leader or manager, associates will feel safe offering ideas that might sound like pointless but might ignite a brainstorm.

Collaboration at work produces rapport with team members, builds an effective team which is mutually beneficial for the workplace and personnel, and overall development of travel and leisure and hospitality sector.


Effective communication skills enable a person to encourage and affect others to be able to reach the required outcome, no matter how difficult the problem may appear to be. An individual with effective communication skills not only has an edge over his/her fellow colleagues/friends/acquaintances etc. but also bears out his/her job with a whole lot of confidence, simplicity and efficiency. Communication makes the bridge between your team members and creates synergy within the team. Through communications; associates achieve organizational goals in better manner. From the point of view of Judith Davis Hoover, (2002), communication isn't only something of academic attention. It targets businesses that feature teamwork as an essential component of these managerial school of thought.

Part 2


Dr Meredith Belbin (2010) defined a team role as "a inclination to behave, add and interrelate with others in a specific way" and called nine such team functions that he argued underlie team success. Designating specific tasks and obligations among members of an team helps promote cohesion within the team.

Designating specific tasks and obligations in a team stimulates effectiveness. This is done by valuing the strengths of each team member to promote unity. According to D. Johnson and F. Johnson (1997) there are five secrets to a fruitful team: positive self-reliance, specific accountability, primitive (face-to-face) relationship, appropriate use of cultural skills, and group handling.

Dr Meredith Belbin (2010) recognized nine team jobs and he grouped those roles into three organizations: Action Oriented, People Oriented, and Thought Oriented. Each team role is associated with typical behavioural and social strengths. The nine roles are:

Shaper (SH)

Implementer (IMP)

Completer-Finisher (CF)

Completer-Finisher (CF)

Team Staff member (TW)

Resource Investigator (RI)

Plant (PL)

Monitor-Evaluator (ME)

Specialist (SP)

Action Oriented Roles


Challenges the team to boost.


Puts ideas into action.

Completer Finisher

Ensures thorough, well-timed completion.

People Oriented Roles


Acts as a chairperson.

Team Worker

Encourages co-operation.

Resource Investigator

Explores outdoor opportunities.

Thought Oriented Roles


Presents new ideas and methods.


Analyzes the options.


Provides specialised skills.


Line authority is displayed by the string of command; an individual placed above another in the hierarchy has the to make decisions, concern directives, and expect conformity from lower-level employees. Staff power is advisory specialist; it takes the proper execution of counsel, advice, and suggestion. People with personnel power derive their electric power off their expert knowledge and the legitimacy proven in their human relationships with line professionals. Functional expert allows managers to direct specific processes, procedures, or policies impacting people in other departments; practical authority cuts across the hierarchical structure. For example, the human resources office may create insurance policies and techniques related to promoting and selecting employees throughout the whole organization.

Chester Irving Barnard (1938) defines authority as the type of communication by which an order is accepted by an individual as regulating the actions that each takes within the system.

The most fundamental authority within an organization reflects existing superior-subordinate connections. It involves the to make decisions also to give order regarding the production, sales or fund related behaviour of subordinates.

In general, range authority concerns matters directly relating management system development, sales, fund etc. , and as a result with the attainment of goals.

People directly accountable for these areas within the organization are delegated lines authority to aid them in executing their obligatory activities.


As from the discourse above, we can conclude teamwork as you of the main factor in producing the hospitality and travel and leisure sector. different ideas of different individuals, working together is only the easiest and most secure way to achieve the target for the industry. Furthermore, the cooperation of the lowest and the best position in the hierarchical system of tourism and hospitality industry; the authority of the best person and the devotion of the staffs makes the successful and professional team. As well as the professional team can certainly carryout all the task within an group. The main goal for all your business including hospitality industry is revenue through customer and staff satisfaction. And the majority of the team are successful to achieve this target. Individual work to complete an activity and achieve the success is nearly zero but many individual efforts can challenge any types of obstacles to attain the mission.


Binder J C (2007), Global project management: communication, cooperation and management, Gower Posting Limited

Daft R L(2008), Corporation Theory and Design, Cengage learning

Fatout M (1992), Models for change in sociable group work, Walter de Gruyter

Evans J R and Lindsay W M (2008), Management & Control of Quality, Thomson South western

Heinemann G D and Zeiss A M (2002), Team performance in health care: diagnosis and development, Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers

Hoover, J D(2002), Effective small group and team communication, Harcourt College or university Publishers

Journal article by Julie M. Urban, Jeanne L. Weaver, Clint A. Bowers, Lori Rhodenizer; Individuals Factors, Vol. 38, 1996

Katzenbach J R, Smith D K (1993), The intelligence of groups: creating the high-performance firm, Harvard Business Press

Robbins SP, Organizational tendencies: Global and Southern African Perspectives, Pearson Education South Africa (pvt) Ltd.

Tomczyk A C (2008), Job Manager's Spotlight on Planning, SYBEX Inc.

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