Rhetorical Evaluation Of Tiger Woods Apology Mass media Essay

By enough time he issued his apology conversation Tiger woods possessed recognized that his reputation had been tarnished by information of adultery, domestic assault and unsportsmanlike patterns. He was right about his popularity drop because during his apology it had lowered from eighty five percent to thirty three percent. A positive reputation in the modern culture is one of the very most valuable assets an person can have throughout his life. This is because it creates a person feel self-confident and believe that he is participating in an important role of influencing a certain audience.

He was also falling in disfavor with sponsor companies. A lot of the consumer product companies like to sustain their spokes-personnel so long as they could affect their customers to buy the sponsored products and services. In the year 2008, PADRAIG HARRINGTON pocketed $131 million us dollars for he was a spokesperson for great companies such as Nike and Gatorade. This value decreased through the first 90 days of his marital controversy because by Feb 2010 he pocketed only $ 1 million dollars.

This means that within 3 months of his marital controversy, he earned $31. 8 million dollars when compared with three months in the year 2008. On Feb 19, 2010, Woods provided a public apology for his unsportsmanlike behavior to an extensive coverage by the multimedia. In todays contemporary society, the praxis of apology is more developed. As usual in case a public figure is found in an embarrassing quandary that his relevance in public areas life is in danger, he then needs to make a single speech analyzing the situations, to defend his intentions, and remind the audience of his formerly untarnished reputation and success, using almost unvarying methods and ways of achieve this task. In his speech, it is visible that Woods had followed this process. Linkugal and Ware mentioned that the audience in such a personal charge is apparently easily and completely contented by the personal replies of the accused. By mediated immediacy, in todays multimedia, all the audience bears see to personal actions of the superstars. They usually feel as if we know anybody involved.

It was at past due November 2009 when press reports all over the world started to talk about the extramarital affairs of Padraig harrington, a renowned Golf player. Inside the consequent crisis, Woods crashed his vehicle into a tree and a flame hydrant in an early morning incident. This is how the advertising speculation and furry about the crash in relation to his extra-marital affair grew in leaps. He later accepted the affairs but snubbed to give further comments saying that he regretted all his transgressions. He therefore stated that the situation was in the end personal and was a family matter. It had been from that time there emerged several information shows and pundits to touch upon his statement giving their viewpoints and criticisms.

The Rhetorical Situation in Woods Apology

Woods apology can be referred to as a perfect apology despite of some aspects in his assertion. To begin with, he was reluctant to provide any real description, but as a substitute, he talked generally speaking terms relating to his irresponsible and selfish tendencies. This can be regarded as important because the lack of an explanation kept many people questioning whether he comprehended what actions were erroneous and just why. He didn't even refer to whether he arranged that those actions were wrong. Furthermore, throughout the apology assertion, Woods comments willing more towards bolstering. For instance he provided details about how exactly his foundation has helped the world. Again, Woods attacked his accusers especially the advertising for seeking him and his family.

If we make an effort to test genuineness in the apology talk we would realize that Woods apology was not from the heart and soul. This is because he read the apology alternatively than stating it from the center. Reading means that the declaration was not real. Some pundits complained that the way he read his reviews indicated that he had not been sincere. It is because if a person has to read words, his thinking runs, implying that he is not really being those words. Reading reinforces the whole notion that Woods apology was choreographed by his pr people. In addition, he protected several facts in his apology. The actual fact that his apology was granted live recommended that he previously to be sure that he used the right words to cover each point. We ought to ask ourselves this question: Would it be bad to learn an apology that seems scripted or to neglect or mis-state something? I think either way made media to go on with the coverage on Woods.

It is believed that a middle floor helped Tiger Woods to show his sincerity better. He read a brief affirmation and then spoken from heart. He never included so many tips because it only got him 13 minute to deliver his apology. He later used his website and the internet sites to expand a few of his points. In addition we cannot your investment role of mass media in its speculation about performance boosting drugs. Another criticism of Woods apology is the fact it was not a standard press conference. That is because there have been no questions and press cams were limited. Which means that his comments travelled unchallenged and the journalists were not in a position to explore a number of transgressions like the motor vehicle accident. Woods defended himself by declaring that further details needed never to be discussed before the press plus they needed to be overlooked for him to go over with his partner. Lack of criticism raised the problem of insufficient third party contribution.

While Woods made an attempt to quell such queries by saying that the facts were a personal subject for him and his better half to go over, the criticism about having less questions introduces the problem of participationparticularly third-party participation. An extra notable criticism of the apology is the fact that it was tightly controlled. As mentioned previously in the article, no questions were allowed and cameras were limited. So far as these criticisms relate with prohibition of third party participation we can not deny the significance of ability in apologetic rhetoric.

Literature Review

What can be an apology?

An apology can be defined as public talk that is produced every time a high-flying person tries to correct his personality after it has been damaged by his / her negative patterns. There is apparently differences between your branches of discourse within an apology. Even though rhetorical analysts said in the forensic subdivision of rhetoric, as it pertains to moral personality issues, the rhetoric is identified into the domain of epideictic discourse. There is a lot of blaming and praising that goes on in apologies.

Models of apologies

In this article, there are several theories of apologies that can be divided into various categories. In a very sequential order they are simply: four similarities by Rosenfield, four factors of apologetic strategies by Ware and Linkugal, apologia and Ryans kategoria. They have been combined and explored over the years by scholars. Rosenfields rhetorical model mentioned that we now have four common similarities when people transmit an apology: a verbal attack on the critics, a sharp and brief controversy, facts and data located on the speech and statements of apology that consists of earlier statement. This theory does not apply to the apology that was created by Tiger Woods.

The degree to which Woods repeated previous statements continues to be open to debate, as is the magnitude of the criticism created by the media. Additionally, although he does counter-attack the press, there lacked any facts or data in the center of Woods rhetorical sandwich. Ware and Linkugals strategy identified apology as a combo of four groups of factors which can be differentiation, denial, transcendence and bolstering. Differentiation is the action of stating that the incorrect act will not apply to the situation in a bet to split up the negative contents from the fee or to adding away those negative issues. Denial is the take action of denying the incorrect doing or denying any objective to do wrong. Bolstering is the trend of the speaker to recognize with something that is favored by the audience. Finally, transcendence is the inclination of declaring that the charge should not be viewed as a huge issue. When assessing the rhetoric theories with regards to Woods apology, these four factors appear to possess merit in this specific case.

In his model Ryan explained that verifying each speech with another critic permits one to tell apart the vital issues from the bogus ones. In addition, it aids in evaluating the merits of both loudspeakers supplements. In addition, the critic is able to make relevant assessments of the comparative success and failing of the speakers in relation to the final outcome of the talk. Therefore, a critic cannot comprehend an apology without thwarting them both. The relationship between kategoria and apologia on the facial skin of it appears so obvious. But the reality is that the two are not associated in relation to the current general population occasions. Sharon Downey has studied a genre of apologia. In her conclusions, she says that as rhetorical situations are changing, so is the genre of apologia. For instance, Downey state governments that the historical apologists used to change to the futility of argument. Within this research, it is mentioned that the drama that destined the audience and the accused accuser in the conventional period has given way to the alienation of the audience, puzzling accuser and the aversive apologist.

In modern times charges up against the accused are not explicit but are implied frequently emanating from innuendo and rumours. In addition, modern-day apologists lack a precise opponent. Usually, instead of being viewed sympathetically, apologies that are defensive are viewed with contempt.

Statement of sorrow

In all accounts, an apology should include a affirmation of sorrow. For instance, in line with the procedure for any apology should contain the acknowledgement of the offense, the reason, communication of remorse and a promise of reparations. Regarding to in an apology, the accused should recognize his wrongdoing, he should allow responsibility, he should be observed to express remorse and regret, and he should assure payment and an purpose to refrain from the vice. You will discover eight characteristics of an moral apology: admitting any particular one is incorrect, apologizing for the take action, taking responsibility for the incorrect work, refraining from justifying the function, requesting forgiveness from the sufferer, admitting that the victim deserved a much better treatment, guarantee to the sufferer that this act will not be repeated and lastly offering amends. These statements of sorrow are referred to as termed mortification. That's where the offender acknowledges his incorrect behavior and asks for forgiveness through an apology.

If we critically take a look at Woods apology we can identify some of these aspects. Severally in the apology, woods admitted that his manners were incorrect and he accepted personal and direct responsibility for his tendencies. Second, on multiple times, Woods accepted that he was deeply sorry for his activities. He proceeded to go further to acknowledge the harm that his habit had triggered to multiple people and organizations. This aspect of Woods apology helped in mending interactions by identifying the victims, reinforcing the victims version of background and admitting that the sufferers deserved a better treatment.

Dating celebrities

The Television shows us emotions through tears and laughter. That is done through the use of close ups which we see inside our homes. This is the most intimate information that one may have in regards to a person. Relating to because folks have shared in superstars lives, they feel like they know them, and so they assess them using the same conditions they use when they select their friends. They do not reject their intimates or their potential loved ones because they have weakened resumes. They adopt their warm personalities and they even treat their serious politicians in this manner. In this relationship, they are going out with their celebrities.

The closeness and immediacy that the television set brings them, allows them to see more private lives of their celebrities thus eliminating a good deal in their puzzle. That is echoed in politicians, who dispute that the world does not value them all the after their real life situation is shown. The reality is that people do not value them just as much; but they are all too acquainted with their superstars foibles.

Generic Methodology

In rhetoric analysis, the universal criticism is the style of analysis where the artifact is judged with research from other instances in the same genre. The wisdom can also be made based on the existing elements within the genre itself. Simply, which means that common criticism is a rhetorical research of the artifact through the sight of confirmed genre.

According to Kathleen rhetorical artifacts such as union communications, apologies, gallows, speeches and press conferences are a few of the examples which can be well examined using the generic methodology. This is because it generic methodology attempts to recognize kinds of rhetoric through the similar qualities or functions of people or people of a specific group. In this essay, generic strategy is the most relevant methodology that can be applied. The main rationale for this is that this is an apology that was made in a press meeting. In previous apologies, such as Nixon resignation speech, the methodology was applied.

The methodology enables the critic to discover the element and the proper execution of the artifact therefore providing the excess insight in the performing of the genre. In this case, the methodology will enhance the knowledge of Woods apology. This will make it easy to recognize the genre by category. Since this apology was reliant on the mass media coverage, the technique will help to give out important revelations by use of some carefully handled questions and answers.

The technique will establish a common feature through looking at Woods apology with other recently related claims. Such statements will include Nixons resignation assertions and presidential inaugural speeches. The assessment will help in exposing anything useful about one or both artifacts of the genre. The evaluation gives a alternative record of the artifacts rather than relying on one aspect such as background.

Analyses and Comparisons

Evaluation and the research of any apologetic rhetoric can be broken down into two elements namely the manner and this content. To begin with this content, an apology should acknowledge the wrong action, take responsibility, convey regret, empathize with the sufferer, obtain forgiveness and reconciliation, describe the relevant information with regards to concerns and questions, offer reparations and corrective actions. The greater part of Woods apology found many of these elements apart from how he provided detailed information concerning his marital unfaithfulness. This exclusion can make one to question whether that information really was important when advised to the public. However, in conditions of manner, an apology should be truthful, timely, genuine and voluntary. Regarding Tiger Woods insufficient these elements makes his apology to be easily criticized. He had taken too much time to concern an apology and was insincere when he was pressured by circumstances to deliver one. As previously mentioned in the methodology, generic criticism attempts to compare two types of artifacts within an effort of identifying the common characteristics between artifacts that define a certain genre.

Gerald Wilson broke Nixons resignation speech directly into various topics while he was studying it. He wanted to know the ratio of energy that the apologist found in satisfying each theme. The themes included thanking the supporters, attacking the accusers, bolstering, pledging for future activities and mortification. From his finding, Nixon put in 2. 5% of his time in mortification, 19% pledging future activities, 26% bolstering, 7% thanking his followers and he never attacked his accusers. To make up to a 100% the others of his time maybe he was silent or doing something else that had not been related to the apology. This is compared to Woods apology. Woods spent 32. 50% in mortification, 35% pledging for future actions, 4% bolstering, 20% attacking his accusers and 9% thanking his supporters.

The amount below illustrates further.

Figure 1. An evaluation of Tiger Woods apology and Nixons resignation speech

Figure 1 shows a comparison of the percent of your time that Nixon and Tiger woods put in while speaking in rhetorical subgroups. Interestingly, the two speeches are approximated to be almost of the same period. Another interesting point is that they both spent almost the same time to say thanks to their supporter but they completely differed in the harm of these accusers. This helps the observation created by Downey that counterattacks have become a modern day discourse convention in apology. Disorders on the accusers are unavoidable in modern apologies that happen to be broadcasted to the public. In woods case, the primary accusers were the advertising and he spent 20% of his talk attacking them.

Nixon had spent only 24 moments out of 16 minutes admitting his wrongdoing. This disappointed his listeners for they expected Nixon to admit that he had wronged or to assault his accusers. He did neither. This can be termed as non- admission of wrong doing. Nonetheless, Nixon possessed set a non-verbal tone of conciliation and dignity.

There is another rhetorical maneuver by Jerry Falwell after he overran the operation of PTL following the resignation of Jimmy Bakker. He bolstered the notion of the congregation of his character through talking about the financial situation of PTL in financial conditions such as fiduciary responsibility and financial statements. This recommended that regardless as an expert in the religious issues, he was also a specialist in the financial issues. Falwell transcended the charges of his incompetence to lead the church, by stating that the almighty Lord would not allow him to quit. Likewise, PADRAIG HARRINGTON bolstered his personality by discussing his base and he transcended the accusations by proclaiming that the affairs he previously were private family subject between him and his wife. He also stated that the media was hounding him.

Walter Fisher associated discourse to purpose. Discourse seeks to refresh, discover, purify or subvert a graphic. An apology has a inspiration of purification. Fisher talked about Nixons speech and likened it with Woods conversation. The ethics of Nixon have been attacked. By identifying himself with the American worth, Nixon purified himself. You will discover four important steps in Nixons conversation. He began by denying that he was wrong, he endorsed his personal ethos of hard work, humble root base and loyalty. Then attacked his competitors and lastly he reiterated his love for America. Alternatively, Woods admitted his wrong function, endorsed his personal ethos for the matter of his family and general population good works. He attacked the media especially Paparazzi and he finalized by confirming that he'll be committed to golf and he'd continue being a player and thanking the PGA tour executives and the golfers. Nixons response was immensely favorable as compared to Woods response.

There was a review that was conducted on 3rd March 2010 that stated that 54% of the respondents presumed in Woods apology and the ranking of this acceptance was unchanged. Equivalence can be attracted between Invoice Clinton, Jimmy Swaggart and PADRAIG HARRINGTON. Each one of these stars was accused of adultery. In addition, each of these scandal helped bring forth something extra making the whole issue titillating. Woods had been attacked by his partner with a golf club. Expenses Clinton was the American chief executive and Falwell was a spiritual figure. Clintons scandal can be examined as identity and love-making implication in a mass mediated presidency. Most people of America assumed that the American leader was a womanizer and a draft-dodger. This was different in Woods case because of his charitable activities and along with his teeth he was better off to commence his apology than regarding Monthly bill Clinton. In Clintons circumstance, the popular perception resulted from the fact it was his better half that he previously harmed the most of course, if she failed to forgive him, the general public would not consent to forgive him.

In 1992, Clinton used two rhetorical strategies which helped him to convince the public to get the past back of and give attention to the current and future events. These strategies were: general population private variation and a timeline or life design. These strategies helped Clinton to split up his status from his persona. Ethos is the most powerful way of persuasion. Expenses Clinton later triumphed over his scandal though as early explained, his ethos was less creditable than Woods.

Still on evaluation, it is important to analyze the strategies that Woods found in the delivery of his apology conversation. To begin with on February 19, 2010, Woods shipped a fourteen minutes speech which possessed a sentence length of 12. 3 and 1540 words. In average, a written sentence is made of 15-23 words and a spoken sentence has ten words long. In his talk, Woods used the productive voice in support of 2% of his speech that contained unaggressive voice constructions. His conversation could read or could even be understood by a child in only fifth grade. Woods speech could have been regarded as arrogant and pompous if he had decided to use polysyllabic words. If he would have wanted to sound like a dictionary or an encyclopedia the general public could have obtained a negative sense about him. A article writer or a loudspeaker communicates his credible ethos only once his upright personality, goodwill and intelligence are projected to his audience. This is achieved though appropriate selection of words, use of body language, use of the right modulation of voice among many other communication techniques. It isn't authentic in an apology to state if I gave any offence.

There were some recommendations by the multimedia on the correct outfit that best suited the apology. Some said that Woods should wear a darkish or middle blue jacket for the television set and a pastel top so to seem off-white on the tv screen. The best tee shirt that was recommended was light blue t-shirt. ABC news anchor; Chris Connelly said that Woods could wear a clean top and a sports coat with out a tie. Woods combined these two in his outfit. He wore a light blue top, a dark coat without a tie. Axtell advised Woods to use make up to lessen the shining of the facial skin (Axtell 67). It was also suggested that Woods should maintain his attention contact with the audience to show his integrity. Little attention contact displays dishonesty. In addition any presenter should avoid looking upwards for it makes the speaker looks as if he is requesting God for help.

During his conversation, Woods preferred to put his hand over his heart. This is a specific rhetoric of his body gestures. Non-verbally, he pledged to the audience that he'll behave in a fashion that will make those to trust him. In the beginning of his speech, he greeted his audience and he thanked the audience for joining him. This plainly means that Woods admitted that he had not been much better than the crowd and that is why he was thankful for his or her attendance. From then on he said : A lot of you in the area are my friends. Many of you in this room know me. Many of you have cheered for me, or worked with me, or supported me, and today, each of you has good reason to be critical of me.

From the quotation above and throughout the talk, Woods repeated many of you at the start of sentences. This can be referred to as anaphora. By the end of many phrases he used the word me which is epistrophe. There are other prepositions that he used such by me, with me at night, know me and for me personally. Figures of conversation supply the tools required in communication goodwill, upright persona and intelligence so when Aristotle said they need to be projected. The results of speech, visual ethos are crucial tools for building an effective verbal ethos. Later in the talk, Woods used trope of euphemism when he said I put affairs. The word affair is way better than using the term adultery. The rhetorical discourse can be broken down to four sub-groups in relation to organizational schema of rhetorical discourse. Archetypal classification as corresponding to is one of the subgroups that appears to fit in Tiger Woods apology speech. This is when the speech is determined by persuasion images that are inlayed in the thoughts of the audience.

If we use this theory on Tiger Woods we can easily see him casting himself as the protector of his family when he said that it annoyed him when he arrived to know how folks have fabricated such a story (about his affairs) so when he said that he is the shield of his family from open public limelight. The role of protector of children and women can be an image that Woods used to his edge. It's very obvious that many people belief a man is the protector of his family. This was not spoken but it is an image planted in the intellects of many people.

Summary of the Major Findings

Tiger Woods apology can be termed as a remarkable apology despite of some aspects in his affirmation. To begin with, he was hesitant to give any real description, but as an alternative, he talked generally terms relating to his irresponsible and selfish tendencies. This is thought to be important because the lack of an explanation kept many people questioning whether he grasped what activities were erroneous and just why. He did not even speak about whether he decided that those activities were wrong. Furthermore, throughout the apology declaration, Woods comments willing more towards bolstering.

Woods comments travelled unchallenged because the journalists weren't in a position to explore a number of transgressions like the car crash. Woods defended himself by stating that further details needed never to be discussed before the press plus they would have to be left out for him to go over with his partner. Insufficient criticism raised the problem of lack of third party involvement. In the apology, woods admitted that his manners were wrong and he accepted personal and immediate responsibility for his action. Subsequently, multiple times, Woods admitted that he was deeply sorry for his actions. He went further to acknowledge the harm that his habit had caused to multiple people and organizations

This facet of Woods apology helped in mending connections incidentally he determined the victim, strengthened the patients version of the story and accepted that the sufferer deserved a relatively better treatment. Tiger woods apology can be in comparison to Nixons. Tiger Woods bolstered his personality by discussing his groundwork and he transcended the accusations by saying that the affairs he previously were private family matter between him and his partner. He also stated that the mass media was hounding him. He attacked the mass media especially Paparazzi and he finalized by confirming that he will be committed to golf and he'd continue being a new player and thanking the PGA travel executives and the golf players.

On the key strategies that Woods used we can begin with denial which was manifested through simple denial and moving the blame. Secondly, he evaded responsibility through provocation, crash, defeasibility which made him to reduce his adherence to the Buddhist trust. Finally, Woods reduced his offensiveness of event through bolstering where he advertised his base. He transcended when he said that the happenings were a marital concern and he attacked the accuser by declaring that the multimedia lied and stalked. He guaranteed to correct his activities through seeking therapy and regaining his faith. Finally, in his mortification, he apologized and guaranteed to stop playing golf temporarily.

Recommendation for even more Research

An interesting future analysis caused by this circumstances should test the viewers appraisal of the genuine wording of Woods affirmation versus the visible performance of his apology. By this this means testing one organizations view of Woods and his apology after seeing a video recording of his apology, and then weighing resistant to the view of another group which only hears a broadcast.

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