Romanticism and Realism Comparison

Keywords: romanticism vs realism, romanticism and realism literature

Romanticism and Realism are both different literary activities, but are carefully related with time and background. Romanticism is best characterized as a activity of art, literature, and way of thought in the middle of the 18th century. Romanticism was sparked by the Industrial Trend. Romanticism was in essence a protest of the Enlightenment period. Many people didn't approve of the fact that medical discoveries were being made about nature, many wanted dynamics to remain as a genuine, and work of God, not methodical discovery. The Romanticism period attempted to revolt from the Enlightenment and technology by focusing commitment on books, music, fine art, natural background, and education ("Romanticism"). As the center 19th century contacted, many were hesitant to trust this affectionate teach of thought. People wished to find tranquility in knowing why things happened and to distinguish from supernatural explanations (Earle). Having an explanation in research made many feel well informed and liked that events could be explained scientifically, rather than a concept they cannot show. Many can tell the difference between Romanticism and Realism least difficult by the story and characterization. Throughout these literary activities, many authors made their promise to fame by writing great books that fit their style of writing and the literary movement in which these people were an integral part of.

An important writer that contributed great work in the era of Romanticism was William Wordsworth. Wordsworth was created in 1770, in what many would call the scenic area of England. William Wordsworth was the second of five children of the John and Ann Wordsworth. Although he produced many famous pieces of poetry, he is most famous for his poem I wonder unhappy as a cloud. I speculate depressed as a cloud is a poem of any of population that is moving from the lay claim liking of dynamics and imagination towards the harms of truth and away from Gods creation. This poem by Wordsworth is very much indeed characterized as a Romanticism piece of writing. The entire poem is based around love, guilt, and sin. Romanticism literature has more of the psychological feel, appeals more to the inside of someone. The setting up and facts of the story is not as important as the actual characters or in many cases the given metaphor are going through. Although, the Puritan population background really aids in the entire understand of why Wordsworth is going through the digression of the natural world, the key point of the poem is to show the natural area of the each day world and the activity or change in population. For example, in the poem I ponder lonesome as a cloud William depicts "A poet could not but be gay, in that jocund company: I gazed--and gazed--but little thought what riches the show if you ask me had brought" (Wordsworth). This confirms this poem as a piece of romanticism literature not merely due to time period, however the scheme. The poem is talking about the presents that God got given us in conditions of creativeness and moreover the natural world. The main point of the account is change, so that it is a part of the romantic structure of poetry, clearly fitting the age where it was written.

Another famous copy writer in the Romanticism period was Edgar Allan Poe. Poe is greatly known for his somewhat dark works. Poe was created in 1809 and passed on in 1849, amidst this intimate time frame. He was a critic and literary mastermind, pretty much inventing the secret type genre ("Poe's Life"). The majority of his poetry and other writing items are dark, almost demented, with a fairly negative connotation. His most famous poetry that assumes a romantic feel is "The Raven". "The Raven" is dark poem depicting a guy who may have mourning about his fan. A raven trips a guy while he is debating himself, to forgive or neglect his dead enthusiast. This is considered a romanticism good article since he shows his romantic and sensitive aspect toward he lost love. He evidently explains his thoughts of his love and how it is effecting him emotionally, "As well as the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple drape/ Thrilled me - filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before; /So that now, to still the conquering of my heart" (Poe). This really portrays the romanticism of this poem because he discusses his mourning and exactly how he's still miserable and unhappy without his love. He goes on to explain he's still living, but feels like he's not without her with him. That is surprising to think that Poe had a component in the romanticism age despite his dark work before, yet this time period was so significant to writers and artists that he was still influenced because of it.

Although the Romanticism age had a great effect on arts all around the world, with the change of the 19th hundred years, realism was the craze to write to and about. One of the most famous realism writers in American literature was Draw Twain. Although the majority of his work is at the 19th hundred years, his sustained realism works have been loved since that time. He was born in Florida so that as he was raised, became a printmaker's apprentice. As he was immersed into the world of words, he became a reporter and soon started writing of his own creativity ("Biography"). His most famous works include The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as well as the Ventures of Tom Sawyer. Twain is symbolized through the realism era because he didn't write about magic, mystical, and such a give attention to love, he focused on depicting life in a realistic manner. For example, in The Ventures of Huckleberry Finn, he explains a story when a young boy is neglected and abused by his dad. Realism was all about the historical timeframe and reference point, and writing about situations and situations that truly happened in real life. Huck talks about his life so when his dad gets drunk, "Then your old man got to cussing and cussed everything and everyone he could think of, and then cussed them all over again to make certain he hadn't skipped any" (Twain). This price perfectly shows that The Ventures of Huckleberry Finn had showed and explained many real life events and things that were happening in culture, rendering it a great impact in the Realism era.

Next to Tag Twain, Emily Dickinson was one of the other most significant contributors to Realism literature. Emily was born in 1830 in Massachusetts to her proud parents. She was very bright at an extremely early age, but was constrained by her rigorous religious beliefs (Pettinger). Although Emily was inspired by the Romanticism period of character, she was affected by her tough realities of life and contemporary society, which is most beneficial referred to as realism. For instance, her famous poem "Because I could not stop for Loss of life" points out the harsh reality of dying, but her calm undertake it. Dickinson's description that loss of life is an integral part of life and we should not fear it is greatly seen as a realism, since real life comes with fatality. Her serine thoughts on fatality are summed up in the first 2 lines of her poem, "Because I possibly could not stop for Death-/He kindly halted for me-/" (Dickinson). This evidently can be viewed as realism since it handles such a "real" issue, something that continues on in life and society every day.

Overall, the Romanticism and Realism era has produced some of the greatest artwork, music, books, and theories. As you may check both eras, you can easily see how they play off each other. Romanticism was the product of resisting the Enlightenment and taking a position for the arts. Hawthorne and Poe greatly show their romanticism frame of mind by authoring the psychological effects of a person; love, mourning, and guilt. Romanticism is the utilization of the heart and soul and internal struggles of individuals and how they are associated with each other and characteristics. As time and knowledge advanced, many took the road of realism, books they could relate with and explaining society. Twain and Dickinson take Realism to a whole new level, by detailing thoroughly culture problems and real life occurrences that everyone deals with. Both eras have extreme importance in literary moves and have confirmed the move of history comes with an impact on the arts.

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