Sickle cell anemia


Sickle cell anemia can be an inherited blood disorder characterized primarily by serious anemia and regular episodes of pain. The primary problem includes hemoglobin, an element of red blood cells. Hemoglobin molecules in each red blood cell carry air from the lungs to body organs and cells and bring skin tightening and back to the lungs.

In sickle cell anemia, the hemoglobin is faulty. After hemoglobin molecules give up their oxygen, some may cluster jointly and form long, rod-like constructions. These constructions cause red blood vessels cells to be stiff and assume a sickle shape.

Unlike normal red cells, that happen to be usually smooth and donut-shaped, sickle red skin cells cannot press through small arteries. Instead, they build up and cause blockages that deprive organs and tissue of oxygen-carrying bloodstream.

"Normal red blood cells live about 120 days and nights in the blood vessels, but sickle red cells pass away after about 10 to 20 days and nights. Because they can not be replaced fast enough, the blood vessels is chronically lacking red blood cells, an ailment called anemia".

Sickle cell anemia affects millions throughout the world. "It really is particularly common among people whose ancestors come from Africa; South America, Cuba, Central America; Saudi Arabia; India; and Mediterranean countries such as Turkey, Greece, and Italy".

Sickle cell anemia disease

The inherited haemoglobinopathies are a group of disorders which include thalassaemia and sickle-cell disease. "These diseases are a significant public health problem in the Mediterranean area, the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, Asia, tropical Africa and the Caribbean. However, because of population flow, they are actually widespread and appear in European countries and North and South America". Based on the World Health Organization, the approximate estimates of afflicted individuals indicate that 240 million people are heterozygous for these disorders with least 200000 lethally damaged homozygotes are created annually, approximately similarly divided between sickle-cell anaemia and thalassaemia syndromes.

This research papers about the definition, causes, types, signs and symptoms, complications, analysis and treatment of sickle cell disease. Also, this paper talks about the overall guidelines to keep carefully the sickle cell patient healthy and recommendation that the patient and people should watch for it.


"Sickle cell anemia (uh-NEE-me-uh) is a significant disease where the body makes sickle-shaped red bloodstream skin cells. "Sickle-shaped" means that the red blood vessels cells are shaped just like a C. Normal red bloodstream skin cells are disc-shaped and look like doughnuts without slots in the guts. They move easily through your arteries. Red blood cells contain the health proteins hemoglobin (HEE-muh-glow-bin). This iron-rich necessary protein gives bloodstream its red colorization and carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Sickle skin cells contain abnormal hemoglobin that triggers the cells to truly have a sickle condition. Sickle-shaped cells don't move easily through your blood vessels. They're stiff and sticky and have a tendency to form groupings and get caught up in the blood vessels. (Other skin cells also may are likely involved in this grouping process. )"

The groups of sickled cells block blood circulation in the arteries that lead to the limbs and organs. Clogged blood vessels can distress, serious infections, and organ destruction.

2- Triggers

Sickle cell anemia can be an autonomic recessive genetic disorder the effect of a defect in the HBB gene, which rules for hemoglobin. "The occurrence of two defective genes (SS) is needed for sickle cell anemia. If each parent bears one sickle hemoglobin gene (S) and one normal gene (A), each young one has a 25% chance of inheriting two defective genes and having sickle cell anemia; a 25% chance of inheriting two normal genes rather than getting the disease; and a 50% potential for as an unaffected carrier like the parents. "

Two of the most common variations of the sickle cell gene are:

A- Sickle cell trait:

A person with the sickle cell characteristic is hauling the faulty gene, but also has some normal hemoglobin. People with sickle cell characteristic are usually without symptoms of the disease. Mild anemia might occur. Under intense demanding conditions, exhaustion, hypoxia (low air), and/or severe contamination, the sickling of the defective hemoglobin might occur and bring about some complications from the sickle cell disease.

B- Sickle cell anemia:

A person with sickle cell anemia has most or all of the normal hemoglobin substituted with the sickle hemoglobin. It is the most frequent and most severe form of the sickle cell variations. " They suffer from a variety of complications due to the shape and thickness of the sickle skin cells. Because of the decreased quantity of hemoglobin cells circulating in the torso, severe and persistent anemia is also a common quality".

3- Sign and Symptoms

The clinical course of sickle cell anemia will not follow an individual structure; some patients have gentle symptoms, plus some have very severe symptoms. The basic problem, however, is the same: the sickle-shaped red blood cells have a tendency to get jammed in narrow blood vessels, blocking the blood circulation. These brings about the next conditions:

A- Hand-foot symptoms:

When small arteries in hands or foot are obstructed, pain and bloating can result, along with fever. This can be the first sign of sickle cell anemia in newborns.

Fatigue, paleness, and shortness of breath:

They are all symptoms of anemia or a shortage of red blood cells.

B- Pain that occurs suddenly in any body organ or joint:

A patient may experience pain wherever sickle blood cells block air flow to tissues. "The consistency and amount of pain vary. Some patients have agonizing episodes (also called crises) less than once a year, plus some have as many as 15 or more episodes in a time. Sometimes pain continues just a few hours; sometimes it endures weeks. " For severe continuous pain, the individual may be hospitalized and cured with painkillers and intravenous liquids. Pain is the principal sign of sickle cell anemia in both children and men and women.

C -Vision problems:

The retina, the film at the back of the attention that receives and procedures visual images, can deteriorate when it generally does not get enough nourishment from circulating red blood vessels cells. Damage to the retina can be serious enough to cause blindness.

D- Yellowing of pores and skin and sight:

These are indications of jaundice, resulting from rapid break down of red blood skin cells.

Delayed progress and puberty in children and often a slight build in individuals: The slow rate of development is caused by a scarcity of red blood cells

4- Issues


In standard, both children and people with sickle cell anemia are usually more liable to infections and also have a harder time fighting them off. This is the consequence of spleen damage from sickle red cells, hence preventing the spleen from destroying bacterias in the blood vessels. Also the bone marrow gets enlarged because of the increasing need to produce red blood skin cells. Infants and young children especially are suspectible to bacterial infections that can kill them in as little as 9 time from onset of fever.

"Pneumococcal microbe infections used to be the main cause of death in children with sickle cell anemia until physicians began routinely giving penicillin on a precautionary basis to those who find themselves diagnosed at labor and birth or in early infancy"

B- Stroke:

Defective hemoglobin damage the surfaces of red blood vessels cells, causing those to stick to bloodstream vessel wall space. The resulting narrowed or obstructed small arteries in the brain can result in serious, life-threatening strokes, generally in children.

C-Acute chest syndrome:

Similar to pneumonia, this life-threatening complication is caused by contamination or captured sickle cells in the lung. It really is characterized by chest pain, fever, and an unnatural breasts X-ray.

5- Analysis

Early examination of sickle cell anemia is critical so children who've the condition can receive medicine.

Blood test:

More than 40 state governments now perform a simple, inexpensive blood vessels test for sickle cell disease on all newborn infants. This test is conducted at the same time and from the same blood vessels samples as other routine newborn-screening testing. Hemoglobin electrophoresis is the most widely used diagnostic test. If the test shows the existence of sickle hemoglobin, a second blood test is conducted to confirm the prognosis. These testing also tell whether or not the child holds the sickle cell trait.

6- Treatment

Although there is no cure for sickle cell anemia, doctors can do a good deal to help patients, and treatment is constantly being upgraded. Basic treatment of agonizing crises relies heavily on painkilling drugs and oral and intravenous fluids to reduce pain and stop complications.

A- Blood vessels Transfusions:

"Transfusions correct anemia by increasing the amount of normal red bloodstream cells in circulation. They can also be used to treat spleen enlargement in children before the condition becomes life-threatening". Regular transfusion therapy can assist in preventing continuing strokes in children at high risk.

B-Oral Antibiotics:

Giving dental penicillin twice a day beginning at 2 a few months and continuing before child is at least 5 years old can prevent pneumococcal infection and early death. Recently, however, several new penicillin-resistant strains of pneumonia bacterias have been reported. Since vaccines for these bacterias are inadequate in young children, studies are being designed to check new vaccines.


"The first effective drug treatment for people with severe sickle cell anemia was reported in early on 1995, whenever a analysis conducted by the National Center, Lung, and Blood vessels Institute revealed that daily doses of the anticancer drug hydroxyurea reduced the regularity of unpleasant crises and serious breasts syndrome". Patients taking the medication needed less blood transfusions.

Regular health maintenance is critical for folks with sickle cell anemia. Proper nutrition, good hygiene, foundation rest, cover against infections, and avoidance of other strains each is important in retaining good health insurance and preventing difficulties. Regular visits to your physician or clinic that delivers comprehensive care are essential to identify early changes in the patient's health insurance and ensure immediate treatment.

Today, with good healthcare, many people with sickle cell anemia are in sensibly good health much of the time and living fruitful lives. In fact, before 30 years, the life expectancy of people with sickle cell anemia has increased.

What you can do to assist in preventing these difficulties?

Sickle cell patient should be under the treatment of a medical team that understands sickle cell disease. All newborn newborns found with sickle cell disease should be positioned on daily penicillin to avoid serious infections. Every one of the youth immunizations should be given in addition to the pneumococcal vaccine. Parents ought to know how to check on for a higher temp because this alerts the need for an instant medical checkup for serious infection.

The pursuing are general recommendations to keep carefully the sickle cell patient healthy:

  1. Taking the vitamin folic acid (foliate) daily to help make new red cells
  2. Daily penicillin until era six to prevent serious illness
  3. Drinking plenty of drinking water daily (8-10 glasses for adults)
  4. Staying away from too hot or too cold temperatures
  5. Steering clear of over exertion and stress
  6. Getting a sufficient amount of recovery
  7. Getting regular check-ups from competent health care providers

Patients and individuals should watch for the following conditions that require an immediate medical analysis:

  1. Fever
  2. Torso pain
  3. Shortness of Breath
  4. Increasing tiredness
  5. Abdominal swelling
  6. Unusual headaches
  7. Any immediate weakness or loss of feeling
  8. Pain that will not go away with home treatment
  9. Pianism (painful erection that will not decrease)
  10. Sudden eye-sight change.


To conclude, sickle cell anemia like other chronic life-threatening disease can cause this inherited to patient and members of the family joining where customers share common encounters and problems can reveal this situation because it gets better understanding and management of the condition. There is no treatment, therefore nurses should comprehend the actions that can prevent or reduce symptoms to be able to meet the challenges of looking after patients with sickle cell disease and supporting them to minimize its effect on their lives.


  1. Brunner and Suddarth, Medical-Surgical Nursing, (2004), 10th edition
  2. http://www. nhlbi. nih. gov/health/dci/Diseases/Sca/SCA_Summary. html
  3. http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/sickle-cell-anemia/DS00324
  4. http://www. nhlbi. nih. gov/health/dci/Diseases/Sca/SCA_WhatIs. html
  5. http://www. kidshealth. org/teen/diseases_conditions/genetic/sickle_cell_anemia. html
  6. http://www. medicinenet. com/sickle_cell/article. htm
  7. Desai, D. V. ; Hiren Dhanani (2004). "Sickle Cell Disease: Background And Origin". The Internet Journal of Heamatology 1 (2). http://www. ispub. com/ostia/index. php?xmlFilePath=journals/ijhe/vol1n2/sickle. xml.
  8. Pearson H (Aug 1977). "Sickle cell anaemia and severe infections due to encapsulated bacterias" http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/meningitis. html.
  9. http://www. emro. who. int/Publications/EMHJ/0303/03. htm
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