Standard North american Diet Pitched against a Nutritarian Diet

Essential Nutrients

  • Macronutrients - include sugars, proteins, and excess fat; they provide the calories to our body for energy and expansion.
  • Micronutrients - include vitamins, vitamins, and phytochemicals; they don't contain calories but are crucial for health and growth. They are located entirely foods, vegetables, beans, berries, and seed products.

Standard American Diet

In the standard American diet (SAD) about 85 percent of energy come from low-nutrient, high-calorie processed foods, animal products, milk products and sweets. All these foods donate to weight gain, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Only 10 % of the SAD is from natural vegetation such as fruit and vegetables, beans, seeds and nuts, which contain micronutrients that help protect blood vessels and prevent tumors. That's why we have an epidemic of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and tumors.

The Nutritarian Diet, Health Equation, and ANDI Scores

A nutritarian diet is a diet plan abundant with micronutrients based on the health equation:

Health (H) = Nutrients (N) / Calories from fat (C)

This means a lot more nutrient dense your diet, the healthier you become.

The Aggregate Nutrient Density Index (ANDI) rates the nutrient value of many common foods based on the amount of nutrients per calorie. This system ranks foods over a range from 1 to 1 1, 000, with nutrient-dense cruciferous leafy vegetables (kale, collard greens, mustard greens, and watercress) scoring at 1, 000. The table in Dr. Fuhrman's ANDI Scores (https://www. drfuhrman. com/learn/library/articles/95/andi-food-scores-rating-the-nutrient-density-of-foods) is a set of ANDI Scores of several common foods.

The Eat to reside in Plan is a nutritarian diet plan with the next features:

  1. Large servings of vegetables, raw or cooked
  2. Animal products limited by no more than three small portions per week
  3. No dairy, bleached flour, and white rice
  4. No processed food items, frigid cereals, and sweets
  5. No sweeteners, except fruits and limited unsulfured dried out fruits
  6. Carbohydrates with high ANDI results, such as coffee beans, peas, squashes, lentils, and intact complete grains
  7. Protective foods such as walnuts, mushrooms, onion, berries, and seed products.

Food Pyramid

Beef, sweets, cheese, dairy, processed food, hydrogenated oil


Poultry, eggs, oils

Once a week or less

Fish/Fat-free dairy

Twice weekly or less

Raw nuts/Seeds

10-20% of calories


15-25% of calories


20-30% of calories

Vegetables - half raw and 50 % cooked

30-70% of calories

Glycemic Index (GI) and Glycemic Load (GL)

Refined grain products-such as bagels, white bakery, pasta, white rice, most breakfast cereals, and other refined grains- have low nutrient value. These foods are swiftly digested and converted to sugar, elevating the sugar level in the bloodstream in the same way just like you had used a cube of glucose. Studies have shown that long-term intake of refined grain products triggers putting on weight and increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

The glycemic index (GI) ranks food on the range from 0 to 100 according to their impact on blood sugar levels after eating. Foods with a higher GI are digested and absorbed speedily, producing steep rises in blood sugar and insulin levels. Low-GI foods are digested and ingested slowly, producing steady rises in glucose levels and insulin levels.

The glycemic insert (GL) steps the actual calories from fat of glucose produced by a serving of the food. Carrot is a good example of the lack of perfection inherent in only using the GI solution. Carrot's GI is 35, which is rather high. However when carrots are ingested raw, their glycemic result is lessened as the body does not absorb all the calories in fresh foods. Carrot's GL is only 3. It isn't a poor food, even for the diabetics.

The Glycemic Index (GI) Food Graph (http://documents. hants. gov. uk/hms/HealthyEatingontheRun-LowGlycemicIndexFoodList. pdf) shows the GI for most common foods.

Studies have shown that a diet with an increased GL is associated with a greater threat of colorectal, endometrial, and breast cancers. Enhanced grain products, carbonated drinks, and fruit drinks can cause putting on weight and business lead to diabetes. Studies show the this hyperlink becomes better as the individual's weight and insulin resistance increases.

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