Tamarind: Medicinal Uses And Properties

Tamarinds belong to the family of leguminous crops called Fabaceae, meaning they comprise of fruits with seeds enclosed within an encapsulated pod, blooms are bilaterally symmetrical with 5 petals and sepals, 10 stamens, 1 pistil and superior ovary. The Latin name or technological name of the seed is Tamarindus indica.

Tamarinds are tropical or semi-tropical evergreen trees and shrubs that can reach a maximum height of 80 feet, however the majority of the tamarind that develops in the tropical regions usually extends to a maximum height of 20 feet. The tamarind expands very little by little and withstand drought for intensive period of time. The bark is heavy and is also usually darkish in color with thick foliage that can often expand for a amount of 20 to 35 foot.

Leaves aren't shed intermittently but usually become darkish in color and fall out during tough conditions such as hot dry out season. The tamarind leaves are pinnate mixture leaves with each being oval in shape. Leaflets are also present with the majority of them being sessile plus they usually close at nights. The leaflets are arranged in pairs about 10-18 pears occurs on a leaf.

The width of the blossoms extends for approximately one inch and they are usually white in color with the petals being yellow with red stripes. The buds of the bloom are usually pinkish in color.

The pods of the tamarind include shell that are mostly dark brown in color with curve like indentations. The pod size of the tamarind is determined by the number and the size of seeds it includes. Most of the Asia continent's tamarind can occupy up to a maximum of 12 seeds and those tamarinds that are located within tropical parts can contain up to maximum of 6 seeds. Average size of the pod is approximately 10cm that is about 4inches.

The seeds of the early tamarind fruit are quite greenish in color, and the shells that comprise the pod are difficult to crack and much less brittle. At maturity of the berry the seed is brown in color and the pod is more brittle and can be split open easier. Inside the pod the seeds are ornamented by a fleshy structure referred to as the pulp, which includes the sour or lovely preference. The pulp has beneficial and inexpensive uses.

The fruits of the tamarind of the tamarind has a high acidic, sugars and calcium mineral content. The tamarind vegetable can be propagated either by seed products or cuttings. Seedlings keep fruits within an interval of 6 to 8 8 years after development. Cuttings or young trees and shrubs are usually planted in garden soil above the normal soil level to be able to allow succeeding settling of the land. Area around the flower should be well irrigated as to maintain steady moisture for young vegetation. At maturity the herb requires minimal irrigation. The seed usually tolerates a great diversity of earth condition but is more suitable in garden soil that is deep and somewhat acidic.

Tamarind trees have a variety of use from the pulp that can be used in sauce and chutney to the leaves and barks that has important therapeutic applications. Tamarind bark is prepared into wood and can be utilized in making furniture and hardwood floor coverings. The pods and bouquets are usually pickled and used as part dish. They 're normally used as ornamental vegetation to provide shades along roadside.

Taxonomic Explanation of Tamarind

Kingdom: Plantae - Plants

Subkingdom: Tracheobionta - (Vascular plants-has capabilities of conducting normal water and nutrients about the composition of the herb. )

Superdivision: Spermatophyta - (Seed vegetation- vegetable that produces and reproduces by seeds)

Division: Magnoliophyta - Flowering plants

Class: Magnoliopsida - (Dicotyledons- has two cotyledons or seed leaves comparison with one cotyledon within monocot plants. Leaves of the dicots are usually reticulate and the origins of the herb is adventitious)

Subclass: Rosidae (Large trees and shrubs with radially symmetrical plants with petals not coalesced. Blooms has a hypanthium which really is a cup-shaped structure made by a coalesced calyx, corolla and stamens. Flowers usually borne in catkins; long, often pendulate inflorescences with small bouquets and scaly stipules. Niki Wessels, myfundi your online encyclopedia).

Order: Fabales (include a dehiscent seed pod with seed products present in a row, sometimes in specific sections. Bouquets have 10 or even more stamens. R. J. Hodgkiss)

Family: Fabaceae - (Pea family- leaves usually different with stipules, or ingredient. Flowers have one particular pistil that often end up being the pod fruit. Plants are zygomorphic with sepals fused into a pipe Robert W. Freckmann)

Genus: Tamarindus - tamarind (genus is monotypic in support of comprises of one species)

Species: Tamarindus indica L. - tamarind

Biogeographic Source of Tamarind

The tamarind is local to tropical Africa and probably was launched to tropical West Indies and Asia countries such as India. From Asia it may have been distributed to other areas such as Persian and Arab countries and ornamented areas. The first tamarind tree was planted in exotic Hawaii around the year of 1797. The tamarind tree might have been presented to Mexico, South North american countries and the Western world Indies much earlier. The tamarind distribution within these specific areas all possesses fruits that are very different in their appearance, texture and preference. Distinction with tamarind biogeography origins, it is greatly and extensively cultivated in the tropical areas of the world. Tamarinds even current are being cultivated in countries such as Nigeria, Cameroon and Tanzania. Syndication of tamarind is credit to African slaves, Portuguese and Spaniards, whose rival for increase land space promoted a wider geographic location for the growth and development of tamarind.

Tamarind Therapeutic uses and properties

Tamarind gets the following four properties. .

Cathartic; identifies a medicine that triggers emptying of the bowel


Febrifuge: a drug that is used in the remedy and the reduction of fever.

Antiseptic; it serves as a medication to reduce and prevent infection especially by the eradication and development of microorganism such as bacterias and fungi that cause disease or decay.

Refrigerant; a treatments that reduces or alleviates fever or reduces body heat

Specific Medicinal Properties and Uses of Medicine

It is used as a minor laxative to take care of digestive tract disorder and thus it is able to promote bowel motion and relieve digestive ailments.

It is used in the treating bronchial disorders

It is employed in the relieve of sore throat

It is utilized as a antiseptic in eyeball hoths and the treatment of ulcers

Because of tamarind acidic character it is able to excites bile and digestive juices and as such help as a treatment in alleviating biliousness in the body.

It is rumored to demolish worms in the intestine of children

It pays to in the treatment of jaundice

Tamarind is saturated in supplement C content and as such can be used in the procedure and subsequent stop of scurvy and also as an antiscorbutic agent.

Tamarind is also used as a blood vessels purifier

Tamarind is utilized in body cleansing

Because of its refrigerant properties tamarind is employed as a cure for fever. In the Philippines tamarind can be used to take care of and reduce malaria fever.

It is used in folk remedies as solution for aches and pains and swellings

It is effective in the treating burn and treatment of epidermis by preventing oedema. Oedema is same as edema and it is build of excess of fluid around skin tissues, which really is a quality in many burn off victims.

Oil from tamarind helps promote moisture and healthy epidermis and also restricts the entry of harmful bacteria.

Tamarind can be used to take care of dysentery. Dysentery is an illness of the lower intestine caused by many parasites especially protozoan that often contributes to pain, consistent severe diarrhea, infection and the passing of blood vessels and mucus.

Tamarind pulp due to its fibrous nature is useful in reducing constipation

Tamarind has also been rumored to lower cholesterol levels due to their fibrous nature they could bind to bile salts restricting its reabsorption in the bowel.

Tamarind with other remedial ingredients by means of soup really helps to alleviates and really helps to clear nose blockage.

Tamarind can be used for diarrhea.

The ingredients in tamarind helps promote healthy center by indirectly lowering bloodstream cholesterol.

It can be used as cure for leucorrhea, which really is a white release.

Tamarind consists of tartaric acid that delivers and functions as a powerful antioxidant for your body.

The dietary fiber binds also to toxin chemicals that often binds to mucus and expels them from the body. These toxin chemicals tend to be the precursor for most cancer especially colon cancer.

The tamarind is a source of many nutrients such as potassium, calcium, copper, selenium, zinc, magnesium and especially copper. Flat iron facilitates the production of red blood cells and since a co-factor for cytochrome oxidase enzymes.

Treatment of gall bladder problems and hemorrhoid.

Polysaccharide in tamarind aids in the relieve of dried out eye syndrome

Presence of antioxidant in tamarind really helps to boost the body's immune system system

Tamarind helps delay the progress of fluorosis induced by excess fluorides

Tamarind is utilized in instances of gingivitis and eyes inflammation.

Plant part used for therapeutic purposes



Treatment of:

Scurvy, fever, biliousness, flatulence, indigestion, constipation, reduction cravings, bile disorder

Is used for the inclination of food intake.

Reduces the likelihood of colon cancer

Pulp is smeared on pores and skin for skin-itching

Used for common cold

It is employed as a moderate laxative

It is used to alleviate liquor intoxication and datura poisoning


Used as poultice for cuts and burn

Treatment of fever and rheumatism (stiffness in joint parts and muscles).

Herbal tea from tamarind leaves is employed to treat vision infections and is also usually taken internal for the treating diabetes and common chilly and flu.

Help to prevent edema.

Used for liver organ disorders such as jaundice, worms and liquid drawn is used as a wash for sore eyes

Crushed leaves are usually put on joints of pores and skin for pain ease.


Is useful in asthmatic attack

Aids in the removal of freckles

Bark is prepare into a astringent and tonic for chest disorders

Poultice extracted from the bark are being used on open sores and caterpillar rashes.


Aids in the removal of freckles

Improves appetite

Treat urinary problems, constipation, diarrhea, asthma, skin irritations and infections brought on by mite and tick bites such as scabies.

Used as a cure for chest problems.

Is used as an ingredient in the prescription for leprosy.


Powdered tamarind seed is employed in long-term diarrhea, intestinal disorder such as dysentery.

Seed coat also has astringent properties and can be used in the treating the last mentioned also.

Tamarind kernel is an ingredient in a variety of medicines and works well in curing fever, treating intestinal diseases and diarrhea.

Helps to get rid of intestinal parasites

The seed natural powder is applied locally to the vagina for contraction of the vaginal passage.


Is used for treating running stomach


These are being used for digestive disorders, popularly utilized by natives

Boiled or dried out flower pays to for pains, swelling and comes.

Juice extracted from blooms is useful for treating hemorrhage piles.

Medicinal Uses of Tamarind bought from interviews

Name of bush medicine vendor

Address and cell phone number

Date of interview

Medicinal uses of tamarind

Shermila Mohammad

149 broad road betterhope

Tel#: 220-7729

24th Apr 2011

Leaf- used for treating measel

Fruit- frigid syrup, for pox ( both inner and exterior)

Ivord Johnson

608 Western Ruimveldt

Tel#: 227-8547

24th April 2011

Pulp- used to expelled cool from the body

Seed- used for snake bites

Method of Preparation of Tamarind for Medicinal Uses

The partially dried berry of the Tamarind is predominantly used in Medication. The slab, which really is a thick piece or chunk of the tamarind, is crushed and mash into a paste and a go through a sieve. The paste from the mashing can be utilized straight and can be applied unto the skin or taken orally as a way of healing or dealing with certain medical illnesses. During sieving the fine pulp and juices will proceed through leaving behind the fibrous husk.

The partially dried fruit of the tamarind tree can be used to make drugs. Tamarind is typically well prepared as a paste and can be taken orally or applied to the skin. Although no standard dosage is available for tamarind's use on your skin, it's been taken by mouth in doses of 10 to 50 grams in the form of fruits cubes.

Pharmacological and Area Effects

Taking ibuprofen or aspirin with tamarind increases the absorption benefit for these medications and therefore leads to a rise probability of displaying risks and side effects that always compliments with the particular medication considered. This happening occurs consequently of tamarind binding capability with this medication.

There are no known aspect effects that immediately results from the intake of tamarind. Tamarind however is effective for women that are pregnant.

The Desk below summarizes the natural products, phytochemicals and active ingredients of the tamarind seed.

Natural products


Active ingredients

Terpenes (inclusive of limonene and geraniol)

Glycosides; constituents include: Vitexin, Isovitexin Orientin, isorienthin( found typically in the root base and leaves)

Tartaric acid, tamarind constitute a big proportion of this compound

Phenylpropanoids (including safrole, cinnamic acid, ethyl cinnamate)





Malic acid


Citric acid


Tartaric acid





Methyl salicylate





Parechymatous fibres

Cinnamic acid



Non medicinal uses of the many plant organs

Tamarind generally in most tropical countries is used as ornamental crops on campuses and other prestige areas.


Leaves are cooked; flowers tend to be cooked and ingested as greens using Asian countries such as India.

Extracts from leave is utilized in body lotion. It is also used to deepen the colour of head of hair dye.

Extract is usually put into other skincare and cosmetic makeup products.

Leaves are boiled with other leaves in a process of bleaching to prepare them for head wear making.

Galls, that happen to be swelling triggered by insects, are often found in tanning.


Barks can be utilized as heartwood or sapwood and depending on the kind of timber they can be found in making furniture or flooring and building construction

Wood varieties excellent charcoal for gunpowder.

Contains amber engine oil useful in varnish and illuminant

Fibre from bark can be used in twine and string making

The twigs and barks can be used as nibbling sticks

Bark is often burnt to produce ink

Wood may be used to provide as source of fuel


Is used as spice

The pulp of Lovely tamarind or less mature tamarind that is less bitter is used in beverages

Pulp is employed as a flavoring for foods

Pod is cooked properly and used as a seasoning

The pulp especially of the lovely tamarind can be used in confectioneries and so can be studied as a treat.

Sizzle or fried tamarind is take in as food directly e. g. in Bahamas

The pulp can be used to make jams and deserts.

Can be utilized as preservative for fermenting food

Pulp of fruit is popularly found in soup making using countries


The kernel natural powder from the tamarind seed can be utilized in the textile industries and other industries for the purpose of printing of textiles, paper sizing, as stabilizer in bricks so that a structural mechanism in vinyl.

The kernel may be used to make lumber glue

Amber engine oil is often extracted from the tamarind seed and is utilized as an illuminant and varnish.

Extract from tamarind seed is utilized as a stabilizer in a few ice cream

Seed is sometime used as disaster food source that's available as a powder starch extracted from some method.


Provides a great way to obtain nectar for honeybee and for that reason may be used to breed bees in order to acquire honey.

Flowers can serve as an ingredient in salads

Flowers can be used in dyeing

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