The Advantages Of Self Employed Commerce Essay

When we graduate from the college or university, we must face to so many challenge and choice. Someone want to become listed on in a big company and working there, because they feel there will have significantly more chance and can improve them, but another people just want to self-employed. Maybe these are feel self-employed could be more freedom or make more money. So the next will compare self-employed and working in a huge company.


Self-employed: A predicament in which an individual works for himself or herself rather than doing work for an employer that pays a salary or a wage. A self-employed person makes their income through conducting profitable businesses from a trade or business that they operate directly

Working in a huge company: the brief meaning of "a person employed in a huge company" is career: Employment means is a deal between two parties, is employer and a different one is employee.

An staff is a person who is employed to work for another or for a small business, firm, etc, in return for payment. Applied contributes labor and knowledge to the business and match its responsibility.

Advantages of self-employed

The reason why people choice self-employed, at least have five reasons: personal satisfaction, freedom, profits, job security, interpersonal status and versatility.

Personal satisfaction

For some individuals, the self-employed will achieve self-satisfaction. Personal satisfaction to have the ability to do their own things. Choose self-employed, you can certainly do something you enjoy every day. For example, you prefer photography, you should open up one own studio room, very content with your service whenever the customer, strong self-satisfaction will keep in mind with passion.

You can also obtain satisfaction through helping surrounding crowd. Can provide products and services and create employment opportunities for others.

Independence, control and freedom from routine

Another advantage of self-employed is to get independence. - If you choice the self-employed you can have the freedom. You didn't worried about the control by others and you simply play you are own knowledge, skills and competence.


The main reason for the self-employed is earnings, Income minus all expenses is income, and the gains go to companies. Their particular businesses can control their own income. Generally, if you pay more attention to you company you can have more revenue, this is another point to the employment. Once the enterprise running well, you want to much? Do you want to earn 2, 000 yuan yearly, and 5000 yuan or 10, 000 yuan, or more? Various kinds of businesses have different revenue potential, kind of enterprise is one of the important factors in determining the amount of income. Many businesses with long-term prospect of success in the short term, however, they may be difficult to get income returns.

Job security

From the self-employed, people can get having less job security for other kinds of employment. Job security means is to ensure ecological access to employment opportunities and income.

Social status

To some extent is all of individuals pursuit the communal position. Self-employed through the successful procedure and participate in communal activities to get the interest of folks, obtain to certain sociable status, which allowed them to take pleasure from other people cannot be happy and proud.

Disadvantages of Self-Employment

Less security - you must ensure you will have work to do, this is your responsibility. This implies you may sometimes don't have work and do not have income.

Fewer free benefits - You will have to pay for your own holiday break time, pay for retirement plans on your own, and also buy your own dental, disability and life insurance coverage by yourself.

Paying fees - Being a self-employed person, you are solely responsible for doing all the paperwork and paying your taxes promptly.

Working in a big company

The reasons to work in a big company

Working for a major company you learn to think big.

Working for a big company can figure out how to many experience. In the big company will have more change to improve ourselves and can learn to the other person with colleague. Inside the big company additionally you can learn to some different skills.

Big companies commit money in enhancements and personnel education.

A whole lot of company commit money in personnel education, for example: training, conferences, training, ect.

Health benefit

Many large companies can pay the amount of money for the employees to purchase health insurance. To the medical staff on a regular basis.

More opportunities:

working in the big company will meet many others company and meet so many different people. In this manner can meet so many opportunities. And improve ourselves.

disadvantages of working in a major company

Difficulty to adapting quickly:

In the top company, the rate of work is extremely fast, in order a newly graduated students cannot quickly adjust to large companies.

Bosses & hierarchy: Within the big company you benefit boss. The manager has authority over what you do and exactly how you do it. Also have many pressure in a large company because in here have many excellent colleague.

Coworkers: in the big company have more and more people working in here, and in here we should face to numerous difference types of people. And we should have a good romantic relationship with the coworkers.

Influences: in the top company we always work with each day for 8 hours or even more, this can easily rub off on you. The majority of your bosses, coworkers and subordinates will effect your lifestyles, prices, and morals.

Case study

In China, to encourage university scholar to self-employed, the government provide a new preferential insurance policy from January 1, 2011: within 3 years of college or university graduates start their self-employed can enjoy duty breaks.

Preferential procedures are as follows

Concessions: exemption from more than 10 charges

Tax incentives: area of the industry, tax-free for two years

Loan offers: provide small start-up loans


No matter working in a large company or self-employed, they both have advantages and disadvantages. Working in a large company we can collect experience and study from one another; and self-employed we can get more income and flexibility. Whether you self-employed or employed in a large company additionally you must work hard, only in this way you can perform succeed

In my opinion, now I am not eager to self-employed because self-employed need all the conditions, but now I have nothing, no experience, no money, no cooperator, etc. I really do not want to take the liberty to visit self-employed, after I have all the knowledge, I am going to self-employed. And now the most important things is to find the good company and work hard, strive for in the shortest possible a chance to self-employed. To be a graduating students, too much things to learn and I hope I could meet a real good company, and I could added to company and get what I want. Where is a visionary company? Looking forward to

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