The Environmental Impact Diagnosis Tourism Essay

This chapter handles the books review which really is a record of what has been publicized on this issue by trained scholars. This chapter will give an insight on the environmental impact analysis, its steps, efficiency and weaknesses, accompanied by the concept of biodiversity and a critical overview of two articles related to this issue. Last but not least it elaborates on tourism development on Ile aux Cerfs.

EIA was setup to deal with concerns about the effects that main development jobs were having on the environment. It is important to learn that EIA can be an environment assessment tool. An extremely straightforward explanation of EIA is that it's "a methodical process of identifying, predicting, analysing, analyzing and mitigating all the environmental effects another development or activity before setting up the task" (US, 2001).

The EIA also considers the natural, socio cultural and economic aspects. EIA and the top steps which have to be carried out to accomplish the analysis is included in the ISO 14011. EIA is also typically the most popular and accepted instrument used to assess environmental influences for new or prepared jobs (Schianetz et al. 2007).

The crucial reason of just why an EIA is necessary is to prevent costly mistake in a job execution. These costly problems can happen either by the negative environmental effects that are like to occur through the project execution or by the alterations that are required afterwards in order to make the development environmentally suited to federal and community.

2. 1. 1 Concepts and Alternatives of EIA

An environmental Impact Assessment supports various principles namely Ecotourism, Clean Production, Eco-labelling however the two most recognized principles are Environmental Management and Tourism Carrying Capacity (Schianetz et al. 2007).

As already point out above EIA can be an environment examination tool. A couple of many other tools used which can gauge the impacts of the surroundings. A number of the tools are Sustainability indications, Ecological footprint, Life Circuit Diagnosis, Strategic environmental Analysis and Environmental Auditing.

Sustainable indications are generally used for assessing tourism locations. Ecological footprint (EF) assesses the amount to which human race is using and eating nature's resources quicker than they can regenerate (Schaefer et al. 2006). Life routine evaluation (LCA) is a methodological framework for calculating approximately and assessing the environmental impacts for the life cycle of a product including the exhaustion of resources like land, normal water, petrol coal and other natural resources (Rebitzeret al. 2004). Strategic Environmental Evaluation (SEA) is a tool that permits to put together environmental concerns along with interpersonal and financial aspect and which is also an assessment on an insurance plan level (Dalal-Clayton, Sadler, 2005). Environmental Auditing (EA) is an instrument a company can use to identify the level of its environmental impacts, find out whether or not the company is agreement with valid acts, rules, and the anticipations of its stakeholders, and boosts knowledge how it can maintain or progress its environmental performance in the years ahead (Mattsson and Olsson, 2001).

2. 1. 2 Steps for EIA

Werner (1992) acquired suggested that EIA can be used as a way in deciding if the project is practical and suitable, usually it may also be a way to plan how unwanted effects of an acknowledged development can be reduced.

Furthermore, Roberts and Hunter (1992) have stated that EIA steps change from a location to another, but at the development level, there are four important expectations that are generally put into practice. The four benchmarks are as follows:

The characteristics of any development and related activities should be identified by an EIA.

The areas of the environment which will be worried should be identified.

The effects at the beginning and forthcoming periods should be evaluated.

EIA is related about the management of the huge benefits and alarmed about the negative effects that can be generated.

On the other side, the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) mentioned the different stages of any EIA the following:



Preliminary Assessment


EIA study and environmental impact statement




Screening is completed to assess when a development requires EIA. Its main attention is about the effects it may have or if there are effects that are uncertain. Then eventually it'll give attention to the situations where environmental guidance effort may be essential. Hence EIA strategies may the majority of the time contain a files or schemas stipulating which jobs need EIA (ex girlfriend or boyfriend: constantly or specific situations).


Thinking of possible alternatives (demand, activity, place, development & target, setting up, contribution, 'no job') ought to be established in front of you selection being prepared. Some innovations can be especially on site (ex: mining, extraction occurs only where there is a nutrient site). In such circumstances EIA can provide extra attentions on activities such as level, justifying activities and traffic supervision. Ventures marketed by government organizations might probably consider alternative locations or routes for development somewhat than private portion schemes where in fact the premature requirements to obtain options or purchase land highly controls development place.

Preliminary Assessment

This is where screening process recommends additional evaluation is necessary or when there is improbability about the nature of possible effects. There is the utilization of quick evaluation methods although there is the existence of enough aspect to find key impacts, their scope and consequence, and evaluate their value for decision making. Below are steps that will demonstrate in case a complete EIA is necessary.


A 'narrowing' method frequently began by an 'evaluation team' to identify the main element problems of apprehension at an early phase in the look course of action and direct the introduction of conditions of guide for the EIA. It helps location selection, recognizes potential options, and evades interruption scheduled to having to judge formerly unrevealed possible impacts. Scoping must indulge all interested functions such as the promoter or environmental firms and public customers. The outcomes set up the opportunity, depth and terms of mention of be attended to within Environmental Impact Assertion (below). Once the location for development has been picked, the amount of problems usually diminishes and thought to specific details is enhanced.

Main EIA Study

Building and increasing the previous stages to forecast the amount and degree of results and determine their importance. A range of strategies can be used including: checklists, questionnaires and systems models. The study should include concern of mitigating actions- assessing the action suggested/ taken to avoid or reduce current or possible negative impacts of an project. However if there are qualms to a higher extent, probable serious outcomes no justifying actions, then your proposed project ought to be deserted. However if there are qualms that can be decreased with a more in depth studies, a say can be postponed until further studies.

Environmental Impact Statement

It is a complete report that areas the conclusions of the EIA and is also most of enough time asked by law before a new venture can start.


To measure the satisfactoriness of the EIA to decision making and think about its repercussions.


Supervising of project accomplishment and action, an eventually an audit of the task after its conclusion.

2. 1. 3 Success of EIA

EIA may ameliorate and continuous likelihood on the long term for various tasks. EIA has the prospect to offer the possibility to discover from know-how of similar projects stay away from the (habitually increased) expenses which could occur later justifying unexpected harmful and damaging effects.

2. 1. 4 Weakness of EIA

Critic is a vital part of each theory, process tool or concept. Criticism of EIA has been debated by many authors in many studies. One of the most common critics is the fact EIA only considers the immediate impact of an development or activity but not the addition to the growing impacts in the area, Simpson and Wall structure, (2000). EIA can't be used for the evaluation of whole travel and leisure destinations but only for specific projects such as international airports, eco-resorts, activity or development near to the beach, Schianetz et al. (2007). EIA is also criticized as it only handles mitigating negative impacts rather than placing the effort in increasing the positive influences, Simpson and Wall, (2000).

However Biswas (1992a) and Hunter (1995a) have explained that steps of EIA have its deficit. Corresponding to both authors, there is a tendency that EIA concentrate more only on physical influences and ignore interpersonal and social ones. EIA consistently concentrates on biophysical concerns and where environment, communal and economical features are dealt with, they aren't usually included but instead EIA reports have the inclination to be illustrated as different stages.

2. 2 Biodiversity

In popular consumption, the term biodiversity is often used to spell it out all the kinds living in a specific area (www. cnx. org). Taking into consideration the "particular area" in a very large size, biodiversity is simply all the life span on the planet earth. The business dictionary defines biodiversity as the "Variety and variability of microbial, vegetable, and pet life forms from all options (including terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems) and of the ecological complexes of which they are a part". Within the context of the particular review, biodiversity and travel and leisure is usually to be studied.

The recent craze in the tourism industry has it that that nowadays more and more tourists have empty the famous sea, sand and sun, and seems more towards the type structured experience (www. unwto. de). A sound nature is ever more being described by travellers when they opting for their destinations. The quality of the surroundings, therefore, cannot be neglected as a essential factor in the nowadays tourism trends. However, holidaymakers visit a destination where the environment plays a key role at the vacation spot. There may be therefore an immediate dependence on a lasting management program and which will use natural resources in a lasting manner. Additionally it is to note that the entire year 2010 has been announced the international 12 months if biodiversity.

2. 2. 1 Linking Biodiversity to Tourism

Projects have already started concerning biodiversity and tourism. By far the most flagrant example is within Thailand that was struck by the Tsunami in the year 2004. Issues such as energy efficiency, security of travelers and climatic changes have been set up. As stated previously, those issues impact on tourism. Building upon this, the "Program for Energy Efficiency" was launched Thailand to mitigate the consequences of environment change.

Mauritius Island consists of endemic species that happen to be unique to the entire world but are suffering from massive population decrease. In the years 1500 and onwards the island was uninhabited by humans. Following the getting of the Dutch, the benefits of non-native vegetable and animal species, biodiversity still flourishing started to be endangered. The 400 years following the first 'altercation' in the Mauritian's ecosystem, people of native parrots, reptiles, and trees and shrubs started to reduce and threatened to be extinct. The constant decrease in the populace of the living organisms threatened the life span cycle including the reproduction process and the balance of mother nature.

We cannot overlook the actual fact that travel and leisure has been growing and in biodiversity hotspots. Thus the quick progress in nature tourism and travel within the travel and leisure industry for days gone by 2 decades, it could be said that the tourism's development in those high biodiversity areas is due to one and only dynamics and environment found at those hotspots. The destruction of this facet of a destination is like tearing apart the location which forgetting definitely about tourism for the reason that particular area.

"Ecotourism is an idea that is threatening travel and leisure. Defined as the 'responsible travel to natural areas, that conserves the environment and sustains the wellness of local people, ' ecotourism reformats the essential concepts behind travel and leisure. Nature travel and leisure is thought as travel to unspoiled places to see and enjoy mother nature. Nature and experience tourism give attention to what the visitor is looking for. Ecotourism targets what the visitor does indeed and the impact of this travel on both environment and the individuals at the vacation spot" (Honey 2002).

The travel and leisure industry states so it contributes to lasting development because 'it has less impact on the surroundings than other market sectors' and is based on a specific area and so the local people tend to be more motivated to protect those resources. "Biodiversity is thus a crucial element of the environment that holidaymakers enjoy" (Mattus et al. 2003). Furthermore to resource being on the verge of concluding and habitat devastation, littering and drinking water air pollution are problems, linked to the tourism industry, definitely have a bad impact for biodiversity. Littering problem is fluent in some areas, where waste material collection and management is difficult. Waste removal from cruises are resources of problems due to the fact that they just have a restricted space to carry all their waste materials until they reach the dock, and ports have limited incentive (and capacity) to support those misuse.

Coral reefs are in risk from tourism development. Holden(2000) state governments that "as well as being mined for building materials, reefs suffer from sewage runoff that stimulates the expansion of algae, within the filter-feeding corals and hindering their capacity to survive. " Corals are harmed by anchors of boats from careless skippers and local people often take corals from their house habitat on the market. Again the tourist benefits is usually that the financing source explained by Brandon(1996) can help for finding alternate lasting ways for the neighborhood visitors to earn their living also to launch training programmes to skippers and other staffs from the tourism industry.

There is an urgent need to mitigate those effects and to promote ecotourism activities that have surfaced in the years 1980s and 1990s so as to have a reasonable environment and promote the tourism sector at a destination because as said, the tourism industry is going more and more towards vacation spot with a distinctive biodiversity.

2. 2. 2 Environmental Impacts of Travel and leisure Development

The Tourism Industry is said to be directly linked to the environment. The reason is that visitors mainly happen to be be in an all natural and renewable environment. A lot of the hotels are found near the coast or on the Mountains. Many islands and countries use the surroundings as an feature to promote tourism. The Maldives promote the archipelagos with the ocean, sand and sunlight. Additionally it is the case for the Caribbean Island which depends upon its natural beauty and resources for the success of the tourism industry.

In a report "Examining the relationship between Travel and leisure and the surroundings in Barbados and St. Lucia", by Reginald I Burke, the value of environment to the tourism sector was evidently mentioned. Nevertheless the author expresses that "Tourism and the promoting infrastructure that it needs pose risks to the surroundings particularly, the marine, seaside and terrestrial ecosystems as well as potable normal water resources".

The positive impact of travel and leisure on the surroundings is the fact it brings along income for the preservation and conservation of parks and uncommon animals. The tourism industry can make a significant contribution to the conservation of the destination. In fact, travel and leisure can be a source of fund for biodiversity conservation, for example part of the entrance charge for a niche site goes to the conservation programme (Brandon 1996). The money may be used in the sense that the neighborhood people can discover alternate jobs rather than exploiting the biodiversity for living. Travellers who visit a location may find abnormalities in a specific area that residents, who are use to it, might not detect. Tourism can be ways to increase understanding on the environment. Tourists tend to be conscious of environmentally friendly protection before going to an area.

Tourism also impacts on the surroundings in a negative way. Through the development phase, there's a need to decrease trees in order to be able to create hotels and other facilities that the visitors need. While using increasing in people, land is a restricted resource that needs to be well utilised. The reducing of trees often lead to destruction of habitats of animals' life. It has additionally been mentioned that in areas where there's been plenty of infrastructural development, you can find less rainfall. It is important to have a good land use land.

The travel and leisure industry is the one that produces tons of misuse. These wastes are often released in the environment or the ocean. The sewage system often moves directly in the sea for the resorts and the cruises. These wastes cause a degradation of water quality and eliminates marine life. The coral reefs passed on and the beaches become vulnerable to waves resulting in sand erosion.

The Red Sea, in Egypt, is definitely a tourism attraction. Sherbiny et al. (2006) areas that with the tourism development along the Red Sea, where there's been the introduction of recreational attractions and sport activities, has lead to the damage of the "resource foundation" of the Red Sea.

The environment must be preserved because it will benefit the travel and leisure industry and bring a whole lot term earnings. Tour providers and hotels want to reduce wastage and air pollution to rejuvenate the environment that has been destroyed. They chosen eco-friendly activities and sensitize the vacationers before going on a niche site. It is very important that before implementing any development an EIA is performed. The EIA will identify weaknesses and the impact on the environment and what can be done to lessen or even get rid of the impacts.

2. 3 Circumstance Studies

It is important, prior to going more in dept in a report, to look at meanings and steps but also at different instances. The EIA tool is employed all over the world by developed, developing countries and islets. Therefore through several readings of prior application of the tool at a destination, even more weaknesses or even talents of the EIA can be recognized because each region is not the same and also have particular resources and characteristics.

2. 3. 1 Analysis of the EIA system on the Island of Mauritius and development of an environmental monitoring plan framework (T. Ramjeawon, R. Beedassy, 2004)

According to Ortolano and Shepherd (1995), Environmental impact examination (EIA) is a planning tool used to forecast and measure the impacts of prepared projects in order to assist the decision making process. The limited natural sources of an island dictate its capacity to allow and maintain development. Islands face serious environmental problems because of their scarcity of natural resources, exposure to natural disasters, reduced areas, monetary vulnerability and weakness in ecosystems. Therefore it is very important for islanders to comprehend and implement preventive strategies to have ecological development.

The need to carry out an Environmental impact diagnosis (EIA) and obtain an EIA certificate from the ministry before executing the task is one of the primary features of the Environment Protection Act in Mauritius. EIA helped bring important advancements in the planning, building and decision making process but many problems have been experienced in the implementation of the EIA system.

Without proper follow-up EIA can be seen as a just newspaper to secure a development permit rather than a mean to ensure environmental benefits and having proper environmental management. The fast developments surrounding the coast and lack of EIA monitoring have negative impacts on the coastal environment and this make a difference the ecological development of the tourism industry.

The EIA system was presented in 1993; those wanting to make an application for an EIA permit must post copies (15) of the EIA are accountable to the Director of environment and ensure about the correctness of the statement it is opened for open public inspection and comments. A backup of the EIA record is sent out to concerned organizations and ministries and written responses is requested. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY Assessment unit of the department of environment organizes a niche site visit to evaluate the potential environmental implications of the suggested development.

Leu et al. (1996) unveiled 9 important components for a powerful EIA system that are:

Environmental regulations, guidelines and guidelines.

Environmental administrative structure

EIA Procedure

Role of these which are participating.

Status of the EIA reports

EIA conformity monitoring and enforcement

EIA implementation

The implementation of tactical Environmental assessment

International exchanges

The 9 components were typically adopted for the analysis of the EIA System in Mauritius. Nine hotels built over the last 5 years were picked to develop environmentally friendly Monitoring plan (EMP) and the EIA reports were examined by verifying their conformity with the state guiding guidelines of undertaking EIA.

The quality of the EIA was assessed upon the following criteria:

Baseline information

Drawings and plans

Techniques and technique used to forecast impacts

Field surveys as well as reliability in the analysis

Relevance of proposed measures

Monitoring plan of impacts

Impartiality of the items of the EIA

In the last 15 years much has been achieved in establishing legal and institutional framework in terms of environmental management in Mauritius. However almost all of the existing environmental laws are improperly enforced credited to too little awareness of the laws and too little capacity and resources in the government departments.

The pursuing weaknesses were determined in the EIA process:

The screening process system is not adequate

The minimum selection of requirements of the EIA is too basic to guarantee the proper gathering of information for decision making process of whether or not to concern and EIA license.

There is poor general public participation in the job from the beginning till the implementation phase.

There is a lack of clear requirements for the subscription of qualified consultants for the preparation of your EIA record.

The types of procedures for critiquing EIA and granting licenses lack in transparency and responsibility and there is absolutely no time frame regarding EIA applications.

There is too little strategic environmental assessment for seaside development in particular areas.

There is too little trained staff and know-how to perform as well as review EIAs.

The EIA records do not include environmental management programs.

One of the major property of the travel and leisure industry which is the lagoon is being left aside and there are no or inadequate investigations completed on the attributes of the lagoon.

More weight is being directed at the economin effects in the ultimate decision making process and there is insufficient information in the EIA reports.

2. 3. 2 A CRUCIAL Overview of Environmental Impact Statements in Sri Lanka with Particular Mention of Ecological Impact Evaluation (Miriya Samarakoon † John S. Rowan, 2008)

EIA is an instrument used to anticipate environmental implications of proposed job in order to achieve sustainable development. Relating to Treweek (1996) Ecological Impact Evaluation (EcIA) can be an important factor of EIA which explores how the sensitivity, viability and value of habitats, ecosystems and species can be affected by developments. An Environmental Impact Declaration (EIS) is an official article about the results of EcIA and EIA.

EIA has been criticized for the following reasons:

Lack of energy and funding

Lack of research design

Insufficient data on flora and fauna

Failure in monitoring development impacts

Lack of suggestions on the EcIA process

The first EIA in Sri Lanka was conducted in 1980 and the legal platform is under the National Environment Rules No. 1 of the National Environment Function (NEA). There are 2 levels of EA which can be explained in the NEA. The first level is the original Environmental Assessment (IEE) which is necessary when less negative impact is expected and the next level is the EIA for innovations where significant unfavorable impacts are anticipated.

The Central Environment Specialist (CEA) is the institution which is responsible for monitoring and handling the EA process and the Task Approving Agencies (PAAs) are accountable for the implementation of the EA process as well as your choice making process.

Sri Lanka is famous for its biodiversity and 5 levels of ecological surveying are recognized. Level 1 study is about a brief overview of the ecology at the website and level 5 is the most intricate level which is about collecting quantitative data on various key characteristics of ecology. EA's must pay special attention to their examination and effective methods must be taken to be able to avoid potential negative effects.

2. 4 Overview of Tourism Industry

Tourism is the world's largest growth industry. Business including the world tourism business state that within the next 15 years the amount of tourist will increase from 845 million in 2006 to 1 1. 6 billion by 2020 that is it will double.

Furthermore 200m people are employs worldwide. These careers very often appear in small or medium-sized, family-owned businesses. Similarly these travel and leisure careers and development frequently take place in fewer growing countries that will help to balance financial opportunities. For example in order to reap the benefits of balance economical opportunities Mauritius which can be an underdeveloped country is aiming 2m holiday by 2015.

2. 4. 1 Tourism development in Mauritius

Tourism improvements in Mauritius are centered mainly on the 3s that is sea, sunshine and fine sand. By relying on the 3s, this causes the holidaymakers being maintained within the four surfaces of the luxurious hotels. Luxurious hotel is one of the major travel and leisure improvements in Mauritius. Much larger international company such as Sun Hotel Ltd has made luxurious and glamour hotels such as "Le Touessrock Hotel", "La Pirogue Hotel" and "Long Beach Hotel". Nowadays Mauritius has varied their travel and leisure product and services to be able to achieve the 2 million travellers by 2015. Mauritius is offering adventure travel and leisure that is gentle travel and leisure and hard tourism. Furthermore the government is practicing dependable tourism and sustainable tourism. The federal government is also allowing travel and leisure development on our islets such as Ile aux Cerfs.

2. 4. 2 Topography of Ile aux Cerf

Our preferred area to handle the EIA is Ile aux Cerfs. It really is a tourism development site and daily there are different sea activities that take place on the islet. Ile aux Cerf welcomes the Mauritian people as well as the travelers. With the introduction of ecological development and Maurice Ile Durable, it's important to know what the impacts of these advancements on Ile aux Cerf. The EIA will help to achieve our goal.

Ile aux Cerf, located in the east coast of Mauritius, is a stunning and naturally marvelous islet. This small paradise constitutes about 100 hectares of land. It is also known as the deer island and is recognized as getting the best beach of the Indian Ocean. Ile aux Cerfs is not really a personal area. Everyday holidaymakers as well as locals go to the island. To attain the island, motorboats can be found from Trou D'eau Douce, a little village found in the east. It requires around ten minutes to attain the island. Tourism developments took put in place the island rendering it essential see spot to visit. Before years, the island is becoming among the most well known tourist attractions.

2. 4. 3 Tourism Development on Ile aux Cerfs

Ile aux Cerfs is an islet found in the east of Mauritius. Many people explain Ile aux Cerfs as a mini Eden where you can relax and spend nice time with relatives and buddies. One of the primary tourism innovations in Ile aux Cerfs is the golf course and the sun group made this plan public in july 1998. The project consists of an eighteen-hole course and clubhouse. From the environment impact assessment survey made recently on the islet it appears that the course covers a location of 40 hectares.

Furthermore the Touessrok hotel is another travel and leisure development that relies seriously on the Ile aux Cerfs. It really is situated near to the islet. The management of the Touessrok hotel is one which managed the course on the islet. Touessrok hotel is a five personalities plus well-known hotel across the world. More other another travel and leisure development on Ile aux Cerf is the Paul & Virginie Restaurant, which is again been able by the management of the Touessrok hotel. On the islet, the restaurant's enjoyable beachside setting, is ideal for a family lunch time of seafood, pizza and Mauritian meals (http//:www. elegantresorts. co. uk). There's also a great deal of tourism activities that happen on the islet. These activities are mainly sea activities that are provided by tour providers such as Happy Holidays Mauritius. Types of these activities are speed area, Rampage, Big Banana, Recurrent flyer, Duo Patriot and parasailing (http//:www. happy. holidays. mu).

Therefore these are some tourism development that occur in Mauritius and especially on the islet of "ile aux cerfs".

2. 5 Conclusion

As we've seen before development can have negative impacts on the environment and therefore an EIA is required before the undertaking of any development be it tourism or non-tourism development to be able to recognize potential environmental influences and discover strategies to minimize the negative impacts. However the EIA should be well-done and ways should be found to get over the weaknesses of the EIA so that the report is an effective one and can help in minimizing environmental impacts.

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