The Explanation Of Globalization Education Essay

Globalization has taken about many changes in human being lives. Globalisation, which started off in the Western, was as a result of many factors. Some of it is the the introduction of the info technology as well as the economic competition between different countries (Jarvis, 2007, p. 44). Here, it is apparent that globalization was about the economic benefit initially and later acquired also impacted many others categories of individual lives such as education and environment. The influences and effects of globalization could be observed everywhere, from the meals industry to the music the particular one listens. Some would claim that globalization benefitted the mass, and for that reason it is something good. However, some would refute by saying that globalization in addition has acquired some negative effects. Therefore, I'd like to learn and discuss the effects of globalization specifically in education. This newspaper would examine directly the effects of globalization in education in conditions of commodification, internationalisation, citizenship and also convenience of knowledge. This article would claim that although globalization brings some positive effects, it also brings some negative effects that sometimes could be considered to outweigh the benefits of it. The arguments will be placed onward by first defining globalization and then highlighting some of the various types of globalization. This will be accompanied by talking about the impact of globalization in education in conditions of commodification, internationalisation, citizenship, and availability of knowledge. Last but not least, this essay will discuss the implications for teachers in a Malaysian supplementary school classroom.

Defination of Globalization

There are boat load of literature on this is of globalization. Globalisation appeared to an easy expression to define at first. However, there a wide range of definitions of computer where each and one of these definitions are looked from various different perspectives such as communal, economy and politics perspectives. From an politics point of view, Beck (2000, p. 11) defines globalization as an activity by which transnational stars undermine sovereign national states with differing prospect of ability, path, identities, and network. From a communication perspective, 'globalization as a concept identifies both to the compression of the world and the intensification of awareness of the world as a entire' (Robertson, 1992, p. 8). Likewise, Luke (2005), stated that globalization is the way the world is shrinking in the sense that people can talk to each other instantaneously through the use of technology especially the internet. Over a different plane, Waters (1995, p. 3) talks about globalization as a communal change where physical restrictions of put on the sociable and ethnical aspects are diminishing and the public are aware that it's diminishing. Looking from a social perspectives or viewpoint, globalization is the escalation of global communal relations which connect far localities so that local occasions are influenced by events happening in the much distance and vice versa. (Held, 1991 cited in Morrow & Torres, 2000, p. 29). Therefore, it can said that globalisation is the weakening of the physical boundaries surrounding the country or states, in which affects areas of real human life such as culture, sociable interaction, overall economy, politics and many other aspects. The less obvious boundaries mean that folks will interact with each other. If the conversation is between people or get together of same position or position, the interaction could maintain a natural way. However, if the relationship is between people or party of unequal status or power, the greater privileged will tend to impact the less privileged it can also happen that the less privileged might want to imitate the more privileged in order to live on the same condition as the contrary party.

When taking a look at the definitions of globalisation, it's important to also identify the different types of globalisation. Here, cultural, economy and politics globalisation will be talked about closely.

Cultural globalisation is approximately the spread of one stronger aspect of culture, which oftentimes, could be the American culture. That is done through the American media which penetrates most parts of world. Songs, films, and many more are easily available about the world (Jarvis, 2007). Besides, he also argues that lots of new cultural establishments have become sectors where these organizations are trying to sell their culture. However, one would argue that cultural globalisation may possibly also strengthen the culture specifically modern culture if the person in the modern culture choose to avoid the wave of global influx of different international culture. Regarding to Jones (1998, p. 146), ethnic globalisation includes 'deteriorating spiritual mosaic, a deteriorating cosmopolitanism and variety, widespread intake of simulations and representations, global distribution of images and information and general travel and leisure'. Therefore, it could be said that ethnic globalization is the procedure where the local cultural facet of a community disappears in certain rate and substituted with a worldwide culture.

On the other hands, overall economy globalisation includes several aspects such as transnational companies. Transnational companies are companies that operate at a worldwide level without needing to follow a certain nation's law and legislation (Bottery, 2006). These businesses bring income to the nation through taxation. These companies possess an enormous influence because they are not destined to a country's rules. Transnational companies have ability beyond the countries or the claims (Jarvis, 1998). Besides, market globalisation also includes the bigger organisations such as International Monetary Account (IMF) which provides loan and account to growing countries. However, it is crucial to spotlight here that this overall economy globalisaton is the setting up of other styles of globalization (Bottery, 2006). This is because economy is the foundation of income and the setting of work for folks. Corresponding to Jones (1998, p. 145), current economic climate globalisation includes 'flexibility of exchange between localities with flows of services and symbolic goods, balance of production activity in a locality determined by its physical and physical advantages, minimal immediate foreign investment, flexible responsiveness of organisations to global markets, decentralised, instantaneous and 'stateless' financial markets and free motion of labour'.

Political globalization looks at the diminishing vitality of the state where due to globalization, the power is local authority might be weakening. Matching to Jones (1998 p. 146), politics globalisation is portrayed through 'an absence of talk about sovereignty and multiple centres of vitality at global, local and intermediate levels, local issues reviewed and located in relation to a global community, powerful international organisations predominant over countrywide organisations, smooth and multi-centric international relationships, a weakening of value mounted on the nation-state and a strengthening of common and global politics worth'. Thus, this is to be a certain country or nation's citizen also gets blurred. The notion of citizen is much less a unified and unifying concept as before when there is certain loss of nation-state sovereignty, or the erosion of nationwide autonomy (Burbules and Torres, 2000, p. 14).

The Effect of Globalisation in Education

Having viewed the simple categorization of globalization in general, this section will concentrate on the result of globalization in education. This section can look at commodification, internationalisation, citizenship and availability of knowledge.

Commodification is the term used to describe commodification is seen in two ways, the displacement useful worth by exchange prices or generally speaking to describe how consumer culture becomes embedded in daily lives through other ways (Ball, 2004, p. 4). This consumer culture that is a global occurrence today has also effected the education sector. Commodification of education is visible from the principal school to the higher education. Many are influenced by, especially the parents and the students. Because of the competition for the entry of a great university, parents and the learner will be under a great deal of pressure to get ready themselves so they can qualify to the exclusive or high-league table-ranked universities. The culture without noticing is drawn to this idea of education commodification due to the societal pressure. Similarly, the educators and personnel in this universities are required to work hard to keep the classes' league desk position so they can keep up with the financial support from the government. 'The requirements of competition, the info provided by Little league Tables, pressures from the state of hawaii for performance improvement and target-achievement and per-capita money, in an interval of spending constraints, work together to build local 'economies of pupil well worth' where academic institutions be competitive to recruit those students, most likely to donate to 'advancements' and 'performance' (Ball, 2004, p. 10). Therefore, in this situation the commodification of education will not really seem to be to benefitting the learners, or the even parents. This routine of incentives for performance is not at all something good as it contradicts with the value of education.

. Another effect of globalization is the internationalization of education. Internationalisation is 'the process of intergrating a global or intercultural dimension into the teaching, research and exercise function of the establishment (Knight, 1994, p. 16 cited in Knight, 1999). Internationalisation is approximately globalization. Internationalisation happens usually at higher-level education. A couple of multiple reasons for the internationalisation of the higher education. Among it is the internationalisation can help foreign policy of your country. Through internationalisation, a country will be regarded as welcoming and friendly to the various cultural aspects. In other words, internationalisation will signify that the united states appreciates the many cultures that exist are available to accepting them. By using an economic viewpoint, internationalisation will help appeal to investment from international countries to a country. This will likely raise the country's economy through the assets (Knight, 1999).

By internationalisation, the quality of coaching and learning process could be upgraded. It is because internationalisation encourages popularity of varied culture and combines this in the teaching and learning process. The students will be exposed to various source of knowledge about the entire world. This knowledge of the world will help the learners to comprehend and seem sensible the difference and similarities people about the world have from one culture to some other. Besides, internationalisation will also en courage relationship between various colleges about the world. This is because through internationalization, one common medium of interaction will be chosen between the cooperating universities, that will apt to be English. Possessing a common language plus some similarities will further encourage assistance work between universities from different countries.


Another effect of globalization in education would be that the accessibility of knowledge. Through the internet, many different kind of knowledge are quickly accessible on the internet (Robertson, 1992). This implies the acquisition of knowledge by students are considerably faster since there they have got wide range of knowledge available for them. This would help students and teachers in their learning process. This swiftly growing information online could assist in learning process by providing recommendations and validating certain concepts that the learners are puzzled or struggling to understand. Besides, the educators and learners can build a network system through the web where they can discuss and talk to teachers and students from any part of the world through the internet. This would help instructors and learners to create a global view of education n predicated on their communication with folks from across the world. However, this might also be a problem for the students since with the large amount of information available on the net, the stability of a few of the information may also be questionable. Therefore, it's important for the learners to have the ability to recognize between reliable and unreliabale information. Besides, additionally it is important for these to be able to choose and decide on which information that is ideal for them.

The downside of the body of knowledge on the internet is the fact it can't be utilized by people using parts of the globe where in fact the communication technology is not at par with the latest communication technology (Burbules, 2000). This in ways widens the distance between your education improvement in a developed country with a well-equipped information technology facilities and the education progress in a developing country with poor it facilities. Inside a less progressed country where it has already been a struggle to keep coaching and learning process, folks will not know what they have skipped by the lack of facilities.

Another facet of the manifestation of the accessibility information is the length learning (Foley, 2003). Distance education is the teaching and learning process which will not happen in a physical class room, but instead happens in a electronic classroom. This distance learning was already available prior to the lifetime of the internet by using post. However, the technology of the internet has considered distance education into a complete new level. Distance education has empowered more people to get usage of education through the countless different types of online training offered by universities and other online course providers. One of the benefits associated with this distance learning is that the training process can be carried out in learners' own time, without the peer pressure form classmates. However, the drawback of distance learning is that the reduced or lack of the individual touch in the training and coaching process. Individual touch by means of communication with each other is important in learning.

Implications to Teaching and Learning Process in a Malaysian Secondary Classroom.

Having mentioned the impact of globalization in education on a global level, tis section will try to relate again the impact of globalization in education in a Malaysian context, specifically in a Malaysian extra classroom. Malaysian secondary classroom consist of students for the age of thirteen to seventeen. These students result from various backgrounds.

First and foremost, one of the main implications the result of globalization in a Malaysian framework is the teachers and students should become aware of the result of globalization in education to the Malaysian education system and to the global education insurance policy and reforms. Here, the educator training college takes on a crucial part in adding the result of globalization in education to the tutor trainees. This is so that future instructors will be aware of the consequences of globalization and then try to inform the students and then create recognition in the students. Besides, it also a teacher's responsibility to make the learners aware of the multi dimensions of globalization which exist beyond Malaysia. This can help the learners to be able develop critical thinking predicated on their awareness of the entire world around them. Futhermore, the understanding of unique multicultural modern culture that exists surrounding the world, not only in Malaysia should be produced recognized to the learners.

On a similar take note of, as an future educator, it is important to realise that a coaching method or education insurance policy that is clearly a sucess not necessarily u may take everything and put it into another framework. Take into account the context when a teacher is instructing such that it is pertinent to the students and context.

Another implication that may be drawn from the debate above is that it is important to realize that the large quantity of information and knowledge available on the internet comes with a price as well. The implication of these to the Malaysian education especially in a second classroom is usually that the learners should be prepared with the necessary skill to filter the data and than distinguish between facts and non-facts. In order to do this, the professors should give some publicity of the kind of activity in the class room. This can help learners, the extra school students to have the ability to choose the actual fact from the rest. Besides, it is also important to have the ability to pick the information which is useful for the average person alternatively than using all the information available.

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