The Holiness Of God THE ESSENTIAL Attribute Faith Essay

The try to quantify God so that humanity can understand the vastness of His mother nature is definitely a formidable executing. Oftentimes, theologians speak of the attributes of God as those qualities of God's nature that He has chosen to expose of Himself to mankind, either through natural revelation, or through specific revelation. "When we speak of the attributes of God, we have been referring to those qualities of God which constitute what he's. They are the very characteristics of his aspect. " Typically, God's traits are grouped into two classifications. "In order to explain God matching to Scripture, theologians have distinguished between his unshared characteristics that participate in him alone, and God's shared qualities, which he bestows after us to a smaller degree than he offers them. " First are those qualities of God which are true of Him only. This set of attributes is recognized as the incommunicable characteristics, which refers simply to those characteristics of God that cannot be shared by anyone other than God; by virtue of His divine characteristics, He only exemplifies these qualities. The second set in place is known as God's communicable features. These characteristics are those that God shares in some capacity with His creation; specifically with humanity as part of His creation. God's holiness falls into both classifications; first as an incommunicable feature, holiness is elemental to God's character, and second, as a communicable attribute, holiness is important to the right understanding of, and interaction with, God as Inventor on the part of the created. This work will illustrate the importance of holiness in both manners of qualification, in such a way as to identify its fundamental characteristics to the type of God, also to the nature of His connection along with his creation, as well as the reciprocal romance between the creature and Inventor.

Erickson says of the attributes of God, "You can find two basic aspects to God's holiness. The foremost is his uniqueness. He's totally independent from all of creation. . . . The other aspect of God's holiness is his total purity or goodness. This means that he is untouched and unstained by the evil in the world. He does not in virtually any sense participate in it. " Regarding holiness in particular, as a divine feature Erickson also says, "The features are everlasting and intrinsic qualities, which can't be gained or lost. Thus, holiness is not in this sense an attribute (a long term, inseparable characteristic) of Adam, but it is of God. God's qualities are essential and inherent measurements of his very aspect. " This difference between Adam on the one palm, and God on the other, in relation to holiness is distributed by other communicable traits, but perhaps no increased gulf is accessible between man's potential to talk about in God's qualities anywhere than at this point. For example, mankind may illustrate some limited way of measuring love, or mercy on his own, since unbelieving men may screen these characteristics under the right circumstances; albeit in pitiful fashion. However, under no scenario imaginable is mankind capable of demonstrating even the most miniscule amount of holiness, away from God imparting it to him as a shared attribute.

With esteem to the capabilities of God, it must be explained that people know all that we know of God by virtue of His works of revelation; those things that He has chosen to tell us of Himself. We learn a lot of what we know about God, from the multiplicity of references within Scripture concerning His name, and how He unveils it, as well as how He desires it to be revered. We may see that the "Lord's very name is holy, not just the places and things associated with him. 'Bless god, the father, O my soul; and everything that is within me, bless His holy name. ' (Ps 103:1). " God's revelation to Moses at Mt. Sinai is indicative of God's prefer to make Himself known. He says, "I AM WHO I AM (Ex lover. 3:14). This revelation of his 'name' is also a revelation of his nature. " Along this same thought collection,

Edmond Jacob highlights that 'the name' is synonymous with Yahweh. So the

name 'always expresses the essential nature of your being, manifests the totality of the

divine occurrence. ' Since 'name, ' in simple fact, does make reference to the fact of God's being, then

holiness seems to be most characteristic of his aspect. In Jacob's words, "the relation

between holiness and the name shows the id of holiness with deity. ' Given the

fact that 'glory' is one of the manifestations of holiness (Is. 6:3), it may be that even the

references to his 'glorious name' are actually only another making of the 'holy


Scripture itself attests to the high emphasis put by God upon His name. Within the Old Testament by itself, "there are five personal references to a 'glorious' name and four references to a 'great name' of God, but all others (23) make reference to God's 'holy name. " "Since his name is so immediately bound up along with his nature, the bond of holiness with the name is very significant. It seems to indicate that the holiness is the main thing Israel needed to know about that one who was revealing himself to them. " Indeed, God's holiness is of supreme importance in His revelation to Israel since it distinguishes Him uncompromisingly from the pagan gods bordering Israel in those days. It's important also to remember that part of God's holiness is his parting and transcendence. God was building Himself with the kids of Israel as different and superior to the pagan gods together through the understanding of His holiness. God's holiness also assists to encourage His visitors to take up His ways, and also to be like He is. The command word to be holy as God is holy (1 Dog or cat. 1:16), is more than simply an admonition to try to be good people. It really is a order for His visitors to be set aside from impurity as God is set aside from it.

Moving in thought, from God's revelation regarding His name, there are several key factors worth consideration regarding holiness as it is important to God's nature. Within the prophet Isaiah's eyesight (Isa. 6:3), it "is interesting to notice that while Isaiah recognizes God as the sovereign King, his information of his essential being is not in terms of sovereignty, or even righteousness, mercy or love. Alternatively it is the holiness of God that stands at the very heart of his mother nature. " Holiness it seems, as part of God's being, is the traveling drive behind the excellence of all the other capabilities of God. In fact, "Gustaf Aulen, in his Beliefs of the Religious Cathedral, expresses his conviction that 'holiness is the foundation on which the whole conception of God rests. " It really is seen as the essential or fundamental attribute because "there is no standard for God; He Himself is the standard of holiness. God is under no regulation of holiness; He Himself is the law of holiness. " God's nature is supremely perfect; a excellence influenced by His holiness, concerning be without assessment. God absolutely could not be God if it were not for this supreme excellence, which is His on your. Anything significantly less than absolute excellence, and undeniable holiness in Him would denote some fundamental flaw, which, even on the smallest level, would preclude His being God. The underlying thought of holiness is being distinct from all that's impure. This is actually the divine perfection where God is completely distinct from all creatures and exalted above them in infinite majesty. God is distinctive from His creation for the reason that He is establish aside from creation by virtue of His purity. Holiness is important because in a sense all of God's other attributes rest on this one feature of efficiency. God's level of perfection in every His attributes must have their basis in the amount of perfection that is due to His holiness. From this point, we see that His holiness is fundamental to all of his characteristics. Equally as important, humanity's right knowledge of God is predicated after the absolute efficiency of His holy dynamics. God's holiness - His very substance, as communicated to His animals, is a derivative of absolute perfection. "There is an emphasis directed at this attribute above all the other characteristics. There are specific attributes we favor, because of personal gain derived from them. We esteem God's love, mercy, and elegance before His justice, wrath, and anger. But in the Bible, the holiness of God has preeminence total others. " It really is out of this standpoint that people summarize the holiness of God as being transcendent or above all the other qualities. This transcendence establishes holiness as a foundational feature. Coppedge depicts how holiness, as a transcendent and foundational feature, relates to other conventional characteristics below:

14It is the transcendence of God's holiness that establishes it as the foundational feature of God. "Many see holiness as the primary attribute of most because holiness pervades the rest of the characteristics of God and it is steady wil all He's and does. "

Having founded the primacy of holiness as an attribute of God, attention may now be turned to the implications of this basic attribute as it is inherent in God; before it may be imparted to man. First, in considering holiness as an incommunicable feature, there are several concepts the particular one must grasp to rightly understand who God is, and how the characteristics of His being affects His creation. Theologians may say that God's holiness is incommunicable because there is a level of excellence in His holiness that may well not rightly be ascribed to any part of the creation. Exodus 5:11 says with marvel, "Who is like You, O LORD, on the list of gods? Who's as if you, glorious in holiness, Fearful in praises, doing magic?" God's holiness has a gloriously incomparable aspect to it, which is its incommunicable component. God's holiness also has an eternal aspect to it. John said, in commenting on the actions surrounding "God's throne. . . 'each of the four living animals'. . . never stop declaring, Holy, holy, holy is god, the father God Almighty, who was simply, and is, which is to come" (Rev. 4:8). Holiness resides in God to the degree that it cannot be imparted to humanity in the same way. Isaiah also records the cry of the seraphim, as the saying goes "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is filled with His glory!" (Is. 6:3). In Isaiah's mind, the earth is filled with God's glory as an implied result of His holiness. "There can be only 1 Being who's absolutely perfect - holy. . . Further, if excellence is regarded as moral efficiency, then absolute excellence suggests holiness as well. God is completely perfect, and what is absolutely perfect is set apart from all else. Therefore God is holy; He's perfect in and of Himself. . . " J. L. Dagg says, "God is immaculately holy. Goodness, truth and justice, are moral qualities of God. Holiness is not an attribute distinct from these; but a name which include them all. . . It suggests the excellence of the assemblage; - the lack of everything in it contrary to either of the properties included. " This immaculate holiness can be an component of God's transcendence for the reason that His holiness, a holiness of absolute, undeniable perfection, pieces Him apart from all else; God alone offers holiness to the degree. While man may aspire to some level of holiness, holiness as depicted in Scripture belongs to God together. Holiness of the degree is important; since only God possesses holiness to the level, it hails from Him to His animals through revelation and experience. It can so because God wills it to be this way. Because His holiness emanates from Him to mankind, mankind is drawn to God in a way that would be impossible without such emanation. Isaiah proven this experience when in God's presence he exclaimed, "Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lip area, and I dwell amid a folks of unclean lip area; for my eye have observed the King, The LORD of hosts. " (Isa. 6:5). It really is this perfection that allows humanity to enjoy, and marvel at, God's holiness. That He is perfectly holy can be an guarantee to His creation of the excellence of His other capabilities. God's holiness "is the divine efficiency by which God is absolutely specific from all animals and exalted above them in infinite majesty. " An identical thought involving God's holiness as an incommunicable feature of His character is one which some have called His "majesty-holiness. . . this aspect of God's holiness is the one less thought of, and it actually bears increased affinity to infinity, Aseity, and unity---non-moral divine features. " God has majesty as the Ruler of kings, and Lord of lords because of His holiness.

When the Creator's holiness has been actually manifested to His creation, it includes a brilliant result. In Isaiah's perspective from section six, he notes that the seraphim were required to cover their faces to stay in God's existence, (Isa. 6:2ff. ) Isaiah's bill of the seraphim brings to brain other encounters with God's glory which have similar effects on the beholder, such as; Moses a reaction to God's existence at the using up bush (Former mate. 3:1-6), the Israelites reaction to Moses as he descends the mountain after having been in God's existence (Ex girlfriend or boyfriend. 34:29-35), and the disciples reaction at the Mount of Transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-8). Often, God's holiness is likened to a consuming flames! In each example, the glory of God was such that it brought on the beholder to land before God in worship. This amazing glory, which is the obvious manifestation of God's holiness, is so powerful it elicits profound replies from His creation in every case.

Through the incarnation, God hasn't only invited mankind to participate in His holiness, He has shown that it can be done, and exactly how it should be done. By his sacrificial loss of life on the Cross, Jesus Christ enables us, by the power of the Holy Nature, to share in the holiness that he embodies and accomplishes for us. Jesus said, "Blessed will be the pure in heart and soul, for they shall see God" (Matt. 5:8), indicating that the center condition is a key component to mankind's capability to commune with the daddy. It is accurately this purity of heart and soul, which is the result of mimicking God's purity that is pleasing to God. Frequently, the thought of attaining holiness is marked down, or neglected completely, as if it is unattainable. The opponent desires that people have this defeatist frame of mind. However, Make Driscoll states in regards to to communicable holiness that "we mirror God when we hate sin and love holiness by repenting of your sin and struggling against sin on the globe. " Certainly, it might be inaccurate to claim that perfect holiness is at the knowledge of mankind; however, since God has commanded mankind to 'be holy' (1 Pet. 1:16), one must believe that it's attainable through repentance, at least in a few acceptable level, within the confines of this life. Humans be capable of display limited holiness, yet it is not an feature which is innate or one which emanates from their being. Actually, lots of accounts throughout Scripture signify that whenever man encounters God's holiness it has had a serious impact.

Holiness is also seen as communicable, for the reason that God does discuss His holiness with humanity in a few senses. The idea that God stocks His characteristics with humanity in virtually any sense can be an sign of His desire with an interactive relationship along with his creation; mankind in particular. It really is a reflection of His personality that He desires such an relationship; in no sense will God need this connection, but Scripture is clear that He dreams it and would go to great measures to be able. As a result of God's activity to make His being known, and providing a means of connections, it is right that He by themselves is the thing of man's worship. While God's holiness is vital, man's holiness is derived from His mother nature. "In a few ways, we live like God. At our best, we have qualities or features that dimly mirror God's. " It is this dim reflection that characterizes mankind's living for now. One is reminded of Paul's discourse in the fantastic love chapter of Corinthians, wherein he says '"For now we see in a reflection, dimly, but then in person. Now I know in part, but then I will know equally as I also am known" (1 Cor. 13:12-13). It really is this anticipation of witnessing and knowing that induces Paul as well as the believer today. 1 day, we will see as we are seen, and know once we are known; that will indeed be considered a glorious day. On that day, man may look upon the glorious holiness of God, rather than switch away in fear, or hide his face from God's glorious radiance.

However, even in this life, some measure of holiness is surely attainable for mankind, since God codes His creatures to "Be holy, for I am holy" (Lev. 11:44, 45; 19:2; 20:7; 1 Dog or cat. 1:16). Holiness in man is a symbol of the holiness of God, but is also a humble aspiration to be more like God. Holiness in man sometimes appears in a relational aspect. God's goal for posting His qualities with humanity is certainly to foster compliance, but also to transform mankind into His image, as depicted in 2 Cor. 3:18. Here, God speaks through the Apostle Paul to His chapel, and says "But most of us, with presented face, beholding as in a reflection the glory of god, the father, are being changed into the same image (emphasis added) from glory to glory, equally as by the Spirit of god, the father. " One remembers Isaiah's come across, when in the presence of god, the father both he and the seraphim were overwhelmed (Is 6:2-6), and marvels at this New Testament approach to God's presence, distributed by God for the edification of His saints. The recognizable contrast between your Old Testament and New Testament depictions of the workings of God's holiness are indeed a way to obtain blessing for those believers on this aspect of the mix of Christ. While this holiness is obviously limited, it remains true that God has commanded the attempt to become in nature as He's, limited although success of that effort will be. This holiness in man is mirrored holiness. How it is the fact man may exhibit such an feature of God? Creation demonstrates the qualities of the Inventor. Quite simply, holiness in man is impossible apart from God; however, holiness in man is possible because God's holiness overflows in to the lives of His children. God's holiness comes from that eternal fount, just like will His love, mercy, and fact, but it comes in a unique way. God's holiness comes through the transformation of any sanctified life; a life that is being reconfigured to be what it is not in a natural way, but only what it can be under the immediate influence of coming into the existence of God. It really is an alien principle, except that it is most obviously God's plan for mankind.

That such holiness comes from God alone sometimes appears from Scripture. Moses gets rid of any doubt, when he records God's words in Lev. 21:8, "I the LORD, who sanctify you, am holy. " This clearly reveals the holiness of God, but also indicates that the procedure of becoming holy (sanctification) is God's work. Further signs from Scripture have emerged in Geisler's observations:

God opt for holy people (Israel) (Deut. 7:6; 14:2, 21; 26:19; 28:9; Col. 1:2; 1 Peter 2:9).

He also selected special holy men (2 Kings 4:9). He elected a holy church (1 Cor. 1:2). He

set away a holy land (Zech. 2:12). God chose a holy city on the planet (Jerusalem) (Neh. 11:1;

Isa. 52:1) God's holy city rests on a holy hill (Ps. 15:1; 48:1; Dan. 9:20). He also has a

Holy city in heaven (Rev. 21:2, 10). God ordained holy priests (in Leviticus). God even

designated a holy dumpsite (Jer. 31:40), that is, a special place set apart to dispose of

things. God wants a holy tithe of His people (Lev. 27:30). God got holy food (Lev. 21:

22). He needs us to live on a holy life (Rom. 12:1; 1 Thess. 4:7).

Clearly, Scripture is replete with these and numerous other recommendations to God's holiness, and its link with mankind. God's holiness is actually confirmed scripturally with the express purposes of disclosing more of God to mankind, and of drawing mankind nearer to God.

Interestingly, "God sometimes appears in His holiness as a Law-giver. A holy God gave a legislations that was just and holy and good. " Holiness is an essential quality of God, both in a metaphysical sense, and in a moral, or moral sense. This realization brings to bear another facet of God's holiness as it is imparted to man. There is a moral or moral component of God's holiness that bears upon man as he aims to come into the image of God. It is this conjunction of morality with holiness that defines the moral component of God's nature. He is God because He's ethically (morally) more advanced than all else, and this is manufactured known through His holiness. In fact, "The holiness of God in Scripture is never depicted apart from its moral and logical sizes. A holy God is actually moral, and he communicates in rational language. " Coppedge records that we now have "six important elements" that comprise God's moral holiness; "(1) righteousness and its equivalent standard of (2) moral purity. The (3) fact of God is shown in both his speech and his faithfulness in personal connections. The (4) grace of God will involve both his favor and his self-giving, and stands in close relationship to both the (5) love and the (6) goodness of God, which rounded out his moral image. " This moral element of God's holiness is fundamental to the nature of God as He has made Himself known, but it runs way beyond just God's do it yourself revelation. His holiness is also fundamental to mankind's right understanding of truth. There is absolutely no fact that man may know apart from God's real truth, which is absolutely based after His holiness and purity. This simple fact includes the moral compass of man. Actually, Erikson says, "God's excellence is the standard for our moral identity and the drive for spiritual practice. The whole moral code employs from his holiness. " Erickson's idea is that apart from God's purity (holiness), it is impossible to worship Him rightly, as well as impossible to reside rightly before Him.

Without the ethical component of God's holiness, humanity would be lost in a sea of relativity. Such is the danger of most of the heretical activities of religious history. "Were living in a day of mental and moral and spiritual indolence, and for that reason a period of superficial thinking in things associated with God and eternal concerns. " These modern day 'religious' movements amount to little more than mankind's attempt to subrogate God's position as the best authority over-all creation. Almost without fail, every such try out in mind is nothing more than a rejection of God's holiness. The result is an try to replace God's real truth, which is absolute, with man's fact which is incomplete. Any such look at can but fail because it is conceived in sin. "'Holiness' points to God's majestic purity because God is morally real, He cannot condone evil or have any romance to it. " In addition to the ethical component of God's holiness, mankind can do little more than search in vain for real truth.

14Having set up holiness as a fundamental attribute of God; a driving pressure behind His being as we know it, the question remains as to why this is important. You will discover two relational areas of God's holiness that must be recognized. First, one must realize how God's holiness affects His romance with man as His creation, and conversely how mankind is to rightly react to God because of His holiness. Only then may one know how God's holiness effects a right relationship between man and men. They are sometimes known as vertical (God to man, and man to God), and horizontal (man to man) human relationships. In each case, the success of the effort depends upon the holiness of God as it is imparted unto the believer. Mankind cannot please God apart from reflecting His holiness back again to Him, which is done through the correct romantic relationships of love for God as well as for fellowman.

Relationally speaking, there are considerations of God's holiness, as a communicated feature, that contain implications for mankind as well. "There's a display of Divine holiness in redemption. His holy mother nature will not allow Him to look after sin with the least degree of allowance. Salvation is not at the expense of His holiness. The Redeemer must endure the wrath due the sinner, for wrath is the exercise of His holiness. God's hatred of sin was all the manifested in redemption as it will be in view. " Understanding that God's holiness is directed towards humanity for the purpose of glorifying Him through a right relationship is crucial for the introduction of the child of God. It is also foundational to the proper point of view of the creature, as he pertains to the Originator, that man recognizes that the purpose of the procedure of sanctification is the best glorification found in the occurrence of God as a result of work of Christ. Ryle states that, "A guy may go great lengths, yet never reach true holiness. " It is this work of God in man's life which makes him right before God, producing a wish to please God through the obedient life. Augustine said, "When we praise God immediately, we take action as we observe His Holiness. " Commensurate with this thought, Martin Luther said, "We should not be holy in order to earn or prevent something. For people who do that are hirelings, servants, and day laborers. They are not inclined children and heirs who are holy with regard to holiness that is, with regard to God exclusively; for God Himself is Righteousness, Fact, Goodness, Intelligence, and Holiness. "

16 Finally, because God is supremely holy, He's deserving of mankind's total adoration, love, esteem, and worship. To know God aright, one must understand above all else that He's different because of His holiness. It really is this difference that simultaneously sets Him aside, and at the same, time draws us to Him. This difference is predicated upon His overall holiness. God's holiness establishes His uniqueness, and not simply His magnificence or grandeur. God shows the vastness of the distinctions between His holiness and man's. Mankind is instructed to long for God's holiness so as to cause obedience and surrender in his life, yet to recognize the incomparability of God's flames of the fierce divine love that will not rest content until God has redeemed all in a renewed heaven and a restored earth that has been God's dwelling place (Rev. 21-22). "When our salvation is consummated we will be restored to the holiness of God. We will not have His electric power, nor His wisdom, but we will have His holiness. "

In bottom line, one must deduce that God's holiness could very well be His greatest gift idea to mankind, apart from salvation. All His other gifts are predicated after His holiness. God's Holiness is foundational and all the actions emanate from His holiness. His righteousness, justice, love, sophistication, mercy and real truth are what they are because He's holy. God is transcendent because of His holiness, yet even the desire to have a relationship with mankind is predicated upon God's holiness. Like Isaiah, when confronted with the occurrence (His holiness) of Almighty God, all any man may say is "Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell amid a people of unclean mouth; For my eye have observed the King, god, the father of hosts" (Isa. 6:5). "It is because of his holiness, that God is a consuming fire. " There is no right reaction apart from falling on one's face in utter humility and worship when met with this divine presence. However, as a result of work of Christ for salvation, and the task of the Holy Heart for glorification through sanctification, man may reply with great pain relief to God's occurrence; because through these works, God has imparted a measure of His holiness to humanity, before day comes whenever we stand truly amazed in His presence, to see Him obviously as nothing you've seen prior. It is not that man is abruptly without sin, neither is it that there is not a penalty scheduled for man's sin; rather it is the fact that God has chosen to eliminate man's sin, and provided the means by which this can be done. Due to God's holiness, He has devised and applied really the only means where man may gain His holiness; holiness that is not now perfect, but will be one glorious day.

20 Holiness is the foundational feature of God that allows for our right romance with God.

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