The Old English Literature History Essay

Today English is the most important language and it is the most spoken language

than other. Nowadays this can be a universal vocabulary of trade, communication etc. and it is the only words where people more understanding of that have excluding their mom tongue, and where folks of the whole world would understand even though you own very little knowledge about British language. But today it is more important to utilize it, than to know the roots. And that is clearly a good reason to research about how exactly the English language has originated.

Old English then were called as Anglo-Saxon it was spoken between your mid

5th until to the middle 12th century.

Old English didn't sound and the writings didn't appear to be British now. Even indigenous speakers would have great difficult to understand the old English terminology but much words of English today have old English roots.

Old English origins are based mostly mainly on Germanic tribes, but also from affects like


Latin affect, Norse ( Scandinavien ) impact and the Celtic influence.

Old English also has a great origination background. So I refer to below the periods

to become more knowledge how the English dialect has originated.

The Old English durations between 600 (BC) till 1066 (AD):

The Old Britain (Britain) history:

The first inhabitants of Britain were the Celts who originated from Central Europe

about 600 (BC). Following the Celts the Romans occupied Britain. The Romans occupied Britain in the very beginning of the first century 43 (Advertisement) till the start of the fifth century. In ( 450 - 1066 ) The Anglo-Saxons conquest Britain it is stated that three Germanic tribes occupied THE UK initially the Angles located in an area today called as Schleswig-Holstein in Germany on second the Saxons called as Niedersachsen ( also Germany ) and at last the Jutes from Jutland ( Denmark ). Old English was divided into four main dialects : Western world Saxon, Mercian, Northumbrian and Kentish. Inside the sixth century the most crucial kingdom was Kent where Aethelbert was the first English King who was simply changed into Christianity. Inside the seventh century was it Northumberia. Inside the eighth century was it Mercia and at last in the ninth century was it the Wessex Kingdom.

During the years 790 - 1066 we've the Danish invasions of Vikings in Britain. These were Germanic tribes plus they originated from Denmark, Norway and Sweden and they were pagans ( Pagan means: Someone who thinks in many gods ) so nothing like a Religious. And here performs Alfred the fantastic ( 871 - 899 ) a major role he was ruler of the Anglo - Saxons. He's the first ruler to whom a higher name ( status ( Ruler Alfred the great ) ) has been given. Ruler Alfred fought them in great battles but he couldn't defeat them so really, so he had to let them be a part of the united states.

It is said the reason why the Vikings attacked Great britain and monasteries in Britain is basically because the monasteries possessed treasures such as gold treasures, jewel treasure etc. and they viewed for better land because of their farms and thus England was a lot of money country to them.

The Old English literature:

There are about 400 manuscripts that have survived, 189 of them are major

But there are four of the most crucial manuscripts that contain been discovered these

four are:

-The Junius manuscript, also known as the Caedmon manuscript it includes works such as: Genesis, Exodus, Daniel, and Christ and Satan. Franciscus Junius in the entire year of 1655 printed for the very first time the details in this manuscript.

- The Exeter Publication, situated in the Exeter Cathedral in Great britain since it was donated there in the 11th century, it was donated by Leofric the first bishop of Exeter ( Exeter is a church in Britain in the province of Canterburry ).

- The Vercelli Reserve, a variety of poetry and prose it is positioned in Vercelli in Italy, it has 135 pages, is made up of 23 prose homilies, 6 poetic texts one of the poems is "The Dream of the Rood" written by Cynewulf. The German Friedrich Bloom has found the manuscripts: "The Fates of the Apostle" and "Elene" while he was looking lawfully for old manuscripts. It is thought that the Vercelli Booklet in the 10th century is new written, because who the manuscript were found some internet pages weren't in the at first form.

- The Nowell Codex, this manuscript is famous because it provides the most interesting manuscript Beowulf. This manuscript is positioned in London in the United kingdom Library and yes it is made up of fragments like ( The Life of Saint Christopher ) and also it contains complete text messages like ( Words of Alexander to Aristotle, Magic of the East and Judith ). But we point out once again Beowulf, Beowulf on it time was the most important work of the Anglo-Saxons. It really is a heroic epic poem which is mentioned with 3182 lines for its length.

The Old English poetry:

Old English poetry is of two types: the one is the heroic Germanic

pre-Christian and the second is the Christian. These types of poetry have survived in the most elements of these four manuscripts that are point out above ( Junius, Exeter, Vercelli and Nowell manuscript ).

Main associates ( Poets ) of the old British period:

Just twelve poets are known by name today and four of the twelve are known

for they vernacular works these four are ( Caedmon, Bede, Alfred and Cynewulf ), but only Caedmon, Bede and Alfred have known biographies of themselves.

Caedmon is recognized as the best poet in Old British poetry he resided in Northumberia in the 7th century he created a poem called Hymn which is the oldest making it through text in English.

Comparison with Middle English:

After that William ( the Normans ) conquest Britain in 1066 the Middle English

period started. British language in the middle age group was more found in the Chancery standard that was developed by Ruler Henry the fifth thus more than Anglo-Norman or Latin. It possessed become broadly standardized by the 1430s. In that time the dialects were more based on London and East midland dialects. In the Middle British period spelling has not yet been formalized in a organized way, and many Latinate conditions such as `material' ( Latin substantia ) and `enticement' ( Latin temptation ) have moved into English through intermediary French influences under the Norman conquerors in 1066. Up then gradually and slowly Midsection English comes up to modern English.

DOI from: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Main_Page

Prepared by : Ardian Meholli

The Elizabethan Age

Elizabethan era was a very long period, and It is imposible to provide detail description, but I have tryed to describe something out of this period.

The Elizabethan ear canal was period when Queen Elizabeth I of Britain lived.

Queen Elizabeth I emerged in the throne in 1558 and ruled until 1603. She was on of the most remarcable political number and very successful queen.

She never married but the most crucial thing on her behalf was her country. The time when Elizabeth I supervised England for many individuals was called the " golden years" in English history, since it was age exploration and enlargement abroad. During that time was the flowering of British poetry, music and dilemma. It was this when torture was unusual and the role of women in the modern culture was important.

With Elizabeth I England definitely turned back to Protestantism and during her reign of forty-five years England became Protestant country without a civil war.

In Elizabeth books dominanted patriotic passion, but besides patriotic enthusiasm at that time writers composed abaut theme of love, younger looking etc.

Three factor that influented them to create was:

1. "First factor was rediscovery of the classics of Greece and Rome, beautiful old poem.

The second factor was affinity for dynamics and the physical sciences.

The third factor which stimulated the Elizabethan head was finding of the world beyond the atlantic"1.

Main representatives

The most impressive poet in Elizabethan time was Wiliam Shakespeare.

He wrote roughly 38 plays and 154 sonnets. At that time no-one guessed that he was going to be such important shape in British poetry and dilemma, which his has would be acted out for houndred years later, not only in England but all over the world. Other important shape that point was: Edmund Spenser, Francis Bacon, Ben Jonson etc.


The Victorian get older is younger period than Elizabethan get older in English background.

Althought in Victorian age had happened many things nevertheless Elizabethan time was amount of changes.

In Victorian age group people wished to invention something understood in English background because they went to school plus they knew how to read and write. That was a very important thing because they could read what writers wrote at the time.

Writers in Victorian era possessed great audience and writers were by the audience to continue their writting.

In the Elizabethan years that was different because many people didn't know how to read and write, and for freelance writers was difficoult to be famous.

In the Victorian age group Great Britain possessed many colony and althought this era was considered a period of peace at the time had occurred many wars.

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