The Perks TO BE A Wallflower British Literature Essay

Author: Stephen Chbosky was created on January 25th, 1970, in Pitsburgh, Pensylvannia. After growing up in Pensylvannia, Stephen pursued a directing job in films, but finished up writing catalogs. His first publication was The Benefits of Being a Wallflower, which was set in his very own home status. Stephen said that he relates to Charlie, but his life in High School was in lots of ways different.

Themes: Like the majority of catalogs about teenage children, this book encompasses the theme of freedom. The main character Charlie possessed just started High School, a period where you feel more 3rd party from your parents, and try new things. Charlie never really had many friends previously, and the main one good friend he does have comitted suicide the year before, leaving Charlie terrified, and only. When friendship is available among some seniors, Charlie begins his voyage to a more independent do it yourself. He found himself heading to get-togethers, smoking, doing drugs, dating young ladies, and even driving throughout the publication. Another important theme in the book is of pleasure. Whenever Charlie walked down the hallway in the institution, he would wonder if a person was really happy. "Within the hallways, I see the girls putting on the fellas' spencer, and I believe about the thought of property. And I think about if anyone is very happy. I am hoping they are. I am hoping they are really. " Thoughts such as this would constantly take up Charlie's mind. Many things made Charlie happy, wether it was a fascinating read, a good songs, or an inspiring movie. What made Charlie really happy though were his friends, and when he found himself having a good time with them, he'd ignore all the bad things in his life and enjoy the moment. Later on though, Charlie found out that he shouldn't put people's happiness before his own, because in the long run, he would wrap up missing out on the best things in life.


Charlie - Charlie was the 15 time old protagonist and main persona of the storyplot. He's a timid and introverted guy who's had way too many bad things happen in his life. His closest friend comitting suicide, his aunt getting struck by an automobile, and being the outcast of the school are just a portion of the items he's been through. He was very clever and adored reading catalogs, but that didn't really help the fact that he was socially uncomfortable to the main point where he didn't take part in anything that occurred around him. He was an extremely emotional child, but this was because of the things that have happened in his former, which in ways had traumatized him. He enjoyed music though, and along with movies and books, they were a great escape from his life. He was an extremely caring person too, and always put others before himself, even if a touch too much sometimes.

Patrick - Patrick was the mature from Charlie's woodshop class who finished up becoming a treasured friend to Charlie. He was mostly of the homosexuals in the school and was constantly frustrated at the actual fact he previously to sneak around with another dude rather than being open about any of it. He was a very good friend, and would always take Charlie to fun places along with his Sam. He also accepted Charlie for just how he was and never criticized his activities.

Sam - Sam was Patrick's half sister, and Charlie's other best ally, also in older calendar year. She was a beautiful girl who would not leave Charlie's thoughts no matter what. She was a great friend to him though, just like Patrick. Even though Sam advised Charlie not think of her at all more than a friend, nearby the end of the publication its's her who confirms she adores him with a passion. She would always give Charlie advice when he needed it, and just like Patrick, accepted him for who he was.

Setting: The e book is defined in the years 1991/92, in Pensylvannia, USA.

Plot: When Charlie's best friend comitted suicide in 8th level, his life became chaos, and his one good friend was eliminated. When he overheard some women talking about some dude that listened, and didn't try to sleep with some girl he could of slept with, he made a decision to send words to him anonymously every few days, to be sure people such as this, good people, still existed. So the words continued, for per annum, describing his experience in freshman season. Charlie was no normal freshman though. His past left him emotionally crippled and socially uncomfortable. When he finally made some friends, he followed his wise English teacher's advice to "participate", and stop seeing life from the sidelines. So his friends became his best friends, and he went on to get involved like he was so smartly told. That isn't where it concluded though, because family issues weren't too far away, neither was crisis with women, or quarrels with friends. Through the entire course of this booklet, Charlie was required to learn how to juggle college, friends, and family, so when some secrets from his former were discovered, it seemed like his life couldn't get any worse.

Literary Techniques: The author uses a number of literary techiniques succesfully in the booklet. The book is made up of letters alone directed by Charlie to a "friend" of his, therefore it is in first person narrative. In early stages in the e book, Charlie informs the reader that his instructor criticized him for writing operate on sentences, and because the book includes letters compiled by Charlie himself, some sentences are purposefully run ons, and the audience comprehends this. Also, since these letters are simply a place for him expressing his ideas, he doesn't utilize very creative words. He also discussed this in the e book and said that he found it pointless writing words that certain wouldn't even know. "But I simply have never read anyone use what "corpulent" and "jaundice" ever in my life. That included professors. So, what's the point of using words nobody else recognizes or can say comfortably?" The writer also applied flashbacks by allowing Charlie to talk about past experience in his words. As one would expect, no one's life can be interesting on a regular basis, so when Charlie's life loses interest, so does the reader in reading about any of it. Then again, when Charlie's life has episode in it, it is nearly impossible to put down the publication.

Target Audience: This e book is targeted at an audience of teenage boys and girls. As the main figure is a boy sharing his experience in High School, the book will typically find its way into young boys' hands who are experiencing the same thing. Although Charlie has a complicated life, readers can simply relate to him and his experience at university and at gatherings. It's a simple read because of the lack of complicated language and basic storyline, so most people can read this booklet, no matter interest level.

Purpose: The purpose of this book is mainly to amuse its readers. The booklet doesnt follow a lot of a plot and appears to include arbitrary ideas sometimes, but somehow the viewers end up strangely mounted on the main figure, and wish to continue reading relating to this boy's life. This booklet also starts the reader's brain in ways, concerning how High School was twenty years ago, and allows those to compare the two.

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