The Planning And Scheduling Of Maintenance Construction Essay

Building with safety place can be an asset that people need to occupy either for shelter or work. It's important to keep up the building to be able to ensure that there surely is no depreciate value of creating. British Standard (8210) defines a building is an asset which needs to maintained so the value of building not depreciate. As an owner or tenant, we must realize that building is important asset for all of us to keep it in a good shape to avoid any effect that can cause damage or failure on the building. Any damage occurs on the building should do the maintenance work to avoid the critical damage occur on the building. The tiny damage will require less money rather than critical damage. In order that, owner or tenants should call the maintenance contractor to carry out the maintenance focus on their building.

Maintenance as the combo of all technical and administrative action to retain it, restore it so that it is capable of doing as required (British Standard, 8210). Besides that, Building Standard (3811) defines the maintenance as a work that perform the restoration of each part of building and its contents with compliance with standard.

Servicing, rectification and replacement are separate components in maintenance (F. C. Harper, 1969). Servicing work is performed regular interval or sometimes day-to-day maintenance. Rectification work usually occurs at early life of the building which could reduce cost of maintenance. Replacement work is performed for building with physical breakdown of materials or element.

British Standard (3811) subdivides maintenance into two which are planned and unplanned maintenance. Planned maintenance comprises planned preventive maintenance and planned corrective maintenance which are having different definition among them. Planned preventive maintenance means work which completed to avoid the failure of item or facility within the expected life of facility meanwhile planned corrective maintenance means work carried to revive the items or facility that failure to take it back operation.

Nick Robinson (1982) explain maintenance should be shown to give value for money like anything else, and many maintenance plans can be improved through closer control. The maintenance should be control at the beginning with less cost without to use more money if not maintain it next.


Failure building will need restoration from expertise person such as maintenance contractor who doing work for profit and direct labour who lack of profit motive to keep the building as at the original state. Ivor H. Seeley (1976) make clear maintenance work can be undertaken by contractors, direct labour forces or a blend of both systems and the decision may be predicated on a number of criteria. Both kind of labour have an expense to hire them. The cost of direct labour is from wages and materials such as administrative overheads such as labour oncosts, and associated clerical, travelling and supervisory costs, and depot costs meanwhile the cost for employing contractor are contractor's charges plus administrative overheads, such as inviting and comparing tenders, drawing up contracts, work supervision and checking invoices (Ivor H. Seeley, 1976). Bampton (1967) said it might be better confine direct labour to little more than emergency and scheduled maintenance, and to use contractors for the seasonal, major and specialist work.

2. 1 Maintenance Organization

Organisation often means an organization or a company or enterprise of some kind or it often means the process of getting something organised. It's important for the maintenance manager to make certain that the maintenance work are done effectively in order to keep everyone feel happy. In order that, to get the efficient work, maintenance manager should organized the maintenance work in their department in order to ensure that they can meet tenants need and their objectives. There is only one manager can carried maintenance organization in a single department. Poor organization work such as planning of work will result poor maintenance work. Maintenance manager is important to use the management function in department to achieve their goal. A couple of four managerial functions which are organizing, organizing, leading and controlling. Successful organization is important to ensure that the staffs will their work respectively. Maintenance staff must really know what work is approved, what parts have arrived and where parts are located to keep everything run smoothly. It's important to record who the maintenance worked following the task is complete.

Nick Robinson (1982) said all maintenance managers operate from a maintenance plan whether a manually operated of resources available, or advanced computerized setup. It is the duty of maintenance management to plan the maintenance plan this means the business of maintenance in a agreed policy. In order to achieve the maintenance objective, maintenance manager should ensure that the maintenance work will observe the statement in maintenance policy as well as a guide for maintenance management for make decision making.

2. 2 THE LOOK and Scheduling of Maintenance

Maintenance planning and scheduling is types of plan of organization to organize their department for maintenance work. Chris Hykin (n. d. ) explains planning and scheduling is a disciplined approach for utilize the existence of maintenance resources in order to lessen time and production costs. Richard D. Palmer (2007) clarify the maintenance system is an effective if there are effort put on eliminate in every case the reason for lost production due to equipment failure or even to maximize equipment effectiveness. Richard also considers that proper maintenance planning and scheduling will achieve the organization goal. The most efficient way for attaining this goal is to plan proper maintenance scheduling and planning since it will contribute to decrease the maintenance cost due to scheduling the task to be done. Besides that, by maintenance planning and scheduling, it will improve the use of maintenance workforce then will reduce delays and interruptions. By adopting the best methods and appoint the qualified personnel may increase the quality of maintenance work. Umar M. Al-Turki (2009) clarify an effective planning and scheduling will contributes the grade of maintenance work by adopting the best methods, procedures and assigning the most qualified crafts for the work.

2. 2. 1 Planning

Planning is the process whereby the manager setup the decision for the future and the action taken up to achieve that future decision. Normally, at planning stage, maintenance manager will generate or plan the business goal such concerning achieve the tenant satisfaction. During planning also maintenance manager will plan the actions have to be taken up to achieve the goal such as provide service for tenant's property with the very least time. According to Umar M. Al-Turki (2009), the process of planning can be split into three basic levels which depending on the planning horizon that happen to be Long range planning, Medium range planning, and Short range planning.

Long range planning

It is the look process that covers an interval of several years. This long range planning normally empowers maintenance planners to gain access to essential information instantly, analyze inputs and scenarios, and highlight regions of concern. Plan progress can be easily tracked over the organization and dynamically updated in response to sudden changes or opportunities.

Medium range planning

It is normally covers an interval of 1 month to at least one 1 year. Umar M. Al Turki (2009) said minimum range plan is the plan which specify how the procedure of maintenance force and it'll provides details for construction jobs, major overhauls, plant shutdowns, preventive maintenance plans, and vacation planning. For medium range planning, maintenance management should plan with aim to prepare more the maintenance work. Umar M. Al Turki (2009) explain the medium range planning process is in conjunction with a scheduling process which is known as long range scheduling known as the master schedule because of the maintenance work including the routine and preventive maintenance.

Short range planning

It is the look process that concerns periods of 1 1 day to 1 a week. Short range planning will determine the elements required in order performing task and it is prepare once needs to execute the task.

2. 2. 2 Scheduling

Any works that intend to make to be able or sequences will devote schedule so the work will planned together in sequence. There are three levels of maintenance schedule that can be prepared that happen to be long-range (master) schedule, weekly schedule, and daily schedule. Maintenance manager will prepare scheduling to steer or planned for their staff to do the maintenance work. The preventive maintenance are done by follow the schedule to avoid the major damage occur on the building. Long-Range (master) schedule is working arrangements for major maintenance work that cover amount of three months to 1 year. Normally the master schedule is planned for long-term demand of maintenance use available resources. Along this period, the maintenance manager will discovered the spare parts and ordering material in advance. Meanwhile, weekly schedule is maintenance work that covers in a week which is normally generated from master schedule. Weekly schedule will prepare for the current week which is allow 10% to 15% of workforce designed for emergency work. Daily schedule are prepared by covering 1 day and its own normally produced from weekly schedule. Maintenance manager will prepare it the day before.

2. 3 Classify of Maintenance Work

People will call maintenance manager if there are problem occur in their building and maintenance staff have their liability to keep the owner's or tenant's building in good shape. A couple of three classification of maintenance work which can be corrective, preventive, and modification. Maintenance manager will classify the maintenance work according to the three categorized either the maintenance are corrective maintenance or preventive maintenance, or modification maintenance. First of all, maintenance manager will define that the damage or failure of creating is emergency to do maintenance due to major damage and it'll interrupt the procedure so that maintenance manager will appoint contractor maintenance to do the corrective maintenance as soon as possible since it also may damage the occupier of creating. Besides that, for the preventive maintenance work, maintenance manager will plan or make schedule at early stage of creating design the routines work that should carried out by contractor maintenance or direct labour daily or weekly such as any services on the device. Besides that, the modification maintenance will be completed rely upon eliminating the reason for repeated breakdowns.

2. 4 Recording of Information

Any information regarding details of property owner or tenant and any details regarding repairs work done should record by maintenance manager. Ivor H. Seeley (1976) make clear recording of information concerning properties and repairs is most beneficial undertaken on a card system providing ready method of communication by means of your computer. The records are sometimes described as a house register. The info that recorded will include the tenants and owner details to ease contractor maintenance do their routine services for preventive maintenance. Tenants who want make any complaint should issues notice to maintenance department so that contractor maintenance can do the corrective are soon as you possibly can.

2. 5 Execution of Maintenance Work

Once the house or building had detected any damage, the maintenance work then executed. The maintenance manager who want to contract out the maintenance work to outsource contractor will prepared open tender to be able to choose the best tender and contractors whose expertise in such field will choices. Normally the contractors will interview their report. The maintenance contractor will appoint their employees or subcontractors to run maintenance services and the assistance provided derive from anything statement that state in contract or maintenance policy. Normally the more urgent task will be maintain or assessed first and it will split into those have to be done in the current year, in the next five years and the next a decade (Gurjit Singh, TT).

2. 5. 1 Work in Progress

Once work has start, tenant will sign the contract and then your contract could keep in safety place like drawer. The contract should easy to find if any case happen. Any work done on site should compliance with the corrected contract. Figures 2 represent the flow of maintenance work is completed.


Brian Wood (2009) explains supervision is a management activity carried out to ensure that the task intended is completed appropriately and expeditiously. The supervision activity is generally will conducted by maintenance contractor that had skill to practice.


The inspection work is conduct at the look stage which is through the establishment of standard, manager should differentiate between acceptable and unacceptable work. Manager should inspect and ensure that the task which not in conformity with contract must be removed due to the re-doing of work may take time. In order that, the task must be check regularly to ensure work done compliance with contract and the inspection work normally will perform at periodically.


Normally the payment will be made on the work that has been done by someone. The allowance payment that specify in form of contract will made to contractor at interval for the task done by them. According to Brian Wood (2009), the contract should specify enough time at which interim payments will become due and the foundation which the amounts of such payments should be determined.


Brian Wood (2009) said often all parties involve client, contractor and all others are so pleased when a building is completed that they forget to determine how well things went and how they may be done better next time. They are no alert what the condition of their building is until big damage occurs. There's also no good communication among contractor and client without recognize that they will need the other person soon and continuing relationship.

Figure 2 Executing building maintenance

Sources: Brian Wood, Department Of Real Estate and Construction School of the Built Envirinment Oxford Brookes University

Does contract continue?

On complete satisfaction, confirm arrangements for notification and rectification of defects. Issue Certificate of Practical Completion

Ensure satisfactory correction of most defects-take possession of any certificates and all user manuals

Discuss, agree and devote hand arrangements for continuing recording, review and repair of defects

Time to end contract?

If possible extricate yourself as smoothly as possible. Likely to be an expensive option to break the contract-if possible make an effort to re-establish smooth working relationship

Make periodic payments as appropriate per tender contract

Candid discussion with supervisor - (do not approach operatives) - agree new arrangements


From the explanation, it could be figured organizing maintenance work are important to ensure that the maintenance work are perform in order. The nice planning provides the best and efficient maintenance work. Contractor maintenance or direct labour will appointed by maintenance manager to completed maintenance work. The works done by contractor or direct labour will paid by maintenance manager as specified in contract that were sign by both parties. Maintenance work will carried out predicated on scheduling that had been planned by manager. The planning maintenance comprise three basic levels of planning maintenance that are long range planning, medium range planning, and short range planning. Following the planning was setup, the action to be studied will classified to different type of maintenance which comprise corrective, preventive and modification. Preventive maintenance should apply according to scheduling to avoid the building failure. Normally minor service will perform interval either per day, or per week. Major services will perform per year. Manager should inspect and ensure that the work which not in conformity with contract must be removed due to the re-doing of work might take time. Lastly, Maintenance manager is responsible to keep information information regarding tenant's property well to easy work by contractor maintenance. The nice communication also encouraged between client and contractor maintenance due to they'll need each other in future.

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