The Role of Homais in Madame Bovary

Elixir for Decayed Corruption

In Madame Bovary, Flaubert expresses the complications that give surge consequently of the unsatisfactory life of a young woman belonging to the socio-economic category. He directly presents criticism of society's antics through various heroes in the novel, each which play a substantial role in providing his message. One such persona is Homais, an apothecary in the city of Yonville. Although this character appears to in the beginning be considered a simply an insignificant, nosy personality, his corrupt and self-serving characteristics continues to be exposed through his interactions with the folks he meets. The purpose of Homais' personality in the novel is very immediate as he signifies the hypocritical and cowardly dynamics of the masculine middle class. His personality also permits the modern culture to react in a corrupt fashion, helping Flaubert's interpretation of civilization as equally corrupt. Flaubert establishes Homais' identity in the novel as a device in providing his criticism and ridicule of the bourgeoisie and population as a whole during this time period.

Initially, Homais' figure appears to work solely as a vehicle for Flaubert's criticisms of the new, progressive middle class as cowardly and self serving. A significant manifestation of the corrupt and cowardly dynamics of Homais appears throughout a critical error he made causing the amputation of Hippolyte's knee. Homais pretends that he desires to use rash activities to get rid of Hippolyte's club feet purely for the benefit for Hippolyte, claiming that, "it isn't for me personally. It's for you simply out of goodwill" (174). However it is revealed that Homais simply wanted to use Hippolyte's harm as a stepping natural stone for his flourishing in the journalism activity. Homais' deceitful and sly aspect looks as he makes an attempt to convince Hippolyte by providing false hope of being "more cheerful and agile" and even clues that girls would be more pleased following the treatment (174). Homais is actually the catalyst for the downfall of Hippolyte by using him for his own advantage and becoming bought out by greed. Flaubert criticizes the type of the middle class to only take action when advantage comes on their behalf. He expands on the increased loss of individuals goodwill and shows the decay and corruption that replaces compassion and benevolence. This occurrence regarding Hippolyte also depicts the cowardly dynamics of the center class when confronted with confrontation. Following the rapid drop of Hippolyte's health, another doctor was summoned so that they can find a cure for Hippolyte. The doctor commences the criticize Charles' actions proclaiming that he was an "idiot who reduced an regrettable man to such a state" (180). He goes on on to derail Charles' figure exclaiming that "they load you down with remedies without fretting about the results"(180). In the midst of the doctor's condemnation of Charles, Homais does not protect Charles even though he was the propeller of the action and essentially lays down his dignity for his greater interests. Homais will not take responsibility for his actions and instead simply observes others take the burden of the blame. His cowardly action manifests Flaubert's interpretation of the type of the center course. Flaubert denounces the way the priorities of the socio-economic course is apparently based on materialistic ideals rather than core human worth such as dignity, take great pride in, and credibility. Another incident that presents the corrupt self-serving characteristics of the center category depicts by Flaubert is Homais' treatment on the blind beggar. Homais considers himself a cultured, brilliant, important man when the truth is he is eventually at the same level of the peasants and lower class he looks down on. Homais proceeds to respect the beggar with contempt explaining him as "a scrofulous infection" and poses as a smart man giving the beggar advice for his blind condition (280). A noteworthy moment that exhibits the cowardly dynamics of Homais is the action he takes in retaliation to the blind beggar revealing the harmful actions Homais inflicts after others in an attempt to add to his own gain. Homais takes advantage of his resources to kick off a "technique campaign" up against the beggar, and finally succeeds in jailing the beggar within an asylum. His actions shows his vacation resort to oppression of another man's civil liberties so that they can protect his own reputation. Homais' character works as a representation of the corrupt and cowardly aspects of the bourgeoisie.

However, a depiction of Flaubert's criticisms of population all together can be assumed to be an addition to the purpose behind the creation of Homais' character. Ironically, Homais' persona is probably one of the most corrupt in the novel, yet he is the only one who achieves his goal of public mobility. In comparison to characters who look morally good such as Charles and Berthe Bovary who conclude with tragic endings, Homais is able to achieve most if not all of his ambitions and goals. An example of Homais' success is the fact offered that "he had just received the Legion of Honor" (322). Flaubert reveals this reality in a blunt style as the previous type of the novel going out of a foul tastes in the reader's mouths. Homais' achievements is not shown to be a beautiful event but instead a little gain compared to the corrupt activities he had used leading up to his success. As a result, Flaubert criticizes population in its capitulation towards society's accolade to the most unethical numbers. He condemns the technicians behind world and essentially exposes the moral decay that is concealed underneath the gilded surface. Through Homais' triumph in acquiring the Legion of Honor, Flaubert discloses the twisted nature of the technicians behind modern culture. He shows the disappointing fact that those who react in sly and immoral ways quite often receive more gain than those who live a genuine life. Homais' persona depicts the section of contemporary society through Flaubert's perspective which stops his analysis from being truly objective.

Moreover, Flaubert attempts to depict the uncooked corrupt aspect of Homais' figure by way of a satirical debate between Homais and the priest:

"Yet, " said Homais, "it can not be both ways. Either she died in a state of elegance (as the Church puts it), in which case she doesn't need prayers; or she perished unrepentant (I believe that's the ecclesiastical term), and for the reason that circumstance-" Bournisien interrupted, replying within an irritable tone that a person had a need to pray, no matter what. "But, " the pharmacist objected, "since God recognizes all our needs, what's the utilization of prayer?" "What do you signify?" asked the priest. "Prayer! Aren't you a Christian?" "I beg your pardon, " said Homais. "I admire Christianity. To begin with, it freed the slaves, launched into the world a morality-" "Never mind about that! All of the texts-" "Texts, bah! Start the history catalogs. We know these were falsified by the Jesuits. " Charles arrived in and walked toward the foundation. He drew the curtains back slowly. (305)

In this piece of dialogue Homais partcipates in a discussion with the priest about faith. This represents the clash in culture during the time between the new science ideas and the conventional ideas of centering life around religious beliefs. Homais continues to claim even in the presence of the deceased Emma Bovary. His disregard to the situation accessible shows how he doesn't appear to have any respect towards Madame Bovary. Flaubert creates the satirical dialog between Homais and Bournisien in order to uncover the hypocritical mother nature of Homais in asserting that he is a spiritual man but proceeding to denounce the fact of religion. He presents himself as a holy man yet he objects to the statement by the priest that "prayer is necessary no real matter what". Homais promises to "admire Christianity" but advocates modern ideas including Voltaire and research. From the dialogue, Homais' personality is seen once again in negative light as a representation of the middle category. The insensitivity of Homais to the environment of the deceased is reflected in his insistence in carrying on to partake in the squabble with the priest. Homais interrupts and blurts out his own uneducated ideas without giving thought to the priest's words. Another quality revealed is in how he disregards the useless in order to gain the argument and therefore feel a sense of self-superiority. The childish antics performed by Homais shows the twisted order in his priorities to prefer self over the traditional values of value. As a result of Homais' corruption, the moral decay has reached such a profound point in his identity that he supports Flaubert's objective in depicting the center class as well as society.

Finally, Madame Bovary brings to light Flaubert's dissection of modern culture as corrupt and immoral through the character Homais. Through the entire book Homais perpetrates many unethical activities that displays the technicians of modern culture through an individual. He reveals his cowardly and corrupt actions which supports the final outcome that his personality was essentially devised to be used as a device for Flaubert's heavy condemnation towards civilization. The book also paves way into Flaubert's examination of a particular group, the bourgeoisie, to be equally Madame Bovary unveils the actions that provide grow to the decay within the city. Through this manifestation, Flaubert delivers his denunciation of world and the middle school to be impure.

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