The Strategic Rationale For Outsourcing Decisions

By reviewing the comparative and risks of "making or buying", businesses can persuade their expertise and resources for increased profitability. Incorporating two strategic approaches accurately permit professionals to organize their companies' skills and resources proficiently beyond levels obtainable with other strategies.

1- Concentrate company's possessed resources on its "core competencies" through which the company can perform definable incomparability and provide "unique value" for customers. (Quinn, and Doorley, 1990)

2- Outsourcing strategically alternative activities of the firms - consisting of many conventionally believed primary to a business - which are neither special capacities the organization nor have an impact on critical tactical requirements. (Quinn, 1992)

Substantial gains can be achieved from effective blending of the two techniques. Directors leverage their firm's resources in four manners.

First, they increase earnings on in-house resources by focusing assets and energies on the enterprise's best careers. Secondly, if center competencies are well-developed an organization can supply astounding barriers for present and forthcoming competition that look for getting into the company's regions of interest, thus assisting and shielding the tactical features of "market share". Third, conceivably the most leverage of all is the entire deployment of exterior contractors, investments, innovations, and customized professional capabilities that would be unaffordable or even not possible to replicate internally Fourth, in quickly shifting marketplaces and scientific circumstances, this cooperative strategy reduces risks, shortens discovery and manufacturing routine times, decrease ventures, and creates better responsiveness to customer needs. (Quinn and Hillmer 1995)

Earning sustainable competitive advantage through Outsourcing

Managers can combine core competency ideas and tactical outsourcing for maximum efficiency. Managers can analytically choose and develop the key competencies that provides the firm's uniqueness, competitive benefits, and basis of value creation for the future.

Core competency strategies

The basic ideas behind center competencies and tactical outsourcing have been well backed by research extending over the twenty-year period. [4] In 1974, Rumelt known that neither of the then-favored strategies - unrelated diversification or vertical integration - yielded constantly high earnings. [5] Since that time, other carefully structured research has mentioned the effectiveness of disaggregation strategies in many market sectors. [6] Noting the failures of many conglomerates in the 1960s and 1970s, both financial theorists and shareholders began to aid more centered company principles. Generally this meant "sticking with your knitting" by reducing to fewer product lines. Regrettably, this also meant a concomitant increase in the systematic risk these narrower markets represented.

However, some analysts pointed out that many highly successful Japanese and American companies possessed very wide product lines, yet were neither conglomerates nor truly vertically included. [7] Japanese companies, like Sony, Mitsubishi, Matsushita, or Yamaha, experienced extremely diverse product offerings, as does 3M or Hewlett-Packard in the United States. Yet these were not conglomerates in the standard sense. They were termed "related conglomerates, " redeploying certain key skills from market to market. [8]

At the same time, these companies also contracted out significant support activities. Although frequently considered vertically included, the Japanese automobile Industry, for example, was organized around "mother companies" that primarily performed design and assemblage, with lots of Independent suppliers and alliance companions - without possession bonds to the mother companies - feeding into them. [9] Many other Japanese hi-tech companies, particularly the more Innovative ones like Sony and Honda, used equivalent strategies leveraging a few central skills against multiple market segments through intensive outsourcing.

The term "core competency strategies" was later used to spell it out these and other less diversified strategies developed around a central group of corporate skills. [10] However, there's been little theory or uniformity in the literature in what "core" really means. Consequently, many professionals have been understandably lost about this issue. They want not be if indeed they think in terms of the specific skills the business has or will need to have to generate unique value for customers. However, their analyses must go well beyond considering traditional product or functional strategies to the fundamentals of what the business can do better than anyone else. [11]

For example, after some difficult times, it was easy enough for a ale company like Foster's to choose that it will not maintain the funding, forest products, and pastoral businesses into which it possessed diversified. It has now divested these peripheral businesses and is concentrating on ale. However, even within this concept, Foster's true competencies are in brewing and marketing beverage. Many of its syndication, transportation, and can production activities, for example, may be better contracted out. Within specific functions like creation, Foster's could further expand its competitive gain by outsourcing selected activities - such as maintenance or computing - where it does not have any unique functions.

The substance of center competencies

What then is really "core"? And The idea requires that professionals think much more carefully about which of the firm's activities really do - or could - create unique value and which activities professionals could better buy externally. Careful study of both successful and unsuccessful commercial examples suggests that effective core competencies are:

1. Skill or knowledge packages, not products or functions. Professionals need to look beyond the company's products to the intellectual skills or management systems that actually make a maintainable competitive edge. Products, even those with valuable legal security, can be too easily back-engineered, duplicated, or replaced by substitutes. Nor is a competency typically one of the traditional functions such as production, anatomist sales, or fund, around which organizations were produced before. Instead, competencies tend to be packages of skills that trim across traditional functions.

This conversation allows the organization consistently to execute an activity much better than functional competitors and continually to boost on the activity as market segments, technology, and competition evolve. Competencies thus involve activities such as service or product design, technology creation, customer support, or logistics that tend to be predicated on knowledge alternatively than on ownership of investments or intellectual property per se. Knowledge-based activities generate most of the value in services and manufacturing.

In services, which account for 79 percent of all jobs and 76 percent of all value-added in the United States, intellectual inputs create nearly all the value-added. Banking, financial services, advertising, consulting, accounting, retailing, wholesaling, education, entertainment, marketing communications, and healthcare are clear examples. In making, knowledge-based activities - like R&D, product design, process design, logistics, marketing research, marketing, advertising, circulation, and customer service @ also dominate the value-added chain of most companies (see Exhibit 1).

2. Adaptable, long-term platforms - capable of adaptation or evolution. Too many companies make an effort to focus on the slim areas where they currently stand out, usually on some product-oriented skills. The true challenge is to consciously build dominating skills in areas that the customer will continue steadily to value as time passes, as Motorola is doing with Its concentrate on "superior quality, portable communications. " The uniqueness of Toys "R" Us is based on its powerful information and circulation systems for gadgets, which of State Street Boston in its advanced information and management systems for large custodial accounts.

Problems happen when professionals choose to focus too narrowly on products (as computer companies does on hardware) or too inflexibly on formats and skills that no longer match customer needs (as FotoMat and numerous department stores did). Versatile skill pieces and constant, mindful reassessment of developments are hallmarks of successful central competency strategies.

3. Limited in amount. Most companies concentrate on two or three (not just one and seldom more than five) activities in the worthiness chain most significant to future success. For instance, 3M concentrates on four critical technology in great depth and facilitates these with a peerless development system. As work becomes more technical, and the opportunities to excel in many detailed activities proliferate, managers find they can not be best at every activity in the worthiness chain. As they go beyond 3 to 5 activities or skill collections, they cannot match the performance with their more focused competition or suppliers.

Each skill set requires strength and management determination that cannot tolerate dilution. It really is hard to assume Microsoft's top professionals taking their passion and skills in software into, say, chip design or even large-scale training in software usage. And if they do, what would be the price of their lack of attention on software development?

4. Unique sources of leverage in the worthiness chain. Effective strategies look for places where there are market imperfections or knowledge spaces that the company is uniquely certified to fill up and where ventures in intellectual resources can be highly leveraged. Raychem and Intel concentrate on depth in design and on highly professional test-feedback systems assisting carefully decided on knowledge-based products - not on size creation of standardized products - to hop over the knowledge curve benefits of their larger challengers. Morgan Stanley, through its TAPS system, and Carry Stearns, through its integrated bond-trading programs, have developed in-depth knowledge bases creating unique intellectual advantages and profitability in their highly competitive markets.

5. Areas where the company can dominate. Companies regularly make more money than their opponents only if they can perform some activities - which are essential to customers - better than other people. True target in strategy means the capability to bring more capacity to bear on the selected sector than any rival can. Once, this designed owning and handling all the elements in the worthiness chain supporting a specific product or service in a decided on market position. Today, however, some outside supplier, by focusing on the specific skills and systems underlying an individual element in the worthiness chain, may become more effective in that activity than nearly any company growing its attempts over the whole value chain.

In substance, each company is in competition with all potential suppliers of every activity in its value string. Hence, it must benchmark its decided on main competencies against all the potential suppliers of that activity and continue to build these center capacities until it is demonstrably best. Thus the basic nature of proper research changes from a business analysis point of view to a horizontal examination of capacities across all potential providers of an activity, no matter which industry the specialist might maintain (see Show 1).

6. Elements important to customers over time. At least one of the firm's main competencies should normally associate directly to understanding and offering its customers - that is, the right 50 % of the value chain in Display 1. Hi-tech companies with the world's best state-of-the-art technology often are unsuccessful when they disregard this caveat. On the other side, Merck fits its superb preliminary research with a prescription medication marketing knowhow that is similarly outstanding.

By aggressively examining its customers, value chains, a business can often identify where it can focus and provide a task at less expensive or even more effectively to the client. Such analyses have created whole new Business, like the specific large financial company, syndication, supplementary market, transaction-processing, escrow, subject search, and insurance businesses which may have now bought out these hazards and functions for bankers and have disaggregated the whole mortgage industry.

7. Inlayed in the organizations systems. Maintainable competencies cannot be based upon a couple of talented stars - such as Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak at Apple or Herbert Boyer and Arthur D. Riggs at Genentech - whose departure could eliminate a company's success. Instead, the firm must convert these competencies into a corporate and business reputation or culture that outlives the superstars. Especially when a technique is heavily dependent on creativity, personal devotion, and initiative or on attracting top-flight professionals, primary competencies must be captured within the business's systems - broadly described to include its values, corporation set ups, and management systems.

Such competencies might include recruiting (McKinsey, Goldman Sachs), training (McDonald's, Disney), marketing Procter Gamble, Hallmark), invention (Sony, 3M), determination systems (ServiceMaster), or control of distant and diverse operating sites in a common construction and school of thought (Exxon, CRA, Inc. ). These systems tend to be at the heart of regular superior performance; in many cases, a firm's systems become its central competencies. (12)

Preeminence: The main element strategic barrier

For Its picked core competencies, the business must ensure that it maintains complete preeminence. It may also need to surround these main competencies with defensive positions, both upstream and downstream. In some cases, it may have to execute some activities where it isn't best-in-world, merely to keep existing or potential competition from learning, overtaking, eroding, or bypassing components of its special competencies. Actually, managers should consciously develop these core competencies to stop competitors strategically and prevent outsourcing them or giving suppliers usage of the critical knowledge bases or skills that underpin them.

Honda, for example, will all its engine R&D in-house and makes all the critical parts for its small engine design primary competency in tightly managed facilities in Japan. It will consider outsourcing any noncritical elements in its products, but creates a careful tactical block around this most essential component for those its businesses. (13) Most significant, as a company's preeminence in determined fields increases, its knowledge-based primary competencies become ever harder to overtake. Knowledge bases have a tendency to expand exponentially in value with Investment and experience. Intellectual management tends to draw in the most talented people, who then work on and solve the most interesting problems. The combo subsequently creates higher results and attracts the next round of fantastic talent. In addition to the examples we have already cited, organizations as diverse as Bechtel, AT&T Bell Labs, Microsoft, Boeing, Intel, Merck, Genentech, McKinsey, Arthur Andersen, Sony, Nike, Nintendo, Bankers Trust, and Mayo Clinic have found this to be true.

Some executives respect core activities as those the business is continuously involved in, while peripheral activities are the ones that are intermittent and therefore can be outsourced. From a proper outsourcing point of view, however, primary competencies will be the activities that offer long-term competitive gain and therefore must be rigidly managed and secured. Peripheral activities are those not critical to the company's competitive edge.

Strategic outsourcing

If supplier marketplaces were totally reliable and effective, logical companies would outsource everything except those special activities in which they could achieve a unique competitive edge, that is, their core competencies. Alas, most supplier marketplaces are, imperfect and do includes some hazards for both buyer and retailer with respect to price, quality, time, or other key sizes. Furthermore, outsourcing entails unique deal costs - searching, contracting, controlling, and recontracting - that sometimes may exceed the deal costs of experiencing the activity immediately under management's in-house control.

To address these challenges, managers must answer three key questions about any activity considered for outsourcing. First, what's the potential for obtaining competitive advantage in this activity, taking account of purchase costs? Second, what's the potential vulnerability that may occur from market failure if the activity is outsourced? Conceptually, these two factors ca n be arrayed In a straightforward matrix (see Show 2). Third, what can we do to ease our vulnerability by structuring agreements with suppliers to afford appropriate adjustments yet provide for necessary flexibilities popular?

The two extremes in exhibit 2 are relatively simple. When the prospect of both competitive edge and strategic vulnerability is high, the business requires a high degree of control, usually entailing production internally or through joint possession arrangements or tight long-term deals (explicit or implicity).

Marks'k Spencer, for example, is well-known for its network of attached suppliers, which create the unique brands and styles that underpin the retailer's value reputation. Spot suppliers would be too unreliable and unlikely to meet the demanding benchmarks that are Markings & Spencer's unique consumer franchise. Hence, close control of product quality, design, technology, and equipment through deals and even financial support is vital.

The opposite circumstance is perhaps office cleaning, where little competitive edge is usually possible and there can be an active and profound market of distributor firms. In between, there's a continuous range of activities needing different examples of control and strategic flexibility.

At each Intervening point, the question is not only whether to make or buy, but how to put into practice a desired balance between self-reliance and bonuses for the dealer versus control and security for the buyer. Most companies will gain by extending outsourcing first in less critical areas, or in elements of activities, like payroll, somewhat than most of accounting. Because they gain experience, they could increase profit opportunities greatly by outsourcing more critical activities to noncompeting companies that is capable of doing them better self-reliance and incentl, v

In a few situations, more technical alliances with opponents may be necessary to garner special skills that cannot be obtained in different ways. At each level, the business must isolate and rigorously control strategically critical romantic relationships between its suppliers and its own customers.

Competitive edge

The key tactical concern in insourcing versus outsourcing is whether a business can achieve a maintainable competitive edge by performing an activity internally - usually cheaper, better, in a far more timely fashion, or with some unique potential - on a continuing basis. If one or more of these proportions is crucial to the client and if the company is capable of doing that function exclusively well, the experience should be placed in-house. Many companies however believe that because they may have historically performed a task internally, or because it seems integral to their business, the activity should be insourced. However, on closer analysis and with careful benchmarking, a company's inside capabilities risk turning out to be significantly below those of best-in-world suppliers.

Ford Motor unit Company, for example, found that many of its Internal suppliers' quality practices and costs were nowhere near those of exterior suppliers when it started out its famous "best in class" worldwide benchmarking studies on 400 subassemblies for the new Taurus-Sable brand. A New York bank with extensive worldwide operations Looked into why its Federal Exhibit costs were soaring and found that its Internal mall office took two times more than National Express to get a letter or package from the 3rd floor to the fortieth floor of Its building.

In interviews about benchmarking with top operating managers in both service and creation companies, we frequently came across some paraphrase of "We thought we were the best in the world at many activities. However when we benchmarked up against the best exterior suppliers, we found we weren't even up to the most severe of the benchmarking situations. "

Transaction costs

In all computations, experts must include interior exchange costs as well as those associated with external sourcing. If the business is to produce the item or service internally over a long-term basis, it must support its decision with continuing R&D, personnel development, and infrastructure ventures that at least match those of the greatest external supplier; otherwise, it'll lose its competitive advantage over time. Managers often have a tendency to overlook such backup costs, as well as the deficits from laggard technology and unresponsiveness of internal groups that know they have a guaranteed market.

Finally, there will be the headquarters and support costs of constantly controlling the insourced activity. Among the great increases of outsourcing is the reduction in executive time put in handling peripheral activities - freeing top management to focus more on the central of Its business.

Various studies show that when these internal deal costs are completely analyzed, they could be extremely high. (14) Because it is simpler to identify the explicit purchase costs of working with exterior suppliers, these generally tend to be included in analyses. Harder-to-identify inner purchase costs, however, are often not included, thus biasing results.


When there are extensive suppliers with enough but not dominating size) and mature market criteria and conditions, a potential buyer is unlikely to be more effective than the best available distributor. If, on the other side, there isn't sufficient depth on the market, extremely powerful suppliers can hold the business ransom. Conversely, if the amount of suppliers is limited or specific suppliers are too weakened, they might be unable to supply innovative products or services as well as a much bigger buyer could by performing the activity in-house. As the activity or product may not be one of its core competencies, the business might nevertheless gain by producing internally alternatively than undertaking working out, investment, and codesign expenditures essential to bring weak suppliers up to needed performance levels.

Another form of vulnerability is the lack of information available in the marketplace or from specific suppliers. , for example, a dealer may secretly expect labor disruptions or raw materials problems, but cover these concerns until it is too later for the client to go somewhere else. A related problem occurs whenever a provider has unique information capabilities: for example, large wholesalers or vendors, market research organizations, software companies, or legal specialists may have information or fact-gathering systems that would be impossible for the buyer or any other single supplier to replicate efficiently. Such suppliers may be able to charge what are essentially monopoly prices, but purchasing from them could be less expensive than reproducing the service Internally. In other situations, there may be many capable suppliers (for example, in R&D or software), but the costs of properly monitoring progress on the suppliers, premises will make outsourcing prohibitive.

Sometimes the complete structure of information within an industry will militate for or against outsourcing. Computing, for example, was basically maintained in-house in Its early years because the info open to a buyer of processing services and Its capability to make judgments about such services were very different for the buying company (which recognized very little) than for the dealer (which possessed excellent information). Many customers lacked the competency either to evaluate or to keep an eye on vendors, and feared lack of vital information. An organization can outsource processing more easily today, partly because customers, computer, technological management, and software knowhow are sufficient to make educated judgments about external suppliers.

In addition to information anomalies, Stuckey and White observe three types of "asset specificity" that commonly create market imperfections, calling for manipulated sourcing solutions alternatively than relying on efficient markets. (15) They are: (1) site specificity, where vendors have located costly fixed assets near the buyer, thus minimizing transport and inventory charges for a single supplier; (2) complex specificity, where one or both gatherings must spend money on equipment you can use only by the gatherings together with the other person and has low value, in alternate uses; and (3) real human capital specificity, where employees must develop in-depth skills that are specific to a specific buyer or customer romantic relationship.

Stuckey and White make clear the outsourcing implications of information and specificity problems regarding a bauxite mine and an alumina refiner. Refineries are usually located close to mines because of the high cost of moving bauxite, in accordance with Its value. Refineries subsequently are tuned to process the narrow group of physical properties from the particular mine's bauxite.

Different and highly particular skills and resources are necessary for refining versus mining. Usage of Information further chemical substances problems. , if an unbiased mine expects a attack, it is unlikely to share that information with its customers, unless there are strong incentives. Because of this, the aluminum industry has migrated toward vertical integration or strong bilateral joint ventures, as opposed to available outsourcing of bauxite resources - despite the apparent presence of your commodity product and many suppliers and sellers. In this case, issues of both competitive advantage and potential market failing dictate a higher degree of sourcing control.

Degree of source control

In deciding on a sourcing strategy for a particular segment with their business, professionals have an array of control options the Exhibits 3 and 4 for the standard). Where there is high potential both for vulnerability and for competitive edge, tight control is indicated (as in the bauxite case). At the opposite end is, say, office cleaning. Between these extremes are opportunities for producing special incentives or more complex oversight deals to balance intermediate levels of vulnerability against more moderate leads for competitive edge. Nike's multi-tier strategy provides an interesting example (see boxed place on web page 62).

The practice and law of proper alliances are rapidly producing new ways to cope with common control issues - by establishing specified techniques that permit immediate involvement in limited periods of any partner's activities, without incurring either ownership arrangements or the loss of control inherent ln arm's-length orders.

Flexibility versus control

Within this construction, there's a regular tradeoff between overall flexibility and control. Among the primary purposes of outsourcing is to really have the supplier assume certain classes of investment and risk, such as demand variability. To optimize costs, the buying company may choose to maintain its interior capacity at re atively constant levels despite highly fluctuating sales requirements. Under these circumstances, it requires a surge strategy.

McDonald's, for example, with $8billion in sales and 10. 1 percent growth per year, needs to call in part-time and informal workers to handle extensive daily variants yet also be able to select its future long lasting or managerial employees from these folks. IBM has had the opposite problem, since its main demand has been declining, the business has already established to lay down off employees. Yet it needs surge convenience of: (1) quick access to some former employees, basic skills; (2) available production capacity without the expenses of promoting facilities regular; and (3) the capability to exploit strong outside the house parties' specialized capabilities through temporary consortia - for example, in applications software, microprocessors, network development, or stock automation.

Strategically, McDonald's has created a pool of men and women available on "call options, " while IBM - through spinouts of factories with baseload commitments to IBM, guaranteed consulting career for key people, adaptable joint venturts, and tactical alliances - has created " put options" to handle surge needs as it downsizes and tries to carefully turn around its business. There's a full spectrum of outsourcing arrangements, with regards to the company's control and overall flexibility needs (see Display 4). The issue is less whether to make or buy an activity than it is how to structure inside versus exterior sourcing by using an maximum basis. Companies are outsourcing a lot more of what used to be considered either integral components of their value chains or necessary personnel activities. Due to higher complexity, higher specialization, and new scientific capabilities, outside suppliers is now able to perform many such activities at lower cost and with higher value-added when compared to a fully integrated company can.

In some instances, new production technology have moved manufacturing economies of size toward the provider. In others, service solutions have lowered transfer costs substantially, rendering it possible to identify, travel, store, and coordinate inputs from exterior sources so inexpensively that the total amount of benefits has shifted from insourcing to outsourcing. In certain specialized niches, outdoor companies have grown to such size and sophistication they have developed economies of size, range, and knowledge power so formidable that neither smaller nor more included manufacturers can effectively compete with them (for example, ADP Services in payroll, and ServiceMaster in maintenance). To the extent that knowledge of a particular activity is more important than understanding of the finish product itself, professional suppliers could produce higher value-added at lower cost to the activity than almost any integrated company.

Strategic benefits versus risks

Too often companies look at outsourcing as a means to lower only short-term direct costs. However, through tactical outsourcing, companies can lower their long-term capital investments and leverage their key competencies significantly, as Apple and Nike did. They can also force many types of risk and unwanted management problems onto suppliers.

Gallo, the largest developer and distributor of wines in the United States, outsources most of its grapes, pushing the potential risks of weather, land prices, and labor problems onto its suppliers.

Argyle Diamonds, one of the world's most significant diamond suppliers, outsources nearly all aspects of its procedure except the key steps of separation and sorting of diamonds. It deals all its huge earth-moving businesses (to avoid capital and labor hazards), its enclosure and food services for employees (to avoid confrontations on nonoperating issues), and far of its syndication (to De Beers to protect prices, to finance inventories, and to avoid the problems of worldwide distribution). By outsourcing to best-in-class suppliers in each circumstance, it further ensures the quality and image of its functions.

Important proper benefits

Strategically, outsourcing provides the customer with greater flexibility, especially in the purchase of rapidly developing new solutions, fashion goods, or the myriad components of complicated systems. It reduces the company's design-cycle times as multiple best-in-class suppliers work concurrently on individual components of a system. Each distributor can both have more personnel depth and complex technical knowledge about its specific area and support more specific facilities for top quality than the coordinating (buyer) company may achieve by themselves.

In the same vein, proper outsourcing spreads the company's risk for component and technology developments across a number of suppliers. The company doesn't have to undertake the full failure risks of all component R&D programs or invest in and constantly upgrade production capabilities for each and every component system. Further, the customer is not limited by its own progressive capacities, it can tap into a blast of new product and process Ideas and quality improvement potentials it could not possibly generate Itself.

In the world's advanced economies, increased affluence has obligated much better attention on new product ideas, quality details, and customization. Because small professional suppliers often offer higher responsiveness, and new technology have reduced the scale needed to achieve economies of level, the average size of industrial firms has reduced since the late 1960s, and subcontracting constitutes an ever before greater portion of most companies' costs. (16) Outsourcing has turned into a major technique to leverage internal technological capabilities also to tap the speedy response and impressive capabilities of small companies. Richard Leibhaber, key strategy and technology official at MCI, commented:

MCI constantly seeks to increase by finding and growing organizations with small companies having interesting services they can keep hold of the MCI network. Although we make use of no more than 1, 000 professional technical employees internally, 19, 000 such personnel work directly for all of us through agreements. . . Now we do about 60 percent of our software development work internally, but we manage [in aspect] the other 40 percent in contractors, hands. We do all the specification, process rating, functional steps, and system assessment within our company. We design the system. We control the process. Then we let others do what they can do best. (17)

Boston Consulting Group, which includes studied more than a hundred major companies doing intensive outsourcing, has concluded that most European companies outsource mainly to save lots of on over head or short-term costs. (18) The result is a piecemeal strategy that "results in patches of overcapacity spread at random throughout the company's operation. . . [These companies] finish up with large numbers of subcontractors, which are more costly to manage than in-house operations that are individually less efficient. "(19) Worse still, the buying companies, by not providing adequate monitoring and specialized back-up, often lose their hold on key competencies they may need in the future.

The Japanese, in comparison, outsource mostly to improve the efficiency and quality of their own functions, focus on a very few options, build close Interdependent connections, and hang on tightly to high value-added activities that are necessary to quality. For those systems they long term contract out, Japanese companies recommend closely on creation and cooperate in process and product R&D on the suppliers, premises.

Strategic risks

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