The Uk Tourism Industry Tourism Essay

This report looks at the strategy evaluation of the united kingdom travel and leisure industry to be integrated. Firstly, the paper provides the backdrop information to the united kingdom travel and leisure industry issues in the last few years. There may be depicted a location of travel and leisure industry in the United Kingdom regarding the economy and law laws. Moreover, the paper determines the existing issues of bettering this type of industry.

The role of Visit Britain is suggested as well since it is the key tourist company that enables the UK to carry its position along with the competing marketplaces and sustains the country to be the leading international attraction for tourist, proven by the seventh rate devote the globe for visitor quantity. Hence, each year Visit Britain operates its promoting campaign to accomplish the key aims of increasing and retaining the level of the traveler industry inbound and outbound, such as to enhance the level of tourists for an interval after Olympic Game titles drawing the precise attention to the Chinese holidaymakers. In order to achieve those goals there are a few issues of the vacationer industry mentioned in this statement.

The section focused on the mark group focus, specifically the UK tourists, analyse the main features of motivating tourists, especially Chinese language, to the kind of industry, announced by the united kingdom government as the key key objective. A few of them are to investigate and analyse the obstructions that appear therewith to ease an extent of earning the country more accessible and affordable. In addition, the report supplies the possible ideas for such issues.

In addition, the paper analyses product demonstration in campaign placed on market by Visit Britain and the country government for an interval before the Olympic Video games. The report establishes benefits and drawbacks of this plan, and consequences made an appearance in the framework of its software.

Importance of the UK competitive markets is briefly drawn. The main element point is to judge the information of visitor variety and spend in the united kingdom and other competitors.

The tactical options and recommendations are given in the record as the key markers of increasing the travel and leisure industry in the united kingdom.


Tourism industry is undoubtedly the essential market sector in the United Kingdom's economy. A whole lot of strengths and efforts have been given to appeal to the home and foreign people to visit the country's spectaculars, especially the Olympic Video games 2012, hence, the UK government is focused on engage even more site visitors and gain more gains.

Visit Britain is the one of traveler organisations that creates and implements the special methods for increasing the united kingdom popularity among tourists.


In order to acquire information for the statement analysis the digital and written options were applied. This information generated was usually obtained from the market reports and statistics provided by the tourist organisations, such as Visit Britain, Institute of Travel and Tourism, Tourism Alliance, Tourism Management Institute, Travel and leisure Consultants Network, Office for Country wide Figures and International Euromonitor. The info accumulated has been analysed and evaluated to be able to formulate the proper variants and advice. There were applied a few analytical schemes, such as Porter's competitive position model. The info provided was been able in this survey.

Evaluation of Findings

According to the Travel and leisure Alliance Tourism for Growth (2009)± the uk has a great prospect of improving the current economic climate and condition, such as work availableness, from the tourism industry. To be a proof of all these was granted the major analysis Economic Contribution of visitors Economy: UK and the Nations (2010) that states there's a wide space to build up home and inbound types of visitor industry up to 58b (3, 5%) next decade. In addition, the Visit England's British Tourism Strategy provides the depiction of the possible potential increase in the travel and leisure value:

In addition, you have the likelihood that the outbound travel and leisure rates in the united kingdom will heighten at the same tempo, the travel and leisure value could depend on 400b within the next decade. Thus, such situation would accumulate an evaluated 700, 000 additional workplaces in every sectors of the united kingdom. This sets the important proven fact that the revenue gained from this activities will be distributed among cities, cities and rural plots, defined in the diagram the following (Economic Contribution of the Visitor Economy: UK and the Countries (2010)):

Tourism is undoubtedly the sixth largest industry in the united kingdom delivering to 105b income each year. The main sectors of the travel and leisure industry in the UK are hospitality, destinations, events, visitor transportation, education and tourism services.

For the period, when there is the Olympics promoting campaign of the united kingdom traveler organisations, the level to which this marketing campaign is successful is shown in the desk provided by Visit Britain corporate and business website:

It is known as to engage the Chinese visitors into the UK which may be described only by the reason why that the introduction of India and China makes those countries the possible concentrate on for worldwide tourism. The federal government of the uk clears out the situation by stating the will to begin the GREAT advertising campaign, at first in these countries.

The product display over the years has gradually altered its position based on the Tourism Policy Article (2009) where is depicted the stand of the most competitive countries in years of 2007-2009:

Key Issues

The information gathered in the article assumes the following issues diagnosed:

The inability to maintain with international competition for attracting customers from countries with substantive population credited to rigid visa regimes

The insufficient degree of providing service performed by travel and leisure organisations

Tourism industry will not always correspond to certain requirements of inexperienced living and sustainability

Strategy Options

The first key strategy task is to make advancements of competitiveness internationally. Based on the information, within 2010-2011 the product competitive status in the united kingdom domestic travel and leisure has decreased. The reason behind this is stipulated by the Government that has increased Air Traveler Obligation, VAT and visa charges, while some competitive countries have reduced the same prices. For example, a four-member family form China must pay at least 600 for a trip to the UK in comparison to 200 to the countries of Schengen area (Statement 2011, 7 p. ). Furthermore, the parallel of charges for accommodation and catering between your UK and other rivalling countries is twice as much. So, the UK current economic climate suffers a lot and loses the valuable income. Thus, holidaymakers will matter for the charges and those with low and medium income would prefer to work with cheaper country's tourism. To improve the competitiveness with other vacationer countries, the next main options should be studied into account and implemented immediately by the united kingdom government:

The authorities should be in touch with the charges decrease in other competitive countries, and it should make everything possible to lessen VAT on traveler services. Moreover, when the government should take into account the average Western rate, in case it lowers, they ought to take some actions to make the tourism industry more attractable and profitable.

The federal should make the visa process easier and make the application form guidance forms better. They should also have a notice of constraints and limiting conditions about visa availability and some other rules and regulations.

The government should support the aviation by supporting tourists ease the procedure in an appropriate way.

The second key strategy activity is to diminish the poor and excessive legislation level. Actually the organisations of travel and leisure industry are under bulkier pressure than any UK industries. Hence, the Tourism Alliance conducted an intensive analysis about the preferable legislative changes. With help of the united kingdom government the tourism organisations, especially SMEs, will have the higher opportunity to create careers and gather their development. To be able to reduce the impact of the indegent and excessive rules level, the possible key options may be studied into consideration:

The creation of the Travel and leisure Regulation Task Force will observe all requisite regulations in implementing the empirical, cost-effective and profitable procedures.

The sector as the tourism industry should be seriously considered as the essential source for the current economic climate improvement by the new and altered legislation.

The third key strategy process is to improve the amount of quality and skills. As the customer needs and beliefs about the tourism services are always rising, the amount of providing such services should be high. It really is considered that the developments in the workforce training and education are necessary if the UK is willing to hold its positions on the planet market. Though it is the liability of the organisations offering the holiday services on the neighborhood level, there's also some restrictions and rules published only by the federal government. Generally it is connected to the no general population financing. In addition, the difference between the big businesses and the tiny ones are quite obvious as the ex - may afford the staff training while the latter might not. The possible main options may be the following:

To indulge small tourism businesses into the estimated revenue from the Olympics Games 2012

To monitor whether the self-financing quality techniques follow the demand of visitors and if the small organisations of the tourism industry correspond to the regulatory benchmarks.

To ensure organisations of the travel and leisure industry in the UK in the fact that tax incentives will provide the high quality of the products offered.

The fourth proper task is to develop and increase a level of sustainability but the tourism industry is already such kind of establishment. It assists and supplies any kind of services that is in demand, and sometimes the amount of environmental impact is neglected. Hence, the travel and leisure industry should be reviewed on keeping the appropriate degree of sustainability. The possible proper options may be the following ones:

To assist programs that permit the organisations of the travel and leisure industry run more environmentally-friendly.

To present the Daylight Cutting down in order to accomplish the evaluated gains of the travel and leisure per annum, such as 2. 5 - 3. 5b, and also to create new workplaces by 70, 000, as investigated the Coverage Studies Institute in 2008.

To participate the travel and leisure organisations to create and apply strategies that will promote people to get recognized to the sustainability.

To comply with the vacationers' needs and requirements concerning the carry means.

The fifth some may be to engage open public financing in order to enhance the public revenue. The persistent reductions of public funding investments of such organisations as Visit Britain and Visit England constitute a concern that may be effectively eradicated by more useful utilisation of the federal government support existed. Obviously these cuts indicate to the reduced revenue from the travel and leisure industry. The Olympic Video games is the excess source of income for the united kingdom economy. There was an assumption that the Olympics might provide 2b extra as a travel and leisure income. As smart data the Visit Britain and its promotional campaign helps to gain 12. 5m on a yearly basis for public sees. The bigger the public financing in to the tourism industry in the UK will be, the higher the investments into the public sector can be. The proper options may be offered the following:

The federal should increase financing to go to Britain to be able to boost its competitive cleverness and the potential for the Olympic Games realisation to be achieved.

The government should be aware of the stable financing of Visit Britain with the purpose to fulfil the goals of the federal government Tourism Policy.

In order to fortify the marketing abroad the performance between Visit Britain, the Country wide Boards and London should be maintained and succeeded.

The UK administration should provide all requisite assistance in building the tourism network which will be functioning in England with complete assistance among Visit Britain, destination Management Organisations, and organisations of the tourism industry. The idea of fulfilling the duties of the Government Tourism Plan will be completed in order to put into practice the Travel and leisure Strategy.

The government in the UK should be open to new financing sources whether they are private or from other countries, perhaps competing ones. Furthermore, the gratitude should be aimed to the Regional Progress Fund by the federal government.

The UK specialists should guide the neighborhood business partnerships concerning the needs and opportunities of the travel and leisure organisations.


The United Kingdom has got the integral features that has and will have the fundamental meaning for the travel and leisure sector development, specifically visitor attraction. The united states has the significant historical record and cultural history. Additionally it is the attraction to the English-speakers who want to feel comfortable in actually international country. Additionally, it stimulates some students to visit this country in order to boost their British skills as it is a source of original English language. In addition, the uk is a centre of valuable sport and music occurrences, e. g. the Olympic Games.

The United Kingdom's travel and leisure industry has a variety of opportunities. Among of them are to research new markets and to find new topic in the prevailing ones; to include new cultural situations, such as modern music styles, or up-to-date art approaches.

However, due to some constraints and restricting conditions, the UK economy has got some losses. To be able to visit this country and to contain the full-fledged recovery or holiday, the problem will become the high charges for everything, starting from a trip solution to the accommodation and wedding caterers, excluding all cultural arrangements. Moreover, the problem may be the process of obtaining visa to the united kingdom.

At once the UK economy and the tourism industry specifically face the actual negative impact of all these problems, which is the fact other countries with the quite the same services and opportunities are much better to visit than the uk. Hence, lots of tourists would rather have fewer problems and visit another country, e. g. USA, Italy, etc. , than they might rather have a whole lot of inconvenient situations and issues.

To summarise, the uk tourism industry has a huge potential for growth that has not been developed yet, and the federal government should take into consideration all options and recommendations suggested. The first rung on the ladder was considered by Visit Britain and Visit Great britain that eagerly make the makes an attempt to popularise its own country and to engage into altering this sector framework within an appropriate way so that the UK economy will have some profit.

Annotated Bibliography

Evans, N Campbell, D and Stonehouse, G (2003). Strategic Management for Travel and Tourism: Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, Section 7, 15. In Section 7 the writers apply the STEEP strategy with the purpose to analyse the outdoor environment. Moreover, it relates to the tourism circumstance studies as a dazzling example of the approach implementation. In Section 15 the writers provides the distinctive ways to comprehending each strategy. They also depict the critical backdrop of every strategy along using its benefits and drawbacks.

Penrose John MP. Federal Tourism Policy. Department for Culture, Advertising and Sport. UK. March 2011, 52 p. This work is specialized in the tourism industry in the UK in general also to the travel and leisure organisations, such as Visit Britain and Visit England, in particular. Furthermore, the work introduces the key drivers of the united kingdom economy and the issues both existing and possible.

Porter, M (1996) What's Strategy? Harvard Business Review, Nov/December. This is story where the creator represents the wide range of issues while defining the real meaning of a strategy.

Tourism Alliance (2012). Total annual Report 2012. Offered by: <http://www. tourismalliance. com >. This file provides the perception into the activities of the Chairman, Policy Director and the Travel and leisure Alliance generally. To be precise, it is dedicated to key policy aims and financial statement figures for the year of 2012 in the UK tourism industry.

Deloitte & Touche LLP. (2010) The Economic Contribution of visitors Economy: UK and the Nations. Oxford Economics. June 2010. The work introduces the general image of UK Visitor Market, its structure, its dynamics and contribution in to the UK economy position in general. The info presented in obviously comprehended via various plans and diagrams provided.

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