Theoretical Perspectives OVER A Family

Theories have been useful as an instrument for creating explanations for habits of behaviour in households (Doherty et al:, 1993). Functionalism provides an extremely positive view of family life. Lang's proof on child misuse, assault against women and divorce statistics indicates that functionalists overlook the dysfunctional aspects of the nuclear family. Functionalism focused excessively on the nuclear family form and insufficiently on other family varieties.

Marxist and Functionalist ideas of the family tend to expect that the nuclear family is the prominent family form and therefore neglect variety. Both structural methods to the family - Marxism and Functionalism - can be deterministic, and this can make their analyses inaccurate and perhaps over-generalised. Feminists, interactionists and the radical psychiatrists of the 1960s (Laing, Leach and Cooper) have all helped to correct these weaknesses. Postmodernism has helpfully emphasised diversity, but it could be argued that it goes too far, ignoring the data of structural tendencies and prominent norms inside our society(Doherty et al:, 1993). Functionalist methodology reveals the most positive view of theory.

Types of Family

The nuclear family is usually known to be manufactured from the parents and their siblings which is the most basic family arrangement. While the nuclear family is made- up father, mother and their offspring, long family refers to aunts, grandparents, cousins and uncles.

I wish to think that most societies have a thought of prolonged family. The comparative framework, functions and importance range based on the particular culture. Traditionally, extended family is referred to as kinship network of economics and communal ties made-up of the nuclear family plus other family.

The economic and social importance of expanded family can most conveniently be observed when family are living collectively. Even when extended individuals do not live mutually, nuclear family members may count on prolonged kin to improve basic way of life and may also co-dependent on extender family for financially and psychologically support.

Contemporary family is. . . . . In any particular time and place, families have always been more varied than the prevailing image of what the perfect family should be. Although family types are even more diverse than in the past, most contemporary individuals are still variations on the original nuclear family pattern.

Family structure

Lone parent

Single parent can be brought on by death of an partner, divorce, and separation. This may lead to solo parents being overcome with their reduction and the tasks. Most one parents are women, who may face somewhat lower income and can often rely on child support and federal subsides. When parents divorce or are widowed children often experience damage and a disruption of workout. Children may also need a great deal of attention, love, and reassurance (Meyerhoff, 2010).

Reconstituted family

As we have a tendency to think of family members contains a mother, dad and their children, the reality is that there is a great deal of divorces and remarriages occurring in our modern culture such that a huge number of young families are in fact stepfamilies. In remarried young families, parenting is shared among different units of parents and various household. Children will tend to visit in and out of households for visitations. Issues with children not accepting parenting of their stepparents can be an issue which is hard on children as well as the parents. Strong sense of damage can recur in remarried people due to the families not sense intact, which might sometimes cause mental marks, conflicting loyalties. Remarried individuals can be sophisticated. Each additional member of the family system allows for another relationship or another with almost every other member of the family. The family is made up of biological parents, grandparents, siblings, stepparents, stepsiblings, half siblings and step-grandparents (Meyerhoff, 2010). With this many relationships between so many people there is prospect of stress, but there is equally an elevated potential for a large support network if everyone cooperates and communicates well. Hence compensation can be huge.

Adoption family

Adoption family composition is sophisticated but potentially rewarding. . . .

Changes in family structure

Family composition has evolved significantly in recent years, with increasing divorce rates and single-parent households (Field, 2003). Evolving explanations of family include people who may well not be kin, but who act as family for a few individuals, Rothausen (1999). Bogan (1991) uses the word wider family members to make reference to the concept and opines that such individuals result from individuals' standards of living and may not involve the sharing of a household. This idea of family identifies a group of men and women who are committed to one another due to bonds of dependence, obligation or duty, love caring or co-operation (Rothausen, 1999). Just as Weeks, Heapy and Donovan (2001) make reference to same -gender families that happen to be founded on bonds of specific choice, as 'individuals of choice'.

There is also a great deal of ethnic variability in how the term family is identified. Changes to the family framework is also taking place through ethnic difference which is also influenced by religion within the culture In many Parts of asia, a standard family may include three or even more generations moving into one home (Rothausen, Kanye, 2005). As life expectancy remains to rise the amount of multigenerational households may increase (Levade et al, 2000).

The dynamics of family have transformed, with couples having children down the road following economic steadiness and careers. All women are pursuing employment opportunities in so doing starting family in the later 30s. Households might just have one child, this may lead to the kid being spoiled (through parents wanting to over compensate) and lonely. With new legalisation allowing same-sex lovers to adopt people in place, the original family structure has modified to contemporary.


Family friendly administration policies are assisting families by giving childcare, pre and after school health care benefits (tax credit), vouchers, prolonged maternity and paternity leave, flexible work / life balance, Finn (2010). This is allowing families to invest more time along there by developing strong bonds, which is essential for a better relationship between members of the family. The stronger the relationship a lot more family became a haven in this heartless world.

The family is a communal institution. Because of diversity, different ethnicities have different principles of family prices. Same families can be oppressive (oppress specific development), restrictive, inhibitive and repressive. This may lead to households masking undercurrents and patterns of abuse, violence and possibly exploitation. Finn (2010) claims that most abuse is within family product and close family. Hence for the abused people family is probably not a haven. A good example of abuse by family is baby P incident (whereby just a little son lost his life through abuse by members of the family and extended members of the family). Baby P's abuse occurrence and style was masked by the same members of the family who abused him, therefore family was not a haven for baby P. More often abused people sometimes become anti-social because of their lake of trust and also often became withdrawn such that they are un-productive. Abused people may often confide in people outside the family unit and are most like to be estranged to their biological family and they'll forge romance with people who they will consider as family. They often get active support from beyond your family product. The can make family of choice predicated on friendship and this family of choice might be their haven in the heartless world, Lasch (1977).

Support from family differ between same -gender and opposite intimacy couple. The research by Kurdeck (2001) found that gays and lesbians received very little support from their families of origin as compared to the heterosexual couples, Bravewoman et al (1998). For the gays and lesbians who do not have support from their family of source family is not really a haven of. They might face the pressure from world and family to comply with what's traditional. This may lead to unrest, but family is a haven for the gays and lesbians who've strong family ties.

Lawrence Rock (1977) argued that, the new family ideal prescribed domestic personal privacy and strong mental accessories between spouses and between parents and children. Today's life style has lead to longevity, meaning mother or father and child relationship can last fifty years or even more. Family remains a central connection generally in most people's lives, in so doing family operating as a haven in this heartless world.


The change in the notion of family recently is through people choosing a family life in whatever shape or form and that folks still require a family life and family continues to be a required lifestyle option for the majority of people, Finn (2010). Therefore there will always be a variance in family models. Families will come in different form and sizes and such differentiation is expected. So family will change every once in awhile and spot to place. In most of people the family is a haven in this heartless world, for family is a way to obtain great delight and ambiance.

Whatever your unique family situation it has tremendous influence upon your children's delight, development and future. A solid relationship with extended families can be as rewarding as close ties inside the nuclear family. However building those bonds inside the expanded family can be considered a little more difficult because, definitely everyone will not live under the same roof top. For small children, living in a big family can be a lot of fun.

The traditional family will persist along other choice family and everyone has a right to choose which family they belong too and the the one that suit their situation and circumstances. Hence family life in whatever chosen shape is still the required and required lifestyle option in most of people.

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