"Humans are pattern-seeking family pets and we are adept at finding patterns whether they exist or not" (adapted from Michael Shermer). Discuss knowledge questions brought up by this notion in two regions of knowledge.
It can be asserted that humans are highly effective in finding patterns and building knowledge upon them. Both shared and personal knowledge is normally split into three categories: functional knowledge, knowledge by acquaintance and factual knowledge. The origins of them are simple: either knowledge that we gain ourselves or knowledge we acquire from other sources. It's important, however, to notice that those do not imply the acquisition of knowledge. As the mankind advances frontward, every next technology is smarter than the prior one, to a high extent because of the fact that knowledge is accumulated and passed down. I would declare that knowledge acquisition is a derivative of pattern-recognition, which is vital in knowledge production. To investigate this claim and understand the type of humans as pattern-seeking "mechanisms", we'll first have to examine knowledge patterns and assess their role, which leads to the next question: What's the role of pattern-recognition in the process of knowledge acquisition and development? The question, essentially, can be separated into two parts. First, we are going to consider the tone of pattern reputation and its basis in natural sciences, next we'll check the procedure of knowledge acquisition and creation.
Pattern-seeking is a form of knowledge acquisition which is inferred from the pattern-recognition talents of animals and humans in particular. Pattern recognition details a cognitive process that suits information from a stimulus with information retrieved from long-term, short-term or memory space. [1] A number of different models of routine reputation were cultivated. [2] First is the template matching, where, inbound information is in comparison to 'templates' of information stored in permanent memory. This is exactly what allows us to conclude that "X is just like Y". In this case we can then proceed to treat X as Y. Prototype matching is similar to template matching except the match does not have to be perfect. For instance, if a person sees an infant cow, he or she would know this is a cow (template matching) but she or he would also know it's a mammal (prototype matching). Feature evaluation means that the mind breaks down all inbound stimuli into specific features before digesting the information. This model state governments that our style recognition process goes through four levels: detection, routine dissection, feature evaluation in memory, recognition. Face recognition would be a good example of such a structure.
Human sciences make reference to the study social, cultural and biological aspects of individuals existence, which is intended to investigate and understand human behavior and carries a diverse range of disciplines: anthropology, economics, psychology, sociology. "Patternicity", or the human being tendency to search for meaningful habits in their daily lives requires it source in the introduction of human brain and such, which, of course, derived from basics animal instincts built over millions of years and served as a kind of safeguard. Another name for your aspect of human being tendencies is associative learning, which is completely studied in psychology and occurs occurs when something is discovered based on a new stimulus. Most famous example of associative learning will be the Pavlov's experiment, which is labeled as operational fitness, and therefore after a continuing trial of sets off and rewards, the topic memorizes the routine. [3] By contrast, repeated instances without the compensation will lead to the extinction of the structure. Moreover, operational fitness identifies the trials with both rewards and punishment that lead to more concrete final result with learned tendencies, such just as B. F. Skinner's experiment. Associative learning strategy is often used in the class room management, which I've privately been a see of, both positive and negative reinforcements. The example of a former would be a verbal and grade pay back for effort and hard work, while last mentioned might include removing details for the past due assignment hand in.
As a counterclaim, pattern-recognition only distorts our knowledge acquisition and could lead to the fake knowledge production. Although it patterns sometimes help to restore self-assurance, our brains didn't evolve to a spot where true and fake knowledge patterns can be acknowledged separately, therefore either peer-review or the reliance on knowledge justification is needed. Such deviation in pattern-recognition is know to be the cognitive bias, highly studied in psychology, most well-known representation which is verification bias, which is referred to as the tendency to find, interpret, favor, and remember information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses, while providing disproportionately less factor to alternative possibilities. [4] Confirmation bias can lead shareholders on the financial marketplaces to be overconfident, ignoring proof that their strategies will eventually lose money. Due to such action is the infamous housing marketplace crash of 2008, which exactly happened due to people's ignorance to look beyond the past result of the market and reassure their boasts predicated on the kept up to date knowledge, as both lenders and borrower were included into high-risk subprime mortgage loans. Another field of human sciences to be concerned with various biases, behavioral economics, is detailing why financial market individuals make irrational systematic mistakes conflicting the assumption of logical market participants. Such errors impact prices and profits, creating market inefficiencies, which in turn lead to non-rational decision making, or wrong knowledge production in other words. [5]
Language as a way of knowing is the capability to acquire and use complicated systems of communication, particularly the human ability to do so, and a vocabulary is any specific exemplory case of such something. [6] Language acquisition, as an example of knowledge acquisition, is probably the most crucial and mostly observed in babies, whose brain is similar to a sponge that soaks up the info around, while learning, and then after having a careful examination it uses different bits of information to construct new knowledge. As a young child, we gain knowledge of our first terminology through the passive act of listening to others. We then positively practice our conversation and communication skills based upon what we have discovered. This practice goes on throughout our lives. At the same time, the threat of fallacies persists, not only in form of thinking, but words in the most instances, such as equivocation or amphiboly.
In the truth of natural sciences, however, hypothesis and theory are complemented with a required test, which either proves them or rejects, predicated on the collected data and further drawn conclusions. Natural Sciences refer to the branch of knowledge which handles the physical world, such as physics, chemistry, geology and biology. [7]As Michael Shermer said once[8], "our brains are idea engines", and therefore those could be regarded as pattern-recognition machines that hook up the dots and create meaning out of the patterns that humans tend to see in dynamics. When it's the structure becomes justified based on an observation or test, we have learned something valuable about the environment from which we can make predictions that are crucial in terms success and reproduction. As a human race, we live known successors of those most biologically successful at finding habits, also know as associative learning and discussed above, and it is fundamental to all animal behavior. However, the judgments that take origins in the results of the observation are highly subjective in each circumstance and therefore can lead to false knowledge creation.
Sense perception, highly involved in the observation experiments in both natural and human sciences, is another way of knowing that significantly impacts our judgments based on the cognitive capabilities. Though it is the basic of human method of knowledge acquisition, as, the senses, such as hearing, eyesight and smell are the building blocks of knowledge. Apophenia, the term coined by German neurologist and psychiatrist Klaus Conrad (1905-1961), is the human tendency to identify meaningful habits of random and unrelated phenomena, such as, for example, the calling of a mobile phone while in bathtub or associating clouds with items in real life. That paradox can lead to coloured and regularly incorrect judgments, which cause the production of inaccurate knowledge
Memory is a way of knowing applied in the occasion in which the knower recalls previous experiences, in order to repossess knowledge of their mind that has already has been attained. It provides the fundamental storage, which facilitates all of our experiences through means of knowing and for that reason allows to construct knowledge. Neuroscience, which is another branch of natural sciences, has concluded so far that long-term involves explicit and implicit storage, with the ex - mainly operating the factual knowledge, such as facts and occasions, and the second option responsible for non-associative learning such as habituation, dishabituation and sensitization, which are necessary to knowledge development. [9] Even though, memory of humans tends to fade as time passes and so may deviate, leading to the wrong conclusions and challenging the mixture of facts.
In conclusion, based on all the studies and analysis above, it could be argued with the complete assurance that even though pattern-recognition initiates knowledge acquisition and therefore contributes to knowledge production, it isn't always perfect and therefore should be relied after with caution. Concerning lots of regions of knowledge, most of all real human sciences and natural sciences, and also multiple means of knowledge, pattern identification to a great level varieties a basis for our knowledge, underlying our way of thinking and allowing us to observe and question the planet around by reasoning. With the use of ram and sense perception, knowledge, provided that it's accurate and interpreted correctly, is developed further and built upon previous, resulting in progression of human development.
Word Matter: 1571
[1] Eysenck, Michael W. , and Mark T. Keane. Cognitive Mindset: A Student's Handbook. London: Mindset, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015. Print out.
[2] Hillman, Keith. "Pattern Reputation as well as your Brain. " Mindset24. org. N. p. , 21 Mar. 2016. Web. 01 Mar. 2017. .
[3] Copy writer, Leaf Group. "WHAT'S Associative Learning in Mindset?" Education - Seattle PI. Seattle PI, 28 Feb. 2014. Web. 01 Mar. 2017. .
[4] Plous, Scott. The Psychology of Wisdom and Decision Making. New York: Mcgraw-Hill Higher Education, 2007. Print out.
[5] Lin, Tom C. W. "A Behavioral Construction for Securities Risk. " By Tom C. W. Lin :: SSRN. N. p. , 16 Apr. 2012. Web. 01 Mar. 2017. .
[6] Baird, Robert Alex. "Mind's Innovations: Dialect and Writing. " World Mysteries Blog. N. p. , 17 Feb. 2016. Web. 01 Mar. 2017. .
[7]"The Natural Sciences. " Theoryofknowledge. net. N. p. , n. d. Web. 01 Mar. 2017. .
[8] Shermer, Michael. "Michael Shermer» Patternicity. " THE STATE Site of Bestselling Writer Michael Shermer. N. p. , n. d. Web. 01 Mar. 2017. .
[9] Eysenck, Michael W. , and Mark T. Keane. Cognitive Mindset: A Student's Handbook. London: Psychology, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015. Print out.