Trait And Psychodynamic Theories Of Personality Mindset Essay

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Personality theories concentrate on how attributes are developed and exactly how behaviour is produced. Personality traits are durable dispositions of behaviour that appear across a variety of situations. These are like tendencies; a person's predisposition to behave in a certain way in a variety of different situations. Characteristic theories concentrate on indentifying the characteristics we possess and the degree to which we have them. However characteristic theories are beginning to dwelling address concerns such as how behaviours are developed, how features are generated and how our goals and motivations influence the development of qualities and the degree to which we have got them (Mischel, 1996). On the other hand, psychodynamic theories of human behaviour assume that individual lives are ruled by internal unconscious pushes and that these forces; which might be images, viewpoints, or feelings will be the main determinants of who they are and what they do (Kaslow, Magnavita & Patterson, 2002). This article will relate trait theory compared to psychodynamic theory.

Gordon Allport's trait theory views personality as a mixture of stable internal characteristics an individual exhibits in confirmed situation. Conversely, Sigmund Freud's psychodynamic methodology emphasizes the interplay of unconscious irrational pushes struggling for control in shaping one's personality. Freud feels that human working is inspired by three basic buildings of the mind: the id, the ego, and the superego, which emerge developmentally. The id, as stated by Freud, exists at delivery and works on the pleasure concept. The ego performs on the truth principle and endeavors to meet the id while obeying society's guidelines. The introduction of the ego for Freud symbolizes the origin of consciousness and he relates it as the superego; which is the internalized guidelines of parents in society (Bernstein, Penner, Clarke-Stewart & Roy, 2011). On the other side of the coin, Allport argues that varying strengths of many qualities or attributes actually determine the personality of your person. Allport acquired three types of attributes: the cardinal attributes, the central qualities, and lastly the secondary traits. The cardinal attributes govern and form a person's tendencies. Central attributes are characteristics that others use to describe another individual. Extra qualities are circumstantial. More recently, trait theorists have indentified five main factors that make up personality; Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (Pastorino & Doyle-Portillo, 2012). Thus one can assert that features are relatively steady predispositions to act in a certain way whereas psychodynamic theory handles unconscious motivations and issues in one's head.

Allport uses the concept of personal disposition and the idiographic procedure which targets studying one person at a time to explain that each human being offers unique traits that create a personalised kind of behaviour in a particular situation. He also specifies that traits are exclusive characteristics to a particular person alone which produces constant and specific behavior habits (Carducci, 2009). On the contrary, psychodynamic theorists concentrate on group behavior and making comparisons between people while talking about dynamic connections between individuals (Jarvis, 2004). Thus you can affirm that the trait approach to personality targets predicting a particular individual action whereas psychodynamic theories centre on predicting typical behaviour of a group of people.

Psychodynamic theorists believe quite a few actions rely upon hidden values and thoughts. These unconscious pushes can bring an alteration in an individual's behavior and personality. When a person fits other individuals; he involuntarily encounters essential to behave as they do in order to be accepted. Thus, he suppresses more of his tendencies to become more appropriate for the norms of modern culture (Collins & O'Rourke, 2008). In contrast, an individual's behavior is likely to stay relatively consistent across a broad range of situations during the period of time because of the long lasting and stabilizing impact of features (Mischel, 1996). Hence one can argue that trait theory focuses on constancy in personality while psychodynamic theory suggestions at change in personality.

Trait research workers usually study the techniques behind the behavior related with a particular trait. For instance, some psychologists are eager in evaluating the underlying concerns of timid people which keep them from the interpersonal world (Burger, 2010). Nonetheless psychodynamic ideas stress upon the value of early youth experiences, the importance of repressed emotions and inner disputes between the conscious and unconscious forces that change our thoughts and behavior (Plotnik &Kouyoumdjian, 2010). Therefore you can state that characteristic theory focuses on indentifying the mechanisms underlying behavior while psychodynamic theory stresses on describing personality and predicting behaviour instead of describing why people respond the way they certainly.

Early research shows that natural physical endowment is more important than environment in identifying personality in the sense that it is not simply more likely to produce a light or superficial effect on the image that an individual tasks vis- -vis others in the culture but rather it's the excellent factor which decides whether she or he will be favourably or unfavourably identified by others locally. However ownership of a specific trait will not ensure success in a specific field; for example, integrity, self-confidence and the capability to motivate others are a few of the few characteristics which determine management. More recent study showed an individual possessing the traits mentioned previously does not necessarily score high on leadership performance. Combination of both the leadership qualities and management skills are had a need to create effective leaders (Novick, Morrow & Mays, 2007). Alternatively, Freud's psychodynamic theory emphasize greatly on the disputes between mindful and unconscious causes that change our views and activities (Plotnik &Kouyoumdjian, 2010). Thus one can claim that characteristic theories integrate both the dynamics and nurture methodology when shaping personality while psychodynamic theories rely mainly on the conscious and unconscious pushes guiding an individual's behaviour.

To conclude; characteristic theorists tend to be more worried about indentifying specific characteristics which when mixed may be used to identify personality. Proponents of the psychodynamic theory rely intensely on the strong causes of the subconscious to clarify the perceptions, and behaviours of people. These behaviours may lead people to behave with techniques that are inadequate and even self-destructive (Mischel, 1996).

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