Types Of Tree Diagrams

Total quality management is the philosophy of management for ongoing improvement in term of quality in the process and the products. To implement the full total quality management, it have several tool that may be used by the individual who want to implement the total quality management. One of the tool is tree diagram.

The classification of tree diagram is the graphical or diagram tool that systematically break down, and then mapped in detail in growing, all components or elements of the situation, trend, process, or condition at the level of succession. In addition, it used when to help make the calculations of probabilities and to make the decision. Through the use of tree diagram also, the explanation of the condition can be seen in more clearly.

Tree diagram know as organized diagram, analytical tree, hierarchy diagram and tree evaluation. It called systematic diagram as a result of systematically map everything related to a difficulty or project. Doing this it helps to attain the ultimate goal and every goal related sub-issues under research. This is also called 'Dendrogram' as the word 'dendro' in Greek mean tree.

The tree diagram begins with a node or item is divided into two or more branches, then each branch will be divide into several. While using branches of the tree it'll appear to be a tree. That is why it's called a tree diagram. It is employed to break down the top categories or problem into the smaller categories/problem with a more detailed level. By making a tree diagram, it can help us to think thoughts of a proceed to a move from standard to more specific.

Type of tree diagram

Tree diagram have a number of different types. The types are :

  • Cause and effect tree diagram
  • Y to x tree diagram
  • Functional tree diagram
  • Abstraction tree diagram

Each of the tree diagram has a key and strength which can be surprisingly challenging to fully capture when a job team tried to build one or more of them. Diagrams have sufficient similarities in the mandatory data and building process that the team can tangle them up just a little possibly dulling results. The desk below outlines each kind of tree diagram, providing information which helps differentiate the trees and shrubs by style and function.



Tree Diagram


Tree Diagram


Tree Diagram


Tree Diagram


Uncover root causes that are actionable - to improve the problematic effect.

Identify and classify factors (independent variables) that may drive an important results varying.

Identifiy standard and specific functionality that operates inconcert in something or process. The tree structure helps look for completeness and records the analysis in ways that can cover or expose details appropriate to different followers.

Distill fragments of data to find text messages and themes that aren't evident in fresh data alone. Tree powerfully and succinctly reviews the insights produced by the team creating it.

Starting Point

A documented effect

A results solution (dependent variable)

One or more functions provided by something or process

Facts that answer a theme question


Top Down: You start with the effect, requesting why in a nested and branching design to surface fundamental causes.

Top Down: Requesting the question, "What factors may drive changes in the strategy at the existing node?"

From Top, Midsection or Bottom level: Organizing a group of connected functions from the overall view to the precise view.

Bottom Up: Understanding and grouping factual answers to a theme question using rules of abstraction. Discovering and reporting themes that may have been evident in fresh data.

Node Wording

Describes factual situations without ambiguity

Describes factors (variables) that can transform value

Uses positive, dynamic verbs to spell it out the node's functionality

Uses factual record language, free of judgment, feeling or inference

Cause-and-Effect Tree Diagrams

Cause and impact diagram is easy and effective. But sometimes when we have a whole lot of causes, when a deeper analysis is necessary for each source individually, the best way to manage by causing as tree diagram.

Figure 3: Another Pitfall - Branches That USUALLY DO NOT Answer the "Why"

Example of Cause and Result Tree Diagram

Y-to-x Tree Diagram

A Y-to-x tree diagram starts with an important decision step (Y) and ask the question, "What exactly are the factors drive this Y?" Though it is not actually not the same as the question of cause and impact, the thrust and content of this tree diagram would like to be distinctly different. Each node in the tree diagram must identify steps or factors that may take different ideals. Factors that may summarize the steps that is diversified in ongoing (such as time and capacity) for category (such as small, medium and large) nonetheless they all have to explain the steps.

Although the nature of inquiry is the same in each of these cases, by bringing up questions about the driving factors, the Y-to-x tree diagram interpreting to different languages in the node label, and it resulted in a different kinds of a lesser level final result or results, with x revealed. Each node should establish steps that factors which may take different values

Figure 5: Section of Y-to-x Flowdown Tree for a Medical Device

Example of Y-to-x tree diagram

Functional Tree Diagrams

It can be used to develop administrative functions. In this particular tree diagram type, it can be split as follows :-

Target circumstances to work atlanta divorce attorneys department

Describe the purpose of the work.

This will bring on the studies a new approach for work, facilitating the improvement and ultimately achieve departmental aims. This will improve administrative composition of itself. Functional tree diagram also used as an engineering method dates back, with verbs are continually be used to effectively summarize the function. Recently, object-oriented mindset is rolling out "use cases" that increase the use of (still centered on verb) to the software and business systems.

Example of Functional Tree Diagram

A efficient tree diagram it is much easier to read and study if every node label focusing on the positive, dynamic verb (such as "measured, " "gathering" or "read"). When a team slipped into the label explaining the steps or where or the way the function occurs, market leaders need to move the team back again to the simpler verb willpower.

Abstraction Tree Diagrams (KJ or Affinity)

A KJ (vocabulary of processing tool named after its creator, particularly Jiro Kawakita) or properly performed affinity diagram to organize the reality in a hierarchy like a tree. Unique among other trees tools that are considered here because they are built from underneath to the most notable, abstraction guidelines apply KJ discover and articulate key announcements on the tree diagram. Some of the concepts or styles which may distill meaning is not immediately apparent when looking at the facts much lower.

Figure 8: Section of KJ Diagram (Abstraction Tree)

Example Abstraction Tree Diagram

. When to Utilize a Tree Diagram

When assigned tasks instead of jobs we always do and takes a thorough understanding of or attention and careful planning before we do.

When problems or things to be resolved is within a large opportunity and we need to solve in detail and in-depth such such as creating a new product or concept to attain the aims and aims.

When developing the perfect solution is or an action to execute other ideas.

When researching and related analysis process in-depth and information.

When want to get the causes and the answer to issues or error.

When examining or evaluating issues related to the Execution of some or all of which maybe could possibly be the solution to the trouble.

After the affinity diagram or romance diagram has prevailed in discovering significant issues or cause problems.

As an instrument to be utilized during the presentation at length and depth to others.

Tree Diagram Procedure

Make or create goals, eyesight or planning tasks or whatever has been analyzed or research. List and write at the top of the list and write (for vertical tree diagram) or remote of the work surface (for horizontal tree diagram).

Ask a question that will lead you to the next level of detail. For example:

For a goal, action plan or work breakdown composition: "What work must be achieved to do this?" or "How can this be completed?"

For root-cause research: "What causes this?" or "Why does this happen?"

For gozinto chart: "What are the components?" (Gozinto virtually originates from the expression "What goes into it?"

Brainstorm all possible answers. If an affinity diagram or romance diagram has been done recently, ideas may be taken from there. Write each idea in a collection below (for a vertical tree) or to the right of (for a horizontal tree) the first statement. Show links between your tiers with arrows.

Do a "necessary and sufficient" check. Are all the items at this level necessary for the one on the particular level above? If every item at this level were present or accomplished, would they be sufficient for the main one on the level above?

Each of the new idea statements now becomes the topic: an objective, objective or problem declaration. For every one, ask the question again to discover the next level of details. Create another tier of claims and show the romantic relationships to the prior tier of ideas with arrows. Execute a "necessary and sufficient check" for each and every set of items.

Continue to turn each new idea into a topic statement and have the question. Usually do not stop until you reach fundamental elements: specific activities that may be completed, components that aren't divisible, root triggers.

Do a "necessary and sufficient" check of the entire diagram. Are all the items essential for the target? If every item were present or completed, would they be sufficient for the objective?

Tree Diagram Example

The Pearl River, NY College Area, a 2001 receiver of the Malcolm Baldrige Country wide Quality Award, runs on the tree diagram to connect how district-wide goals are translated into sub-goals and individual jobs. They call this linked methodology "The Golden Thread. "

The district has three important goals. The first, to improve educational performance, is partly shown in the number below. District leaders have determined two strategic goals that, when achieved, will lead to better academic performance: academic achievement and school admissions.

Tree Diagram Example

Tree Diagram Example

Lag indications are long-term and results-oriented. The lag signal for academic achievement is Regents' diploma rate: the percent of students obtaining circumstances diploma by transferring eight Regents' exams.

Lead signals are short-term and process-oriented. Starting in 2000, the lead signal for the Regents' diploma rate was performance on new fourth and eighth quality state lab tests.

Finally, annual assignments are defined, predicated on cause-and-effect research, that will improve performance. In 2000-2001, four tasks were accomplished to improve academic success. Thus this tree diagram can be an interlocking series of goals and indications, tracing the sources of systemwide academic performance first through senior high school diploma rates, then through lower level performance, and back again to specific improvement projects.

Excerpted from Nancy R. Tague's THE PRODUCT QUALITY Toolbox, Second Model, ASQ Quality Press, 2004, web pages 501-504.

A tree diagram can be an illustration which generally shows all possible benefits from one root event or how all of its components are related one to the other. When considering in terms of genealogy, a tree diagram would preferably focus on one couple, then branch to their children, then to their grandchildren and so on. In conditions of technology or mathematics, these diagrams show all possible results which may stem in one element or event. Even in subjects like record or English, a tree diagram may be used to show how incidents or ideas hook up to one another.

Using a tree diagram in subject matter like record may display occurrences and related effects in ways in which students understand and remember easier. It is said that 60 percent of the population are visual learners, so diagrams such as these might not only help the average person students, but also aid in overall class performance. Other things like technology and math may use this type of diagram for quite similar reason, but diagrams in these themes have a tendency to show alternatives as well as connections.

The tree diagram can be utilized in many companies as well. Companies might create a decision diagram to explore the likely benefits and drawbacks of financial endeavors before taking any risk. They are able to outline future pathways to attain certain goals easily as well. Doctors sometimes make a tree diagram to make clear a certain group's threat of disease predicated on lifestyles, genetics, and other factors. Hereditary engineers may also use these diagrams to anticipate the outcomes of different couplings within the seed, animal, and even real human kingdoms.

There are even software packages available which create tree diagrams for different purposes. An individual may devote a stem occurrence and the number of results he or she wants the program to return. Then your program can easily evaluate the potentialities and build a tree diagram from them. Some programs may also calculate and screen the probability of each result, such as be it more likely one or two will have a blue-eyed child or a brown-eyed one.

A tree diagram shows how the elements in it are related or how one action or event might end. They are considered a safe way to examine risk and could even be used as a teaching tool. They are most effective when used as an over-all guideline, as they generally cannot allow for unforeseen parameters.

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