Understanding Humanist Feminism And How To Right It Sociology Essay

Humanist/ Sameness feminism is the several treatment of women from men in a communal setting or a interpersonal system. The issue is different treatment, (interpersonal rights, political protection under the law, etc) and a solution is the same treatment, the reasoning behind this process is the similarity between male and feminine, and overlooking the differences between the two. The work of Mill exemplifies the humanist strategy in lots of ways for one, Mill argues that there's been no connection with any other gender roles which there was never any real deliberation, that gender jobs are just "might makes right". By stating this, Mill is explaining that gender functions really do not exist, gender tasks are what different man and ladies in a social setting up. Sojourner Truth does work with the ideas of humanist/sameness feminism. In response to promises about the equality of the sexes Truth responds that she is physically equal to men, in both her talents and her appetites. Truth argues that if women do in fact have smaller intellects there is still no reason to prevent women from being educated. Truth is explaining women can show their best talents, characteristics and abilities get the same opportunities in virtually any setting, just as that men can. Truth also claims that men have little or nothing to concern with women's equality, meaning men will still have their privileges consequently of women's equality. Crenshaw's work pertains to humanist/sameness feminism as well, however in a more immediate way whenever using women of color specifically. Sexist oppression being the inequality of social/political position is touched on throughout Crenshaw's work. Gender and competition are dished up as a poor frame, social vitality is working to oppress and exclude those who find themselves different.

#2 -

Difference/Gynocentric feminism is the feminist approach at looking at the difference between women and men. Gynocentric feminism favors valuing women's contributions in contemporary society and takes a check out women's prices and integrating them into population. Lorde's work favors gynocentric feminism very seriously by talking about the erotic. The erotic is an enormous difference that stands between man and female. Lorde explains that women often reduce the erotic, for just two main reasons. 1. Our patriarchal contemporary society convinces women to dread the erotic. 2. Women's personality is drawn into question if the erotic is indicated everywhere besides in the bed room. Lorde is arguing our society motivates the erotic to be suppressed in order to keep patriarchy going and also to make women subordinate to men. Allen's discussion, is from a very different point of view then that of Lorde's but Allen's argument points in favor to Gynocentric feminism as well. Allen's argument is the fact if American culture judiciously modeled the traditions of the various Native Americans then the place of ladies in contemporary society would become central. Allen identifies how America has lost its host to origin, which produced from Native Us citizens. Indians established their areas on mainly feminine energies. Females were the guts power in Indigenous American culture. Allen is arguing that if we as a region acknowledged the Local American ways a little bit more, then there will be a greater equality. Shiva's work is focused on women's knowledge and Biodiversity Conservations. Difference feminism really takes on into what Shiva describes, where women's work is "othered" by patriarchy. Shiva explains that diversity is the principle of women's knowledge. Women's knowledge of character and experience is important to the maintenance and advertising of ecological biodiversity. Women's connection with nature is different from that of men. A similar patriarchal pushes that deny the value of women's lives also deny the value of diversity in the natural world. Nature becomes the other, and patriarchy attacks the surroundings.

# 3 --

Dominance feminism rejects both the sameness and difference method of feminism. Dominance feminism will not break down feminism in terms of similarities and dissimilarities however in terms of vitality. For justice to can be found there has to be equal power for both man and female. Marilyn Frye's work, is all about feminism and lesbianism and whether they have to tie up into one another or can are present separately. Lesbianism is the "concern with men" worries of men's electric power; ability is not evenly distributed among the two sexes. Thoughts of lesbianism can be constraining making some women feel that these are betraying their communities if they are even associated with the thoughts in regards to a non patriarchal culture. Women who not in favor of a patriarchal contemporary society and do not act like a stereotypical woman are believed "lesbian" being lesbian they are simply therefore heading against modern culture, and losing electric power. Female heterosexuality is an integral system of the trend of man domination, oppression and exploitation of females. Kimmels work was much different then much of the work find out about in class, Kimmels work was from a man's perspective but ties very deeply into the dominance feminism strategy. Kimmel clarifies how manhood provides men something valuable, manhood is rewarded with great wedding ceremony. Men always want to acquire vitality, but with men it is different then with women, men are under the continuous scrutiny of other men. Homophobia, men's concern with other men is the animating condition of the prominent meaning of masculinity in America. Men have almost all the power, and women do not, men are the dominant sex. However men do not feel as powerful as feminists may think they feel. Feminists discover that women as a group do not maintain power inside our world but men as an organization are in electric power. Differentiation of ability among the two sex's is the way in which Kimmel points out the dominance methodology. Bell Hooks requires a different method of the difference in electricity between the two sexes. Bell Hooks details rape culture and relates it very closely to masculinity. Bell Hooks identifies power in the bed room, and the dominance of the man over the woman in the bed room, whether females enjoy that or whether they do not. Bell Hooks expresses that the rape of women by men is a ritual that daily perpetuates and keeps sexist oppression and exploitation. Rape is approximately vitality, in rape the feminine does not have power.

Question #6 -

Women's personal lives I would say are not a concern for any three types of the feminist frameworks but are more of a concern for certain ones. When coping with the sameness/humanist procedure definitely not, women's personal lives are significantly less of a problem. The sameness approach is disregarding the difference of women and it is the unequal treatment of these in a public setting up or against communal power. On the other hand the difference procedure is much more of a concern of women's personal lives. One of these being the erotic that Lorde discusses, the erotic is not merely about gender but is about a women's very personal desire. This together, details that women's personal lives would be a concern when coping with the difference/gynocentric approach. The gynocentric feminist way is focused on the very dissimilarities between man and female, that said a woman's personal life would be of concern to this platform, just because it highlights many dissimilarities that may have been over looked. When thinking about dominance feminism, women's personal lives are less of a concern but there may sometimes be an exception. Ability, is obtained in teams, women as a group aren't in electricity, men as an organization are in electricity. When interacting with ability in the bed room, sure women's personal lives would obviously be of some concern as to whether or not they let themselves be dominated or whether they enjoy the domination. Overall I would say women's personal lives are less of a problem when interacting with the dominance construction of feminism because what a woman does on her own time in her own personal life does not relate with the parting of power among man and female.


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