Victims Of Sexual Assault Criminology Essay

Women have usually been viewed as inferior compared to men so that as the weaker love-making. This image creates an environment for girls to be treated with less respect than men. Consequently, it can be easier for men to sexually assault women if they have internalized this view of women. Reinforcing this view of women is the fact "a lot of women and young girls have been socialized to be victims of male assault. " (Belknap 2007:243) Stereotyping starts off early in children's lives; males are educated to be tough and girls are encouraged to be tender. As children grow up, they are often steered toward activities and jobs that fit the original gender roles. Contemporary society plays a significant part in building and retaining these stereotypes. The press, through tv set shows, advertising, and music videos, show men being powerful, strong and sexually competitive towards women. Men are traditionally seen as being the protectors of women which can have a detrimental influence on women. With this position of ability, men make women more susceptible to them. Additionally, contemporary society keeps women economically reliant on men presenting women fewer options for giving abusive companions. Women who subscribe to the original stereotypical tasks may be more susceptible of being abused by the men in their lives.

Susan Brownmiller (1975) ascribed to the fact that men use rape to control women through fear. In this particular line of thinking, rape reinforces a man dominant, feminine submissive population. Other researches view gender inequality the cause of rapes. (Russell (1984) & Visano (2002) as cited in Belknap, 2007:245) Although some offenders are in search of sexual gratification, more often than not, vitality, control and anger will be the motivating factors. Women have held a posture of relatively powerless in population getting fewer advantages and privileges than men, as the great things about men are designed into a patriarchal system. A women's less powerful position in culture and/or relationship may cause them to provide into the erotic needs of spouses, schedules, or acquaintances. Level of resistance may lead to a far more violent and humiliating invasion. Women could also view it as their responsibility to provide sex to their partners and if required, might not exactly interpret it as a intimate assault. That is a good example of how women are conditioned to be submissive to men.

Sexual assault does not discriminate; victims are available in any culture or economic level. They could be children or adults, young or old, completely operating or physical or emotionally disabled. Most erotic assaults are determined by someone of the same race; and according to the research, occurring more often African American areas. (Hampton & colleagues, 2003 as cited in Belknap, 2007:252) From times of slavery to current day, DARK-COLORED women have been victimized by modern culture and family members. These were abused by slave owners and now by spouses. DARK-COLORED women frequently have typically male dominating associates, fewer privileges and are less inclined to involve the police in their situations. Stereotypical roles for the DARK-COLORED women are they are strong, private and much more likely to hold up against the abuse. They might be from lower economical status and also have a concern with the criminal justice system.

Children, the elderly and the handicapped are a higher risk people for abuse. These types of victims are prone and unable to communicate their assaults as would an adult. Children, often being under the good care of the abuser, are likely unable to determine what is happening to them plus more apt to start to see the sexual violation as an action of love. They are restless to please their father or mother, nor know the inappropriateness of the episode. Like the reason offenders assault individuals, children are sexually assaulted because of the need for power and control by the offender over their sufferer. Being that children are psychologically, physically and fiscally dependent on the abuser, their capability to resist is low and their vulnerability high.

The seniors and disabled act like children in in a way that they too are reliant on people for the everyday living needs. This society is also more at risk for assault because they are unable to protect themselves or verbalize the assault. Intimate lovers and caretakers are most likely to be the abuser as they get access to a slightly incapacitated victim that allows them to easily commit the assault. Sexual abuse can be used to control and humiliate the victims and cause shame and isolation.

There are several different types of intimate victimization besides the familiar stranger rape such as date rape, marital rape, and sexual harassment. Date rape happens more often than is reported as women are unlikely to acknowledge it just happened or are too uncomfortable to survey the assault. The passivity that makes women female is also what may cause them to go along with the assault to don't be injured. Inside the ritual of going out with, men and women have certain goals concerning how each will react based on ethnic and societal training. Women are trained to dress a way that is appealing to the man, they expect the person can pay for the dinner and subsequently, men are condition that spending money on a particular date, they will be rewarded sexually. (Belknap, 2007:287) Often these situations involve the use of drugs or alcoholic beverages, knowingly or unknowingly, which lead to the impairment and control of 1 or both parties. Time frame rape is most common on university campuses and often gain steam with the camaraderie among male students.

Historically, most societies found it acceptable for men to induce their wives to have sex. It wasn't until the 1990s that states defined marital rape as criminal. Marital rape often occurs in human relationships where other varieties of abuse can be found. Men utilize this form of abuse to gain control over their spouse as well as they feel eligible for have sex with their better half. Women feel obliged to comply for their grooming; it is part of what a good wife does on her behalf man. Women may also be threatened with violence if indeed they don't comply with their spouses requirements. Marital rape could be observed as more emotionally damaging than other types of intimate assault as it was given by someone they trusted. Additionally, since the offender and victim live jointly, the victim is constant concern with when another strike will need place.

Sexual harassment can be psychologically and financially detrimental to victims. Harassment in the work environment can be disturbing and unpleasant and used as a kind of control by perpetrators to humiliate their victims. (Belknap, 2007:294) For the victims, it can threaten their livelihood. Being subjected to offensive materials and words is one form of harassment; however, the quid pro quo is similarly or more damaging to victims. Quid pro quo is a kind of bargaining; for campaigns victims will perform intimate functions. This form of abuse can be damaging to a women's self-respect; it may cause them to fail lessons in institution, miss promotional opportunities, and/or change opportunities or careers. Victims may be unwilling to record the misuse as they could lose their job or be refused promotions.

In addition to the types of mistreatment victims suffer as a result of their attacker, they are also put through the abuses of the criminal justice system. Many victims cannot bring themselves to go through the legal justice system. If they do decide to pursue it criminally, these are obligated to relive their experience through the reporting with their crime to the police, during the erotic assault assessment, in interactions with attorneys, with the presenting of the reality to the judge and jury. Police require the storyline to be told again and again until they think that the facts are constant with those of a typical rape. For a solid case, everything must match up if prosecutors do not get a convincing group of facts, the situation will be declined. Prosecutors want to be sure they can win the case. They don't want to undergo the embarrassment of losing an instance; therefore, only conditions with a high likelihood of conviction are prosecuted.

Victims of rape and bettering will be blamed than victims of any other offences. The victims are blamed and judged by those that hardly understand what they have experienced. They are advised these were at the incorrect place at the incorrect time, blamed for dressing inappropriately and being out by itself at night. Even following the offender is sentenced, these are frequently victimized with each parole hearing, forced to relieve the knowledge of everything that was done to them, plus they cannot proceed with lives. "It's like sentencing family, so long as they come up for parole, they are really sharing sentence with offender. " (Sentencing the Sufferer, 2002)

Rape must be viewed as a politics issue as it retains women powerless and reinforces a male dominant society. There has been significant progress made in the legal recognition erotic assaults. However, there needs to be more attention paid making the offenders in charge of their activities and less blaming of the victims. The court docket process must be simplified and the parole hearings more accommodating for the victim. As society moves toward gender equality, women should gain more power against potential abusers.

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