Vision and Objective declaration of Mauritius commercial bank


This paper tries to analyse the eye-sight and mission statement with the Mauritius Commercial Loan company (MCB) Ltd. A short description of the company is given, accompanied by the perspective and mission claims, where the assertions are analysed extensively and critics have been made. Those critics have been discovered while reading the Vision and Mission assertions respectively, it can even be seen that people have applied the SMART requirements to be able to analyse the vision statement and regarding the quest of the group we have analysed it through the many steps that the company is undertaking to accomplish its goals and targets.

Keywords: Banking, Eyesight Statement, Mission assertion, MCB Ltd,


The Mauritius Commercial Bank (MCB) Ltd, one among the leading loan company that exist in Mauritius and which was included since 1838. At present, MCB ltd has its branches all around the island. The Bank came across serious financial problems on many events during its first hundred years of existence. In spite of various national and international financial meltdown, cut throat competitions over time from ten other commercial banks, two world wars, and natural calamities, 'The Mauritius Commercial Bank or investment company Limited' been successful in broadening its activities, trebled its capital and in 1920 in Curepipe opened up its first Branch. Nowadays, the lender plays a vital role in the economy of the country by widening its unflinching support to trade, agriculture, the textile industry, tourism and other areas as well as specific customers, at its hq and also throughout its 42 branches and counters in Mauritius and in Rodrigues. The MCB ltd is said to be a "bank with a heart", for this function as every successful business has a eyesight and mission statement, so do the MCB Ltd.

The Eye-sight of MCB ltd is usually to be the obvious choice for financial services in your community and beyond. The eye-sight statement activates the really wants to release the MCB ltd as the touchstone position for the provision of financial services in the state of hawaii and even more, in order to meet up with the increasing needs of its customers operating in the global economy. Because of this to be possible the general public will need to have full self-confidence on the lender, including the recent case of MCB/NPF might have been fatal for MCB ltd but that had not been the truth as the lender managed to reduce and practically eliminates all the chance associated with.

The Mission statement is to pursue the voyage towards quality. The mission declaration offers evidences to the unrelenting loyalty to best practices in the provision of financial services throughout the group against the backdrop of fabricating shareholder value. The MCB has a traditions to be a leader to getting use to improvements and innovating to match customer needs, therefore, its vision, mission and corporate principles are aligned to keep up this position. They know that their future success will depend on their capacity to deliver a wide variety of services quicker, cheaper and in a more professional manner with their increasingly superior and global customers. To achieve this, the bank is spending massively in technical and the as human resources.

Objective and Purpose of study

To analyse and understand this is of perspective and mission statements of any company.

To analyse and understand the vision and mission statements of MCB and its implementation.

To suggest improvements that can be brought to the eye-sight and mission assertions of MCB.

Literature Review

Each and every company has their own eye-sight and mission statements which are placed in line with the company's actual performance and aims it want to accomplish in the future.

Vision: "Defines the required or intended future talk about of a business or organization in terms of its fundamental objective and/or tactical direction. Perspective is a long term view, sometimes describing how the organization would like the globe where it works to be. For example a charity dealing with the poor might have a vision declaration which read "A global without poverty"" (Wikipedia, 2010).

Mission: "Defines the essential purpose of a business or an business, succinctly explaining why it is out there and what it does to accomplish its Eyesight" (Wikipedia, 2010).

Organizations usually summarize goals and objectives into a objective affirmation and/or a eye-sight statement. Others start with a eye-sight and quest and use them to plan for the goals and targets.

While the living of a distributed mission is very useful, many strategy specialists question the necessity for a written mission statement. However, there are a great number of models of tactical planning that start with mission statements, so it is useful to examine them here (Wikipedia, 2010).

Forest (2003) analyses the quest claims and defines them as "enduring assertions of purpose" that distinguish one organization from other similar companies. It suggests that a well-crafted objective statement can offer advantages or benefits to a company. Also it says that the quest statements have to be longer than a phrase or phrase, however, not a two-page record, and not excessively specific in regards to to values, percentages, quantities, goals, or strategies. Hence, it concludes that better objective statements will give rewarding payoffs, signifying improved personal and business performance

Studying how to combine people and resources alongside one another in harmony to attain a typical goal remains one of the very most difficult duties facing management today. The need for developing a corporate and business mission declaration with a glowing perspective to enhance and create organisational purpose is addressed and how different organisational civilizations impact the employees' vitality is evaluated. From the eye-sight springs a parallel view of all employees in the organisation towards the company's goal. Contribution from both company's customers and employees ensures adoption of the purpose and keeps the reason active and fresh. This brings about development, co-operation, and success of the business (Reyes and Kleiner, 1990).

In addition, executive's associates should try to promote or encourage its employees to be able to accomplish its vision. According to Eigeles (2003) he has conducted an evaluation that's represents the structure method aiding organizational facilitators to work successfully using their clients. Though it is not possible to motivate and encourage top executives team effectively to willingly create true eye-sight and quest and apply these in the organization for achieved both upgraded performance and harmony.

Tarnow (1990), introduces a strategy to enhance existing objective and vision statements. The set-up of the original statement is improved to (1) suggest an action, (2) identify this step only vaguely, and (3) add a cultural categorization. He also, discusses some consequences of the Unifying Action Declarations, including instances from experiential group happenings and from a higher tech consulting company. The producing "Unifying Action Declarations" agrees leaders to utilize group formation causes to help motivate task performance.

Nowadays, all expanding businesses experience issues during organizational transitions (Churchill and Lewis 1983). The advancement from a small entrepreneurial group to a "mature" business business is seen as a a large amount of important interior and exterior changes (Hambrick and Crozier 1985; Churchill and Lewis 1983). The small business frequently finds that success allures the attention of others; new small start-ups and/or large competition may enter the market (Porter 1980). Increases in expansion may call for increase into overseas markets. Inner changes consists of the introduction of professional management to handle the increasingly intricate organization; the release of outside collateral to finance growth (Welsh and White 1981); and the advantages of organizational systems and techniques.

Internal changes such as goes up in sales amount, in employees, and in organizational formality and complexness require small business operators to improve their role within the changing organization (Hambrick and Crozier 1985). The mission of progress usually requires the owner/manager to learn new skills and differ from a "doer" to a "manager" (Churchill and Lewis 1983). Smaller businesses often neglect to increase because the administrator fails to make this move (Willard, Krueger, and Feeser 1992).

Through the growth process, the small business administrator becomes increasingly eradicated and faraway from employees (Hambrick and Crozier 1985; Churchill and Lewis 1983), and discovers that his or her strong entrepreneurial vision is no longer shared by new staff, new professional professionals, and new investors. Among the success strategies is to expose financial and strategic planning and control systems into the group (Gable and Topol 1987; Bracket and Pearson 1985). Crucial to these planning and strategic management systems in large organizations is the intro of a mission statement. In their much orientated work, Pearce and David (1987) claim that the quest assertions of higher executing large companies are more thorough than those of less successful businesses. The theory behind this article is to explore whether high development small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Ireland are characterized by more comprehensive objective statements.

However, there is a lack of new research for the acclaimed and assumed positive effects of mission statements. A few studies have provide limited empirical support to the theory that mission statements are valuable and donate to higher gains (Rarick and Vitton 1995; Klemm, Sanderson, and Luffman 1991; Germain and Cooper 1990; Falsey 1989; Pearce and David 1987). These studies totally believe that mission assertions are a determinant of success, before handling the probability that successful organizations are more likely to take up formal systems and techniques that require the writing of an formal mission statement.

Another research bottom part on SMEs is that of Analoui and karami (2002), who said that developing a mission assertion has been considered a crucial factor in the formulation of business strategy in organisations. The mission statement encourages a sense of shared expectations in employees and, not surprisingly, it has recently been regarded as more and more important in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the electric industry. One major motive for this is the growing involvedness and dynamic competitive environments where these businesses have controlled and managed to find them.

Mission statements have become a managing device most commonly utilized by ceos (CEOs) during the last ten years. One exercise that both academics and professionals have judged strategically serious to the success of an business is the development of a meaningful mission statement. This content discovers the knowing of CEOs of the mission affirmation in SMEs. The analysis, between looking into the existence and content of the mission statements and, as a result, it determines the romantic relationships (if any) between a SME's development of a important mission statement and determined performance outcomes of the organization.

Also, from Mullane (2002) perspective, professionals are divided in their allegiance to the organizations' mission. Some mangers swear by their mission statement while some swear at theirs. Facts from two organizations, with existing research indicate that this disagreement originates in the manger's view of quest declaration. Mangers that see quest assertion as tools that can influence the inner working of the organizations will probably understand the mission's effectiveness. Mangers that put their mission statement on screen and expect those to magically change organizational behavior will tend to be frustrated and see them as a fitness in futility. It's been found that insight from two professionals who take the first view provides specific steps mangers can utilize to harness the great things about their mission assertions.

Wickham (1997), expresses that a sense of objective can be a powerful push in shaping and guiding an entrepreneurial project. He has discussed how it centers the entrepreneur's eye-sight and provides it a genuine strategic route. Clear as an official mission statement it can be used to gather disparate stakeholder groups within the business. Imagines that it also operates as an "aide-mmoire" for connecting what the program has to offer customers, suppliers, and potential employees. He also, expresses a clear mission can also assist in appealing to investment. It attracts the attention of possible investors and proposes professionalism in management way. However, if it's to reach your goals, the objective must be befitting the plan developed with sympathy to the business and become communicated effectively.

Moreover, another search had been done on how corporations task their corporate viewpoint through `Quest Assertions'. Despite linguistic and textual evaluation of such statements attracted from a sizeable quantity, it allows us to typify the texts as constituting a non-routine, organizational genre, and one which has recently become of some relevance. This discussion serves as a basis for a contextual and intertextual examination of Mission Claims from two well-known US companies.

By detailing the history, underlying rule and role of the Mission Statements which have been indicated of the way the texts are rhetorically designed in order to ensure maximum staff `buy-in'. In a single case the Mission Statement appears as an authorized historical eye-sight to be secured and nurtured; in the other circumstance, the rewriting of the Quest Declaration emerges as a collaborative reaction to problems. Hence, they discuss on the implications of such conclusions for contemporary approaches to discourse and genre examination within institutional linguistics (Rogers and Swales, 1995).

At once, Bart (2001) stipulates that mission statements symbolize the cornerstone of most organizational strategies. While much research has been conducted on the particular (real human intellectual capital) HIC construct might contain, none of them has attemptedto understand the hyperlink between mission claims and their effect on the HIC construct. The uncertain results reported in this analysis begin to fill the invalid one. They illustrate that, mission assertions may certainly have a convincing place in the dimension and reporting of any organization's intellectual capital plus they demonstrate the need for further research in this respect.

Mission statements by themselves are of hardly any value. Some organisations have good mission claims, but their management teams frequently lack a sense of purpose. In some companies, management groups have a clearness of eye-sight and interest that is impressive, with no a mission statement. Mission statements are in themselves not important since they make a management team with a sense of quest which is crucial (Campbell, 1993).

Company Profile

The MCB was designed by the Royal Charter in 1838 and Lloyds Lender became the first shareholder of the group. The MCB was the first loan provider to set up ATM's in Mauritius and was the first standard bank to issue bank cards and till now the MCB has been the most performing outlined company with the best market capitalization on the state list of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius. The MCB has been engaged in promoting various key financial loans and services including mobile bank, retail bank product, corporate banking, private banking, international bank, internet bank service and providing North american Exhibit services.

The MCB was the first Mauritian commercial bank to release the revolving credit lending options on the international market. The MCB group has even create branches in Seychelles, Mozambique, Madagascar, and France amongst others. Present in eight other countries through its subsidiaries, associated company.

The MCB group in Mauritius uses around 2, 600 employees and over 18000 local and foreign shareholders. The MCB group observe the highest amount of standards pertaining to integrity and moral conduct towards its dealings to its stakeholders.

Furthermore, the MCB group has been diversifying in various industries of the market behind the viewpoint of risk pooling and also providing the best degree of service quality to its customers. Also the MCB group is separated into two main parts, specifically the lender itself and local and foreign subsidiaries.

The MCB group has a very diligent and highly competent and devoted table of directors who work toward the satisfaction of different stakeholders and maximising the overall income of the group.

The MCB group has an extremely high view on corporate governance tactics and in regards to this the MCB group has been therefore been conferred the lender of the year and because of considerable corporate governance routines, the bank can fulfil effectively its eyesight.

Analysis of the MCB


The eyesight of the MCB group is "to be the obvious choice for financial services in your community and beyond", whilst its objective is "pursing the voyage towards excellence".

The MCB eyesight is obviously what the company wants to be which is the ideal goal of the group. The MCB has already established a tradition to be a innovator adapting to changes and innovating to satisfy customer needs, this is actually the corporate idea of MCB. The group has plainly set down this vision as they believe in the fact that the near future success will depend on the ability a thorough range of services quicker, cheaper and in a more successful manner so that there surely is a rise in local customers and overseas advanced customers.

This perspective of MCB is to create on the competitive axis for further product differentiation and regional diversification. The vision of the business is to give you a broader selection of financial services, shifting from the original areas of banking through more complex services including property financing, leasing, investment funding and brokerage services. This is the goal of the group is to provide as a single window to provide a full fledged group of financial services. The aim of the vision statement is to maximise customer satisfaction and increase customer devotion. The other arm of the vision is to totally maximise the diversification strategy whereby it includes strengthening and deepening the existence of the group in international marketplaces which offer considerable investment opportunities which in essence help in promoting the image of the group in the international market.

Basically the gist of the competitive strategy and the purpose of this vision statement are to considerably raise the contribution of subsidiaries abroad to the overall profit of the group. In the end the group feels that increasingly more the philosophy behind the eyesight declaration is behind achieved this will lead to an improved competitive edge and a successful entrenchment of strategies being implemented which could lead to better customer satisfaction and an increase operating quality. The key of course lies in a proper balance between the strategies and the eye-sight philosophy.

MCB wants to be a benchmark in the provision of banking services as well as non banking services so that other financial services providers can refer to as MCB being the "Lion" in the banking business in the neighborhood market as well as in the regional market. The MCB is convinced in provision of financial services which maximises customer satisfaction and bridging the distance between customer conception and customer expectation, that is finally bridging the service quality difference.

The cutting make that drives MCB to attain its vision philosophy is innovation. Invention is one the principles that the MCB adheres to in its strategies. MCB feels in innovation by any means managerial levels which finally can help the group to accomplish its aims.

A deduction can be produced from the eye-sight statement whereby there's a close link in regard to the corporate philosophy of the group which is to the leader of financial services locally and regionally.

The vision declaration of the MCB is focused on the next:





Attitude to risk

Passionate bank.

Partnerships whereby without the help of various traders the group will never be able to become a leader and interactions whereby the bank undertakes long haul potential customers for both associates. Innovation is all about the prices of the group to be the leader and genuiness is to offer differentiated financial services. In the same way attitude is the determination for the group to take risk so that to take pleasure from new ventures and passionate banking as the group believes in privileged banking relationships which can only help to increase business and person to person publicity as well as service quality and customer satisfaction.

The MCB feels in that it is the leadership job to create the eye-sight, which is where the group wants to visit. That is why the bank believes in enhancing human resources especially at the board level also so that the vision is obviously defined and found. The group thinks in management skills to have the ability to clearly determine the vision school of thought of the group

Vision affirmation is usually rooted in beliefs that are what drives the organisation to move ahead. The values that are rooted in the perspective of the MCB are the following:


Customer care

Team work




These six ideals are deeply rooted in the vision of the group. As the group desires to become the clear choice for financial services in your community and beyond, these prices would help the business to archive it.

Are integrity, customer support, team work, development, knowledge and quality found in the eyesight of the group?

For the group to accomplish its eyesight it is obvious that integrity should be within it and it is an undeniable fact for the MCB for most people is a bank which may be of maximum integrity which range from its staff to mature level management. Hence this value would help the group to fulfill its corporate vision philosophy.

Concerning customer care, the bank thinks in the confidence of quick, dedicated and unrivalled services to its customers. The lender thinks in its level of service quality and client satisfaction. Hence the lender places a whole lot of emphasis on customer satisfaction.

The bank thinks in the procedure of collective working and a shared vision mutually so that different synergies from people can combine together that will give a cutting edge to the group. Furthermore, this is to help leveraging specific competencies and skills to various people within the group.

Innovation have been an in-house tradition for the group at various managerial levels which all ultimately help to the merchandise differentiation of financial loans provided by the group.

Knowledge school of thought of the group is all about the strong dedication to nurture the real human capital through lifelong development and learning towards to achieve the perspective of the group.

Excellence is exactly what the group thinks to be very important in assisting to become the first choice in the provision of financial services and also, brilliance in every about the quest of the group which is "pursuing the voyage towards brilliance".

Criticisms of the eye-sight statement

The eye-sight is the corporate aspiration of the group, which details the long-term ambitions and the ideal goal of the group. But, in the vision statement the beliefs are being fulfilled but it should fulfill the SMART standards, that is, Specific, Measurable, Appropriate, Genuine and time bound.

Specific- the perspective stalks going to be the clear choice for financial services in your community and beyond. It really is effectively the clear meaning in regards to what needs to be accomplished, however the word beyond is restricted. Does indeed beyond means in the international market or in African region or others. Hence it ought to be clear.

Measurable- The lender will have to develop and examine how the bank is now the obvious choice for financial services. Is there any comparative analysis which is performed in comparison to other lenders?

Appropriate- The vision assertion is somehow relative to objective as only through brilliance the group can be the choice for financial services.

Realistic- the perspective declaration of MCB is very challenging and high challenging to provide a increase for management to gratify the corporate philosophy of the vision.

Time bound- in regards to the timeframe, no indicator has been provided in the eye-sight declaration about till when the bank wants to become the evident choice for financial services.

The eye-sight of the group should be able to be quantified as regarding the MCB group, will the bank quantify it through the marketplace talk about or market capitalisation.

The vision of the group to be able to succeed should be considered a shared vision, this is the eye-sight should be common at various degrees of the group and uniformity must apply to be able to allow the group to meet its ideals and when principles are met, eventually this will satisfy the perspective of the group as visions are deeply rooted in prices.

Mission statement research of the MCB

"Pursing the voyage towards quality"

The mission declaration of the group testifies the actual fact that there surely is a willingness to look at best practices in the provision of financial services so that shareholder value raises as well as aiding in fulfilling the vision statement.

The mission identifies the fundamental reason for the group. It is the beliefs of why the group prevails and how it'll execute its affairs to attain its eye-sight.

The mission affirmation plays an important role for the group as is the basis for motivating the use of resources within the group. It also builds up a basis or a standard for allocating organisational resources and generally develops a shared organisational environment working into the eyesight of the group. In addition, it attracts employees who discuss common set of goals and ideals to work for the intended purpose of advancement of the eye-sight.

The mission statement can be used as a tactical tool for improvement of the business enterprise process. In the MCB group the objective is deeply rooted to the top executive to the center management level. The objective of the group is to concentrate on best practices so the vision is found.

The MCB has been for quite some time the bank of the year and is one where best practices are highly put in place, that's the reason the lender is rated first in commercial governance techniques. These best practices help the group to achieve its eye-sight a many people would choose the MCB in their needs of financial loans.

Hence it could be seen that there surely is a web link and there are interrelated components between the vision and quest statement of the group because the quest of the group, which is working towards brilliance, will achieve the perspective of the group.

However the quest of the group should not be static, that is it should change when conditions in the categories' environment change, in which case, the MCB should change its objective. Just focusing on excellence is not enough as there are numerous intrinsic and extrinsic factors impacting on the group. Hence redefining the quest statement becomes a must as the group keeps growing at a rapid rate and different competitive factors are in the bank business with the accessibility of new companies in the field of financial services and retail bank.

The mission declaration of the group should include more shared values because they are deeply rooted in the perspective of the group.

Internal and Exterior research should be performed so that the mission is strongly aligned to the eyesight of the group.

Criticism of Objective Statement

The objective of the MCB for recent years has been mainly in the quality of its staff so that with an ardent staff and well trained personnel this will lead to customer satisfaction and increasing the amount of service quality. This will help to create an improved image of the group and supporting towards its commitment toward excellence. The MCB believes in the grade of human resources, as it customers are content with the personnel and by having a dedicated service this will make the bank the apparent choice for financial services and help get together the vision declaration.

Likewise, MCB has been trading loads on best practices so that excellence is achieved and in the end leading to the corporate idea satisfaction. Hence, with the adoption of international guidelines, the bank has been gaining a good image in the region and hence again the lender is working towards assembly of its eye-sight.

Furthermore, the bank invests massively in innovating products which all in the end help in reaching the vision of the group and even through the partnerships of international lovers like American Express amongst others is helping the group to create a more positive image in the local market and the international market.


The Mauritius Commercial Standard bank (MCB) is an effective Financial services service provider. It's been able to provide quality financial product and services to its customers which is today the most significant and oldest banking establishment of Mauritius and has made a name in the region. But as it is said "Nothing is permanent except change" and therefore for the MCB to continue to be the pioneer in the Financial Services sector of Mauritius, it needs to keep changing and innovate corresponding to what the client wants and requires.

A Mission Declaration is a declaration as to the reasons an organization is present and defines the business the organization happens to be in. Mission Assertions concentrate on today's and are a reflection associated with an organization's primary competencies. The mission assertion of MCB is the fact it wants to move toward excellence. That which was excellence years back is definitely not the same as what is quality in the financial sector today. Because the creation of MCB the financial environment surrounding the world has changed. Moreover there were changes in technology which may have radically changed just how financial loans and services are being provided to customers. The working environment itself has improved and so has the patterns of employees and employers. At the same time new legislatives have been created in the financial sector and this has resulted in an alteration in the way financial institutions functions and just lately because of the financial crisis surrounding the world a great deal of financial institutions have been prompted to change the way they carry out their activities. Over the last years Mauritius itself and its society has developed. Nowadays people view the financial sector in different ways from what they used to years back. Subsequently the MCB must consider each one of these changes and cater to its quest around them in order the MCB can develop alongside with its economical, political, legal, cultural and interpersonal environment.

A Vision Affirmation focuses on the near future. It states what you would like the business to be. Vision Statements result from the center as well as the top. A Vision Declaration represents a realistic dream for a business and makes it to have a stand for a preferred future. To become the best option of everyone is the eye-sight of the MCB. But there may be other activities that that can become the seeks of the MCB.

It can be easily turned out with the marketplace talk about value that MCB is with no doubt the preferred bank or investment company of Mauritians and it has also created market for itself far away too. So the MCB should continue enhancing itself to increase its market talk about and wide open branches in more countries and even make an effort to end up being the best in Africa. Furthermore it must try to achieve highest requirements of transparency and accountability in the conduct of bank business. Following the financial crisis of the previous year or two it is important that MCB demonstrates it has a specialist strategy in effectively taking care of financial and non financial hazards that finance institutions face. At exactly the same time it should try to maximize profit with due conformity of prudential suggestions.

The MCB must make its eyesight and mission affirmation a distinctive proposition in order to be able to find a balance between financial stableness and growth and social mission. It must additionally utilize them as a powerful tool to encourage employees and help them become more creative. The assertions must be obviously comprehended and developed to the excellence. They should encourage organizational unity. The eyesight and mission statements should actually assist in decision making so as everyone knows the reason why the organization is out there. For a quest and vision assertion to be really successful they must be constantly communicated, examined and reminded to stakeholders so that of them know very well what the organization does. The assertions should stay alive and become lived by those within the organization. It requires a whole lot of effort and commitment from employees and management. With changes in the statements also arrives additional costs and risks. However the management and employees should be optimist and they should embrace it somewhat than dread it. When there is a good focus and proper execution then the benefits associated with having an up to date mission and eye-sight assertion can be became aware. MCB should become a vision driven firm rather than typical problem driven business.

Most organizations focus on a vision and mission just for their corporation. What they have to do is develop of vision of how the environment will be consequently with their success and work backward to make a mission that can match the vision. They have to really implement and live it. So I assume that the MCB should foresee how it needs to impact it customers in the future and then it should change its assertions regarding to them. During the last couple of years while many bankers throughout the world faced remarkable losses and lots of them were even sealed down, the MCB sustained providing quality financial services and making profits. This shows a solid groundwork and good planning. The MCB should not only aim to become better but it will also aim to become a good example to Financial Institution in Africa and just why not in the whole world!


"Why do we are present" and "Where are we going?" Quest and Vision Assertions answer these all-important questions. As the Cheshire kitten in the Adventures of Alice in Wonderland explained to little Alice, "If you don't know what your location is going, it does not matter which road you take. " Minus the clarity of vision, your tactical plan, your roadmap to attain your eye-sight, may prove ineffective. A tactical plan that's not constructed utilizing a Mission Assertion as its basis and a Perspective Statement as the best way to set attainable goals for a foreseeable future usually send an organization into planning limbo. Yes, the MCB has plainly showed using its finest quality services and excellent environment what it is aiming and what it does to attain it. This demonstrates what a good proper plan the MCB has. The MCB must continue making itself exceptional and special and it should keep carefully the differential advantage it includes on the market place.

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