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How to write a receptionist cover letter

When applying for any job it is vital that you give the right impression to your prospective employers. The ability to impress simply from a letter is a vital one in the competitive job market that we live in and so it is important to ensure that you set the right tone for your application and what better way to demonstrate your upmost professionalism than to send a cover letter. Cover letters will often be the first thing that a prospective employer sees, and it is important that you make the best impression possible. A bad cover letter can be the difference between you being accepted for the job you desire and having to continue to search for it. That is why, regardless of job, the ability to write a cover letter is a highly sought after one and once you have mastered it you will be certain to get whatever job you set your heart on.


A good receptionist is hard to find and so the market for them is large but demanding. To be able to convince a business owner or a manager of a public body to accept you is a skill which will stay with you whether you continue being a receptionist or go onto another career. A good receptionist cover letter can highlight all the qualities that a prospective employer is looking for. That’s why the writing one is a necessary skill. However, if you find it difficult to think of the right words to use and the right structure for your letter then this article will break it all down and help you write the best receptionist cover letter you can.

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When writing a cover letter for a job, it is always important to remember the style that you should use when addressing your potential employer. You can’t use simplistic or colloquial English as this would demonstrate a lack of professionalism and a misunderstanding of what the job of a receptionist entails.

  • A good receptionist must be able to deal with the day to day communications of any company and public sector they are employed in and have an excellent grasp of how to speak to people in a professional and clear way. This has to be demonstrated from the very beginning and your cover letter will allow you to fully exploit this to your advantage.
  • Try not to make your cover letter stiff and lacking in any sense of humanity – a good receptionist should also be a people person and if you don’t display that in your cover letter then you’ll be less likely to get the job you want. You must strike the delicate balance between the personal and the professional to ensure that you display all your talents.

When writing your cover letter, it is important to consider what you should bring up and what you shouldn’t. This isn’t to say you should ever leave anything that is relevant to your letter out of it for space, but you have to make certain that what you are including is beneficial to the reader and will encourage them to employ you. For instance, you don’t need to mention every single qualification you have or every single job you’ve had. That is unnecessary information because if your employer is interested in employing you then they’ll look at your CV which will provide them with the information they desire. You also don’t need to give them your entire life story – keep things succinct and professional; bring up anything in your personal life which may be relevant to the job you’re applying for but don’t try to inject elements of your personality into the cover letter that aren’t relevant. Mention why you are passionate about the job and what you could bring to the company or public sector that others can’t provide, tell them what your unique selling point is. Make sure your impression is a good one and this will ensure that you have an excellent chance at getting the job you want.

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