Brand Management INSIDE THE Hospitality Industry Marketing Essay

While working the previous seven month for the Park Inn by Radisson I needed the unique probability to see and follow all the steps that are essential to establish an International Brand in a suburb. Anticipated the fact which i am an associate of the Community itself it's very interesting for me personally to track the actual people within the city take into account the brand and its own positioning. Studying the diverse articles and the many literatures it's very interesting and attractive to see what different stakeholders are and the actual impact of the shareholders in the hotel industry can be. A closer look will be taken on the concept of brands, branding in the Hotel Industry itself and on different developments perspectives (consumer and distributor trends). Based on the literature I also got out the word community which I think is one of the most important participants of the stakeholders a Hotel in a suburb such as the Park Inn is situated can have. I'll focus on talking to the people locally by giving them a questionnaire with different questions about the brand and the knowing of the recently opened up hotel in Klosterneuburg. The quantitative work I use will consider at least 50 folks participating in responding to the questionnaire and the qualitative work will be covered in form of the books review. The purpose of this Bachelor Thesis is to learn what the financial factor of the hotel within the city is and how the hotel is seen as a work place professional and training middle. Is it really is viewed as such, and why do people therefore choose the Brand Recreation area Inn? In link with that it is also very important to learn how much people locally are aware of the brand and how they affiliate the brand with the community.

The Brand Recreation area Inn by Radisson in Central Europe

Brand Management in the Hospitality Industry

The Concept of Brands

The great competition between companies characterizes today's market more than sufficient. The huge variety of products on the market makes it very hard for the consumers to choose the right products for these people which satisfy their specific wants and needs. Ongoing globalization and the outstanding high advertising initiatives of the many companies do their finest to make it extremely difficult to look out of. Obviously the email address details are struggling companies for existence and perplexed customers.

Therefore Brands have a very important role in the overall game of organizing the marketplace. Brands help customers to make their decisions. They make the customer understand the product and in the same time they help the merchandise to be conspicuous. A substantial numbers of new labels have been developed within the last years and companies have noticed the importance and the possible impact of brands. The first section will give an release of the complexity of brad management. By defining what a brand is and demonstrating the benefits for customers and organizations the audience will get an insight in to the phases of brand management (Keller, D. L. 2003).



The practice of branding and brand management can be an old one. In the past brands were used as a punishment to recognise criminals and in middle ages times farmers customarily used brands for id reasons as well as for establishing ownership with their animals. So naturally the original utilization of an brand was the correct and easy recognition of the various goods. Implementing the concept of branding running a business management was cutting edge even though it was nothing new. It opened up company's new entry doors towards the ability to identify their products from others. In general it can be said a brand is the contrary of a common good. When a company decides to introduce a new product the professionals have to talk about the same opinion I terms of offering the product. They ether add it as a brand or anonymously. These examples of the common characterization do regrettably not show the whole complexity a brand can imply. There's a huge variety of books that offers at least the same number of definitions for what a brand is. Regarding to the North american Marketing Association a brand can be a signal, a name, a symbol, a design, a term, or a combination of them, with the intention to identify together belonging goods or services of one producer or owner and to identify them from the goods or services of competitors. Other meanings characterize the word brand as much more than only titles or logos. Brands have a personality; it is a way of doing business. Those different meanings show that brands are far more than only a product or a service. Brands stand for what the business actually does indeed and exactly what it is. Brands are the combined experience including the product and the feeling it generates for the client (Keller, D. L. 2003).

"A brand is product enriched with a distinctive identity in order to make a important pint of differentiation from rivalling products that are designed to meet the same need. It mirrors the company`s ideals, mission, and vision, and uses verbal and graphic tools for representation and facilitation of recognition" (Salver, J. 2005).


Branding of course deducts from the term "brand" and it represents the actual procedure for marking a product. Branding has at least three purposes; it should show the customer who the merchandise is, what the merchandise does, and just why the client should care about it. Branding will not only provide consumers with better knowledge about the product but it addittionally helps the consumer in his decision making process. It gives goods important differentiating attributes to help the consumer along with his decisions. Those qualities are rational or irrational, but it might be perfect if it's an assortment of both (Barlow and Stewart, 2004).

Brand Equity

The reason that gives purpose to branding is exactly what the concept of brand equity will try to describe. Brand equity is the outcomes that eventually a product with its brand name compared with the ones that would occur if the same product would not have the brand. Trying to turn something into a brandname is the required outcome distinguishing it. One definition of brand equity was given by the Marketing Science Institute. " The set of associations an behaviors on the part of the brand's customers, channel members, and parent corporations that permits the brand to earn increased volume or increased margins than it might minus the brand and that provides the brand a solid, ecological, and differentiated benefit over competition" (Salver, J. 2005).

Therefore brand collateral can be described as the added value to a product which is provoked by mental and behavioral changes brought on by branding. For the reason that sense it typifies a combination of property created by the brand (Keller, D. L. 2003).

There are four major brand advantage categories:

Brand awareness

Brand associations

Perceived quality

Brand loyalty

It can be said an important asset of the brand is devotion and therefore an important factor of brand strength and value. How branding a product can impact customer devotion will be described later within the point company's benefits.

Brand Functions

The description of brand equity shows that the worthiness of a top quality product rises. This future section will discuss the functions of any brand and will show company and consumer benefits. Brand functions can be split into benefits for the firms and into those for the buyer. The features of brands for companies and consumers are:

For Clients

For Companies

Product identification

Distinguishing from competitors

Quality indication

Market segmentation

Product recognition

Customer dissatisfaction avoidance

Responsibility to producer

Increases staff and customer loyalty

Possible risk reducer

Possible competitive advantage

Reduces searching costs

More financial return

Client Benefits

There are a couple of benefits the consumer has from a branded product. A branded product helps the buyer to recognize goods easily and it offers the information needed. Additionally it is a quality indicator because people normally know something about the brand and they also believe that the quality standards continued to be the same. People have a tendency to buy something from the same brand if indeed they had a good experience with the previous product. In case the consumers know were the merchandise comes from or to which brand it belongs it offers them the sensation of being on the save aspect because he makes the bond with a preceding experience. As already mentioned brands are a sign of quality and so the feeling of security raises. Brands stay for a offer of the maker what customers can expect from the merchandise they buy. Clients can trust this promise very easy because there are certain characteristics in each product that have to be same to ensure the quality. Therefore a branded product helps the buyer to lower the chance in his decision making process. Branded products reduce the risks of earning wrong decisions and being disappointed in the long run. A couple of six common risks that clients have to take in consideration when making their buying decision for a product:

Functional risk: the performance of the merchandise does not fulfill the client

Physical risk: the product affects the clients well being

Financial risk: low price or bad quality

Social risk: the merchandise does not find approval by others

Psychological risk: the product affects the client's well being

Time risk: your client has opportunity costs due to a product failure

A consumer sees the make of something as a massive risk reducer if the merchandise has a particular type, a certain price of course, if it has a distinctive relevance for the buyer. Of course there are a few types of goods which can be much more difficult to differentiate than others. In those instances the brand of something often helps the client to decide which to choose. Imagine you have to decide between two four superstar hotels with the same rate in a city, the first one is a hotel you never heard about and the next one is a global wide well known hotel group. Generally you'll choose the popular company because it reminds you of an positive experience you'd in the past. Or you simply choose it because you trust in the name. Consumers produce an already described amount of goals towards a brandname. Normally consumers have some knowledge about a brand meaning they do not have to get additional information about it.

Some people want showing their own style, personality or belonging to a certain band of users by purchasing special brands. Brands are being used by those users as personality assertions towards other folks or to themselves. Brands have the power to let people exhibit their personal liberty. The best instances in that case are Harley Davidson individuals. A lot of people belonging to that particular group are not travelling a Harley Davidson because they like the quality of the motor. No, they love generating those motorcycles because they provide them feeling to be independent and troublesome. But that is just what the energy of brand functions are about. They do not only provide you a perfect working product, they also sell you thoughts and items (Pringle, H. and Gordon, W. 2001).

Companies Benefits

Brands do not only provide benefits for clients but of course also for companies. Most people will concur that one of the most crucial benefits if not the most important benefit for a corporation is usually that the brand really helps to distinguish the product from the once of the rivals. The important point to mention is the fact that even if two products have the same size, the same design, and even the same functions the brand can make the difference why people buy one instead of the other. Which allows companies to build a better market segmentation and therefore attract more shares in a target market creating particular customer needs. In some instances it ca be said a top quality good can help the business to avoid any type of consumer dissatisfaction because the client affiliates the brand with a particular type of quality and problems handling. That implies that the clients already have a concept of what they can get from e. g. the hotel they will visit and for that reason they are less likely to be disappointed. Brands also provide in addition a confident identification within the company. If the business defines the characteristics of their brand it creates it easier for the employees to understand the purpose that the brand serves. Branding a product creates clear performance outlines for employees which permit them to enhance their job performance. That of course results more motivation and satisfaction among the list of personnel. This finally leads to more efficiency in the company and that contributes to more revenue by the end of the day. It is very important to make the employees understand what their purpose in the business is because a lot more they understand that the much more likely they are to build up feelings of owned by the company. Through those feelings of belonging the commitment towards the employer increases. Satisfied and loyal employees can result in more satisfied and dedicated clients but that will depend on how much and frequently they may have contact (Liljander, V. 2000).

Influencing customer patterns is another function of the brand. Every time there's a critical point of decision making a brand can help determine. Brands add this emotional factor to the customers brain and keep him back from choosing rational. The explanation for that was made up far prior to the decision by advertising, person to person, or prior experiences that the client had with the product. Naturally successful brands improve the reputation a business has and enlarges the numbers of customers. Because of this the companies overall performance will increase and in additionally an increased price can be recognized because customers have money and they are inclined to pay a lot more for known or leading brand than for other ones. Not only the financial value but also the business all together will be reinforced by this customer tendencies. Last but not least the function of your brand it could be said a brand can be an important source for the competitive good thing about an enterprise (Bruhn, M. 2004).

Hotel Industry and Branding

This chapter will focus on how the idea of branding can be applied on the market of hotel services. There are a few characteristics of hotel services that can make branding a lot more difficult than in the industry of physical goods. Fortunately there's also some conditions arising that assist branding to be a lttle bit easier. Naturally there are a sizable number of initiatives that contain to be been able in order to create a hotel brand. Creating and owning a hotel brand is definitely not just one of easy and simple things. Maybe this is precisely what makes the whole concern so interesting and deserving for members engaged. Projects which are obvious and with no apparent obstacles right from the start is probably not that challenging as building a hotel brand.

Hotel Services Industry

The hotel industry is part of the service industry which is also named the tertiary financial sector. Within the ages this sector is continuing to grow very fast and become the most crucial economic section in a sizable variety of countries all over the world. By expanding extremely fast it will not take long and it'll have the number one position in the economy worldwide. Apart from the incredible economic importance of services the industry has a lag of twenty years of professional management and marketing in comparison to the developing industry. To be able to provide services with the right amount of attention in the future it is important start the eyes and look forward. But it should not be forgotten to focus on professional management and marketing (Morrison, A. M. 2002).

According to Scharf, A. & Schubert, B. services are thought as actions which are given by one get together to another get together plus they can be divided into personal and non-personal. Coaching, every kind of medical service, and hospitality service are personal services. The fantastic level of variety is a characteristic of the hotel industry. It offers car rentals, travel operators, travel companies, lodging services, and various food and beverage services.

Trends in the Industry

The hotel industry is characterized by ongoing changes. The numbers of trends in source and demand on which companies have to respond are very high. It is not only the speediest growing industry but also one of the fastest changing once when it concerns movements. The major styles can be named as follows:

Customer Trends

Supplier Trends

Increasing flexibility in demand

Greater competition

Expect higher quality

More focused market

Risk avoidance

Ongoing globalization

Increased concern for price/quality ratio

Increasing segmentation of services

Increasing differentiation of demand

Trends of Customers

The growing demand for shorter getaways and later bookings makes the increasing overall flexibility in demand the number one and therefore most important customer trend. From the reason that the common number of evenings per stay transpired it can be seen that folks tend to happen to be more. Nowadays it is nothing at all new anymore that individuals take a flight to Paris or Rome over the weekend if hotels want keep keep track of with those tendencies they have take this guest behavior under consideration while planning. A couple of years ago it was much easier for hotels to estimate and plan their forecast because people booked their rooms more beforehand. Today hotels have to compute and plan on last years information which do not make the whole lot easier. Which means increasing overall flexibility on demand results in an increased risk.

Customers have never been as requiring because they are today. Clients' quality level expectations is high. Enjoying isn't only enjoying anymore but it is an expression of personal information and personal worth. The phrase "You are what you get" expresses this new individual attitude best. The days were the normal satisfaction of needs was regarded as the primary driver for decision making is over. What today's customers also take into consideration is the image of a product and how many other people consider it. To designate that for the hotel industry it means that increasingly more upscale facilities are anticipated in the luxury segment. The actual fact that travelers have grown to be more experienced is a very important drivers of the craze that they become so strenuous. The fast growing innovations in the telecommunication industry allows the tourists to gain their amount of information about any kind of product. Just think about national geographic or living & travel channels on Tv set. Those programs added information together with the goals or experience the traveler possessed before or after travelling. The web of course also do its best to push this craze. Airlines made it possible by offering low price flights around the globe for nearly everyone to take flight wherever and whenever he wishes. The trend of growing demand for quality goes alongside the risk avoiding patterns when making the buying decision. So therefore travelers prefer hotel chains that have known names somewhat than individually supervised businesses in order to keep dangers low and quality high. Nevertheless some other pattern has arisen were customers become more value-conscious. Folks have extremely high quality targets but at the same time they expect the purchase price to be worthwhile. Quite simply customers are likely to pay the amount of money the hotel charges, but if they feel that the quality and the facilities they expect are ensured. Addititionally there is another trend which shows that we now have people who look especially at the purchase price. So the condition that comes up for hotels with that craze is that they face on one side the guests who would like the best price and on the other hand the guests who want high quality. Hotels have to satisfy the wishes of those two different clients at the same time. Therefore one hotel can provide different expectations or services at the same time. From the reason that guests have very particular needs this growing differentiation of customer demand has exposed the entrance doors for services such as business hotels or boutique hotels. Nevertheless today's fast changes of customer action make it very hard or extremely difficult for a firm to count on its guest's continuous tendencies (Karp, J. 2004).

Trends of Suppliers

Some of the provider movements are results of the changing customer needs and action. As the number below shows we can see that there surely is a growing arrivals rate worldwide with Europe on the first place. Considering that we possessed an economic turmoil and an elevated unemployment rate worldwide we still have an evergrowing arrivals rate. That means that the hotel industry still comes with an increasing development rate. At this time it must be said that the hotel industry has a decrease of almost 100% in a few parts of the world at the moment which is the result of the latest situations in some of the Arabic and Parts of asia.


The biggest problem that the hotel industry encounters at this time is usually that the capacities available are increasing however the demand is decreasing. The hotel market has turned into a buyer's market because source exceeds demand. The possibilities for the guest to choose from a wide variety of establishments have never of up to it happens to be and those establishments are extremely contending for market talk about. They aren't only contending for market talk about but most of them are fighting to survive. There are enough examples of hotels which recently and open and now have to close their gates again. One of those hotels is the Area Inn Vienna Klosterneuburg but this will be mentioned later on.

Viewing the complete situation from a hotel's viewpoint there is an increasing competition within the industry. This style developed because some hotels began operating across target markets. That means that they started to take other hotels market shares away by simply offering the same services others do. Business hotels for example which only acquired business people began to provide leisure individuals or organizations to be able gain their market stocks. This fact makes it for leisure hotels more difficult to hold their market share because they now also have to compete keenly against business hotels beside their normal challengers.

The growing numbers of mergers other varieties of partnerships are another style which of course results from the prevailing market conditions. The top losers in that game will be the Small and Medium Businesses (SME's). it is very apparent that SME's do not have the required resources and power to survive on the market against the bigger ones, at least not in the long run. The only choices they have are either to close down business or even to sell and become swallowed by the top chains.

Hotel chains increase their market power by purchasing small enterprises. The consequence of this ongoing process is obviously, the amount of hotel chains increases and the national and international competition as well. The international competition is scarcely backed by the steadily increasing air travel. The problem Austria and other industrialized nations in Europe are facing is that they have much higher prices for hotel services than other areas on earth which can offer much lower prices.

The growing segmentation of services is a substantial development in the lodging industry. Many hotels provide special services and amenities for their guests such as W-LAN interconnection in the complete establishment or a spa and car park that ca be employed by the guests in order to have an unforgettable experience. The number of different types of properties has increased within the last decades. The market offers at point in time all-suite hotels, family hotels, business hotels, style hotels, and many more. Those changes in the hotel industry will be the supplier's answers to the discussed differentiation of demand (Morrison, A. M. 2002).

Branding as a Need of the Lodging Industry

It is unquestioned that branding is one the most typical business tools. It is very important to understand that branding is not only possible on physical goods but of course also o services such as hotels provide. The very best examples will be the existing labels of brands like Radisson, Marriott, Intercontinental, and everything the others well known establishment. The term brand will not only include tangible goods but also intangible ones such as services are. Only companies that have at least two hotels or even more at a number of locations in a country can be known as hotel brands. It is very important to brand hotels credited their particular characteristics of services. As stated before hotel services are intangible and can therefore not be examined like physical products. From the reason that it is very difficult to estimate service traits and quality there is always a risk in scheduling a accommodation. Therefore brands can reduce the threat of making the wrong buying decision. It really is surely not a guarantor but it will be can help to reduce risks. Brands are a symbol of a certain quality and special service characteristics. Great things about a brand are usually known on the marketplace and when not it is the easiest thing to learn which is again due to their brand images and their brand communication. That clarifies why branding is so important in the hotel industry. In comparison to the physical good sector hotels profit more from risk-reducing functions. Another positive results of the intangibility of services is the fact that guests ignore their experience they had in a hotel pretty quickly. Pictures they could have shot can remind them of the stay however they have nothing else tangible that remains. This may be positive for the hotel if the knowledge for the guest was bad, but it definitely can be something negative because hotels normally want their friends to come back and stay as a fantastic experience in the travelers brain. To take pleasure from hotel services people have to come quickly to the establishment to experience them. The services just remain in the guests mind after giving the hotel rather than using the assistance provided any further. So the most crucial thing for every hotel is to possess advertising in a repeating kind of manner. Otherwise they cannot stay in the friends or possible clients brain. The advantage for the reason that point belongs to hotel brands that have a greater occurrence on the market. Non branded institutions want to do more if they want to catch this coach.

There are several new movements in the hotel industry which all business lead to unfavorable market conditions. Those unfavorable market conditions for hotels and their management have created a national and international competition. This international competition among the various hotels does not cause only high concentration on the market but has also put the buyer into an extremely strong position. A couple of two possible competitive strategies that hotels can trail to survive. The first however, not very recommended option is to engage into a cost competition with the respected competitors, but it needs to be mentioned that this option will fail in the long run because it is very damaging. The other possible keep track of which ca be adopted is the strategy of quality. The idea is to capture the client by focusing on his tastes of quality. Before creating tastes it's important to truly have a product differentiation which can only be provided by unique features that the product has compared to others. The product needs to be meaningful and it has to fulfill a guest's need that other products do not. With the rising number of competitors the number of offers on the marketplace increased. Not only that the offers are increasingly more hotels try to imitate other hotels with provided the same services. As it is not possible to safeguard a employee's smile or the atmosphere in a hotel by law branding helps organizations to differentiate themselves. Branding can help to create customer personal preferences and it therefore becomes a very important tool in the hospitality industry.

The client tendency to be extremely demanding has made branding even more important nowadays. Due to the fact that more and more international chains get into the domestic hotel market it is very important to brand services. By branding services hotels found ways to react upon this international competition and to even draw profit out of the development. Hotels which do not react on this development will eventually become victims of the concentration process. In order to provide best service hotels position themselves in the correct market segment. Which means that they focus on customer needs and wants rapidly. This ability of quickly changing and responding makes the difference between a top quality hotel and a non branded one. They focus on one specific group of folks and provide the best service they can at a certain price and a certain quality level.

The brand name can act as a purchase stimulus if the brand achieves good reputation in its market segment for the services provided. To become on the save aspect and reduce dangers and looking costs clients are likely to choose more developed brands somewhat than common ones. With all the increasing air travel level of popularity and the worldwide growing travel tendencies hotel brands seem to experience a profitable future. When customers have to travel to another city there could be the risk for them to be disappointed whenever choosing a hotel room, but regarding the fact that hotel brands have at least two buildings in a single city the customer has the probability to repeat his income out the risk reducing function of services which can be branded. Hotels that happen to be individually monitored have to make use of their good reputation and the product quality guaranteed at their location. Hotel brands differentiate themselves by giving the same services on different places. So those hotels have to get their edge by a graphic transfer. Properties owed together in a brand have to keep up their image by giving the same service without exception. If they manage to achieve this task they will stay successful and travelers will continue to visit them. Working at the same level of service in different countries with the same quality is the key factor of internationally know brands and their success. It really is a no go for those companies never to offer exactly the same services with a similar quality all over the world (Henschel, U. K. 2001).

How to make a Hotel Brand

What building a brand really needs is to begin with an extended period of time with a complete consistency. Otherwise it'll never or only scarcely reach the level of a brand. Obviously brand elements have to chosen within an early stage of growing, but only the initial personal information makes the brand be a recognised one. This notion has to be seen by hotel itself as well as by the main area of the game which is the guest. A certain visitor reputation has to be created to be able to lessen customer's dangers. Creating brand identity is an essential and essential part of branding. Many other elements have to added to present a brand and furthermore to communicate its personality (Ries, A. and Ries, L. 2000).

Six main steps are crucial for creating a hotel brand:

Guide proper brand analysis

Build brand identity

Choose brand name

Create brand symbol

The brand in words

Employee as a brand element

Brand Analysis

In order to identify the right plan brands must generally be build at heart. A tactical brand analysis must be conducted. This analysis contains in depth investigations about the exterior as well as the inner environment into the future brand. This investigation is vital for understanding the rivals, the brand itself & most important the client the organization wishes serve. A strategic brand analysis includes a customer analysis, competitor examination, and a self-analysis.

Talking about customers the business has to understand customer's needs, wishes, and their motivation to do something. Therefore seeking information about the customer is very important on their behalf. Without that information collecting treatment the whole analysis does not seem sensible. As needs and would like differ from individual to individual it is vital for managers to segment the customers into groups. People's beliefs, beliefs and lifestyle should be studied into consideration for the segmentation. Bes practice has shown that this method has better outcomes than traditional segmentation. Furthermore tendencies and changes in consumer patterns are incredibly important to check out, because those are things that happen to be continuously changing. Due to that may be to learn new wishes and needs that can be taken into account by the brand in future. To avoid misunderstandings it should be clear that this analysis has to include existing guests of the hotel as well as clients. By including potential site visitors the hotel might research the reason why those people do not depend with their already existing friends. Those new facts could definitely help the hotel to boost its present performance and ideally increase its range of guests.

In addition to the client analysis a competition analysis should be conducted in order to discover what they offer, how their performance is and what strategy they follow. To get an insight of the existing market situation it is necessary to look at the advertising announcements and customer types the prevailing brands have. Those things and the images the brands have show in which route the hotel industry is going at the moment. A SWOT analysis of the direct competitors is an essential point to be able to make a brand. This examination helps to better know very well what is focusing on the market and it is deserving to provide and what not. It is important to concentrate on the primary competition rather than on others, but that might be difficult sometimes if they're not in the same city or even not in the same country.

Not only the external analysis is really as mentioned before is important but also the inner one. Obtaining concealed information from competitors and customers are the difficulties of exterior research. The inner difficulties aren't obtaining information but in all honesty about the strength and weaknesses of the company. The organization's reputation on the marketplace has to be clarified and professionals have to investigate their services considering what they provide and exactly how it is shipped. For that it's more than important to comprehend how the customer observes the services in the event it is different from the company's viewpoint. Customer's and company's conception must be the same in order to make a brand. Company's heritage and value are extremely important for the inner analysis to create a brand and needed for the next step which is the brand id (Morrison, A. M. 2002).

Building Brand Identity

To understand a brands identity it could be helpful to visualize a individual. Every individual has its central substance, a physical body, a personality, and normally a simple vocabulary which really helps to talk to other humans. While people get older their personal information matures as well and the same can be said for hotel brands. When needs to generate a hotel brand the various characteristics need to be added to ensure its unique condition. A special group of brand elements need to be added to brand to establish its identity. Discovering this special identity is a very crucial part of building a brand because from then on this is one way people will perceive the brand. After the identity is described and established it must be clear for everybody involved that it will follow the hotel until its very last day o the marketplace. Therefore this decision has to be done very carefully. To develop customer relationships professionals have to make a unique brand id for their hotel. If they have the ability to create this original identity they manage to imply certain brand understanding in the customers mind. Only when you are aware of the brand's identification guests are in the position to differentiate and know very well what their advantages of booking a specific hotel instead of a different one are.

According to Aaker brand id has three components:

Core identity

Brand essence

Extended identity

The core personality is the center of an brand which never changes. Including a hotel's values and beliefs, what it stands for, and its own unique competencies. Market tendencies should not be a reason to improve the core personality.

The brand essence can be seen as the spirit of your brand. The expanded identity on the other side can be seen as the greater variable part compared to core identity since it provides the brand's slogan for example which is often improved if needed.

Choosing a Brand's Name

The key element of your hotel brand is its name. There is absolutely no other hotel on the globe using the same name because of its establishment. The name is a communication tool and allows the business to share with something about the brand and it allows the guest to identify a known product. The brand name is the most difficult element of a brand to improve. So deciding which name to choose for the future hotel brand is one the most crucial and important decisions. A brand name must have some characteristics like being unique and being easy to pronounce in its ownership. It ought to be avoided to choose a name which is similar to one of the competitors. Bafflement should be reduced in any way. Nothing worse can happen than being puzzled with other brands. The complete idea of creating an unforgettable experience would be vanished immediately. Furthermore such similarities could end in legal problems scheduled to existing trademarks. Avoidance of similarities you should ought to be the device concerning brand names. Discovering the right name for a hotel brand is might not be the easiest thing nowadays regarding the quantity of new brands that are joining the marketplace daily. A brand has to fulfill three main things. It ought to be easy to pronounce, everyone should recognize the name, and it should be easy to remember. Especially big hotel chains which operate worldwide are facing the problem of fulfilling all three personas in the many countries they have got properties. What has to be considered in foreign countries is the fact of avoiding negative meanings of the brand's name. Not respecting that can bring about a rejection of the hotel in some countries. Hotel brands should increase positive relationship in people's mind.

Creating a Brand's Symbol

The Brand in Words

Employee as a Brand Element

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